Douglas Fry CV - University of Alabama at Birmingham

Douglas P. Fry, PhD
Professor & Chairperson
Department of Anthropology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
1401 University Blvd, Heritage Hall, Room 322
Birmingham, AL 35294
Phone: 1 (205) 934-3508
Additional Affiliations:
Docent of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Department of Social Sciences
Åbo Akademi University in Vasa
PO Box 311
FIN-65101 Vasa, Finland
Ph.D. Indiana University, Anthropology
M.A. Indiana University, Anthropology
B.A. University of California, Santa Barbara, Anthropology and Psychology
2014 - Present Professor & Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
1996 - Present Docent, Department of Social Sciences, Åbo Akademi University in Vasa, Finland
1996 – 2015
Adjunct Research Scientist, Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, University of
Director Master’s Program in Peace, Mediation Conflict Research (formerly called
Aggression, Conflict Resolution, and Peacemaking), Åbo Akademi University in Vasa,
1999 - 2000
Donner Visiting Professor, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa & Åbo, Finland
1995 - 1996
Visiting Associate Professor of Social Psychology, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, Finland
1990 - 1996
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Eckerd College, St Petersburg, FL 33711
1986 - 1990
Research Associate & Fieldwork Coordinator, Bureau of Applied Research in
Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
1977 - 1985
Associate Instructor, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Conflict Studies, Conflict Resolution, Aggression, Violence, & War, Human Rights, Peacemaking
Processes & Peace Systems, Applied Anthropology, Zapotecs, Finland
2015 Fry, Douglas P. (Ed.): War, Peace, and Human Nature: The Convergence of Evolutionary and
Cultural Views. New York: Oxford University Press (Paperback Edition).
2013 Fry, Douglas P. (Ed.): War, Peace, and Human Nature: The Convergence of Evolutionary and
Cultural Views. New York: Oxford University Press.
2009 Fry, Douglas P. Beyond War: The Human Potential for Peace. New York: Oxford University Press
(Paperback Edition).
2008 Kurtz, Lester (Editor-in-Chief), A. McAlister, A. Petit, A. Coker, B. Chasin, D. Ritter, D. Fry, J.
Oberg, J. Backwell, L. Lorentzen, M. Okamoto, & R. Elias (Associate Eds.): Encyclopedia of Violence,
Peace, and Conflict, Volumes 1-3, second edition. New York: Elsevier/Academic Press.
Fry, Douglas P. Beyond War: The Human Potential for Peace. New York: Oxford University Press.
2006 Fry, Douglas P. The Human Potential for Peace: An Anthropological Challenge to Assumptions
about War and Violence. New York: Oxford University Press.
2004 Kemp, Graham & Douglas P. Fry (Eds.): Keeping the Peace: Conflict Resolution and Peaceful
Societies around the World. New York: Routledge.
1997 Fry, Douglas P. & Kaj Björkqvist (Eds.): Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution: Alternatives to
Violence. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Press.
1998 Special Journal Issue: Anthropological Perspectives on Aggression. Douglas P. Fry, Guest Editor,
Aggressive Behavior, Vol. 24, No. 2.
1994 Special Journal Issue: On Aggression in Women and Girls: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Fry,
Douglas P. & Ayala Gabriel, Guest Editors, Sex Roles, Vol. 30, Nos. 3 & 4.
In press. Douglas P. Fry & Souillac, Geneviève. Peace by Other Means: Reflections from the Indigenous
World. Common Knowledge, xx: xx-xx.
In press. Souillac, Geneviève & Fry, Douglas P. The Philosophical Anthropology of Interculturality: A
Vehicle for Creating Inclusive Identities and Positive Peace. Thémata: Revista de Filosofía xx: xx-xx.
In press. Fry, Douglas P., Book Review: Violence and Warfare among Hunter-Gatherers, edited by Mark
W. Allen and Terry L. Jones. American Anthropologist xx: xxx-xxx.
In press. Fry, Douglas P., The Evolutionary Logic of Human Peaceful Behavior. In Peter Verbeek and
Benjamin A. Peters (Eds.) Behavioral Processes and Systems of Peace, pp. xx-xx. New York: Wiley and
In press. Söderberg, Patrik & Fry, Douglas P., Anthropological Aspects of Ostracism. In K. Williams &
and Steve A. Nida (Eds.) Handbook of Social Exclusion, pp. xx-xx.
In press. Souillac, Geneviève & Fry, Douglas P., Anthropology: Implications for Peace. In Oliver P.
Richmond, Sandra Pogodda, and Jasmine Ramovic (Eds.) Dimensions of Peace, pp. xx-xx.
In press. Anwar, Farida, Fry, Douglas P., & Grigaityte, Ingrida, Reducing Aggression and Violence. In
Brad Bushman (Ed.) Understanding the Roots of Aggression and Violence in Humans, pp. xx-xx.
In press. Douglas P. Fry, Sistemas pacíficos no beligerantes: Las implicaciones de al abolición de la
guerra. In Martín González de la Vara (Ed.) La Paz Alterada, pp. xx-xx.
2015. Fry, Douglas P., Conflict and War: Anthropological Aspects. International Encyclopedia of the
Social and Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), pp. 614-619.
2014. Souillac, Geneviève & Fry, Douglas P., The Human Quest for Peace, Rights, and Justice:
Convergence of the Traditional and the Modern. In Johanna Seibt & Jesper Garsdal (Eds.) How is Global
Dialoque Possible? Foundational Research on Values, Conflicts, and Intercultural Thought, pp. 225-249.
Berlin: DeGruyter.
2014. Fry, Douglas P. & Söderberg, Patrik, Myths about Hunter-Gatherers Redux: Nomadic Forager
War and Peace. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 6 (4): 255-266.
2014. Fry, Douglas P., Group Identity as an Obstacle and Catalyst of Peace. In Leckman, James F.,
Panter-Brick, C., & Salah, R., (Eds.) Formative Childhoods: A Path to Peace? The Transformative Power of
Children and Families, pp. 79-92. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
2014. Morgan, Barak, Sunar, D., Carter, C. S., Leckman, J. F., Fry, D. P., Keverne, E. B., Kolassa, I.-T.,
Kumsta, R., and Olds, D., Human Biological Development and Peace: Genes, Brains, Safety, and Justice.
In Leckman, James F., Panter-Brick, C., & Salah, R. (Eds.) Formative Childhoods: A Path to Peace? The
Transformative Power of Children and Families, pp. 95-128. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
2014. Fry, D. P. Life without War. In D. P. Barash (Ed.) Approaches to Peace: A Reader in Peace Studies,
pp. 162-172. New York: Oxford University Press (reprint).
2014. Souillac, Geneviève & Fry, Douglas P., Indigenous Lessons for Conflict Resolution. In Peter
Coleman, Morton Deutsch, & Eric Marcus (Eds.) The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and
Practice (Third Edition), pp. 602-622. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
2014. Fry, Douglas P. The Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness, Rough-and-Tumble Play, and the
Selection of Restraint in Human Aggression. In D. Narvaez, K. Valentino, A. Fuentes, J. McKenna, & P.
Gray (Eds.) Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution: Culture, Childrearing and Social Wellbeing, pp.
167-186. New York: Oxford University Press.
2014. Fry, Douglas P. Foreword. John Horgan, The End of War, pp. 11-17, paperback edition. San
Francisco: McSweeney’s.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. Dangerous Tribes: Review of Napoleon A. Chagnon’s Noble Savages. My Life
among Two Dangerous Tribes – The Yanomamö and the Anthropologists. European Journal of Sociology,
2013. Fry, Douglas P., Obalenie Wojen. In Krzysztof Wodiczko (Ed.) Obalenie Wojen. Warsaw: Muzeum
Sztuki Wspótczesnej.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. & Souillac, Geneviève. The Relevance of Nomadic Forager Studies to Moral
Foundations Theory: Moral Education and Global Ethics in the Twenty-First Century. Journal of Moral
Education, 42: 346-359.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. & Söderberg, Patrik. Lethal Aggression in Mobile Forager Bands and the
Implications for the Origins of War. Science, 341: 270-273.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. The Evolution of Cooperation: What’s War Got to Do With It? Reviews in
Anthropology, 42: 102-121.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. War, Peace, and Human Nature: The Challenge of Achieving Scientific Objectivity.
In Douglas P. Fry (Ed.) War, Peace, and Human Nature: Convergence of Evolutionary and Cultural Views,
pp. 1-21. New York: Oxford University Press.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. & Szala, Anna. The Evolution of Agonism: The Triumph of Restraint in Nonhuman
and Human Primates. In Douglas P. Fry (Ed.) War, Peace, and Human Nature: Convergence of
Evolutionary and Cultural Views, pp. 451-474. New York: Oxford University Press.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. Cooperation for Survival: Creating a Global Peace System. In Douglas P. Fry (Ed.)
War, Peace, and Human Nature: Convergence of Evolutionary and Cultural Views, pp. 543-558. New
York: Oxford University Press.
2013 Fry, Douglas P. Governance and the Creation of Peace Systems. In Tom Rippon & Graham Kemp
(Eds.) Governance and Security, pp. 231-258. Victoria, BC: Agio.
Fry, Douglas P. Life without War. Science, 336:879-884.
Fry, Douglas P. Antropologinen näkökulma restoratiiviseen oikeuteen. Haaste, 3/2012:18-19.
Fry, Douglas P. Ett liv utan krig. Fredsposten, 4:4-7.
2012 Fry, Douglas P. Abolition of War: An Agenda for Survival. In Krzysztof Wodiczko (Ed.) The
Abolition of War, pp. 116-137. London: Black Dog Press.
2012 Fry, Douglas P. & Miklikowska, Marta. Culture of Peace. In Morton Deutsch & Peter Coleman
(Eds.) Psychological Components of Sustainable Peace, 227-243. New York: Springer.
2012. Fry, Douglas P. Anthropological Examples of Peacemaking: Practice and Theory. In Susan Allen
Nan, Zachariah Mampily, & Andrea Bartoli (Eds.) Peacemaking: From Practice to Theory, Volume II, pp.
550-562. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International.
2012. Miklikowska, Marta & Fry, Douglas P. Natural Born Nonkillers: A Critique of the Killers-HaveMore-Kids Idea. In Daniel J. Christie & Joám Evans Pim (Eds.) Nonkilling Psychology, pp. 43-70. Honolulu:
Center for Global Nonkilling.
2011. Fry, Douglas P. Peace in Our Time: Steven Pinker Offers A Curiously Foreshortened Account of
Humanity’s Irenic Urges. Book Forum 18(4):34-35.
2011. Fry, Douglas P. Anthropology, War, and Peace: Hobbesian Beliefs within Science, Scholarship,
and Society. In Laura McNamara and Robert Rubinstein (Eds.) Dangerous Liaisons: Anthropologists and
the National Security State, pp. 185-201. Santa Fe, NM: School for Advanced Research Press.
2011. Fry, Douglas P. Human Nature: The Nomadic Forager Model. In Robert W. Sussman and C.
Robert Cloninger (Eds.) Origins of Altruism and Cooperation, pp. 227-247. New York: Springer.
2011. Fry, Douglas P. Peace. In Telmo Pievani (Ed.) The Future of the Earth. Italy: UTET.
2010 Fry, Douglas P., Gary Schober, & Kaj Björkqvist. Evolutionary Restraints on Lethal Aggression in
Animals and Humans. In Joám Evans Pim (Ed.) Nonkilling Societies, pp. 101-128. Honolulu: Center for
Global Nonkilling.
2010 Miklikowska, Marta, & Fry, Douglas P. Values for Peace: Ethnographic Lessons from the Semai of
Malaysia and the Mardu of Australia. Beliefs and Values: Understanding the Global Implications of
Human Nature 2 (2):124-137.
2010 Fry, Douglas P. Book review of Robert K. Dentan’s Overwhelming Terror. Asian Ethnology, 69 (1):
2010 Ekholm Fry, Nina, & Fry, Douglas P. Aggression and Conflict Resolution among Females in
Nomadic Band Societies. In Karin Österman (Ed.) Indirect and Direct Aggression, pp. 344-355. New York:
Peter Lang.
2010 Fry, Douglas P. Prehistory: Archaeology of War. In Nigel Young (Editor-In-Chief): International
Encyclopedia of Peace, Conflict and Transformation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2009 Fry, Douglas P. Anthropological Insights for Creating Nonwarring Social Systems. Journal of
Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research 1:4-15.
2008 Fry, Douglas P., Bruce Bonta, & Karolina Baszarkiewicz. Learning from Extant Cultures of Peace.
In Joseph de Rivera (Ed.): Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace, pp. 11-26. New York: Springer.
2008 Baszarkiewicz, Karolina, & Douglas P. Fry. Peaceful Societies. In Lester Kurtz et al. (Eds.): The
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, Second Edition, Volume 2, pp. 1557-1570. New York:
Elsevier/Academic Press.
2008 Fry, Douglas P. Aggression and Altruism. In Lester Kurtz et al. (Eds.): The Encyclopedia of
Violence, Peace, and Conflict, Second Edition, Volume 1, pp. 14-28. New York: Elsevier/Academic Press.
2008 Fry, Douglas P. Killer Apes, Cannibals, and Coprolites: Projecting Mayhem onto the Past. In E.
Angeloni, M. P. Parker, & L. Arenson (Eds.): Roundtable Viewpoints: Physical Anthropology. Hightstown,
NJ: McGraw-Hill. (Reprint)
2008 Fry, Douglas P. The Earliest Evidence of War. In E. Angeloni, M. P. Parker, and L. Arenson (Eds.):
Roundtable Viewpoints: Physical Anthropology. Hightstown, NJ: McGraw-Hill. (Reprint)
2007 Schmitt, D.P. et al. The geographic distribution of Big Five personality traits: Patterns and
profiles of human self-description across 56 nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38, 173-212.
2006 Bonta, Bruce & Douglas P. Fry, Lessons for the Rest of Us: Learning from Peaceful Societies. In
Mari Fitzduff & Chris E. Stout (Eds.): The Psychology of Resolving Global Conflicts: From War to Peace,
Volume 1: Nature vs. Nurture. pp. 175-210. Westport, CN: Praeger.
2006 Fry, Douglas P. Reciprocity: The Foundation Stone of Morality. In Melanie Killen & Judith
Smetana (Eds.): Handbook of Moral Development, pp. 399-422. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
2005 Fry, Douglas P. Rough-and-Tumble Social Play in Humans. In A. D. Pellegrini & Peter K. Smith
(Eds.): The Nature of Play in Great Apes and Humans, pp. 54-85. New York: Guilford Press.
2004 Fry, Douglas P. Multiple Paths to Peace among the La Paz Zapotec. In Graham Kemp & Douglas
P. Fry (eds.): Keeping the Peace: Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Societies around the World. New York:
Routledge, pp. 73-87.
2004 Fry, Douglas P. Conclusion: Learning from Peaceful Societies. In Graham Kemp & Douglas P. Fry
(eds.): Keeping the Peace: Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Societies around the World. New York:
Routledge, pp. 185-204.
2004 Schmitt, David P. et al. Patterns and Universals of Mate Poaching Across 53 Nations: The Effects
of Sex, Culture, and Personality on Romantically Attracting Another Person’s Partner. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 86:560-584.
2004 Schmitt, David P. et al. Patterns and Universals of Adult Romantic Attachment Across 62 Cultural
Regions: Are Models of Self and of Other Pancultural Constructs? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,
35: 367-402.
2003 Fry, Douglas P. Cultural Summary: Zapotec. Human Relations Area Files, eHRAF, Zapotec,
Document Number 1. New Haven, CT: Human Relations Area File (Reprint).
2003 Schmitt, David P., et al. Universal Sex Differences in the Desire for Sexual Variety: Tests from 52
Nations, 6 Continents, and 13 Islands. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 85:85-104.
2003 Schmitt, David P., et al. Are Men Universally More Dismissing than Women? Gender Differences
in Romantic Attachment Across 62 Cultural Regions. Personal Relationships 10:307-331.
2001 Fry, Douglas P. Aggression Prevention in Cross-Cultural Perspective: From Finns to Zapotecs. In
Manuela Martinez (Ed.): Prevention and Control of Aggression and the Impact on Its Victims. London:
Kluwer/Plenum, pp. 313-321.
2001 Fry, Douglas P. Developing Alternatives to War: Insights from Anthropological Research. In
Manuela Martinez (Ed.): Prevention and Control of Aggression and the Impact on Its Victims. London:
Kluwer/Plenum, pp. 339-346.
2001 Fry, Douglas P. Is Violence Getting Too Much Attention? Cross-Cultural Findings on the Ways
People Deal with Conflict. In J. Martin Ramirez & Deborah Richardson (Eds.): Cross-Cultural Approaches
to Aggression and Reconciliation. Huntington, NY: Nova, pp.123-148.
2001 Fry, Douglas P. Anthropological Perspectives on Aggression: Sex Differences and Cultural
Variation. In David P. Barash (Ed.): Understanding Violence. London: Allyn and Bacon, pp. 182-192
2000 Fry, Douglas P. Conflict Management in Cross-Cultural Perspective. In Filippo Aureli & Frans de
Waal (Eds.): Natural Conflict Resolution. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 334-351.
2000 Fry, Douglas P. “Respect for the Rights of Others is Peace”: Learning Aggression versus
Nonaggression among the Zapotec. In Peter K. Smith & A. D. Pellegrini (Eds.): Psychology of Education:
Major Themes, Volume IV, Social Behaviour and the School Peer Group. London: Routledge/Falmer, pp.
510-535 (reprint).
1999 Fry, Douglas P. Peaceful Societies. In Lester Kurtz (Ed.): The Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and
Conflict. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 719-733.
1999 Fry, Douglas P. Aggression and Altruism. In Lester Kurtz (Ed.): The Encyclopedia of Violence,
Peace, and Conflict. San Diego: Academic Press, pp.17-33.
1998 Fry, Douglas P. Anthropological Perspectives on Aggression: Sex Differences and Cultural
Variation. Aggressive Behavior 24:81-95.
1998 Fry, Douglas P. The Web of Violence: From the Interpersonal to Global (book review). Aggressive
Behavior 24:471-474.
1998 Fry, Douglas P. Reflections of a Sage (Book Review of Panikkar’s Cultural Disarmament). Peace
and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 4:81-82.
1997 Fry, Douglas P. & Kaj Björkqvist. Introduction: Conflict Resolution Themes. In Douglas P. Fry and
Kaj Björkqvist (Eds.): Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution: Alternatives to Violence, pp. 3-7. Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Press.
1997 Fry, Douglas P. & C. Brooks Fry. Culture and Conflict Resolution Models: Exploring Alternatives to
Violence. In Fry, Douglas P. and Kaj Björkqvist (Eds.): Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution:
Alternatives to Violence, pp. 9-36. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Press.
1997 Björkqvist, Kaj & Douglas P. Fry. Conclusions: Alternatives to Violence. In Douglas P. Fry and Kaj
Björkqvist (Eds.): Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution: Alternatives to Violence, pp. 235-241.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Press.
1997 Wiesel, Elie & Douglas P. Fry. On Respecting Others and Preventing Hate: A Conversation with
Elie Wiesel. In Fry, Douglas P. and Kaj Björkqvist (Eds.): Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution:
Alternatives to Violence, 243-254. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Press.
1996 Fry, Douglas P. Conflict and Aggression. In David Levinson & Melvin Ember (Eds.): The
Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology, volume 1, pp. 237-241. New York: Henry Holt.
1996 The Zapotec. In The Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Volume 8: Middle America and the
Caribbean. (Sponsored by the Human Relations Area Files at Yale University). New York: G. K. Hall & Co.
1994 Fry, Douglas P. Maintaining Social Tranquility: Internal and External Loci of Aggression Control.
In Leslie Sponsel and Thomas Gregor (Eds.): The Anthropology of Peace and Nonviolence, pp. 133-154.
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
1994 Hines, Nicole J. & Douglas P. Fry. Indirect Modes of Aggression among Women of Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Sex Roles 30:213-236.
1994 Fry, Douglas P. & Ayala Gabriel. Preface: The Cultural Construction of Gender and Aggression.
Sex Roles 30:165-167.
1993 Fry, Douglas P. The Intergenerational Transmission of Disciplinary Practices and Approaches to
Conflict. Human Organization 52:176-185.
1993 Fry, Douglas P. Conflict Resolution: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (Book Review). Aggressive
Behavior 19:313-315.
1992 Fry, Douglas P. "Respect for the Rights of Others is Peace": Learning Aggression Versus NonAggression among the Zapotec. American Anthropologist 94:621-639.
1992 Fry, Douglas P. Female Aggression among the Zapotec of Oaxaca, Mexico. In Kaj Björkqvist and
Pirkko Niemelä (Eds.): Of Mice and Women: Aspects of Female Aggression, pp. 187-199. Orlando:
Academic Press.
1990 Fry, Douglas P. Play Aggression among Zapotec Children: Implications for the Practice
Hypothesis. Aggressive Behavior 16:321-340.
1988 Fry, Douglas P. Intercommunity Differences in Aggression among Zapotec children. Child
Development 59:1008-1019.
1987 Fry, Douglas P. Differences Between Playfighting and Serious Fighting among Zapotec Children.
Ethology and Sociobiology 7(4): 285-306.
1987 Fry, Douglas P. What Human Sociobiology Has to Offer Economic Anthropology and Vice Versa.
Journal of Social and Biological Structures 10:37-51.
1985 Fry, Douglas P. Utilizing Human Capacities for Survival in the Nuclear Age. Bulletin of Peace
Proposals 16:159-166.
1980 Fry, Douglas P. The Evolution of Aggression and the Level of Selection Controversy. Aggressive
Behavior 6:69-89.
1986 Fry, Douglas P. An Ethological Study of Aggression and Aggression Socialization among Zapotec
Children of Oaxaca, Mexico. (563 pp., 2 volumes) Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.
Journal of Moral Education (appointment began January 2012, ongoing).
Journal of Aggression, Conflict, and Peace Research, Co-Editor-in-Chief (appointment began June 2008,
Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, Monograph Series (appointment began 2014, ongoing).
Aggressive Behavior, Official Journal of the International Society for Research on Aggression (July 2000 –
January 2013).
Internet site: (academic reviewer, on-going).
Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender: Men and Women in the World’s Cultures (Kluwer Academic) Advisory
Board, 2004.
Social Justice: Anthropology, Peace and Human Rights, 1999-2004.
Forthcoming. Fry, Douglas P. Shifting Towards a Peace Paradigm through Peace Systems and Other
Means. Invited speaker at the Columbia University Seminar “The Problem of Peace,” New York, NY,
October 22, 2015.
2015 Fry, Douglas P. & Souillac, G. Why Human Nature Matters: Violence, Myths, Discourse, and Politics
in Anthropology. Presentation at the 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations: The
Worlds of Violence, Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy, September 23-26.
2015 Fry, Douglas P. Toward Resolving the Forager War/Peace Debate: Assessing Relevance, Logic, and
Rigor. Plenary Session Presentation at the Eleventh Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies
(CHAGs 11), Vienna, Austria, September 7 -11.
2015 Fry, Douglas P., The Origins of War: Implications from Nomadic Forager Research. Guest Speaker.
Sigma Xi Seminar, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, March 19.
2015 Fry, Douglas P. Interdisciplinary Moral Forum: The Self, Motivation, and Virtue Project, Core
Project Team Member and Presentation Referee, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, March 12-14.
2015 Fry, Douglas P., The Origins of War: Implications from Nomadic Forager Research. Guest Speaker.
Pennsylvania State University at Altoona, Altoona, PA, February 24.
2015 Fry, Douglas P., Invited Attendee at The Abolition of War Conference, New York, NY, February 2021.
2014 Fry, Douglas P., War, Peace, & Human Nature: Implications from Nomadic Forager Research.
Guest Speaker. University College London, London, UK, November 26.
2014 Fry, Douglas P., Michocan, Mexico, Sistemas pacíficos no beligerantes: Las implicaciones de al
abolición de la guerra. XXXVI Coloquio de Antropolgía e Historia Regionale, October 22-24.
2014 Fry, Douglas P. Co-Organized the workshop called The Biosocial Bases for Nonkilling and
Nonviolent Behavior, Leiden, The Netherlands, May 19-23.
2014 Fry, Douglas P. A New Paradigm: Nonkilling and Nonviolence as the Default, at The Biosocial Bases
for Nonkilling and Nonviolent Behavior, Leiden, The Netherlands, May 19-23.
2014 Fry, Douglas P. The Creation of Non-Warring Peace Systems as a Form of Peace Building, invited
speaker at the University of Manchester, April 4.
2014 Fry, Douglas P. Organized the conference called The Abolition of War, Vasa, Finland, February 1.
2014 Fry, Douglas P. The Abolition of War and the Creation and of Peace Systems. The Abolition of War,
Vasa, Finland, February 1.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. Participant at the E. Strüngmann Forum, Formative Childhoods: A Path to Peace?
Frankfurt, Germany, October 13-18.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. & Söderberg, Patrik. Untangling War and Homicide: A Case-by-Case Analysis of
Lethal Aggression in a Sample of 21 Nomadic Forager Societies. 10th Conference of Hunter-andGatherer Societies, Liverpool, UK, June 25-28.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. & Söderberg, Patrik. Are Humans Innately Nasty? Public Lecture at the 10th
Conference of Hunter-and-Gatherer Societies, Liverpool, UK, June 25-28.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. Methodological Tips and Reflections on Research. Lecture presented at the Science
Conference at Kazimierza Wielkiego University, Bydgoszczy, Poland, May 24.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. Creating Peace Systems. Lecture presented at the Science Conference at
Kazimierza Wielkiego University, Bydgoszczy, Poland, May 24.
2013. Fry, Douglas P. Socio-Cultural Obstacles and Catalysts of Peace. Plenary talk at an International
Workshop on Obstacles and Catalysts of Peaceful Behavior. March 18-22. Leiden, The Netherlands.
2013 Fry, Douglas P. Co-Organizer of the Interdisciplinary Workshop: Obstacles and Catalysts of Peaceful
Behavior. March 18-22, Leiden, The Netherlands.
2012. Fry, Douglas P. The Relevance of Nomadic Forager Studies to Foundations Theory and Moral
Development. Paper presented at the Meetings of the Society for Moral Education, November 7-10. San
Antonio, TX.
2012. Fry, Douglas P. Social Control through Ostracism. Plenary talk at an International Workshop on
Ostracism. May 21-25, 2012. Leiden, The Netherlands.
2011. Fry, Douglas P. Creating Nonkilling Society: The Interaction of Interdependence, Cooperation, and
Superordinate Goals. Paper presented at the Meetings of the American Anthropological Association.
November 16-20. Montreal, Canada.
2011. Fry, Douglas P. Discussant at the symposium Challenging the Legacy of Innate Depravity: The New
Tidemark of the Nonkilling Paradigm. Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. November
16-20. Montreal, Canada.
2011. Fry, Douglas P. The Creation and Maintenance of Non-Warring Peace Systems. Presentation at the
XXXIII CICA (International Colloquium on the Brain and Aggression). September 22-24. Rome, Italy.
2011 Fry, Douglas P. The Construction of Peace. Plenary lecture at the International Symposium
Krzysztof Wodiczko: Art and War. August 8-10. Yokohama, Japan.
2011 Fry, Douglas P. Peace Systems. Invited lecture at The Finnish Institute of International Affairs (The
research bureau of the Finnish Parliament). June 21. Helsinki, Finland.
2010 Fry, Douglas P. Leading Co-Organizer of the Interdisciplinary Workshop: Aggression and
Peacemaking in an Evolutionary Context. October 18-22. Leiden, The Netherlands.
2010 Miklikowska, Marta & Fry, Douglas P. Values for Peace. Poster & Mini-Presentation at the
workshop: Aggression and Peacemaking in an Evolutionary Context. October 18-22. Leiden, The
2010 Fry, Douglas P. The Evolutionary Environment, Rough-and-Tumble Play, and the Selection of
Restraint in Human Aggressive Behavior. Plenary talk presented at the workshop: Aggression and
Peacemaking in an Evolutionary Context. October 18-22. Leiden, The Netherlands.
2010 Fry, Douglas P. Invited lecture on The Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness, Rough-andTumble Play, and the Selection of Restraint in Human Aggression, the University of Notre Dame National
Symposium: Human Nature and Early Experience: Addressing the Environment of Evolutionary
Adaptedness. October 10-12, Notre Dame, IN.
2010 Fry, Douglas P. Invited lecture on Peaceful Societies and Non-Warring Social Systems: Insights
from Anthropology at The Catholic University of America, March 20, 2010. Washington DC.
2009 Fry, Douglas P. Invited talk on Aggression and Human Nature at the Interdisciplinary International
Lorentz Center Workshop: Context, Causes, and Consequences of Conflict, 31 August- 4 September.
Leiden, Netherlands.
2009 Fry, Douglas P. Anthropological Perspectives on Sustainable Peace. The Earth Institute: Strategic
Meeting on Sustainable Peace. New York, NY, 30 March.
2009 Fry, Douglas P. Anthropology: In the Name of Security. Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa
Fe, NM, 18-21 March.
2009 Fry, Douglas P. Human Nature: The Nomadic Forager Model. Invited Conference-Workshop on
Man the Hunted: Sociality, Altruism, and Well-Being, St. Louis, MO, 12-14, March.
2009 Fry, Douglas P. Invited to present on Reconciliation and Recovery after War. Conference on
Rescue, Recovery, and Religion: Humanitarian Aid and Spiritual Care in Times of Crises, Nagoya, Japan,
27-28 February.
2008 Fry, Douglas P. Conflict and Its Resolution in Peaceful Societies: Lessons from Anthropology.
Plenary presentation at Understanding Conflicts conference. Aarhus, Denmark, 18-23 August.
2008 Fry, Douglas P. An Evolutionary Anthropological Consideration of Self-Constraint as a Form of
Aggression Control. International Society for Research on Aggression, Budapest, Hungary, 8-13 July.
2007 Fry, Douglas P. We Are Warlike because We Are Warlike. American Anthropological Association,
28 November - 2 December, Washington DC.
2006 Fry, Douglas P. A Cross-Cultural View of Revenge: Applying the Reciprocity Principle. Invited
presentation at The Biology of Trust in the Resolution of Conflict--A Nexus Project Workshop cosponsored by the Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Living Links, and The Gruter
Institute, Atlanta, GA, 18-21 October.
2006 Fry, Douglas P. Invited presentation: Extant Cultures of Peace and What We Can Learn from
Them: Non-Warring Societies, Unwarlike Societies, and Peace Systems. Building Cultures of Peace
Conference, Worcester, MA, 13-15 October.
2006 Fry, Douglas P. Re-Thinking the Evolution of War: The Nomadic Forager Model. Evolutionary
Study Group Seminar, Helsinki, Finland, 29 March.
2006 Fry, Douglas P. The “Man the Warrior” Model of Human Nature and the Past. American
Association for the Advancement of Science, St. Louis, MO, 16-20 February.
2004 Fry, Douglas P. The Human Potential for Nonviolence: Lessons from Anthropology. Keynote
Address, Crime Reduction Conference, Heurka Science Center, Tikkurila, Finland, 7–8 October.
2004 Fry, Douglas P. Faulty Assumptions and Muddled Categories: Rethinking Yanomamö and HunterGatherer Models of Warfare in the Evolutionary Past. International Society for Research on Aggression,
Santorini, Greece, 18–23 September.
2004 Fry, Douglas P. An Evolutionary Perspective on Blood Revenge: Updating the Daly and Wilson
Interpretation. International Society for Research on Aggression, Santorini, Greece, 18–23 September.
2004 Kemp, Graham & Fry, Douglas. Lessons from Peaceful Societies. International Society for
Research on Aggression, Santorini, Greece, 18–23 September.
2003 Fry, Douglas P. The Use and Abuse of Peaceful Societies by Anthropologists and Others.
American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL, 19-23 November.
2001 Fry, Douglas P. & Takala, Jukka-Pekka, Who’s Afraid of Helsinki at Night? Conference of the
European Sociological Association, Helsinki, Finland, 28 August – 1 September.
2000 Served as the moderator and commentator for the Symposium “Imaginative Geography,
Identity, and Cultures of Peace in the Twenty-First Century” at the meetings of the International Peace
Research Association, 5-9 August 2000, Tampere, Finland.
2000 Fry, Douglas P. From Finns to Zapotecs: Aggression Prevention in Cross-Cultural Perspective. The
International Society for Research on Aggression, Valencia, Spain, 9-14 July.
2000 Fry, Douglas P. Developing Alternatives to War: Insights from Anthropological Research. The
International Society for Research on Aggression, Valencia, Spain, 9-14 July.
2000 Organized the Invited Symposium “The Prevention and Control of Aggression: Cultural
Perspectives” for the meetings of the International Society for Research on Aggression, Valencia, Spain,
9-14 July.
2000 Fry, Douglas P. Cross-Cultural Examples of Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Arbitration, and
Adjudication. The XV meeting of the International Colloquium on the Brain and Aggression, Madrid,
Spain, 7-9 July.
1999 Fry, Douglas P. On the Possibility of Abolishing War. American Anthropological Association,
Chicago, IL, 17-21 November.
1999 Discussant for the symposium: Timely Negotiations: The Evolutionary Implications of Conflict
Resolution in Human and Non-Human Primates, American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL, 1721 November.
1998 Fry, Douglas P. Applying Westermarck’s Savvy to Understanding BioCultural Aspects of
Playfighting in Human Children. Westermarck Society Conference: Marriage, Morality, and Emotions—
—Updating Edward Westermarck, Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 November.
1998 Fry, Douglas P. Sex Differences in Aggression: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Naiseus ja Väkivalta
(Femaleness and Aggression Conference). University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 5 November.
1996 Fry, Douglas P. Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Conflict and Child-rearing in Two Zapotec
Communities. American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, 20-23 November.
1995 Fry, Douglas P. Searching for Patterns in Nonviolence: Zapotec Data and Donald Black’s Social
Control Model. American Anthropological Association, Washington DC, 15-19 November.
1995 Fry, Douglas P. Alternative to Violence: Anthropological Perspectives. Invited Address at
Conference entitled: “Alternatives to Violence: Global Interdependence and the Shaping of the 21st
Century.” Newark, NJ, 6 April.
1994 Fry, Douglas P. Conflict, Peace, and Human Rights. American Anthropological Association,
Atlanta, GA, 30 November - 4 December. (Invited to take part in the AAA Presidential Session: Human
Rights and Peace: The Role of Anthropology and Anthropologists).
1994 Wisniewski, Jennifer L. & Douglas P. Fry. Experimental Influences on Environmental Knowledge
and Worldview. American Anthropological Association, Atlanta, GA, 30 November - 4 December.
1994 Fry, Douglas P. Commentary on Donald Black’s ‘Social Structure of Right and Wrong.’ American
Society of Criminology, Miami, FL, 9-12 November. Invited to take part in “Author Meets Critics” panel.
1994 Co-Organized and Co-Chaired (with Kaj Björkqvist) a three-part Symposium and Roundtable
Discussion entitled: "Conflict Resolution." Presented paper in the symposium entitled: The 'Reverse
Debate': A Method for Enhancing Communication, Reducing Issue Polarization, and Discovering
Common Ground. International Society for Research on Aggression, Delray Beach, FL 6-10 July.
1994 Presented a second paper in the symposium entitled: Expanding An Individual's Conflict
Resolution Repertoire: Principles and An Illustrative Application. International Society for Research on
Aggression, Delray Beach, FL 6-10 July.
1994 Co-Organized and Co-Chaired (with Travers Ichinose) a two-part Symposium entitled: "Ecological
Beliefs and Behaviors: A Part of Nature or Apart from Nature." Presented paper at the symposium
entitled: The New Environmentalism: Real and Ideal Aspects. Society for Applied Anthropology, Cancun,
Quintana Roo, Mexico, 13-17 April.
1993 Fry, Douglas P. The Relationship of Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge to Environmental
Behavior. American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, 17-21 November.
1993 Co-Chaired symposium entitled: "Female Aggression." Presented paper in the symposium by
Douglas P. Fry & Nicole J. Hines. Sex Differences in Indirect and Direct Aggression in Argentina. III
European Congress of Psychology, Tampere, Finland, 4-9 July.
1993 Fry, Douglas P. & James N. Welch. Anthropological Perspectives on Teaching Conflict Resolution.
Florida Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, FL, 26-28 March.
1993 Fry, Douglas P. & Nicole J. Hines. Indirect Aggression among Argentine Women. Society for
Applied Anthropology, San Antonio, TX, 10-14 March.
1993 Fry, Douglas P. Illustration of a BioSocial Paradigm: Play Aggression in Humans. American
Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, MA, 11-16 February.
1992 Fry, Douglas P. & James N. Welch. Beliefs about Human Nature and Conflict: Implications for
Peace Education. American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, 2-6 December.
1991 Organized and Chaired a symposium entitled: "Female Aggression: Motives, Strategies and
Tactics." Presented a paper at this symposium entitled: Aggressive Behavior in Zapotec Women and
Girls. American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL, 20-24 November.
1991 Served as Discussant for the symposium entitled: Anthropological Perspectives on Conflict
Resolution, Southwestern Anthropological Association, Tucson, AZ, 11-13 April.
1990 Fry, Douglas P. Aggressive Interaction among Zapotec Children in Two Different Micro-Cultural
Environments. International Society for Research on Aggression, Ninth Biennial World Meeting, Banff,
Alberta, Canada, 12-17 June.
1990 Fry, Douglas P. The Intergenerational Transmission of Conflict Resolution Styles in a NonWestern Culture. International Society for Research on Aggression, Ninth Biennial World Meeting, Banff,
Alberta, Canada, 12-17 June.
1990 Fry, Douglas P. The Use of Cooperative Learning Techniques within a Conflict Resolution
Paradigm. Southwest Regional Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution, Albuquerque, NM,
27-29 April.
1990 Organized and Chaired a symposium entitled: "Anthropological Perspectives on the
Maintenance of Peace and Conflict Resolution." Presented paper at this symposium entitled:
Disciplinary Practices in Two Zapotec Communities: Learning to be Peaceful or Violent. (Symposium
sponsored by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences' Commission on the
Study of Peace). Southwestern Anthropological Association, Long Beach, CA, April 12-15.
1989 Fry, Douglas P. The Interplay of Cultural and Biological Influences on Human Playfighting:
Insights from an Observational Study of Zapotec Children. International Society for the Study of
Behavioural Development, Jyväskylä, Finland, 9-12 July.
1989 Fry, Douglas P. Capitalizing on Culturally-Appropriate Interpersonal Dynamics to Enhance
Literacy among Mexican-American Students. Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, NM, 5-9, April.
1988 Co-organized and co-chaired a symposium entitled: "Perspectives on Conflict Resolution."
Presented paper at this symposium entitled: Intergenerational Transmission of Conflict Resolution Styles
in Two Zapotec Communities. American Anthropological Association, Phoenix, AZ, 16-20 November.
1986 Co-organized and co-chaired a symposium at the meetings of the International Society for
Research on Aggression entitled "Fighting and Playfighting" in Chicago, IL, 23-27 July. Presented a paper
at this symposium entitled: Fighting versus Playfighting among Zapotec Indian Children.
1985 Fry, Douglas P. The Socialization of Aggression in Zapotec Indian Children. Mexican Studies
Meeting at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 30 March.
1985 Fry, Douglas P. The Utility of Ethological Methods in Anthropological Studies of Children.
American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C., 4-8 December.
1982 Fry, Douglas P. An Inclusive Fitness Model for Interpreting Human Infanticide. International
Society for Research on Aggression, Mexico City, Mexico, 13-16 August.
1981 Fry, Douglas P. Human Infanticide: Support for an Inclusive Fitness Model. American Association
of Physical Anthropologists, Detroit, MI, 22-25 April.
1981 Organized and chaired a symposium entitled: "The Application of Formal Economic Models in
Anthropology," at the meetings of the Central States Anthropological Society, Cincinnati, OH, 16-18
April. Presented a paper at the symposium entitled: “Formal Economic Anthropology and Sociobiology -Do the Similarities Outweigh the Differences?”
1980 Fry, Douglas P. Human Infanticide Reinterpreted. Central States Anthropological Society. Ann
Arbor, MI, 9-12 April.
1978 Fry, Douglas P. An Argument Against Group Selection Explanations for Ritualized Aggression.
International Society for Research on Aggression. Washington D.C., 22-23 September.
1977 Fry, Douglas P. From Ik to Kamikaze: The Sociobiology of Selfishness and Altruism. American
Anthropological Association, Houston, TX, 29 November -3 December.
2013 Lorentz Center Workshop Grant: The Biosocial Bases of Nonkilling and Nonviolent Behavior (with
Joám Evans Pim, Co-Organizer) 7,000 Euros (approximately $9,500 at time of funding) from the Lorentz
2013 Institute for Economics and Peace: The Biosocial Bases of Nonkilling and Nonviolent Behavior (with
Joám Evans Pim, Co-Organizer) 5,000 Euros (approximately $6,800 at time of funding) from the Lorentz
2012 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Workshop Grant: Obstacles and Catalysts
of Peaceful Behavior (with Peter Verbeek, Co-Applicant). 15,000 Euros (approximately $20,000 at time
of funding) from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
2012 Lorentz Center Workshop Grant: Obstacles and Catalysts of Peaceful Behavior (with Peter
Verbeek, Co-Organizer) 12,000 Euros (approximately $15,600 at time of funding) from the Lorentz
2010 Lorentz Center Workshop Grant: Aggression and Peacemaking in an Evolutionary Context:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 20,000 Euros (approximately $30,000 at time of funding) from the Lorentz
Center and the Dutch National Academy of Sciences.
2010 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Workshop Grant: Aggression and
Peacemaking in an Evolutionary Context: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 11,000 Euros (approximately
$15,000 at time of funding) from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
2003-2006 National Science Foundation Research Grant: “A Cross-Cultural Study of Conflict Prevention,
Resolution, and Reconciliation” (0313670)
2000–2001 United States Institute of Peace: “‘The Potential for Peace’: Anthropological Book Project”
1997-1998 National Science Foundation Research Grant: “Patterns of Dealing with Conflict and
Aggression in Finnish Families and Society” (SBR-9710071)
1990-1995 Faculty Development Grants, Eckerd College (various grants received for computer
equipment, research, teaching projects, & travel)
1989 Office of International Programs, Foreign Travel Grants Program, University of Arizona
1988 Social & Behavioral Sciences, University of Arizona, pilot project grant
1984-1985 Indiana University Skomp Fellowship for dissertation preparation (#26-235-77)
1981-1983 National Science Foundation, grant for Improving Doctoral Dissertation Research:
“Socialization of Aggression among the Zapotec of Oaxaca, Mexico” (#81-17478)
1981-1983 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Grant for field research in Mexico
Åbo Akademi University’s Harry Elvings Teaching Excellence Award and Stipend
2014-present University of Alabama at Birmingham, courses taught: Advanced Peace Studies; Power
of Nonviolence.
Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, courses taught: Conflict Resolution in a Cross-present
Cultural Perspective; Anthropological Perspectives on Conflict, Aggression, and Peacemaking; Conflict
Resolution I; Conflict Resolution II; Research Methods in Anthropology; Cross-Cultural Perspectives on
Human Sexuality; Conflict Studies in Anthropological Perspective; Cultures in Contact: Cross-Cultural
Psychology; Socialization and Development; Finnish Culture and Society; Social Behavior; Play;
Developmental Psychology from an Evolutionary Perspective; The Power of Nonviolence; Introduction to
Negotiation & Mediation Techniques; Peaceful Societies & Peace Systems, Introduction to Peace &
Conflict Studies; The Abolition of War.
Anthropology, Comparative Cultures Collegium, Eckerd College, courses taught: Conflict
Studies; Cultural Ecology; Development Anthropology; Physical Anthropology; Human Sexuality; Cultures
of Oaxaca, Mexico; Latin American Area Studies; Introduction to Anthropology; Introduction to Primate
Studies; U.S. Area Studies; Living in the USA; Western Heritage II.
Anthropology Department, University of South Florida, Tampa. Guest Professor:
Graduate Seminar in Physical Anthropology
Prescott College, Tucson: Special Seminar on Human Evolution
Pima Community College, Tucson: Alternatives to Global Violence (summer class for
high school students); Human Origins and Prehistory
Anthropology Department, Indiana University (six semesters of teaching activity):
Human Origins & Prehistory (teaching assistant); Bioanthropology (teaching assistant); Bioanthropology
(full teaching responsibility); Laboratory in Bioanthropology (full teaching responsibility)
International Society for Research on Aggression
The Society of the Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Association
Peace & Justice Studies Association
European International Studies Association
2015 Origins of War. BBC World Service, Discovery. June 2, 2015.
2014 Tangentially Speaking with Dr. Christopher Ryan
War is not part and parcel of human nature, Peace News, online:
2014 USA Today, Chimp-on-chimp violence: a study in the roots of brutality:
2014 Podcast with Christopher Rylan (Washington) (coming in October)
Kuvalethi (Finnish Photo Magazine) Sodan Loppu (War’s End), issue 37, pp. 56-
Profil (Austrian current events magazine) Profile, 31:68-73.
2014 Turun Sanomat (Turku’s Newspaper, science supplement) Unelma Rauhasta Säilyy (A Dream of
Peace Remains) September 27, p. 16.
2014, New Institute for Human Rights helps attract anthropology professor to UAB from
2014 UAB Reporter, Scholar-activist to promote peace, justice, and human rights:
2014 Scholars’ Circle: Human Rights, Israel, Are We Warlike By Nature:
2014 Equal Time for Free Thought with Barry Siedman (WBAI, New York): “War, Peace, and Human
Human nature may not be so warlike after all, Wired:
War arose recently, anthropologists contend, Science New:
2013 Scientific American: New Study of Foragers undermines claim that was has deep evolutionary
2013 Scientific American: New Study of Prehistoric Skeletons Undermines Claim That War Has Deep
Evolutionary Roots
2013 Students for Peace: Humane Education and Hope for the Future
2013 Human Nature May Not Be So Warlike After All:
2013 Talk Nation Radio with David Swanson, Doug Fry: Humans Have Not Evolved for War:
2013 NPR (National Public Radio) Interview with Douglas P. Fry:
2013 NBC News:
2013 The Economist: Old Warriors?
2013 Scholars’ Circle and Insighters Radio with Maria Armoudian (KPFK, Los Angeles, CA):
2012 AAAS Podcast: Science's Sacha Vignieri speaks with Douglas P. Fry about the fundamentals of
peace systems:
Ca 2012 Interviewed by Mari Frank, KUCI radio, Irvine, CA:
Video lecture at University of Notre Dame:
2009 Equal time for Free Thought:
2009 Equal Time for Free Thought (WBAI, New York):
2008 Worlds without War, Greater Good, online:
2007 Imagine all the People:
Center for Inquiry:
OUP: Questions for Douglas P. Fry:
Dr. R. Brian Ferguson
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Rutgers University--Newark
360 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Newark, NJ 07102
Tel: +1 973 353-5837
Dr. Agustin Fuentes
Department of Anthropology
Flanner Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Dr. Jane L. Ireland
Department of Psychology
University of Central Lancashire
Preston, Lancashire PR1 2HE, UK
Tel: +44(0)1772 893421
Dr. Carolyn Nordstrom
Department of Anthropology
Flanner Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Dr. Leslie E. Sponsel
Department of Anthropology
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: +1 808 956-8507