May 2013 Board Report SON

Graceland University Board of Trustees
Claudia Horton, Dean
August 4, 2012
School of Nursing Report
The School of Nursing hosted three focus sessions on campus during the month of February. It was the
month when we received the heaviest and most frequent snow falls in a very long time. Although the
snow blanketed the campus and the city, our students continued to learn! Professor Meghan Macy
coordinated a MSN focus session during one of the heaviest snow falls (12-15 inches). Class was
canceled for one day so Meghan offered a live chat session online for the students. The students gathered
around computers in their hotels while Meghan presented course content from her home 40 minutes away.
The students were able to accomplish their learning goals for the week because of Meghan’s innovative
strategies. Other faculty pitched in too as schedules had to be rearranged due to the inclement weather.
We’re thankful to have exceptional faculty and staff to accommodate our students!
Scholarly and professional development activities:
Dr. Jeana Wilcox presented the poster Journaling Through Disaster at the ATI National Education
Summit, Las Vegas, NV. April 7-10, 2013
Dr. Jeana Wilcox went on a mission trip to Jamaica over winter term and again in April.
Dr. Nancy Crigger will be leaving for a mission trip to the Honduras on May 20.
Sharon Little-Stoetzel presented the poster ICU Healthy Work Environments: A Concept Analysis at the
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing’s Healthy Work Environment Conference
Indianapolis, IN. April 12-13, 2013.
Dr. Thelma Sword:
Attended: Striving for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Education, the 13th Annual Nurse
Educator Institute in Branson, MO. on April 18 & 19, 2013.
Presented: Clues for Cyberspace: Virtual Presence & Other Strategies to Enhance your Online
Courses. April 19, 2013 at the 13th Annual Nurse Educator Institute in Branson, MO
Drs. Peggy A. Van Dyke and Susan Vogelsmeier attended The CNE Preparation Course
Sponsored by the National League for Nurses.
Monroeville, PA. October 26, 2012
Dr. Peggy Van Dyke attended the DNP Summit sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of
Nursing in Chicago April 15-16, 2013.
Dr. Wilai Rojjanasrirat attended:
Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS). 2013 37th Annual Research Conference.
Chicago, IL, March 7-10, 2013.
American Association of College of Nursing (AACN) 2013 Doctoral Conference. San Diego,
CA, January 23 – 26, 2013
Dr. Jan Rice:
Attended: AACN 2013 Hot Issues Conference, Online Teaching-Learning Practices for the
Future of Nursing Education. St. Louis, MO. April, 2013
AACN’s Doctoral Education Conference. San Diego, CA. January 2013
Presented: Rice, J., Rojjanasrirat, W., & Trachsel, P., (2013, April). Attrition of Online Graduate
Nursing Students. Poster presentation at the Bobby Silar Scholarship Day, Research College of
Nursing, Kansas City, MO.
Dr. Barbara Voshall attended the American College of Physicians Internal Medicine meeting
April 10-13, 2013 in San Francisco, California.
Michelle Septer attended The Pediatric Patient in Acute Care conference in California.
April, 2013
Cindy Waits is revising two chapters in the Mother and Child Careplans textbook.
Beverly South
Received a Certificate of Appreciation for participating as a member of the MO. Council for
Public Health Nursing for 2010-2012.
Invited to sit on the Advisory Board for CAPA.
Collaborated with Dr. Wilcox on a poster presentation related to our journaling experiences
while volunteering with Heart to Heart in Joplin
Is a member of Integrity Home Health advisory board.
Presented the Guatemalan Mission Trip at the Council of Catholic Women’s annual meeting,
April 3rd.
Dr. Claudia Horton was elected president of the Missouri Association of Colleges of Nursing.
Precepting graduate students: Our faculty consistently contribute to the profession by precepting graduate
nursing students from other programs.
Dr. Peggy Van Dyke precepted a women's health nurse practitioner student from UMKC this
Three students in area master’s degree programs (UMKC, Research College, and Webster
University) were precepted by our undergraduate faculty this academic year.
Visiting Professor:
Assistant Professor Dr. Premruetai Noimuenwai, faculty member from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open
University in Thailand will be working with our graduate faculty and administration during the month of
May to learn about implementing online programs