Every Semester - Graduate Course Verification Form

Psychology Students of the BA/MA Program
Required only for undergraduate courses taken for graduate credit.*
EACH SEMESTER, submit this form to your advisor within three weeks of enrolling in
course/s, This form will be placed in your file that is kept with your advisor.
This form can be found on the department’s website, as well as extra copies in the
department’s mailroom in the mailbox labeled “Graduate Forms.”
Fall 20____
Spring 20____
Student Name: ____________________________________________
Course # and Name: _______________________________
Instructor’s Signature: ___________________________
Course # and Name: _______________________________
Instructor’s Signature: ___________________________
Course # and Name: _______________________________
Instructor’s Signature: ___________________________
*With signature of instructor, it is understood that the undergraduate course is being taken for graduate credit.
Criteria at the discretion of each instructor ie: additional course work, more stringent grading policies, etc. to
be determined at the beginning of each course.
Revised 6/17/14