10/6/15 (agenda)

Molloy Student Government
October 6th, 2015
1. Call to Order at 3:33pm
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
a. 9-29-15
Sarah Losner, Treasurer, motions to approve the minutes from 9/29/15
Second: Anna Delgado
All in favor.
Motion passes.
4. Guests
a. Kate Andres
i. Thirty-One for 31
ii. Fundraiser: A company, Thirty-one that sells bags. They would attempt to sell
300 raffle tickets for $10 each. 31 people would have a chance to win, but for 31
days. There’s a bunch of options. More of a 50/50 idea to donate for midnight
b. Colleges Against Cancer
i. Constitution approval
ii. Mission/goal of this club: Fundraise towards organizations. For example: Relay
for life. We moved the name to Colleges against Cancer to participate in other
events. Relay for life is the main event and focus. The purpose of the club is to
nationally collaborate raising money to fight cancer. Student and faculty can
participate at events and fundraisers towards Relay. Relay for Life this year is
April 29th into the 30th. Minor fundraisers will be taking place up until this event.
They raised $10,000 last year and around $20,000-$22,000 the year before.
Focusing on fundraising this year and being a club will push it more.
iii. Move to create the club:
Anna Delgado, Students Activity Coordinator, moves for the approval of College
against Cancers constitution.
Second: Jackie Bassey
Discussion: They would get a starting budget of $150.
All in favor.
Motion passes.
5. Committees
a. Priorities and Planning
i. This past week, Mary-Kate Michels, Samantha Drexler, and James Marchetta
attended the meeting. President Bogner gave an update on 2020 and the task
forces. These are general meeting to see where things are going. A lot of
planning for the future.
6. Legislature Officer Reports
a. Academic Programming
i. Zumbathon for Autism
i. Thursday, October 8th, Madison Theatre, 8:00pm-9:00pm
ii. Co-Sponsoring with Education club and NSSLHA. $5 Entry fee which is
going to be donated to Autism Speaks.
Travis Isgro, Academic Programming Coordinator, motions for the funds
not to exceed $80 for Zumbathon.
Second: Sam Novak
Discussion: Paying for smoothies from Tropical Smoothie- 100
smoothies split between the 3 clubs. Mocha, kiwi, strawberry. Free at
the event.
All in favor
Motion passes.
ii. Event Feedback
i. Time Management with Bob Houlihan:
ii. Wished for a better turn out but a lot of things were going on.
Judging from other things we’ve done- we had 15/20 people it wasn’t
terrible attendance.
iii. Feedback:
Melissa Guida: It was a well done event and worthwhile for academic
programing to do.
. As a graduate student it was encouraging to hear things from what bob
had to say.
iii. Major and Minor Fair
i. Travis Isgro, Academic Programming Coordinator, motions for the funds
not to exceed $349 for Minor and Majors fair.
Second: Mary-Kate Hickey
Discussion: $249 mason jars and $100 for candy. Giveaway for the
event. Carnival themed. Also going to each department to make sure
everyone is represented the day of.
All in favor.
Motion passes.
b. Molloy Life Media
i. No Report
c. Community Service
i. Making Strides T-Shirt Sale
i. Wednesday, October 14th, 10:00am-3:00pm
ii. Tyler Walther: Thanks for helping out yesterday! We raised $702! Pretty
iii. Tomorrow there is another t-shirt sale from 12-3.
ii. Bra Pong: coming up on the public square lawn
iii. Thank you!
d. Residence Life
i. Halloween Door Decorating Contest
i. First event to decorate your door before Halloween and there are going
to be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prices. People will participate before safe
Halloween on October 24th. Residence hall wants the doors to be
ii. Milk and Cookies Night:
i. Not sure yet for an exact date but looking towards November.
ii. Residence hall council recently elected Rebecca Deoquino for President!
Just make sure to keep in touch with them. Mason jars with candy for
the giveaway possibly.
iii. Gina Cristallo: Just a tip, last year I motioned for $70 and bought
decorations and emailed everyone to give them supplies to help
e. \Class Officers
i. Seniors
i. No Change
ii. Juniors
i. No Change
iii. Sophomores
i. SoFresh Party
a. Thursday, October 8th, 9:00pm-12:00am, Hays Theatre
b. Going to be a great time PR the event as much as you can. Need
a lot of help setting up. Sign-up sheet is on slack under So-Fresh
c. Believe Eryn is working on an email to wear neon tomorrow and
if you come to the government office at 12 you get a glow stick
to get free admission. Expect visitors tomorrow 12 and on.
Sophomore and freshmen class will be there!
d. Tony: Can we make handing out the glow sticks a point
opportunity? Yes- Send out a google doc. No more than 2
people for the hour.
e. There’s black lights in the club room for you guys to use!
f. On all social media post something! Maybe missy and Katie can
make something for Instagram quick but just a suggestion.
g. We really need help for setting up.
iv. Freshmen
i. No Change
f. H.O.P.E.
i. Thirty-One for 31:
i. What Kate was talking about- The fundraiser for midnight run October
22. Ask you guys to sell raffle tickets and try and promote it to the
whole campus. There cute for girls or moms/aunts. Set up a table day
maybe so it could be easier to pick up the bag if they won.
ii. $10 per ticket, trying to sell 300 tickets. 31 chances to win for 31 days.
Once a person wins there name goes back in the raffle.
ii. Appalachia Fundraiser:
i. Bowling fundraiser would be fun. Going to look into pricing. Talk to
senior class they’ve done bowling twice. Work with Baldwin! Do it late
at night it’s fun with the lights and music.
iii. Sophia: What part in Appalachia is it going to for the boys? Going towards
anything they need!
g. S.A.A.C.
i. No Report
7. Executive Board Reports
a. President
i. Food Committee Meeting
i. Wednesday, October 7th, 4:00pm, Club Room
ii. Please come if you have issues with the food here and spread the word!
Bring people with you! They need student feedback. Email Janine ASAP
as soon as any concern comes up as well. And let her know so she can
get it handled. Everyone is welcome!
ii. Tape VP and VP to the Wall Fundraiser
i. Thursday, October 8th, 3:30pm, Quealy Gymnasium
ii. E-board fundraiser: David and Bob are going to be taped to the wall.
iii. Selling duct tape for $2 a piece and $3 for 2 pieces.
iv. Funds are going towards End of the Year Performer
v. PR for that? Emailed Katie and Missy late but there is a video from last
year. It’s fabulous the go-pro video of bob getting taped and without
the chair hanging on the wall. And he’s doing it again for us.
vi. Does Dave have to shave??
vii. Share the video we have on slack
iii. Selfies with Victor E. Lion
i. Thursday, October 15th, 12:00pm-4:00pm, Public Square Lobby
ii. E-board fundraiser again towards End of the Year Performer
iii. Day of Maroon Madness
iv. $1 to take a picture with the lion to get everyone hyped.
v. If you guys are interested in being the lion.. Email Mary-Kate Michels.
The usual lion is not available so let us know.
vi. Gina Cristallo: Did you guys advertise the money is going towards end of
the year performer? Yes were PRing that.
vii. Katie: Did the End of the year performer Committee meet and discuss
on this fundraiser? : No it’s an E-board event and we choose to put it
towards that.
iv. Maroon Madness
i. Thursday, October 15th, 8:00pm-12:00am, Quealy Gymnasium
ii. Mandatory event!!
iii. Google doc is being sent out tonight. We need a decent amount of
iv. Popcorn, cotton candy, throwing giveaways.
v. Sign up ahead of time. Make a note to whatever note you’re assigned
that is your job for the night.
v. Clearly Crystals Rescheduled
i. Thursday, November 5th, 10:00am-4:00pm, Public Square Lobby
ii. Due to technical difficulty. But they will be coming back.
vi. Event Feedback
i. Karaoke Night:
ii. Mike Goldin: Decent turn out and it looked like they were having fun.
Mary-Kate Michels: At least 50 people, coming and going but a lot of
iii. Anna Delgado: From her residents that went they liked it and most of
them are CAP. They dominated and really had fun!
b. Vice President
i. No Change
c. Treasurer
i. Budget Update: as always the update is on the agenda.
d. Secretary
i. Office Hours
ii. Points system: table discussion and reconvene after points committee meets.
e. Student Activities Coordinator
i. Homecoming
i. Saturday, October 17th, from 1:00pm-3:30pm
ii. MSG has to have a table to do either cotton candy or popcorn machine
ii. Spirit Week
i. Week of October 12th
ii. Spirit days for homecoming and athletics is doing their own spirit week
if we want to tag along with them.
iii. Going to ask Tracey for the exact days but Anna will post it on slack!
i. Club Incentive
i. This Thursday, Zumbathon 8-9 $5. Being donated to Autism Speaks.
Don’t sign in with MSG it is not a club.
ii. Club Incentive when 2 clubs or more work together towards a greater
cause with a community service aspect.
iii. Whoever gets the most points will get a prize at Mary E. Lilly Night. Cash
prize and bragging rights.
b. Programming Coordinator
i. Halloween Party Update:
i. On its way to being finalized by next week. Going to motion next week
but would love to know concerns of what everyone has to say.
ii. Next Thursday 135 pumpkins will be here because it is what we are
using to decorate the party.
iii. Turning it into a Halloween Painting Pumpkin Event!
iv. Great PR from Jeffrey!
v. Point Opportunity to set up, paint pumpkins, and break down.
vi. Would love to see everyone there!
vii. You can take home the pumpkins after the Halloween party.
viii. Make sure to get tarps for Hays.
ix. Melissa Guida, Programming Coordinator, motions for the funds not to
exceed $450 for the pumpkin painting event.
Second: Liz Meittinis
Discussion: Coming out of MSG budget! $300 with shipping and going to
spend $150 on tarps, paint, brushes. Only black and white paint.
Pumpkins from WPWB Growers, they gave a great price.
All in Favor.
Motion passes.
Old/Unfinished Business
a. The apparel is in! Don’t take it out of the office unless you’re checked off from
Samantha Novak or Missy Grebe.
b. Anna Delgado, Students Activity Coordinator, motions for $75 for Stickin’ it to the
Second: Sophia O.
All in Favor.
Motion Passes.
New Business
a. Katie Mitchell, Molloy Life Media Representative, motions for the funds not to
exceed $350 for Molloy Life Media supplies.
Second: Will Torres
Discussion: Going to email the list to Sam. Basically ordering glitter, cardstock,
markers, and oak tag. Mostly hands on materials for last minute PR. Coming out of
the MSG budget.
Abstain: Will Torres
Rest in favor.
Motion Passes.
a. Women’s Volleyball vs. Mercy College
i. Thursday, October 8th, 7:30pm, Quealy Gymnasium
ii. Don’t forget to grab the pamphlets at the games!
b. Men’s and Women’s Rugby Homecoming
i. Sunday, October 11th, 1:00pm, Location TBA
ii. Mary-Kate Michels will email everyone when a location is determined.
c. October 20th Meeting
i. Conversations with the President.
ii. 3:30 in the amphitheater, business casual.
iii. We will not be having a meeting that day but everyone is required to be there.
iv. Any motions need to be made next week for the rest of October.
Travis Isgro, Academic Programming Coordinator, motions to adjourn the meeting at 4:36pm.
Second: Ryan Gribbin-Burket
Discussion: Have a nice day!
All in favor.
Motion passes.