Concurrent Workshop Session 1

Thursday, September 10 - Concurrent Session Workshop 1
1:45 pm – 3:15 pm
1B. Simplifying Complex Gifts (Development and
Communication Section Workshop)
Charitable giving takes many forms. This workshop will
enable you and your agency to understand the nature of a
“complex” gift, those that may make sense for you, how to
evaluate a complex gift before accepting it, and some tools
for marketing and administrating those gifts.
Laurie Susie, Vice President of Development
Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV
Dennis Hake, Development Officer
Catholic Charities Spokane and Catholic Charities
Foundation, Spokane, WA
1C. Enterprise Risk Management for Catholic Charities
Mitigating losses and limiting exposure is increasingly
critical in today’s litigious society. This workshop will help
you identify areas of risk and provide tools for establishing
and maintaining an effective risk management program.
John Gorski, Assistant Vice President-Risk Management
Melanie Tyree, Loss Control Representative II
Catholic Mutual Group, Omaha, NE
1D. The Mission that Moves US! (PSM Section)
“Catholic Charities is an integral part of the Church…
responsible primarily for contributing to and shaping the
thinking and life of the church.”1. Foundational teachings
and a panel discussion demonstrate the benefits of agency
partnerships with parishes, dioceses and the community.
Learn ways to focus on the benefits of working with
agencies, dioceses, and parishes to provide all the
opportunity to succeed – a Win-Win culture that reflects
the teachings of our Catholic traditions. 1Cadre Study
Becky VanPool, Parish Outreach and Program Developer
Catholic Charities, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, OK
Sheila Herlihy, Coordinator of Justice and Charity
Church of the Incarnation, Charlottesville, VA
Therese Gustaitis, Director Parish Social Ministry
Catholic Charities, West Tennessee, Memphis, Memphis, TN
1E. Taking a Look at Senior Services across the
Network (Aging Section) This workshop has been
organized by the CCUSA Aging Section Steering Committee
and provides an opportunity to learn more about aging
services offered across the network. The results of a
nationwide survey will be shared as well as brief
presentations by agencies offering innovative approaches
to aging services.
Mary Ann Bibat, Vice President of Senior Services
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1F. Creating Opportunity for Families: A TwoGeneration Approach (CYF Section)
Nearly half of the nation’s families with young children
struggle to make ends meet. A recent Annie E. Casey
Foundation KIDS COUNT policy report makes the case for
creating opportunity for families by addressing the needs
of parents and their children simultaneously. This
workshop will discuss this approach with examples from
the Uplifting Parents Program and Garrett County
Community Action, with additional examples from the
work of ASCEND at The Aspen Institute.
Natalie Lecy, Family Services Department Supervisor
Jim Kinyon, Executive Director
Catholic Social Services, Rapid City, SD
Marjorie Sims, Executive Director
ASCEND at The Aspen Institute, Washington, DC
Paige H. Teegarden, Vice President Strategic Initiatives
Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc., Oakdale,
1G. Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health
Services: A Behavioral Health Provider’s Perspective
and Accreditation Standards as an Agency Tool
This presentation is intended to serve as a conversationstarter regarding health care reform and integration of
physical and behavioral health for CCUSA behavioral
health providers. Using the state of Maine’s current
integration framework and new COA standards on health
and behavioral health, we discuss one agency’s particular
context, perspective and experience to date as a
community behavioral health service provider.
Jeff Tiner, MBA, LCSW, Chief Clinical Officer
Alyssa Pekins, MPA, LSW, Chief Administrative Officer
Catholic Charities, Maine, Portland, ME
Sabrina Harris, MS, Standards Associate
Council on Accreditation, New York, NY
Thursday, September 10 - Concurrent Session Workshop 1
1H. Developing an Organizational Evaluation Culture
The current funding environment requires organizations
to demonstrate and compare the effectiveness of program
services. This presentation will engage participants by
identifying external and internal --- forces that impact
service delivery and outcomes, will showcase a macro
evaluation model that assesses different levels of services,
and will share an evaluation approach that identifies how
organizations move towards effective and intentional
Jean M. Hartwell, Director of Quality Management and
Elizabeth Simon, Director of Program Evaluation and
Catholic Charities, Omaha, Omaha, NE
1I. Leadership in Crisis (Newcomers Integration
Interest Section Meeting for Members and Interested
1914 JOB POSTING: Men wanted for hazardous
journey. Small wages, bitter cold….safe return
doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.
Sound familiar? As leaders we face challenges and
critical decisions every day. We must lead our teams into
uncharted waters. This workshop will view the dramatic
expedition of Ernest Shackleton and the lessons we can
learn about his experience as a leader and lessons we can
learn as we lead our staff.
Participants will walk away with perspectives on
how to lead our teams during time of crisis. Learn what
Catholic Charities staff from across the county say they
need from their leaders.
Ronna Huckaby, M.Ed., LPC-S, Assistant Vice President,
Catholic Charities Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX