Register to join the Chamber Idea Exchange

To register to join the Chamber Idea Exchange,
please complete your details below. We will keep
your details on our system and notify you when you
have been successfully matched with a suitable
Contact name:
Email address:
Telephone no:
Company name:
Company address:
Where are you based?
Cambridge & South Cambs
Outside Cambridgeshire
What areas of expertise are you willing to share with others? Please tick up to 5.
Accounts and finance
Customer management
Data protection
Event organisation
Exporting overseas
Internal communications
International trade
Where would you be willing to travel to?
Cambridge & South Cambs
Outside Cambridgeshire
Office organisation
Social media
Staff training
What areas of expertise are you looking for ideas on? Please tick up to 5.
Accounts and finance
Customer management
Data protection
Event organisation
Exporting overseas
Internal communications
International trade
Office organisation
Social media
Staff training
Please complete this form and return to Helen Bosett by email or
call 01733 370809, fax to 01733 237437 or post to Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce,
6 The Forum, Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6FT