Environmental Markets - Bren School of Environmental Science


Environmental Markets (ESM 285)

Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

University of California, Santa Barbara

Spring 2014

May 2, 2014

Professor: Gary Libecap

Office: 4412 Bren Hall

Phone: 805-893-8611

Email: glibecap@bren.ucsb.edu

Class meetings: M & W 8:30-9:45 1510 Bren Hall

Office hours: M 9-10 or by appointment

Course Objective

This course presents the roles of property rights and markets in addressing environmental and natural resource losses associated with the “Tragedy of the Commons.” Topics include:

The open access problem

Traditional Pigouvian tax and regulatory solutions

Ronald Coase, Nobel Prize 1991, and Coasean trading

Environmental markets in fisheries

Environmental markets in water

Environmental markets in conservation credits and tradable development rights

Environmental markets in cap and trade emission permits

Other areas, such as environmental benefits in energy markets are not covered due to limited time. Students will learn when rights-based systems are valuable solutions to open access losses and study the range of environmental markets. They will research and describe environmental markets.

Course Materials

Course readings include journal articles, book chapters, cases, and reports. There will be guest lectures. All materials will be posted on Gauchospace.

Course Requirements

Students are expected to complete all of the assigned reading before class. Course materials will be discussed in a seminar-style framework.



Students are required to turn in a one-two page written synopsis of the key points in each required reading prior to class via Gauchospace and be ready to lead discussion.

2. We will have two student research teams; a). one working on Water Banks in California—their history, performance, implementation potential for the current drought,


and impact. b). a second working on the Westlands Irrigation District/Oakdale Irrigation District water exchange effort that has encountered many obstacles. You will examine those obstacles and how they might be overcome. Teams will present their research findings on June 2 and June4. Each team will turn in a written research report of 10-15 pages by June 5, 8 am via Gauchospace.

Course Grades

Course grades will be based on daily class summary papers, (40%); discussion leadership

(30%); and final team paper (30%).

3/31 Course Overview and Bargaining Over Environmental Quality

Syllabus over view.

 “Trees Block Solar Panels and A Feud Ends In Court,” New York Times, April

7, 2008. The opportunity and challenges of bargaining to reach environmental solutions.

4/02 The Problem of Open Access

. This is the fundamental problem that leads to environmental degradation or loss and too rapid and wasteful natural resource extraction.

All students will understand this problem and the reciprocal nature of environmental and resource problems.


Terry L. Anderson and Gary D. Libecap, 2014 Environmental Markets , Preface

Chapter 1, “Who Owns the Environment?”

 Garrett Hardin, 1968, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Science 162: 1243-8.

 H. Scott Gordon, 1954, “The Economic Theory of a Common Property Resource: The Fishery,” Journal of Political Economy 62(2): 128-35 only .

4/07 The Problem of Open Access Continued

Previous readings.

 T.R. Halliday, 1980, “The Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon Ectopistes Migratorius and Its Relevance to Contemporary Conservation,” Biological Conservation 17: 157-62.

 Dean Lueck, 2002, “The Extermination and Conservation of the American Bison,” Journal of Legal Studies , 31 (S2): S609-650.

4/09 Traditional Pigouvian Tax and Regulatory Solutions.

We briefly review command and control regulation and tax options.

 Anderson and Libecap, 2014. Chapter 2, “Is Government Regulation the Solution?”

Extra: Charles Kolstad 2011, Environmental Economics 2 nd Ed, New York: Oxford University Press. Chapter 11, “Regulating Pollution,” 219-240; Chapter

12, “Emission Prices and Fees,” 241-261.

 Extra: Robert Stavins, 2007 “Market-Based Environmental Policies: What Can

We Learn from U.S. Experience (and Related Research), in Jody Freeman and


Charles D. Kolstad, eds, Moving to Markets in Environmental Regulation: Lessons from Twenty Years of Experience , New York; Oxford University Press, 19-


Extra: Ian W.H. Parry 2003 “Theory and Application of Externality Taxes: Editor’s Introduction”

Public Finance and Management , 3(1), 1-11.

Extra: Hilary Sigman, 2003 “Taxing Hazardous Waste: The US Experience,”

Public Finance and Managemen t, 3(1), 12-33.

Extra: James Boyd, 2003 “Water Pollution Taxes: A Good Idea Doomed to Failure,” Public Finance and Management , 3(1), 34-66

4/14 Property Rights and the Potential for Markets.

Environmental markets require some type of property right, formal or informal and there is then a potential for trading.

 Anderson and Libecap. 2014. Chapter 3 “Property Rights for the Common


Extra: Gary Libecap, 1989 Contracting for Property Rights , New York: Cambridge University Press, Chapter 2, “Analytical Framework,” 10-28 only .

Extra: Yoram Barzel, 1997, Economic Analysis of Property Rights, New York:

Cambridge University Press, 2 nd

ed, Chapter 1, “The Property Rights Model,”

3-11 only .

 Extra: Harold Demsetz, 1967, “Toward a Theory of Property Rights,” American

Economic Review 57(2): 347-59.

 Extra: Thomas Merrill and Henry Smith, Property , New York: Oxford University Press, 1-16, 43-50 only.

4/16 The Potential for Markets: Coasean Bargaining.

Markets reallocate resources to higher valued uses and provide price information about alternatives.

Coase addresses bargaining regarding environmental problems with different assumptions about transaction costs.

 Anderson and Libecap. 2014. Chapter 3 “Property Rights for the Common


 Ronald Coase, 1960, “The Problem of Social Cost,” Journal of Law and Economics 3: 1-44 only .

 Extra: Nathaniel Keohane and Sheila Olmstead, Markets and the Environment ,

2007, Washington: Island Press, “The Efficiency of Markets,” 54-63; Chapter

8, “Principles of Market-Based Environmental Policy,” 125-152; Chapter 9,

“The Case for Market-Based Instruments in the Real World,” 153-181.

Extra: Charles Kolstad 2011, Environmental Economics 2 nd Ed, New York:

Oxford University Press. Chapter 13, “Property Rights,” 262-283.

4/21 Guest Lecture: Eric Edwards—Groundwater Management and

Market Opportunities

. Eric will discuss his dissertation research.

4/23 Local Common Property Resource Management


 Anderson and Libecap. 2014. Chapter 4 “Local Property Rights to the Commons”

4/28 Guest Lecture: Clay Landry at Westwater Research.

Check Westwater at www.waterexchange.com/

. They are the leading water brokers in the country in using water rights and markets. \

4/30: Water Banks Research Report due and discussion

5/05 The Politics of Property Rights: Why Market Solutions are Often


Anderson and Libecap. 2014. Chapter 5 “The Politics of Property Rights”

5/07 From Property Rights to Markets: Examples of Successful Environmental Markets and Ones that are Less Successful.

 Anderson and Libecap. 2014. Chapter 6: “From Property Rights to Markets”

Cooperation using Markets for Management on the Central California Coast. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/08/science/earth/08fish.html?pagewanted=all

Extra: Cooperation using Markets for Management on the Central California

Coast. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/28/science/earth/nature-conservancypartners-with-california-fishermen.html

Cooperation using Markets for Management on the Central California Coast.

The Nature Conservancy: http://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/regions/northamerica/unitedstates/california/howwework/california-coastal-andmarine-program.xml?s_intc=tab1p3

IFQs (Individual Fishing Quotas). http://ifqsforfisheries.org/resources/index.php

5/12 Environmental Markets: Environmental Water Flows, Tradable

Development Rights, Mitigation Credits, Conservation Banking

Anderson and Libecap. 2014. Chapter 6: “From Property Rights to Markets”

Freshwater Trust: Brandon Scarborough, 2010, Environmental Water Markets:

Restoring Streams Through Trade PERC Policy Series 46.

 Nathaniel Keohane and Sheila Olmstead, 2007, Markets and the Environment ,

Washington : Island Press, “ Habitat and Land Management,” 201-206.

 Virginia McConnell and Margaret Walls, 2009, “Policy Monitor: U.S. Experience with Transferable Development Rights,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy , Summer: 288-303.

 Extra: Margaret Walls and Virginia McConnell, 2007, Transfer of Development

Rights in U.S. Communities: Evaluating Program Design, Implementation, and

Outcomes , Resources for the Future, September: 8-27, skim 28-131.


 Extra: Conservation Credit Exchanges: At least 13 states have conservation credits exchanges. South Carolina: http://www.conservesc.com/; Virginia and

New Mexico: http://conservationcreditexchange.com/; http://www.vcce.net/; http://dcr.virginia.gov/land_conservation/lpc.shtml; Colorado: http://www.coloradocredits.com/; Georgia: http://glcp.georgia.gov/00/channel_title/0,2094,82613131_114687036,00.html; More generally in Ecosystem Marketplace: http://www.ecosystemmarketplace.com/pages/dynamic/article.page.php?page_id=7546&section=news_articles&eod=1

5/14 Environmental Markets: Air Emission Permits

 Anderson and Libecap, 2014. Chapter 6. “From Property Rights to Markets


 Extra: A. Denny Ellerman, 2007, “Are Cap-and-Trade Programs More Environmentally Effective than Conventional Regulation” in Jody Freeman and Charles

D. Kolstad, eds. Moving to Markets in Environmental Regulation: Lessons from

Twenty Years of Experience.

New York Oxford University Press, 48-62.

Extra: Tom Tietenberg, 2007, “Tradable Permits in Principle and Practice,” in

Jody Freeman and Charles D. Kolstad, eds, Moving to Markets in Environmental Regulation: Lessons from Twenty Years of Experience , New York; Oxford

University Press, 63-94.

 Extra: Richard G. Newell and Kristian Rogers, 2007, “The Market-Based Lead

Phasedown,” in Jody Freeman and Charles D. Kolstad, eds, Moving to Markets in Environmental Regulation: Lessons from Twenty Years of Experience , New

York; Oxford University Press, 2007, 171-193.




 Nathaniel Keohane and Sheila Olmstead, Markets and the Environment, 2007,

Washington: Island Press, “The U.S. Sulfur Dioxide Market,” 183-190.

Richard Schmalensee and Robert N. Stavins (2013), “The SO2 Allowance

Trading System: The Ironic History of a Grand Policy Experiment,”

Journal of


Perspectives 27(1): 103–122, 104–105

 Extra: Nathaniel Keohane, 2007, “Cost Savings from Allowance Trading in the

1990 Clean Air Act: Estimates from a Choice Based Model,” in Jody Freeman and Charles D. Kolstad, eds, Moving to Markets in Environmental Regulation:

Lessons from Twenty Years of Experience, New York; Oxford University Press,


Extra: Dallas Burtraw, David A. Evans, Alan Krupnick, Karen Palmer, and

Russell Toth. 2005. “Economics of Pollution Trading for SO2 and NOx,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources , 30: 253-289


US EPA. 2006. “An Overview of the Regional Clean Air Incentives Market.”


 Extra: Annual Report/Review: http://aqmd.gov/reclaim/reclaim_annurpt.htm


Extra: US EPA. 2002. “ An Evaluation of the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s Regional Clean Air Incentives Market - Lessons in Environmental Markets and Innovation” Washington D.C. 1-70.


Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative webpage: http://rggi.org/

Extra: New Jersey leaves RGGI: http://www.environmentalleader.com/2011/05/27/new-jersey-pulls-out-of-rggi-bans-coal-plants/

Extra: States Use of Funds http://www.stateline.org/live/details/story?contentId=494460

Extra: Paul M. Bernstein, W. David Montgomery, and Sugandha

Tuladhar.2004, “Economic Consequences of Northeastern State Proposals to

Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Electricity Sector (RGGI).” Charles

River Associates Incorporated.


Overview via CARB: http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/cc.htm

Extra: Michael Hanemann, 2008, “California’s New Greenhouse Gas Laws

Review of Environmental Economics and Policy , 2 (1): 114–129

Extra: Emission Permits Allocations 2010

Extra: Controversy--http://suspendab32.org/

Extra: That AB 32 Money Went Where? http://www.article-3.com/ab32-thatcap-and-trade-money-went-where-912923


 A. Denny Ellerman and Barbara K. Buchner, 2008, “

Over-Allocation or Abatement? A Preliminary Analysis of the EU ETS Based on the 2005–06 Emissions


Environment and Resource Economics 4 1:267–287.

Extra: A. Denny Ellerman and Barbara K. Buchner, 2007, The European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme: Origins, Allocation, and Early Results,” Review of

Environmental Economics and Policy , 1(1): 66–87.

 Extra: A. Denny Ellerman and Paul L. Joskow. 2008, The European Union’s

Emissions Trading System in Perspective . Washington, DC: Pew Center on

Global Climate Change.

5/19 Fisheries.

Fisheries are the classic common pool resource and a resource where rights-based management has grown dramatically.

 Jennifer Devine, Krista Baker and Richard Haedrich, 2006, “Fisheries: Deep-

Sea Fishes Qualify as Endangered,” Nature 439 January 5, 29.

 Ransom Myers and Boris Worm, 2003, “Rapid Worldwide Depletion of Predatory Fish Communities,” Nature 432, May 15: 280.

Ronald N. Johnson and Gary D. Libecap 1982. “Contracting Problems and

Regulation: The Case of the Fishery.” American Economic Review 72(5): 1005–


Extra: Rögnvaldur Hannesson, 2004, The Privatization of the Oceans , Cambridge: MIT Press, Chapter 3, Property Rights in Fisheries , 43-68; Chapter 4,

Toward Individual Use Rights , 69-83; and Conclusion 163-78.


5/21 Fisheries: The Impact of Property rights and their Trade

 Christopher Costello, Steven Gaines, and John Lynham, 2008, “Can Catch

Shares Prevent Fisheries Collapse?” Science 321., September 19: 1677-78.

 Corbett Grainger and Christopher Costello. 2011. "The Value of Secure Property Rights: Evidence from Global Fisheries." NBER Working Paper 17019 .

 Extra: Ragnar Arnason, 2008, “ Iceland’s ITQ System Creates New Wealth,”

The Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development 1 (2).

 Extra: R. Quentin Grafton, Dale Squires, and Kevin Fox. “Private Property and

Economic Efficiency: A Study of a Common-Pool Resource,” 2000 Journal of

Law and Economics . 43(2): 679-713.

Extra: Keith E. Casey, James Wilen, and Christopher Dewees. 1995. “The Effects of Individual Vessel Quota in the British Columbia Halibut Fishery.” Marine Resource Economics 10(3): 211-30.

Extra: Distributional controversies: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=progress-in-solving-fisheries-probl

 Extra: Christopher Costello, Leah Gerber, and Steven Gaines, 2011, Whale

Conservation Market, Nature.

Extra: Richard G. Newell, James N. Sanchirico, and Suzi Kerr 2005, “ Fishing

Quota Markets, “ Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , 49(3):


Extra: Rögnvaldur Hannesson, 2008, “Sustainability of Fisheries,” The Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development (2008) 1(2)

5/26 NO CLASS Memorial Day Holiday

5/28 Oakdale/Westlands IID Water Trade Report Due. Discussion

6/02 Water. Water Rights and Institutions.

Water may be the most misallocated and mismanaged resource. The role of property rights and markets.

 Eric Edwards and Gary Libecap. 2013. “Water Institutions and the Law of One

Price.” Handbook of Water Economics

 Gary D. Libecap, 2009, “Chinatown Revisited: Owens Valley and Los Angeles—Bargaining Costs and Fairness Perceptions of the First Major Water Rights

Transfer,” Journal of Law Economics and Organization 25(2): 311-37.

 Extra: Gary D. Libecap, 2011, “Water Rights and Markets in the U.S. Semi-

Arid West: Efficiency and Equity Issues,” in Daniel Cole and Elinor Ostrom, eds, The Evolution of Property Rights to Land and Other Natural Resources ,

Cambridge, MA: The Lincoln Institute, Chapter 13.

 Gary D. Libecap, 2011, Institutional Path Dependence in Climate Adaptation:

Coman’s “Some Unsettled Problems of Irrigation” American Economic Review

101: 64-80.

Extra: Gary D. Libecap, 2010, “Water Woes: Using Markets to Quench the

Thirst of the American West,”

Milken Institute Review October: 58-68.


• Extra: Henry Smith, 2008. “Governing Water: The Semicommons of Fluid

Property Rights.” Arizona Law Review 50: 445-78.

 Extra: Gary D. Libecap, 2010, “The Economic Institutions of Water,” NBER

Reporter , 4, November.

Extra: Jedidiah Brewer Robert Glennon, Alan Ker, Gary D. Libecap, 2008,

“Water Markets in the West: Prices, Trading, and Contractual Flows,”

Economic Inquiry 46(2): 91-112.

Extra: Howard Chong and David Sunding. 2006. Water markets and trading.

Annual Review of Environment and Resources 31:239-264.

Extra: R. Quentin Grafton, Gary Libecap, Samuel McGlennon, Clay Landry, and Bob O Brien, 2011, “An Integrated Assessment of Water Markets: A

Cross-Country Comparison,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy

5(2): 219-39.

Extra: Jedidiah Brewer Jedidiah and Gary D. Libecap, 2009, “Property Rights and the Public Trust Doctrine in Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Conservation,” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics ;53:1-17.

Extra: Freshwater Trust: http://www.thefreshwatertrust.org/

Extra: Janet Neuman 2004, ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The First Ten

Years of the Oregon Water Trust’, Nebraska Law Review , 83, 432, 439–40.

Extra: Jeffrey Michael, Richard Howitt, Josué Medellín-Azuara, and Duncan

MacEwan , 2010, A Retrospective Estimate of the Economic Impacts of Reduced Water Supplies to the San Joaquin Valley in 2009

6/04 Tackling the Global Commons: Are Markets An Option?

 Anderson and Libecap. 2014. Chapter 7 “Tackling the Global Commons”

 Extra: Gary D. Libecap. 2014. “Addressing Global Environmental Externalities:

Transaction Costs Perspectives,”

Journal of Economic Literature.

