I. Analyze Learners Unit Title: Animals And Where They Live Grade Level for Unit: Fourth Grade Length of Class Period: 45 minutes Beginning Date for this Unit: Monday, November 5, 2007 Ending Date for This Unit: Friday, November 9, 2007 Unit Overview: “Animals and where they live.” As the first day of class for these fourth graders, they will be reintroduced to the rules, regulations and expectations. After reintroducing them to the rules students will learn about the ‘word wall’ and they will have classroom discussion on animals and where they live. After their discussion they will be required to draw a realistic picture of an animal, discuss how scientists have made animal discoveries and they will pretend that they are scientists and make their own discovery of an animal, and finally they will then form this animal out of modeling clay and place it in an environment (shoe box project). II. State Objectives Academic Content Standards Covered: VA.O.4.1.01 compare the media, tools, techniques, and processes of a variety of sculpture materials. VA.O.4.1.02 use the additive, subtractive or assemblage process to create artwork, e.g., papier-mâché, found object assemblage, clay. VA.O.4.3.01 explore architecture, nature, and/or figures as subject matter. 21C.O.3-4.1.LS.1 Student identifies information needed to solve a problem or complete an assignment, conducts a search and prioritizes various sources based on credibility and relevance, retrieves relevant information from a variety of media sources, and uses this information to create an effective presentation. 21C.O.3-4.1.LS.3 Student, cognizant of audience and purpose, articulates thoughts and ideas accurately and effectively through oral, written or multimedia communications. III. Select Media and Material Materials, Equipment, Resources, and Preparations: Teacher Resources: Prewritten words and definitions for the word wall. Books (The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone, Variety of Dr. Seuss Books Right Foot, Left Foot), Pre-written/Pre-printed words and definitions for the word wall. Teacher Supplies: Teacher example of a newly discovered animal and its modeled form. Clay and clay tools for the demonstration. Teacher example of a newly discovered animal. Student Supplies (per class): 30 individual size model magic packets. 100 sheets of sketch paper, 30 pencils, 15 boxes of crayons. Safety Procedures: Remind students how to behave in the art classroom. Remind students that model magic is not supposed to be consumed and that they should be careful around other students model magic forms. Technology: Computer that can access the internet. http://hirshhorn.si.edu/education/animals/animals.html-have students look at example artists and artwork http://www.scottish-essays.com/animalart.html-read to students the importance of animals in artwork, explain the history behind animals in artwork http://clevelandart.org/educef/asianodessey/pdf/aniartel.pdf-examine pre-made lesson plans to make lesson plan improvements…generate new ideas http://ezproxy.marshall.edu:2536/sas/search?vid=1&hid=12&sid=245e61c3-b753-4113-a 470-9c8d2f52174c%40sessionmgr3-searchasaurus site, have kids look up definitions from lesson plans Modifications and Considerations: Prepare for students with special needs. Have another handout of the lesson made for each aid in the classroom. For students with higher level art skills, have extra examples of how to make the project better to help enhance the students sense of artistic quality. IV. Utilize Media and Materials Lessons and Descriptions Day One Title: Animals and where they live around us Description: Discuss animals, how they look, where they live, and what animals we see everyday. Introduce the book Holly’s Farm Animals. Have students draw their favorite animal and after they finish have them present to the class their animal have them tell why it is their favorite. Day Two Title: Let’s Explore Description: Talk about scientists, what they do and how they do it. Talk about dinosaurs and how scientists discovered them, where they have discovered them, and the way they name them. Introduce the book The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone along with many Dr. Seuss books, look at the characters in them. Talk about how Dr. Seuss uses his odd characters and the places they live. During this lesson students will be encouraged to get interactive with websites about definitions used in class and about the authors discussed. Days Three and Four Title: What is that? Description: Have students come in prepared to make the animal they have imagined that they have discovered and were the first to find. Have the students do a quick sketch and then have them form their animal from modeling clay. This part of the assignment will take two days to complete. Make sure to mention to students, after the second day of clay modeling, that they need to bring a shoe box for the next class date. Day Five Title: Where did you find it…a shoe box? Description: After you talk about your animals have students discuss where they found their animal. Have students decorate their shoe boxes to show what type of environment they found their animal in. Place student work on display after they finish and have a classroom discussion. V. Require Learner Participation Keeping Students Interested: It is not always easy keeping students interested in their projects, so I will have one computer designated to run student friendly websites that can help students generate ideas to keep their project going. Also, by breaking my lesson down day by day the students will have less trouble keeping occupied, because every day is planned to the fullest with fun art activities. VI. Evaluate and Revise Performance Based Assessment strategies: Students will respond to questions regarding clay, model, and the techniques used to model clay. Students will be closely watched as they work with the formation of their modeling clay into an actual animal model. Also students will form groups to discuss their animal creates and each group will chose one member to speak in front of the class about what their animal is, how they cam up with their animal, where it lives, and how they made their animal.