OSU Alumni Club of Northeast Florida

OSU Alumni Club of Northeast Florida
Minutes from Thursday, February 9, 2012
The meeting commenced at 7:05 pm. Present at the meeting were the following Board
Al Bohl
Brad Smith
Bob Maiolo
David Ross
Jim Williams
Kelly Huber
Loela Marinelli
Scott Winer
Steve Sharpe
Victoria Contini
Zach Mason – representing Todd Mason
The Board approved the minutes from the December 6, 2011 Board meeting.
An informal introduction was given by all Board members in attendance and new
Board members (David Ross, Loela Marinelli, & Zach & Todd Mason) were welcomed to
the Board. In addition, a discussion ensued regarding new Board member
Scott Winer, assisted by Bob Maiolo, provided a recap of the Gator Bowl activities
(Buffalo Wild Wings happy hour / game watch, New Year’s Eve party, Ag ice cream
social, Buckeye Bash, and President’s pregame breakfast). In total, the Club raised
approximately $2,000 through the sale of t-shirts and other activities associated with
the event. In addition, the Alumni Association sent gifts engraved OSU wine glasses)
for the Board members who volunteered.
Bob Maiolo provided the Treasurer’s report and informed the Board of the Club’s
finances for 2011. Bob informed the Board that the checking account balance is
$8229, the CD balance is $7728 and the OSUAA scholarship account (in Columbus) is
$1,351. Bob stated he would have the annual tax report completed and sent to the
Alumni Association before its due in March.
Jim Williams moderated a significant discussion on student recruitment and
scholarship applicants for incoming freshman in 2012. After a lengthy and energized
discussion amongst the entire Board the following resolutions were unanimously
Existing scholarship recipients have priority for scholarship funds, should the
Club choose to award scholarships, subject to recipient continuing to meet the Club
defined academic requirements for scholarship and remaining in good standing with
the University.
In addition, the Board approved awarding two scholarships, subject to priority for the
existing recipient, for the 2012 – 2013 academic year. The new applicants were
presented and the Board determined the priority as Applicant #3, then Applicant #2,
OSU Alumni Club of Northeast Florida
Minutes from Thursday, February 9, 2012
then Applicant #1. The dollar value of each award will be finalized after Jim speaks
with Columbus regarding the match the Club can include.
Finally, Jim discussed his participation in upcoming high school fairs for Episcopal
HS, and Ponte Vedra HS.
Steve Sharpe presented a proposal to the Board to switch web-site servers. The cost is
about the same as the current arrangement but significantly more flexibility exists
with the new service as the Club can update the site without assistance. The Board
approved the proposal for the new service and funding for the web-site. In addition,
the Board discussed expanded uses for web-site including merchandise sales.
The Board agreed to continue to promote the Men’s Lacrosse team event as part of the
Moe’s Southwest Grill Classic at Everbank Field on Sunday, February 19 – 2 pm. The
will be no formal Club activity associated with the event.
David Ross agreed to investigate the possibility of bringing the “Woody Hayes” play to
Jacksonville as a fundraising event. David will report back to the Board at the next
Scott Winer will follow up with the Alumni Association to obtain picture from the
Gator Bowl festivities to post on the Club website.
The Board agreed to address the membership process and game watch locations at the
next Board meeting.
Finally, the Bi-Annual Officer Elections were held (see attached Officer Roster) for the
next two years.
The Board adjourned at 9:05 pm.