Q1 Day 1 Monday Aug 31 Day 2 Wednesday Sept 2 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Latin I Homework Latin II Lesson Plan Latin II Homework --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Seating Cart/Attendance --Student Questionnaires --Distribution of Textbooks --Introduction to Latin structure --Pronunciation/Translation pp. 2-6 --Wrap-Up/Socrative: Latin pronunciation --Distribute Course Guidelines Gather class materials: 3 ring binder, highlighter pack, index cards (approximately 300); RED pen --Class Intro: Work Day --Seating Chart/Attendance --Student Questionnaires --Distribution of Textbooks --Grammar Review: D1, D2, D3 --Case Uses: Subject, Predicate Nominative, Indirect Object and Direct Object --Parsing Review (distribute chart) --Translation/Parsing: Latin 1 passage: Finis p. 210 (stage 12) --Wrap-Up/Exit Ticket: Decline a noun --Distribute Course Guidelines Gather class materials: 3 ring binder, highlighter pack, index cards (approximately 200); RED pen --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Syllabus Overview --Distribute Vocabulary List --Model vocabulary cards --Mini quiz vs. full quiz format --Grammar: Linking Verb Notes pp. 2-6 --The Origins and Influence of Latin (powerpoint) --Language Definitions Notes: parts of speech, syntax, macron, inflection, declension, conjugation, gender, number, case Gather class materials: 3 ring binder, highlighter pack, index cards (approximately 300); RED pen --Class Intro: Work Day --Syllabus Overview --Distribute Vocabulary List Unit 1 and Unit 2 --Model vocabulary cards --Mini Quiz vs. Full Quiz format --Homework check in: Finis --Cotidianum: D1, D2, D3 --Check Translation/Parsing of: Finis p. 210 with answer key. Mark errors with RED pen. (stage 12) Gather class materials: 3 ring binder, highlighter pack, index cards (approximately 200); RED pen Latin I Lesson Plan Read Course Guidelines Review Verb Notes Make vocabulary cards for Stage 1 (16) Study for Stage 1 Mini Vocab Quiz Syllabus Signatures Read Course Guidelines Make sure that you know D1, D2, D3 endings! Complete Translation/Parsing: Finis p. 210, if necessary Study for Stages 1-3 Mini Vocab Quiz Syllabus Signatures Q1 Day 3 Friday Sept 4 Latin I Lesson Plan --Class Intro: Work Day --Homework check in: syllabus signatures, vocab cards, class materials --Cotidianum I: Identification of linking vs. action verbs --Cotidianum II: Stage 1 Mini vocabulary quiz --Reading in pairs pp. 2-6 captions review --Translation/Pronunciation Work: “Cerberus” p. 7 --Read Roman Family and Nomenclature pp. 10-12 --Read Houses in Pompeii pp. 13-16 --Complete Omnibus Workbook 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Latin I Homework Latin II Lesson Plan Memorize house vocabulary/locations Study for Stage 1 Full Vocabulary Quiz (English to Latin!) Omnibus Workbook 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 if not completed in class --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Homework check in: syllabus signatures, vocab cards, class materials --Cotidianum: Vocabulary quiz stages 1-3 --Grammar Review: present and imperfect tense and perfect tense --Sermones: imperfect tense and perfect tense personal endings/spelling exceptions --Grammar analysis stations: 8.1 Melissa cenam coquit, 8.2 in amphitheatro, 8.3 senator perterritus, 8.4 domina irata (Fabulae ancillantes) --Grammar Review Irregular Verbs: sum and eram and fui --Wrap-Up/Socrative: parse sentences and conjugate one verb in all three tenses Latin II Homework Study for vocabulary stages 4-6 for mini-quiz quiz + review words Q1 Day 4 Wednesday Sept 9 Day 5 Friday Sept 11 Latin I Lesson Plan --Class Intro: Instructional day --Roman Houses (powerpoint) --Discuss Omnibus Workbook 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 --Review Linking Verbs, review parts of speech --Sermones: explain the difference between an inflected and non-inflected language --Practice pronunciation: “Cerberus” p. 7 --Wrap-Up/Socrative: List the parts of speech --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: Stage 1 Full Quiz --Complete Omnibus Workbook 1.5 --Complete Activity Master 1.9 Sententiās Scribe --Complete Activity Master 1.5: What’s In A Sentence --Complete Stage 1 Practicing the Language Worksheets --Wrap-Up/Quomodo: room of house 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Latin I Homework Latin II Lesson Plan Latin II Homework Study for Stage 1 Full Vocabulary Quiz (English to Latin!) --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: Vocabulary quiz stages 4-6+review words --Super-Duper Translation Madness: tremors p. 206; ad urbem p. 208; ad villam p. 209 --Wrap Up/Quomodo: Parse a sentence Study for Vocabulary Stages 7-9 Mini Quiz+ review words --Complete Omnibus Workbook 1.5 --Complete Activity Master 1.9 Sententiās Scribe --Complete Activity Master 1.5: What’s In A Sentence --Complete Stage 1 Practicing the Language Worksheets --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Cotidianum: Vocabulary Quiz Stages 7-9 --Check Super Duper translation madness passages --Latin I Final Exam Recap/ Latin I Catch Up Study for Vocabulary Stages 1012 Mini Quiz Study for Review Unit Exam: reading comp passage, decline nouns, conjugate verbs in the present, imperfect and perfect tenses Q1 Day 6 Tuesday Sept 15 Day 7 Thursday Sept 17 Latin I Lesson Plan --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Correct Omnibus Workbook 1.5 --Correct Activity Master 1.9 Sententiās Scribe --Correct Activity Master 1.5: What’s In A Sentence --Correct Stage 1 Practicing the Language Worksheets --Stage 1 Test Review/Format --Wrap-Up --Stage 1 Objective Test --Stage 1 Translation Test 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Latin I Homework Latin II Lesson Plan Study for Stage 1 Test Latin II Homework --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: Vocabulary Quiz Stages 10-12 --Review Unit Exam --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Roman Britain Intro (flipchart) --Captions pp. 2-4 --Grammar: About the Language: Infinitives pp. 11-12 --Grammar: About the Language: volō, nolō, and possum pp. 11-12 --Sermones: compare Roman Britain with what you remember about Pompeii --Reading Exercise: Tres Servi p. 5 --Grammar Recap: Infinitives in captions and “Tres Servi” --Introduce Vocabulary Stage 13 --Wrap-Up/Socrative: list the present tense of the verbs volo/nolo/possum --Make Vocabulary Cards Stage 13A (15) --Study for 13A Mini Quiz --Memorize vocabulary; memorize volō, nolō, and possum 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Q1 Day 8 Monday Sept 21 Day 9 Wednesday Sept 23 Latin I Lesson Plan Latin I Homework Latin II Lesson Plan Latin II Homework DIES LEGENDI: Mythology Heroes Packets Mythology Heroes Packets --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: 13A Mini vocab quiz+irregular verb forms of volo, nolo or possum --Video and Study Guide: Rome III The Invasion of Britain parts 1-6 --Class Intro: Work/Instructional Day ******************************* --Cotidianum: 13B Mini vocab quiz+irregular verb forms of volo, nolo or possum --Translation Exercise and identification of case uses: Coniuratio p. 7-8 (flpct) ****************************** --Sermones: Review Verb Tenses: present, imperfect, perfect (forms and translation) --Return Review Unit Exams --Correct “coniuratio” pp. 7-8 --About the Language: -que Labores: Make Vocabulary Cards Stage 13B (15) --Class Intro: Instructional/Work Day ************************** --Introduce Stage 2 Vocab p. 34 Latin Sight Reading pp. 20-23 --Grammar: Nominative vs. Accusative --Recap Grammar in captions pp. 20-23 --Sermones: Explain the jobs of nominative and accusative nouns in a sentence ************************** --Translation+Parsing: “Mercator” p. 24 --Complete Activity Master 2.8: Nominative and Accusative Make vocabulary Cards for Stage 2 (16 points) Memorize vocab Stage 2; review nominative and accusative endings --Translation+Parsing: “Mercator” p. 24 --Complete Activity Master 2.8: Nominative and Accusative Memorize Vocabulary; memorize volō, nolō, and possum Study Vocab Stage 13A Full vocab quiz Q1 Day 10 Friday Sept 25 Day 11 Tuesday Sept 29 Latin I Lesson Plan --Cotidianum: Stage 2 mini vocabulary quiz --Stage 1 Test Corrections --Geography of Italy --Review About the Language p. 26 --Correct Translation+Parsing: “Mercator” p. 24 --Correct Activity Master 2.8: Nominative and Accusative --PowerPoint Presentation: Cotidie Vita et Cena --Wrap-Up/Socrative: list the nominative and accusative endings for D1, D2, D3 --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: Stage 2 Full Vocabulary Quiz -Read Culture: Daily Life and Roman Dinner (pp. 30-32) --Complete Omnibus Workbook 2.10 Daily Life --Complete Activity Mastesr 2.6: Sententias Scribe and 2.7: Nominative or Accusative --Latin Translation+parsing: “in Triclinio” p. 25 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Latin I Homework Latin II Lesson Plan Study for Stage 2 Full Vocabulary Quiz (English to Latin!) Omnibus Workbook 2.10 Activity Master 2.6: Sententias Scribe Activity Master 2.7: Nominative or Accusative Translation and parsing: “in triclinio: p. 25 --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: 13A Full Vocab Quiz / irregular verb forms volō, nolō or possum --Read Culture: Britannia pp. 17-24 Complete Omnibus Workbook 13.8: Britannia --Translate: Salvius fundum inspicit pp. 13-14 --Complete Activity Master 13.9 Exemplem quaere! --Complete Stage 13 Practicing the Language Worksheets (volo, nolo, possum) -Class Intro: Instructional Day --Caesar’s Casino—verb practice --Correct: Salvius fundum inspicit pp. 13-14 --Correct Activity Master 13.9 Exemplem quaere! --Review/Test Format Stage 13 --Correct Stage 13 Practicing the Language Worksheets --Review how to determine conjugations via infinitives --Wrap-Up/Socrative: Identify 3 grammar constructions from “Salvius fundum inspicit” Latin II Homework --Complete Omnibus Workbook 13.8: Britannia --Translate: Salvius fundum inspicit pp. 13-14 --Complete Activity Master 13.9 Exemplem quaere! --Complete Stage 13 Practicing the Language Worksheets Study Vocab Stage 13B Full vocab quiz Study for Stage 13 Test Q1 Day 12 Thursday Oct 1 Day 13 Monday Oct 5 Latin I Lesson Plan --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Discuss Omnibus Workbook 2.10 Daily Life --Sermones: What are the jobs of the nominatives and accusatives in a sentence --Correct Activity Mastesr 2.6: Sententias Scribe --Correct Activity Master 2.7: Nominative or Accusative --Correct Latin Translation+parsing: “in Triclinio” p. 25 -- Class Intro: Work Day --Translation: Mercator p. 24 --Complete Activity Master 2.4 --Complete Stage 2 Practicing the Language Worksheets --Complete Practicing the Language exercise B+C p. 27 --Wrap-Up/Socrative: nominative and accusative forms D1, D2, D3 nouns 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Latin I Homework Latin II Lesson Plan --Cotidianum: 13B Full Vocab Quiz/ irr. verb forms /3 sentences --Stage 13 Objective Test --Stage 13 Translation Test Latin II Homework --Read Stage 14 Culture: Life in Roman Britain pp. 44-48 --Complete Omnibus Workbook 14.10: Life in Roman Britain --Stage 14A Vocab Cards (13) --Study for 14A Mini Vocab quiz+review words --Complete Translation: Mercator p. 24 --Complete Activity Master 2.4 --Complete Stage 2 Practicing the Language Worksheets --Complete Practicing the Language exercise B+C p. 27 --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Cotidianum: 14A Mini Quiz+review words --Captions pp.28-29 --Grammar: Noun/Adjective Agreement: About the Language p. 34-35 --Recap pp. 28-29 (find noun/adjective agreement) ---Review Stage 13 Culture: Britannia --Sermones: Discuss Stage 14 Culture: Life in Roman Britain pp. 44-48 (compare Roman culture vs. Celtic culture) -Wrap-Up/Quomodo: Identify and analyze noun adjective pairs in sentences. Stage 14B Vocab Cards (13) Study for 14B Mini Vocab quiz+review words+noun/adjective agreement Q1 Day 14 Wednesday Oct 7 Latin I Lesson Plan Day 15 Friday Oct 9 Stage 2 Objective Test Stage 2 Translation Test --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Correct Translation: Mercator p. 24 --Correct Activity Master 2.4 ---Correct Stage 2 Practicing the Language Worksheets --Correct Practicing the Language exercise B+C p. 27 --Stage 2 Review/Test Format --Wrap-Up 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Latin I Homework Latin II Lesson Plan Study for Stage 2 Test Latin II Homework --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: Mini-vocab quiz stage 14B+ noun/adjective agreement/review words --Complete Activity Master 14.5: Noun-Adjective Agreement --Complete Activity Master 14.4: Noun-Adjective Pairs --Translate and parse: “Domitilla cubiculum parat i” p. 32 AND “Domitilla part ii” p. 33 --Review of Noun/Adjective Agreement with D1-D2 adjectives --Grammar: Noun/Adjective Agreement D3 --Sermones: explain how to distinguish D1-D2 adjectives verses D3 adjectives --How to do a Noun/Adjective Charts ----Correct Translations: “Domitilla cubiculum parat i/ii” p. 32-33 Wrap-Up/Quomodo: noun/adjective chart Study vocabulary stage 14A full quiz+noun/adjective chart+review words Q1 Day 16 Wednesday Oct 14 Latin I Lesson Plan Day 17 Friday Oct 16 --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Latin Reading: “in Foro” pp. 36 --About the Language p. 41: Review of Nom vs. Acc --Recap pp. 36 (id declensions and nom/acc) --Sermones: how is a declension of a noun determined --Intro Stage 3 Vocab p. 50 --Grammar: Imperatives and Vocative Case (d1-d3) --Wrap-Up/Socrative: Give all forms of the imperative for the verb laboro, laborāre 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Latin I Homework Latin II Lesson Plan PSAT Day Reading/Review Day --Stage 2 Exam corrections Make vocabulary Cards for Stage 3A (12 points); Memorize vocabulary stage 3A; Study imperatives/vocatives; Study nominative and accusative endings Latin II Homework PSAT Day Reading/Review Day --Cotidianum: Full Vocab Quiz Stage 14A/noun adjective chart Study for Stage 14B Full Quiz+noun/adjective pairs+ prepositions+review words --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: 14B Full Quiz+noun/adjective pairs+ prepositions+review words --Translation Analysis Sheet: Domitilla I p. 32 --Translation Analysis Sheet: Domitilla ii p. 33 --Practicing the Language Stage 14 Prepositions Handout (15) --About the Language Stage 14 (JD) Handout (20) --Translation Analysis Sheet: Domitilla I p. 32 --Translation Analysis Sheet: Domitilla ii p. 33 --Practicing the Language Stage 14 Prepositions Handout (15) --About the Language Stage 14 (JD) Handout (20) Q1 Day 18 Tuesday Oct 20 Day 19 Thursday Oct 22 Latin I Lesson Plan 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Latin II Lesson Plan Latin I Homework --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: 3A mini vocabulary quiz and Nom vs. Acc --Complete Activity Master 3.4: Declensions of Nouns --Complete Activity Master 3.7: Snake sentences --Latin Translation: “pictor” p. 37 --Read Culture: Town of Pompeii pp. 43-48 --Complete Omnibus Workbook 3.9: The Town of Pompeii Make vocabulary Cards for Stage 3B (12 points) --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Cotidianum: 3B mini vocabulary quiz and imperatives --Question Words: ubi, quis, quid --Review of Declensions -Correct Activity Master 3.4 and 3.7 --Discuss: Omnibus Workbook 3.9 The Town of Pompeii --Map of Pompeii --Urbs Pompeii PowerPoint --Sermones: Compare/Contrast ancient Pompeii with Ashburn, VA --Wrap-Up/Socrative: Question Words --Study for Q1 Vocab test --Study for Q1 Benchmark Memorize vocabulary stage 3B; study imperatives/vocatives --Complete Activity Master 3.4: Declensions of Nouns --Complete Activity Master 3.7: Snake sentences --Latin Translation: “pictor” p. 37 --Read Culture: Town of Pompeii pp. 43-48 --Complete Omnibus Workbook 3.9: The Town of Pompeii --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Turn in TAS’s --Grammar: Irregular verbs sum, esse, fui, futurus and possum, posse, potui, ------Practicing the Language p. 43 Exercises A, B, C --About the Language p. 38-39: More on Adjectives: Exercises A-C --Correct Practicing the Language Stage 14 Prepositions Handout --Correct About the Language Stage 14 (JD) Handout --Hot Potato Game (Practicing the Language Stage 14) --Wrap-Up/Socrative: case for prepositional phrases --Class Intro: Work Day --Translation and parsing: “in tablino” pp. 36-37 --Translation and parsing: “Quintus advenit” p. 39 --Activity Master 14.8: Exemplum Quare (from “Quintus advenit”) Latin II Homework --Translation and parsing: “in tablino” pp. 36-37 --Translation and parsing: “Quintus advenit” p. 39 --Activity Master 14.8: Exemplum Quare (from “Quintus advenit”) --Study for Q1 Vocab test --Study for Q1 Benchmark 2015-2016 QUARTER 1 LATIN I: STAGES 1, 2 and 3 LATIN II: REVIEW UNIT and STAGES 13 and 14 Q1 Day 20 Monday Oct 26 Day 21 Wednesday Oct 28 Day 22 Friday Oct 31 Latin I Lesson Plan Latin I Homework Review for Q1 Benchmark Review for Q1 Vocab Test Sign-ups for Q1 retakes/makeups Q1 Benchmark Q1 Vocabulary Test Q1 Retakes Prepare retake packets Study for Q1 Vocab test Study for Q1 Benchmark --Class Intro: Work Day --Cotidianum: 3A Full Vocab Quiz and classification of noun declensions --Latin Translation: “tonsor” pp. 38-39 --Practicing the Language p. 42 --Stage 3 Practicing the Language Worksheets -Study for 3B Full Vocabulary Quiz --Latin Translation: “tonsor” pp. 38-39 --Practicing the Language p. 42 --Stage 3 Practicing the Language Worksheets Study 3A Full Vocab Quiz with classifications of nouns and declensions Latin II Lesson Plan Review for Q1 Benchmark Review for Q1 Vocab Test Sign-ups for Q1 retakes/makeups Q1 Benchmark Q1 Vocabulary Test Q1 Retakes Latin II Homework --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Review Stage 14/Test Format --Correct Translation and parsing: “in tablino” pp. 36-37 --Correct Translation and parsing: “Quintus advenit” p. 39 --Correct Activity Master 14.8: Exemplum Quare (from “Quintus advenit”) Study for Stage 14 Test Prepare retake packets Study for Q1 Vocab test Study for Q1 Benchmark --Translation and parsing: “in tablino” pp. 36-37 --Translation and parsing: “Quintus advenit” p. 39 --Activity Master 14.8: Exemplum Quare (from “Quintus advenit”) 2014-2015 CAMBRIDGE LATIN 1: QUARTER 1: STAGES: 1, 2 and 3 Q2 Q2 --Class Intro: Instructional Day --Cotidianum: 3B Full Vocabulary Quiz --Correct Stage 3 Practicing the Language Worksheets --Check Latin Translation: “tonsor” pp. 38-39 (eggspert game) --Check: Practicing the Language p. 42 (20) --Stage 3 Review/Test Format --Latin Translation: “venalicius” pp. 40 --Wrap-Up/Socrative: list three details about the town of Pompeii Stage 3 Objective Test Stage 3 Translation Test Prepare for Stage 3 Test