Textbook: Chinese Made Easy 3 (Students will learn approximately 300 Chinese characters) Trimester 1: Trimester 2: Trimester 3: Leisure Activities (3 lessons) Vocabulary: Leisure activities Sports activities School continued (2 lessons) Chinese and Western Foods (2 lessons) Vocabulary: Eating out: Currencies Chinese breakfast items Basic food items Structures: The use of the verb ‘spend’ Conditional sentences Using ‘or’ in questions and statements Culture: Chinese breakfast Chinese foods Chinese currency Structures: Expressing two simultaneous actions Time expressions ‘always’, ‘for a little while’ Expressing ‘(together) with’ Sequencing events: ‘after finishing’ Cultural Readings: Chinese New Year Dragon Boat Festival Moon Festival Daily Schedules (2 lessons) Vocabulary: Grooming and hygiene Class schedules and subjects Describing subjects and tests Structures: Time expressions ‘as soon as’, ‘never’, and ‘up until’ Questions with ‘why’ and ‘how long’ Expressing past events Application of le Cultural Readings: Chinese Tea The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers School (2 lessons) Vocabulary: School buildings School facilities phone conversation Structures: Expressing ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘front’, ‘back’, ‘besides’, ‘under’, ‘above’, ‘inside’, ‘outside’, ‘upstairs’, ‘downstairs’. Different ways to express a same location. Expressing a short and quick action. Expressing an attempt or trial. Application of ba Cultural Readings: Confucius Four great inventions The Forbidden City The Body (4 lesson) Vocabulary: Body Parts Describing how someone looks Expressing well-being and sickness Staying in the hospital Structures: Use of ‘although...(but)’ Expressing estimates Emphasizing adjectives Comparative sentences with complement Cultural Readings: The origin of Four-WordPhrases Chinese and Western Foods (2 lessons) Vocabulary: Eating out: Currencies Chinese breakfast items Basic food items Structures: The use of the verb ‘spend’ Conditional sentences Using ‘or’ in questions and statements Culture: Chinese breakfast Chinese foods Chinese currency Chinese and Western Foods (2 lessons) Vocabulary: Chinese foods Western foods Ordering food Structures: Question words used as indefinites Cultural Readings: The origin of more FourWord-Phrases Diet and Health (3 lessons) Vocabulary: Vegetables Fruits Snack foods Food Pyramid Structures: Expressing progression Cultural Reading: The origin of more FourWord-Phrases