Student Learning Objective: Teacher/Administrator Form

BTDES - Professional Growth Achievement Goal (PGAG) Setting Form – Writing Example
Educator Name: ___________________________ Content Area: _____________ Grade Level: _______
SECTION I: Developing the PGAG using the Smart Process
I will improve
my 7th grade
Professional Growth Achievement (S.M.A.R.T.) Goal
In order to ensure written expression in grade 7 Writing Workshop, I will incorporate writing
prompts into written assessments that require students to demonstrate audience &
purpose, idea development, and organization & structure in paragraph development so that
by the end of the 2013-2014 school year 80% of the students will score a “3” or better overall
in paragraph development and each student will improve by one performance level in written
expression in paragraph development.
Step 1 – In looking at the standards and your student’s learning, identify area(s) of weakness in student achievement.:
Written expression and paragraph development
Step 2 - Using the SMART process for goal setting, respond to the questions below.
What, exactly, do I want to achieve/
How will the growth I attain be
measured/ assessed?
How will I know I am more effective as
an educator?
Explain why this is a realistic and
attainable goal.
Results - Oriented and Relevant:
Why am I doing this? Is it really a need?
How will my students benefit from my
attainment of this goal? How will
achievement of this goal
improve your practice.
Time Bound:
What is a measurable and realistic time
improve by one performance level in audience & purpose, idea
development, and organization & structure in writing workshop; improve
student’s paragraph development
80% of the students will score a “3” or better
“ensure,” “incorporate” and “demonstrate.”
expected outcomes for students to be able to write a well-developed
paragraph, increase student writing litericies
by the end of the 2013-14 school year
SECTION II: Connecting the PGAG to the Rubric
How does your PGAG connect to the evaluation rubrics? Is it aligned?
Rubric Standard (s) Which standards are
addressed in the rubric.
Standard 1. Students: Teachers understand student learning and development,
and respect the diversity of the students they teach.
Standard 2. Content: Teachers know and understand the content area for which
they have instructional responsibility.
SMART goal idea starter:
By[identify a specific point in time such as the end of the school year] I will [identify how your practice will improve in this area, you may
want to consider using language from the rubric] and in so doing, [identify the set of students who will benefit] will [identify measurable
way(s) in which students will benefit].