
Vinnitsa National Medical University
onmetodichniy meeting
Department of Children's
Head of Department
Assoc. Filimonov Y.
Individual work of students in preparation for the practical (Seminars) I
Apparatus treatment. Mechanical operating equipment.
Vinnitsa 2011
The force of these devices' action lies in the very construction of the device and does not
depend on the contractile ability of the masticatory muscles. The active part of the device is the
source of force: arch and spring springiness, elasticity of rubber recoil and ligatures, the force
developed by the screw, omega, levers, etc. The intensity of appliances' action is regulated
arbitrarily by the doctor, who uses their active
1. Have an understanding of modern methods of orthodontic treatment of the disease
2. Vivchiti essence hardware methods used in the treatment of diseases ortodontichnoyi
3. Having a clear understanding regarding the evidence for the use of mechanical and
operating equipment
2. Basic knowledge, skills, skills needed to study those (mizhdistsiplinarna Integration)
The names of previous
Know the anatomy of jaw-litsevoyi areas and joint rights.
Understand the nature of impact on the compression and relief
4. task for self-employment under an hour of preparation for classes.
4.1. list of key terms, parameters, characteristics that should be learned
student in preparation for classes:
Apparatus characterized by the fact that the strength of their
actions in school design of the device and not depends on the
contractile ability of masticatory muscles. source of power is the
active part of the apparatus: the arc elasticity, springs, rubber
traction elastichnist and ligatures, strength, a waving screw,
Omega, lever and others.
These versatile machines osnovnovu Part tsih vestibular apparatus is an
arc of stainless steel wire thickness 0,8-1,0 mm. At both its ends are
hvintovi cutting, where nahvinchuyut nuts. to anchor tooth (1-AI
permanent molars) wear crowns or rings (Engle koristuvavsya bandage
kiltsyami) range of printing tubes, horizontally roztashovanimi For
buccal side. arcvihnutu with your finger to form teeth, inserted in the
tube. Nuts give mozhlivist Set arc in any sagittal position from contact
with the teeth to viznachenoyi distance from them.
4.2. TheoreticalIssuesinClasses:
1. What hardware methods of orthodontic treatment you know?
2. Name the show and to show to non-removable apparatus treatment?
3. What are the main fixed ortodontichni devices you know?
4. Klasifikatsiyiorthodonticapparatus
5. Rozkriyte basic principles of fixed devices and describe mechanical action.
March 4 Practical work (tasks) to perform in class ..:
Apparatus A. I. Pozdnyakov
ApparatusEisenberg - Herbst
5. plan and organizational structure of educational classes distsiplini.
Distributionofhours Typesofcontrol
15 min
Practical Tasks situatsiyni
Textbooks, Manuals,
tasks, verbal questioning by
standardized perelikami stuffs.
30 min
Control of the final level of
Overall Assessment of student
Informing students about the
subject next Session.
Contents of those:
Appliances of Mechanical Action
The force of these devices' action lies in the very construction of the device and does not
depend on the contractile ability of the masticatory muscles. The active part of the device is the
source of force: arch and spring springiness, elasticity of rubber recoil and ligatures, the force
developed by the screw, omega, levers, etc. The intensity of appliances' action is regulated
arbitrarily by the doctor, who uses their active
Fixed Orthodontic Appliances
of Mechanical Action
Development of the instrument method of orthodontic treatment, substantiated scientifically
and practieaTly, is connected with the name of Angle. The method is characterized by the
following principles: the treatment is aimed at achieving ideal occlusion without teeth extraction;
the idea of the 1st permanent molar as the "key" of occlusion; patient's age; treatment with
standard mechanical appliances. For this purpose Angle offered vestibular round arches
(stationary, expansive, sliding). These appliances got further development in the arch devices of
Herbst, Mershon, Simon, Kork-haus—Lindy, Stanton, Cwillford. They include screw appliances
and bracket systems.
These orthodontic appliances are fixed with the help, of crowns or rings on unprepared
permanent teeth (premolars, molars) after conducting the so-called orthodontic separation. For
this purpose there are used elastics, spring separators, plastic wedges, ligature, which are
introduced between teeth and left for a couple of days. If it is necessary to disconnect dental
arches for the treatment, crowns are used, if it is not needed to raise occlusion — rings are
applied. Crowns and rings reach the teeth necks and are fixed with phosphate cement, but rings
may decement. To improve their fixation they should be cemented with glassinomer cement or
special adhesive glue, made on the basis of epoxide resins.
Angle's appliances are called universal, because they may be used for the treatment of
different types of dentognathic anomalies. The main part of these appliances consists of a
vestibular arch made of stainless steel wire 0.8—1.0 mm thick. There are threads on its either
part, on which nuts are wound. Crowns or rings are put onto the abutment teeth (the 1st
permanent molars) — Angle used bandage rings — with tubes located horizontally from the
buccal side. The arch, bent with the help of fingers by the form of the dental arch, is inserted into
the tubes. Nuts allow fixing the arch in any sagittal position: from contact with teeth to a certain
distance from them.
Angle's stationary arch is used for the vestibular transfer of irregularly located frontal
teeth: tying them up to the arch with ligatures, transferring them. The arch is activated by means
of tightening nuts and moving the arch forward. Not infrequently hooks are soldered to the arch,
or incorrectly located teeth are covered with crowns, vertical bars or hooks are soldered to them
and under the influence of rubber recoil or ligatures teeth are moved to the needed side (mesially,
distally, vertically) or rotated.
Angle's expansive arch is used for dental arch dilation. Depe/rding on the region, in which
dental arch should be dilated (in the region of molars or premolars), the arch is set accordingly.
To dilate dental arch in the region of molars the arch is straightened and by means of drawing its
ends together under tension is introduced into tubes; if it is necessary to dilate it in the region of
premolars and canine teeth, one uses the arch bent by the needed form of dental arch, and teeth
are pulled to it with ligatures.
Angle's sliding arch is used for the inclination of the frontal teeth to the palatine or lingual
side. The arch is turned into the sliding one: nuts are taken off, and in the region of canine teeth
medially open hooks are soldered to the arch. After the arch is introduced into tubes, on both
sides rubber rings are put on the hooks and fastened on the posterior end of the tube. Rubber
recoil dislocates the arch distally, and in such a way pressure is exerted onto the frontal teeth
When treating vertical occlusion anomalies with Angle's appliance one acts in the following
way. For teeth drawing the arch is located closer to their cutting edge and with ligature wire it is
pulled to the necks of the transferred teeth. At teeth immersion the arch is set closer to the necks
and also tied up to the teeth with a wire ligature. In both cases the arch due to its elasticity tries
to take its initial position and pulls along all the teeth tied to it.
The appliance is also used for the levelling of sagittal dental arches correlations (at progenia,
prognathism) by means of applying oblique intermaxillary rubber recoil (Bekker is considered
the inventor of oblique intermaxillary rubber recoil (1892); Angle improved the method). In this
case Angle's appliances are used simultaneously on the upper and lower jaws. The arches are
tightly fixed to the teeth with ligatures; there is a hook on one of them. If the hook is soldered to
the arch of the upper jaw in the region of canine tooth—premolar, rubber recoil force dislocates
the upper dental arch backwards, and the lower one — forward to some extent. If the hook is
located on the arch of the lower jaw, reverse action takes place.
Aisnwort's appliance.Crowns or rings are made for the 2nd, more seldom —1st premolars.
Tangent bars are bent using orthodontic wire 0.8—1.2 mm in diameter, spanning the teeth,
subject to dislocation, from the palatine side in the neck part. The bars are pressed close to the
crowns (rings). From the vestibular side to the rings on the premolars vertical tubes are soldered
with the internal diameter by 0.1—0.2 mm larger than the diameter of the wire, using which the
arch is bent.
The vestibular elastic arch is bent using orthodontic wire 0.8—1.2 mm in diameter in such a
way that it touches the frontal teeth only. The arch ends are bent at a right angle straight or in the
form of a hook, then inserted into tubes and shortened by the size of vertical tubes. Rings with
bars are fixed with cement on abutment teeth. On the next day the arch is introduced with its
ends (with an effort) into the tubes. Arch elasticity, which is activated periodically, dislocates
teeth. If the vestibular elastic arch becomes short in the process of treatment, a new one is bent or
another arch is prepared right away with compensatory U-loops near the canine teeth.
Aisnwort's appliance is used for irregular dilation of dental arch and elimination of the
narrow location of incisors
Simon's appliance.For the 1st permanent molars supporting rings are made, to which, near
the medial-buccal angles, vertical tubes are soldered with an internal diameter of 1.8-2.5 mm
depending on the diameter of the tube wire. From the oral side tangent bars (made of wire 1.2—
1.5 mm in diameter) are soldered to the rings, the bars being adjacent to the premolars and
canine teeth. Vestibular elastic arch is bent of orthodontic wire (0.8—1.2 mm in diameter) with
U-loops in the region of premolars, vertical prominences, which come into vertical tubes and fix
the arch. Free ends of the arch are bent inwards at the angle of 10—15° in such a way that they
set against the distal-buccal areas of molars. The arch itself should be tightly adjacent to the
frontal and lateral teeth. With the help of the appliance the dental arch is dilated in the region of
premolars and molars, the molars being rotated. The arch is activated by means of pressing the
Mershon's appliance for dental arch dilation.Supporting rings with locks on the lingualpalatine side in the form of horizontal tubes soldered to a ring are made for the 1st permanent
molars. Lingual arch is bent of orthodontic wire (0.8—1.0 mm in diameter). Elastic processes
with their being adjacent to the lingual surface of the teeth, subject to transfer, are made of
orthodontic wire 0.4—0.6 mm in diameter. The processes may have the form of a snake or a
safety pin. They are soldered to the arch by means of contact welding, or one of their ends is
wound onto the arch for the processes not to lose elasticity. Teeth transfer and dental arch
dilation take place due to elastic properties of the arch and processes.
In 1926 Angle offered a tetrahedral arch with brackets for all teeth instead of a round arch
with supporting rings for molars.
It should be mentioned that achievements of this period created real conditions for modern
school appearance and creation of improved constructions of fixed mechanically acting arch
appliances (Johnson, Tweed, Andrews, Rickets, Y.M. Maly-hin, Block). Johnson offered a
system of twin arches and tried to use advantages and eliminate defects of Angle's appliances
with the help of this device. As this was a compromise (constructive), he could not solve the
problem finally
After the analysis of Angle's appliances' advantages and disadvantages the development of
fixed arch devices was fundamentally going on in two directions.
Begg offered to use the round arch, making it light by means of creating auste-nitic steel
together with Wilcock, and named his appliance the system of light wires. For the purpose the
author used very elastic, so-called Australian wire — stainless steel wire 0.4 mm in diameter.
Auxiliary springs can not be soldered to such a wire, therefore additional loops for rubber recoil
are bent on the arch itself. To make the action of the vestibular arch more tender, Begg used
vertical loops. They level the force of action between irregularly located teeth. The length of the
arch increases at the expense of the loops, and in such a way the action of the force decreases.
The number and type of loops depend on dental arch irregularity. The loops are usually applied
at the beginning of treatment. Rings of stainless steal are made for the molars and all the teeth
subject to transfer. Special bars for arch strengthening are soldered to them, and if it is necessary
— also hooks for inclined or corpus transfer of teeth
in the mesial or distal direction. Teeth corpus transfer of this system is achieved in two stages: at
first, tilt-and-swivel transfer of the tooth crown, and then its root inclination.
Andrews continued improving the orthodontic lock (bracket) and tetrahedral arch. As a
result, he patented an appliance of programmable action, in which it was not necessary to bend
arches in the process of treatment, so the system was named the technique of straight wire
F.Y. Khoroshilkina and Y.M. Malyhin denote that today many constructions are known,
which are based on the application of edgewise technique. Edgewise-brackets differ in size and
form, groove direction, its angulation relative to the base of the lock, the presence of an
additional supportive platform for tacking it to the tooth, combination with other elements. These
supplements are made to achieve different aims and to accomplish different tasks.
Due to the usage of modernized systems the treatment with fixed arch appliances becomes
more efficient and exact, arches bending becomes simpler, errors at their bending are excluded,
which provides universal teeth transfer in possible directions with achieving their corpus
transfer. To quickly expose suture junctions Derich-sweiler's appliances are used, as well as
Malyhin's, Levkovych's, Khoro-shilkina's, Tril's, etc., which provide intensive exposure of the
palatine suture. To lighten the construction, improve oral cavity hygiene, and control the state of
the mucous tunic, these constructions are made without the basis with Biderman's screw or made
dismountable according to Khoroshilkina.
Fixed appliances of mechanical action also include a crown with hooks and vertical bars, put
in action with the help of rubber recoil; fixed metal (made of soldered crowns) or plastic gum
shields with hooks for the vertical transfer of teeth under the action of rubber recoil force with
elastic loops for diastems elimination; appliances of Korkhaus and Schwarz, which preserve
place in dental arch after the early extraction of milk or permanent teeth.
A.I. Pozdniakova's appliance for bringing teeth out of palatine position consists of
crowns, fixed on the 1st permanent molar and the tooth with palatal location. A bar is soldered to
the crown of the molar from the vestibular side, the other end of the bar bears on the tooth
standing in front of the transferred one. Hooks are soldered to the crown of the palatally located
tooth. The appliance is put into action with elastic recoil or ligature, which is applied on the
hooks of the transferred tooth and vestibular bar.
A.I. Pozdniakova's appliance for canine teeth transfer in the distal-buccal direction
two crowns are made — one for the canine tooth, and one for the 1st permanent molar. Hooks are
soldered to the crown on the canine tooth from the vestibular and lingual sides. Bars are soldered
horizontally to the molar crown from the vestibular and lingual surfaces, which end with hooks
at the levelpf the 1st premolars. Rubber rings are put on between the hooks of the canine tootnand
the molar, and the tooth is transferred with the help of the rings. Rubber recoil should be changed
every 1—2 days. The tooth is transferred orally and distally.
Aisenberg—Herbst's appliance is used to transfer the upper frontal teeth orally, change
their inclination and dental arch shortening at the presence of spaces between the frontal teeth
For the 1st milk molars or 2nd permanent premolars rings (crowns) are made, to which horizontal
wire (0.8 mm in diameter) bars are soldered from the vestibular side. The bars are directed
forward, adjacent to the vestibular surface of teeth, and end in the region of canine teeth with
hooks, opened backwards. After fixing the rings with cement, elastic rubber, (rings) is stretched
on teeth between hooks. The tractive force is regulated by a selection of rubber rings of
necessary length, width, and thickness.
Z.S. Vasylenko's appliance for teeth rotation For the rotated tooth a crown or a ring is
made with a horizontally soldered oval tube from the vestibular
side. Internal intersection of the tube equals the double diameter of the lever's wire in height and
one diameter in thickness. On the 2nd premolar or the 1st molar of the dental arch side, opposite
to the rotated tooth, a ring is put with a round bar 0.8—1.0 mm in diameter soldered to its lateral
surface, tangent to two adjacent teeth. To the same ring from the vestibular side a U-brace is
soldered with the length equal to the tooth width and distant from the ring by 1.5 mm. An elastic
lever is bent of orthodontic wire 1 mm in diameter. The end of the lever, which enters the tube, is
bent in the form of a loop with a bumper preventing lever rotation.
The other end of the lever is bent in the form of a hook and is brought behind the U-brace on
the molar from the medial side. Tooth rotation takes place under the action of activated flexible
lever until the hook stops at the distal end of the U-brace. This serves as an indication to the next
activation of the lever or bending of a new one.
Fixed appliances have advantages over removable ones as they act constantly, round the
clock, depend little on the patient, but have a number of drawbacks. These appliances do not
provide full-value action on the dentognathic apparatus: practically do not stimulate sutural and
appositional jaws growth, do not influence the renewal of myodynamic balance in the
craniofacial area and renewal of the dentognathic apparatus function, violate the esthetics.
Difficulty of the exact dosage of force,, long-term stay of arches, reinforced with ligatures, of
crowns, rings, and other details of fixed constructions in the mouth complicate oral cavity care,
may be the reason for dental enamel damage. Ligatures, injuring dental bulbs, provoke swelling
of the gingival margin and not infrequently lead to the formation of pathologic "pockets".
Removable Appliances of Mechanical Action
Determination to eliminate at least partially the described above drawbacks of fixed
appliances promoted the development, approbation, and implementation of removable
mechanically acting orthodontic appliances. This was enabled by the invention of
methylmethacrylate — the basic component of modern plastics.
Construction of the plastic basis of removable appliances is conducted by the method of hot
polymerization; the method of cold polymerization of self-hardening plastic; the method of
plastic casting; the method of stamping acrylic plastic after its warming-up, the so-called
pneumovacuum formation.
These devices include plate appliances in combination with screws, springs, vestibular
arches. The first removable plate appliances for the treatment of occlusion anomalies were
offered after the discovery of caoutchouc vulcanization (1839). In the 1960s Kingsley
constructed a plate with a dilating screw. Nord improved it, having offered a sc*ew of his
construction. Further improvement of Nord's idea belongs to Schwarz.
V.S. Kurylenko's appliance for teeth transfer in the mesiodistaldirection It is a
removable plate, into which movable and immovable levers of orthodontic wire (0.6 mm in
diameter) are welded. The movable lever, being adjacent to the approximal surface near the very
neck of the transferred tooth, provides its transfer without rotation around the vertical or
horizontal axis. The active lever easily revolves in the basis and may be used for the transfer of 2
and even 3 teeth, especially if it is needed to transfer them in one direction. Retracting arch,
inclined plane, and other elements of removable orthodontic appliances may be built into the
plate, which shortens the term of anomalies treatment.
Removable appliances of mechanical action include S.I. Doroshenko's appliance, Robert's
appliance appliances for distal teeth transfer
Nowadays there are used removable appliances with different location of screws (of definite
size, dimensions, and in certain quantity) in accordance with the area, which should be dilated or
brought out in the vestibular direction
All the appliances with mechanical action require proper fixation. To attach endurance to
plate appliances various clasps are used: ordinary retentive, Jackson's throw-over, Schwarz'
arrow-like, Adams' clasps. Wire of different thickness and elasticity is used to make these clasps.
Retentive, arrow-like, and Jackson's clasps are made of stiff wire 0.7—1.1 mm thick (arrow-like
clasps are bent with the help of special forceps), Adams' clasps — of stiff or stiff-elastic wire
0.6—0.7 mm in diameter.
In orthodontics, in order to dilate dental arches and transfer individual teeth removable
appliances with springs and vestibular arches are widely used, and Coffin's dilating plate is
considered their predecessor. These appliances act by means of unbending or pressing
corresponding loops. Springs location, the form of their bend and of vestibular arch depend on
clinical presentation. To make vestibular arches stiff wire 0.7—0.8 mm in diameter is usually
used, for flexible processes — 0.5—0.6 mm, for Coffin's spring — 1.0—1.5 mm.
Removable appliances act in discontinuous manner, as children use them during a couple of
hours in the course of a day. At that, the factor of injuring a child is excluded in the period of
treatment and stay in a collective, because children can use removable appliances at home only.
Characterizing the described above removable appliances it should be mentioned that they act
with less force, with breaks (they can be taken off), they are more hygienic. Removable
orthodontic appliances, during a short period of time creating enhanced functional load on a
certain area, stimulate bony tissue rebuilding: irritation is transferred not only to the teeth but
also to the bony tissue of the jaw.
The slower the appliance acts, the more harmonious the processes of resorption and
apposition of bony tissue around the transferred teeth are. The fact that the orthodontic
appliance, with which the treatment was conducted, may be also used as a retentive one, is very
important. These appliances are administered at treating dento-gnathic anomalies at any age with
their individual construction in every case. But sometimes, despite all their positive qualities,
removable appliances appear to be insufficiently effective. This is explained by the fact that
children break doctor's instructions about the way and duration of using the appliances. Irregular
wearing of them, big breaks in application may lead to the wrong idea of their seemingly
ineffective action. This implies that the decisive role in using removable appliances is played by
children's discipline and parents' careful control of children.
Appliances of Mechanical Action with Extraoral Support
Long-term usage of intraoral constructions of orthodontic appliances made orthodontists use
appliances with extraoral action (F.Y. KJioroshilkina, 1974; E.Y. Va-res, 1981; V.A. Zahorskyi,
1985; I.V. Tokarevych, 1992; Verdon, 1972; Delaire, 1979; Petit, 1983; Roberts, 1988; Q.M.
Guo, 1994, and others). But they do not provide the intensive action on dental arches because of
the impossibility of extraoral efforts' influence on the whole dental arch by its separate sectors
Appliances of Combined Action
These appliances are used at combined pathology in most cases and comprise about 75 % of
all removable appliances.
Functional appliances may be supplemented by separate active elements — screws and
springs, used at the necessity to accelerate individual teeth transfer.
An important milestone in the development of orthodontics were the treatment method by
Andresen and Haupl (1953) and their appliance named "activator", which promoted the recovery
of the functions of mouth closure, breathing, mastication, and partially swallowing, activated the
masticatory muscles and stimulated TMJ growth.
Soon there appeared Klammt's open activator, Bimler's occlusion shaper, Baiters' bionator
and their modifications. Andresen—Haupl's appliance was also modified for a couple of times,
by Macary and Kesling, Kurz, P.S. Flis, G.P. Leonenko
These appliances consist of two plates — upper and lower, joined with basis material or
wires. They may be supplemented by a vestibular arch, a spring, and a screw. In the plates,
adjacent to the internal surface of alveolar processes, there is a bed for palatine and lingual
surfaces of upper and lower teeth, into which teeth are placed at jaws closure. Their correlation is
created with the help of wax rolls before making the appliance (usually it is recommended to set
the lower jaw almost in direct ratio to the upper one). In the process of treatment the dental bed
is sawed out according to the
direction of teeth transfer. Depending on the clinical presentation and the aim of treatment dental
arches of both jaws may be disconnected (growth takes place in the vertical direction) or their
masticatory surfaces touch the biting platform. The action of such appliances is based on the
contraction of the masticatory and expression muscles and the force of mechanical elements
action. At jaws closure teeth undergo certain load, which stimulates tissue rebuilding.
Activators have been mainly used at night. Presently it is recommended to use them also
during the day (as long as possible), as muscles activity is more evident at daytime and after food
intake than at night.
Lately, the so-called elastic open Klammt'sactivator has won recognition. It almost
completely consists of vestibular arches and springs, except for thin palatine plastic plates (1.2
mm thick), which begin from the canine teeth and end by the last molar. These plates might have
directing surfaces or not. If it is necessary, it is possible to introduce supplementary wire
elements, bandages, or modify the vestibular arches. Appliance's activity becomes apparent at
tongue and lower jaw movements. The author recommends using the appliance in infancy,
during the whole day and night.
Activators' drawbacks include their slow action, which almost excludes the possibility of
using activators in young people and adults. Besides, at full-blown anomalies the desired effect
is not always achieved, which makes it necessary to combine activators with other orthodontic
The idea of creating new constructions of activators was to try to lighten the construction's
weight, reinforce its constructional inflexibility against the deforming action of mastication
forces, increase the time of using the appliance (especially during the daytime), enable the
patient to talk having the appliance in the mouth, etc.
Khurgina's appliance is the combination of Katz' biting platform and a dilating screw. It is
used at treating prognathism and deep overbite at the presence of upper dental arch narrowing.
Guliayeva's appliance is a combination of Angle's sliding arch and an inclined plane.
Crowns with horizontal tubes are put onto the 1st permanent molars, a steel
arch is inserted into the tubes; in the region of canine teeth hooks are soldered to the arch.
Rubber rings, which contribute to the arch's action, are fastened between the hooks and distal
ends of the tubes. In the region of frontal teeth metal processes are soldered to the arch, and an
inclined plane is soldered to the processes. This appliance is used for the treatment of posterior
Briickl's appliance consists of a removable plate for the lower jaw in the anterior region, a
vestibular arch, and clasps. During dental arches closure the upper frontal teeth touch the
inclined plane with their palatine surfaces and diverge in the vestibular direction; and as a result
of vestibular arch activation the lower frontal teeth bend orally (the inclined plane from the
lingual side and near the cutting edge should not be adjacent to them). Dental arches are
disconnected in lateral areas. This appliance is recommended at any age at palatine inclination of
the upper frontal teeth and forced progenia, if fusiform vestibular declination of the lower frontal
teeth is observed, accompanied by diaereses and diastema, deep frontal overbite. Baiters'
bionator.There are three types of the appliance (l)for the elimination of dental arches
constriction, protrusion of frontal teeth and deep overbite (1);
2) for the elimination of open bite (2);
3) for the elimination of mesial occlusion (3).
Bionators are made on models, plastered in constructive occlusion in the occluder or
articulator. Their basic details are:
• lateral plastic shields, covering the lingual or palatine surfaces of the lateral teeth of both
jaws to the distal surfaces of the, 1st permanent molars, which join in the anterior part of the
lower jaw from thebuccal side for the increase of appliance's support;
• palatine clasp, bent backwards in the first two types of appliances for speech orientation;
in the third type the palatine clasp is bent forward. Occlusive side plates for the upper milk
molars, premolars, which go from oral lateral plastic shields, serve as supports in the bionators of
the 1st—2nd type. In the bionator of the 3rd type occlusive side plates are made for the lower milk
• vestibular dental arches with loops or arched bends-processes in tjare lateral parts of dental
arches, distant from the teeth by 2 mm, are intended for cheeks alienation. Arches' ends are
introduced into plastic shields between the canine teeth and the 1st milk molars or the 1st
At posterior occlusion elimination the vestibular arch is bent onto the upper frontal teeth, at
mesial occlusion elimination — onto the lower ones. In the bionator of the 2nd type a plastic
shield is made in the anterior part, it separates the tongue apex from dental arches at the
pernicious habit, prevents laying the tongue between teeth and the pressure onto the frontal teeth.
Plastic shields for cheeks or lips abduction or a removable shield in the form of a vestibular
plane are connected to the bionator, which prevents cheeks and lips retraction between dental
arches, promotes correct lips closure, normalizes tongue and teeth position in the lower jaw.
Elastic Bimler's shaper is an appliance of wireframe construction with
elastic wire joining details, which are the acting force at lower jaw movements. There
are three main groups of occlusion shapers: A, B, and C.
Group A — seven
kinds for dentognathic anomalies elimination at neutral or distal dental arches correlation,
combined with diaereses presence, dental arches constriction, frontal teeth congestion, their
torsion, deep or open bite. The kinds of occlusion shapers of this group differ from one another
by the presence of additional arches, screws, springs, which correct the position of upper
incisors, canine teeth, and premolars.
Group B — five kinds of occlusion shaper for dentognathic anomalies elimination at neutral
or distal dentitions correlation, combined with upper teeth retrusion and deep overbite. They
differ from one another by the action of the orthognathic screw (dilation, narrowing), and by the
presence, form, and location of springs.
Group C — six kinds of occlusion shapers for the treatment of dentognathic anomalies at
neutral or medial dental arches correlation, combined with reverse overbite, and elimination of
mesial occlusion combined with the cross one. These kinds differ from one another mainly by
the location and form of springs.
Appliances of combined action may include Khurgina's appliance Robert's device — type 2
N.D. Dankov's appliance) and others.
At lower jaw underdevelopment accompanied by compression in lateral parts N.V.
Rashchenko with co-authors worked out and offered appliances, which provide purposeful
influence both on individual teeth and on the alveolar processes during teeth eruption and their
roots formation. The essence of the appliances construction consists in the following: a dentalgingival splint of Weber's type is made and divided into 3 fragments — one frontal and two
lateral, joined with one anothejTwith the help of spirals and Q-loops. Q-loops (1—4) are bent
using orthodontic wire 0.8 mm in diameter, located vertically from the oral side, closer to the
lingual surface of the lower incisors and parallel to their long axis. Spirals are made of wire 0.6
mm in diameter (winding it onto a rod 1—1.5 mm in diameter) and welded from the vestibular
side between fragments. Rubber rings or an expansive arch are the active elements of the offered
appliances. The rubber rings are put onto hooks, which are welded on the vestibular surface of
the frontal and lateral fragments. On the lateral fragments the hooks are welded distally open, on
the frontal — medially. The frontal fragment, in contrast to the lateral ones, is made in the form
of a vestibular shield. To use the Angle's arch cannulae are welded into the lateral fragments, Qloops may be not used at that. Activated arches are made by common technique. To incline the
crown parts of masticatory teeth in the vestibular direction Adams' clasps are welded from the
oral side. If a "block" is present, occlusion disconnection is performed with the help of occlusive
side plates on one or both sides. If pressure should be excluded from one
tooth, plastic is cut out in the region of the tooth. Different variants of appliance construction for
lower jaw dilation can be seen in the
For the distal transfer of individual teeth or a group of teeth S.I. Tril's appliance has been
worked out and introduced into practice. The device works in the following way. Occlusive side
plates (1) and (7) are set into the oral cavity on teeth and fastened with clasps (3). With the help
of the sector-like located screw (10) the effort of the distal transfer of a dental arch part (6) is
created. The dental arch (4) and
opposing teeth serve a support at the transfer of the part. The arch (11) directs the vestibularly
located tooth (12) into the dental arch to the place of the transferred dental arch part (6). Smooth
surface (9) of the occlusive side plate (7) does not create obstacles to the distal transfer of teeth
To treat unilateral cross bite S.I. Tril's appliance has been worked out
The device consists of the basis part (1), which is set on the unaffected dental arch
part, and the part (2), set on its deformed part. The basis parts (1) and (2) are joined
with an orthodontic screw (3) and a vestibular arch (4). The part (1) has imprints of
the occlusive surface of the unaffected dental arch part (5) and opposing teeth (6).
Prolonged oral bandage (7) rests on the lingual surface of the teeth of the opposite
jaw (8) and embraces their vestibular surface (9). The part of the basis (2), set onto
the deformed dental arch part, has an imprint of the occlusive surface of this part (10)
and smooth occlusive surface (11), directed to the opposing teeth.
The device operates in the following way. Orthodontic appliance parts (1) and (2) are set in
the oral cavity and fastened with the help of occlusive side plates and Adams' clasps built into
them. The device is activated with the help of the orthodontic screw (3). The unaffected part of
the dental arch, teeth-antagonists, elongated oral bandage (7), which leans against the lingual
surface of the teeth (8) of the opposite jaw serve as support at transfer. Wrapping teethantagonists from the vestibular side (9) prevents their rotation under the influence of efforts
needed for the transfer of the deformed jaw part.
Materials for self-control:
1. Orthodontic appliances classification by F.Y. Khoroshilkina.
2. Enumerate the structural components of functionally acting appliances.
3. What group of muscles is influenced by functionally acting appliances?
4. Name functionally acting devices.
5. Enumerate the structural components of functionally directing appliances.
6. What group of muscles is influenced by functionally directing appliances?
7. Name removable and fixed functionally directing appliances.
8. Enumerate the structural components of mechanically acting appliances.
9. Name the representatives of removable and fixed mechanically acting appliances.
10. What is the operating principle of removable appliances?
11. When are combined appliances used?
12. What devices are used for the prophylaxis of dentognathic pathology?
1. Dilating Q-spring was offered by:
2. Structural components of functionally acting appliances are:
Expansive arch.
Inclined plane.
Buccal shields.
Occlusive side plates.
Screw and labial bandages.
3. What group of muscles is influenced by
functionally acting appliances?
A. Masticatory.
Muscles elevating and protruding the jaw.
Muscles elevating the lower jaw.
Combined group of muscles.
4. Structural components of functionally directing appliances are:
A. Expansive arch.
B. Inclined plane.
C. Buccal shields.
' D. Occlusive side plates.
E. Screw and labial bandages.
5. What group of muscles is influenced by
functionally directing appliances?
A. Masticatory. 1 B. Expression.
C. Muscles elevating and protruding the
D. Muscles elevating the lower jaw.
E. Combined group of muscles.
6. Structural components of mechanically
acting appliances are:
Expansive arch.
Inclined plane.
Buccal shields.
Occlusive side plates.
Screw and labial bandages.
7. Structural components of combined appliances are:
Expansive arch.
Inclined plane.
Buccal shields.
Occlusive side plates.
Screw and labial bandages.
8. Which of these appliances is mechanically
Bynin's gum shield.
Schwarz' gum shield.
Katz' crown.
Briickl's appliance.
Schwarz' appliance with retracting arch.
9. Appliances of combined action:
Screw + elastic pushers.
Occlusive side plate + inclined plane. 'y
Inclined plane + biting platform.
Screw + inclined plane.
Labial bandages + buccal shields.
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