
Madison County’s Promise
Drug Free Task Force
March 14, 2012
11:00a.m. – BRiDGES
Present: JoAnne Morak (CAP), Jolene Voght (CAP Intern), Abby Simchik (BRiDGES), Mary Bartlett (RSVP),
Gretchen Slater (BRiDGES), Steve Goodfriend (STOPDWI), Chief Hayes (Cazenovia Police),
Marcie Soule (DSS), Chris Reynolds (Cazaction), Sarah Howell (MCP)
February’s meeting minutes were reviewed and accepted.
Safe Pill Drop Off Update
a. Advertising is all set for the safe pill drop off is pretty well taken care of. This year we
are going to send letters and handbills to Madison County funeral homes and
b. Sarah updated the handbill and added the DEA logo since we are now partnering with
them on the event.
c. Mary asked if we had any idea how many other drug stores in the county were holding
events that day. Chief Hayes said that Kinney’s is the only one in CAZ. At this point the
collection sites are not listed on the DEA website. They say to check back this month and
they should have it up and running.
d. Mary said that the Morrisville Crouse Community Center Director took a handful of Safe
Pill Handbills at her meeting on Tuesday. Perhaps we should look into contact Oneida
Health Care for the next Safe Pill in September.
e. Steve asked if we had printed any fliers for the Safe Pill. We have not, but Sarah doesn’t
have the file. Steve said that he can send Sarah the flier file.
f. Sarah also mentioned that we will have shredding at this event. The shredding will
happen from 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m.
Be The Wall
a. The supplies have been ordered for the campaign. We ordered more pledges, travel
coffee mugs, pizza box stickers, and metal water bottles.
b. Sarah will be at the Canastota Health Fair on March 15th launching the campaign.
c. Sarah handed out the Text your child sheets that she re did to fit our campaign. The
committee liked them. There was one change. On the second text message the
committee decided to change it to “Hey, what’s up? Take a minute and please give me a
call, I love you.” It was “Hey, what’s up? Give me a call when you get a minute.”
d. Chris mentioned that she is trying to secure a table at the All County Music Festival to be
held on March 23 and 24th at Morrisville High School. Sarah could help her on Friday,
and Gretchen tentatively may be able to help on Saturday reach parents with the Be the
Wall messaging.
Town Hall Meeting
a. Marcie spoke to the committee on the training that she attended at DSS. Gary Bulinski
from the Traffic Safety Research Inc. was the trainer. Marcie said that Gary is a Drug
Recognition Expert (DRE), and he trains law enforcement officers to be DRE’s. She briefly
spoke with him after their training and said that he does do parent trainings and can
make his training fit what we are looking for. He strongly suggested we do not open this
to teens, as we can introduce some teens to new things they are unaware of. Marcie
said that Gary trained them on signs, symptoms, and smells, effect of drugs when used
with alcohol, and had samples of the products to show. She also said that he was
humorous and interactive.
b. Marcie posed the question to committee: Do we want to stick to a panel of should we
see if Gary is available to be the sole presenter?
i. The committee wants to go with Gary Bulinski as the presenter
ii. Sarah will contact Mr. Bulinski to see if he is available on May 1st at 7:00p.m.and to get an approximate cost.
c. The suggestion on venues to hold the town hall meeting is as followed: These are
ranked in order of top priority.
i. ARC Whynona Room (JoAnne has never been charged)
ii. Peterboro Community Center- Janice Seebring as the contact (Fee charged)
iii. CAP
iv. CAZ- Auditorium above Police Department
v. Morrisville College Classroom in one of the larger buildings
d. The committee also thought that if there was a good turnout for the May 1st town hall
meeting perhaps they could try to run one in Cazenovia to reach parents there.
e. The following were suggestions on places to advertise the town hall meeting:
i. Marcie will give extra credit to her parenting class- if they miss a class they can
make one up by attending this program. She will also send it out to the foster
parents. The parents of students participating in the Living Independent
Program, and the Placement diversions people.
ii. JoAnne will invite parents in the mentoring program, she will also let Lenny
Giardino CAP’s Father Advocate and see if he will bring his father’s group.
iii. Other suggestions were the Kids Club at North Broad Elementary in Oneida. The
contact for them is Ron Whitbeck. We can also promote the town hall in the 4-H
flash newsletter, the PTA’s around the county, Girl Scouts, and Boy Scout
troops. Ask churches to place the information in the bulletin as well as mention
it during Sunday services.
iv. It was also suggested that we target Cazenovia, Morrisville, and Colgate colleges
to see if they would want to send some of their Resident Advisors.
v. Sarah will write up a Press release with a description of the event, she will also
add some county wide data, an example: 56 people went to the Oneida
Emergency Room the day Legal Funk came out in local head shops last year.
f. Gretchen mentioned that she is still seeing mostly marijuana and alcohol in her Choices
and Consequences session, but that it is starting to creep into the teen population. She
does hear that kids have seen their friends try it and that their friend’s reaction deters
them from trying it.
g. Abby also mentioned that she is in the process of researching local ordinances that
communities could put in place for head shops, and it meeting with some local officials
to discuss the options.
h. The committee would also like to have some light dessert refreshments. Perhaps we can
get a donation from Jrecks subs or subway for cookies. We will also check with Bruce
Hersh at Morrisville College. Members of the committee also offered to bake goods if
we need them to.
a. Mary announced the Bullying Prevention Program that the Oneida Library is hosting on
March 27th at 6:00p.m. Tim Collins a local VVS graduate will be presenting “Standing By/
Standing Up A play about school bullying”. This program is aimed at students in grades
4-12 and is free of charge.
b. Steve announced that the Sheriff’s Department will be sending and officer through the
Drug Recognition Expert training so that Madison County will have a DRE on staff.
c. Steve also announced the Spring Fling will be on April 17th at Colgate University. He has
200 students already signed up.
a. The next Drug Free Task Force meeting will be on Tuesday, April 10th at 10:00a.m. at