Introduction to New Program Development
This document outlines the basis of the University’s procedures for the approval of all new program
developments in the following categories:
 Undergraduate Certificates and/or Diplomas
 Undergraduate Degrees
 Graduate Diplomas
 Graduate Fields
 Master’s Degrees
 Doctoral Degrees
Ontario’s Program Approval Process
The University’s program approval processes are governed by a provincial quality assurance framework
whose processes are coordinated through the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance (QC).
New domestic programs (as well as programs targeting both domestic and international students) which
receive funding from the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) must also be
approved through a separate process managed through MTCU. Our framework and program
development forms have been designed to meet the requirements of both the QC and MTCU (The
University of Windsor’s approved framework is outlined in Figure 1). Support for new program
development is provided by the Office of Quality Assurance, who co-ordinate quality assurance and
program approval processes at the University and assist in the development of undergraduate and
graduate degree programs, certificates, and diplomas.
The Quality Assurance Framework
Ontario’s Quality Assurance Framework, managed through the QC, ensures the rigour and continued
high quality of programmes offered in Ontario. The Council operates at arm’s length from universities
and the government to ensure its independence. Academic standards, quality assurance and program
improvement are, and have always been, the responsibility of universities themselves. The Framework
recognizes institutional autonomy in determining funding, space, and faculty allocation priorities.
The QC framework was designed to ensure that all new program development:
 Is based on strong curricular frameworks, with well-developed learning outcomes addressing
provincial and institutional degree level expectations;
 meets societal and labour market needs;
 will attract qualified students; and
 Is offered by faculty and instructors with the appropriate expertise to offer the program.
Program Approval for Funding through MTCU
For all domestic certificate, diploma, and degree programs, the final level of approval comes from MTCU
in the form of funding approval. Institutional per-student funding is allocated only to programs that have
MTCU funding. In addition, only students in MTCU-approved programs are eligible for Ontario Student
Assistance Program (OSAP) funds. As of October 7, 2014, MTCU has instituted a new and more rigorous
program approval process. A template must be completed for submission to MTCU, which highlights the
proposed program’s alignment with the University of Windsor Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA),
proposed costs, program demand, enrolment planning, etc.
New program development is important to students, departments, the University and society. The
increasing complexity of these approval requirements, however, can be a significant burden to
proponents seeking to navigate the process and can slow the pace of development and innovation on
campuses. In response to these challenges, the University is seeking to establish an approach that will
ensure that proponents have access to the information, consultation and expertise they will need to
expedite the process and optimize proposals’ chances of external approval and smooth implementation.
This new approach requires the following additional preliminary steps:
Proponents complete the New Program Notice of Intent and submit it to the Office of Quality
Assurance ( along with the first two pages of the MTCU Program Approval
Certification Form: “Proposed program details” (page 1) and Section 1, “Strategic Mandate
Agreement (SMA) Alignment” (page 2).
*The MTCU form is required only for programs eligible for MTCU funding - see also
MTCU memo and submission guideline and the University of Windsor Strategic Mandate
* Note that proponents are NOT to complete the full proposal brief template (PDC Form
A) until preliminary approval by the Provost is granted in step #3 below.
Proponents meet with the New Program Steering Committee (NPSC) to review preliminary
details of the program as outlined on the notice of intent, review the proposed program for
SMA alignment and establish a consultation plan for the proposal development process. This
process will enable proponents to meet with the individuals involved in various elements of
program review, to create a consultation plan, and to identify relevant individuals to consult
regarding those elements.
Receipt of preliminary program development approval from the Provost before moving forward
with the new program development (PDC Form A).
Proponents proceed with completion of all required program development documents:
a) PDC Form A – Proposal Brief for new programs and other applicable documents in
accordance with the IQAP - details about the required documentation are available from the QA
website. The full University of Windsor program approval process is outlined in Figure 1
b) All pages of the MTCU Program Approval Certification Form
Support for the completion of Form A and the MTCU template will come from the Office of
Quality Assurance.
Please note that program proposals submitted without undertaking this process will not, under any
circumstances, be reviewed or moved forward. This process is intended to ensure that proponents and
departments receive information and advice critical to success in program development, from multiple
units. As much as possible, we are seeking to help proponents and departments avoid time-consuming,
unexpected, and often last-minute road-blocks which may require back tracking, and which delay
program approvals and implementation. It is important to be aware that both internal and external
approval processes have extended timelines, and that in particular external timelines involve approval
windows that will impact the possible start dates of programs. It is therefore critical that proponents
operate with as full awareness as possible of the procedures and requirements involved. The goal of
both the New Program Steering Committee and the Quality Assurance Office is to ensure that
proponents are able to move through this process as smoothly as possible.
Figure 1 – University of Windsor Quality Assurance Framework Flowchart
New Program Notice of Intent
Program Type:
Undergraduate Certificate
Undergraduate Diploma
Undergraduate Degree Program
Planned Tuition Structure:
Domestic – similar to other programs in Faculty
International – similar to other programs in Faculty
Cost-Recovery – revenue generating program
Other (please describe)
Graduate Diploma
New Graduate Field
Master’s Degree
Doctoral Degree
Program Structure:
Based on standard academic calendar
Based on alternative structure (i.e., weekends) (please
Method of Instruction:
Hybrid (both OL and FTF)
Experiential Learning:
Not applicable
Steady State Enrolment at Year 5:
To be completed by Program contact:
Primary AAU:
Contact Name:
Department Head Name:
Department Head Signature**:
Programs Consulted*:
Contact Name:
Department Head Name:
Department Head Signature**:
Contact Name:
Department Head Name:
Department Head Signature**:
Contact Name:
Department Head Name:
Department Head Signature**:
* Any AAU impacted by the new program development must be consulted. Examples include: crossappointed faculty, course offerings, facilities etc.
**An email from the AAU Head confirming they have been consulted can be appended to the form in lieu
of a signature
To be completed after meeting with Steering Committee:
Steering Committee Contact Name:
Date of Meeting:
Comments (including consultation plan):
To be completed after meeting with Steering Committee:
Provost’s Preliminary Program Development Approval
Date :