Medical Imaging- Macro to Molecular 29 th May

Medical Imaging- Macro to
29th May – 7th June 2012
As part of the Dublin Region Higher Education Alliance Graduate Programme, the School of
Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Health, Dublin Institute of Technology is hosting a module
(Credit Rating 5) introducing the principles of the main medical imaging, current state-of-the-art
in medical imaging techniques and emerging medical imaging techniques applicable to imaging
both at a macro and a micro level. The module will run over two weeks, from 29th May to 7th
June, 2012 and will cover both theoretical and practical elements.
Spaces will be limited
Those interested in attending should complete an enrolment form available at
“This initiative is part of the Dublin Region Higher Education Alliance (DRHEA) graduate
strand funded by cycle II of the Strategic Innovation Fund”.
Draft programme
The aim of this module is to introduce the principles and application of physical sciences in Diagnostic
Imaging, both in a theoretical and practical setting. The main medical imaging techniques will be
introduced and studied. Furthermore, the cutting-edge techniques in medical imaging techniques will
be examined in terms of the physical principles and the unique information they provide regarding
tissue status, since it is here that they can be of most benefit to the healthcare, industrial and academic
 (29th May 9am-1pm) X-ray Imaging - Review of X-ray production and X-ray interactions with matter.
Principles of image formation in the different X-ray imaging techniques such as Computed
Radiography, Digital Radiography and Computed Tomography. X-ray detector technology
 (30th May 9am-1pm) Radionuclide Imaging - Principles of Radiopharmaceutical Production. Radiation
Detector technology. Principles of Image formation in Nuclear Medicine Imaging. Positron Emission
Tomography Technology. Cyclotron Technology.
 (31st May 9am-1pm) Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Basic Principles of electromagnetism. MR signal
excitation and reception. Relaxation processes. Production of spin echoes. Magnetic Field Gradients.
T1/T2 relaxation. Image sequences. Pulse echo techniques. MR spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance
Angiography. Contrast Agents. Diffusion Imaging. Perfusion Imaging.
 (5th June 9am-1pm) Ultrasound Imaging - Generation of ultrasound. Transducer Technology.
Interaction of Ultrasound with Tissue. Principles of Image formation in B-Mode imaging and Tissue
Harmonic Imaging. Compound Imaging. Contrast Agents. Tissue Doppler Imaging. Endoscopic
 (6th June 9am-1pm) Small Animal Imaging and Molecular Imaging – Small Animal Imaging using CT,
MRI, SPECT and Ultrasound. How each of the traditional imaging techniques can be used for
molecular imaging and targeted drug and therapy delivery.
 (7th June 9am-1pm) Emerging Imaging Techniques - Elastography Imaging in Ultrasound and
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Free Radical Imaging, Terahertz Imaging. Optical Coherence
Tomography Imaging.
Application procedure
Applications by Monday 21st May through the online form available at
Priority will be given to Ph.D. students in the DRHEA partner colleges. Applications from other
researchers will be considered if places remain available.