Independent Study Proposal

UNO Arts Administration Program
AADM 6090- Independent Study Proposal and Agreement Instructions
Course Description:
The Independent Study is a research project in the graduate student's area of specialization under the
direction of a designated member of the graduate faculty. Unless arranged in advance with the AADM
Program Director, credit is only applicable toward the elective requirement, and Independent Study may
only be taken once during a student’s course of study. Students can receive 1 – 3 credit hours, and the
amount of credits received is decided by the designated faculty member advisor prior to registration. The
Independent Study course is designed to be a significant one-semester learning experience in which the
student conducts experimental research, including possible implementation, makes discoveries, and
executes final output that demonstrates the depth of experience and the knowledge gained. Open only to
AADM Graduate Students.
Students are solely responsible for assuring they enroll for the proper number of credits for their
Independent Study when they register within Webstar.
Course Requirements:
1. Research your topic and prepare a course proposal for approval prior to the registration deadline
for the semester in which you wish to conduct your independent study. This should include goals
and deadlines. A preliminary draft of the proposal should be ready to share with your Advisor by
your semester advising date.
2. After receiving preliminary approval, work with your Advisor to select an Independent Study
supervising instructor. Approach the Independent Study supervising instructor and confirm s/he
is able to work with you.
3. Obtain signatures from your Independent Study supervising instructor, Advisor and the AADM
Program Director on the Independent Study Proposal and Agreement.
4. Schedule a minimum of two meetings with your Independent Study supervising instructor during
the semester (in addition to the first and final meetings) to discuss and assess the progress of the
5. Adhere to the goals and deadlines set in your course proposal. Perform the independent
study as you have planned, gathering information and writing up results as you go.
6. Submit your Independent Study output to both your Independent Study supervising
instructor and the AADM office. This should be of significant weight to equal the number of
credits for which you are registered (ie. If a research paper is your Independent Study
output, the result should be a 20-25 page paper for 3 credits). Due date is no later than the
last day of classes for the semester in which the student is enrolled in Independent Study.
UNO Arts Administration Program
AADM 6090- Independent Study Proposal Agreement
Student Information:
Student Name:
UNO Student Number:
Semester Enrolled in Independent Study:
Course Proposal (Include Deadlines):
(May be typed on this sheet or attached as a separate, typed sheet of paper.)
1. Overall topic and objectives of the Independent Study
2. Primary research and tasks planned
3. Secondary research and tasks planned
4. Anticipated output described in narrative form
5. Anticipated output format(s) (i.e. written report, charts, Powerpoint, etc.)
Student Name - Typed
Student Signature
Advisor Name - Typed
Advisor Signature
Independent Study Supervising
Instructor Signature
Instructor (if different from Advisor)
Harmon Greenblatt
Program Director
Program Director Signature