CBA HS Counseling Services At-a-Glance for 2014-15 JULY/AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER Year-end transition for PS; New Student Registration; Graduate reports for NCDPI; Senior transcripts to colleges; Summer withdrawals; Open House Night; Student schedule adjustments; Master schedule adjustments; New student enrollment; Aycock Ambassador training; HR Advising topics for 1st quarter; K-12 counselor meeting; Update website; Staff trainings; Ambassador training Senior Conferences; Senior Parent Night; 504 meetings; Military student survey; Junior Leadership applications; Governor’s School Nominations; Morehead-Cain Nominations; Park Scholars Nominations; New Student Orientation; Scholarship Newsletter #1; Web training; K-12 counselor meeting; PSAT sign-ups; Centennial Scholarship Nominations; Senior HR teacher meeting; Wendy Heisman nominations; Staff dev’t CFNC & Financial Aid Training; Discover Wayne CC Field Trip; Counseling Program assessments; Counselor Professional Dev’t Plans; PSAT; HR Advising Logs for 1st quarter; Military Support group; New Student Orientation; Career Fair @ YMCA; HR Advising topics for 2nd quarter; Scholarship Newsletter #2; Website update with CFNC widgets; Launch of Reminder101 App; At-Risk Student Intervention process; Mentor/ mentee program; CACROA College Day; 504 Mtgs; Vertical articulation w/ feeder schools (counselors & social workers); NCSU Centennial Scholarship nominees; Assist with PLAN testing; K-12/ HS Counselor Mtgs CFNC College Application Week (CAW); Class Presentations (Eng III); Cumulative Records to County Office; 1st Quarter Stats Report; PLAN Results with HR teachers; Needy family referrals and assistance; Military Support Group (session #2); Scholarship Newsletter #3; Counseling Plan to county office; Implement electronic sign-in procedures; HR Advising Topics for 2nd quarter; 2014-15 HS Registration Catalog; LWL support group session #1; DAR Good Citizen Award/Essay Contest; Mentor Program start-up; HS Counselor Mtg; Career & College Promise mtg with students; Junior Conferences DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH PLAN results with dept. chairs; Registration mtgs with dept. chairs and Dr. Moore; Needy family referrals; Gift shopping for staff and students; Candy cane project; Finalize new student records for data manager; Mid-year graduate meeting; Scholarship newsletter #4; Advisory Council mtg; HS Registration Catalog mtg; ASVAB; FAFSA workshop; Parent workshop (ACT/PLAN); Military support group; Class presentations to English classes; Christmas break! K-12 counselor mtg; Rti Referrals; Attendance waiver results; Semester Exams; Military Support Group ; CFNC training; Common Core modules; HR Advising Topics; Class presentations; Schedule changes for 2nd semester; Scholarship newsletter #5; Stats report for 2nd quarter; HR Advising Log #2 due; Mentor/ mentee log #3 due College & Career Prep Class presentations (9th, 10th 11th grades); Common Core modules ; HR Advising Topics; Scholarship newsletter #6; Diploma list; FAFSA night @ WCC; Nat’l School Counselor Week ; Counselor Luncheon; Extended HR (cyberbully video, PLAN results, senior info updates); CBA Advisory Council Mtg; District meetings (Credit by Demonstrated Mastery/CDM, Suicide prevention); K-12 Counselor staff development; AP program fund distribution; Mentor logs; School crisis symposium; ACT counselor conference; Fire safety training K-12 counselor meeting; Common Core modules; HR Advising Topics; Class presentations (make-up sessions); Scholarship Newsletter; Extended HR (registration); Rotary Youth Leadership; Promise Award; MCEC meeting hosted at CBA; Parent Workshop (x2); Math Webinar (graduation requirements); Suicide Prevention Meeting; Spring registration appointments (11th/10th); Mentor/Mentee Logs for 3rd quarter; HR Advising Logs for 3rd quarter APRIL MAY JUNE 10th grade registration; 9th grade registration; Future Falcon Night; 8th grade registration; K-12 counselor mtg; GPA Calculations; Cumulative Folder Mtg; Registration info sessions with HR teachers; Scholarship Newsletter; HR Advising Topics; Midsemester Potential Failure reports WCC Transfer mtg; Senior Conferences; WCC Linkage mtg; Develop master schedule for 2014-15; GPA/Rank calculations (continued); Awards night; Awards day; Senior group photo; Senior picnic; Ambassador interviews; Spring registration (continued); Scholarship Newsletter; HR Advising Topics; End-of-year checkout procedures; Senior Bulletin board; Valedictorian/Salutatorian/Honor Grads/Marshall Final exams; Make-up exams; Staff check-out procedures; Graduation/ Practice; New student enrollment dates; Finalize 2014-15 master schedule; Final transcripts to colleges & NCAA; Norwayne student folder check-in; End-of year reports for NCDPI; Summer hours begin; Scholarship/Fin Aid totals; HR Advising Log #4 General Counseling Services Stats (previous school year) Caseload= approx. 400 students per counselor 1200+ contacts per quarter 71% of time in direct services to students 20% of time in program mgt 9% of time in non-counseling related tasks