Grade 6-8 Middle School Assessment Rubric – TPSP Mini Fair Category Expert 4 pt Practitioner 3 pts Apprentice 2 pts I. Developing and Implementing a Research Plan: Research Process provocative open interesting open pertinent open ended Development of ended questions; ended questions; questions; inconsistent Questions deep understanding of discipline displayed substantive understanding of discipline displayed follows discipline based research like a novice in the field understand; limited clarification of questions Follows discipline based research but some methodologies are generic Novice 1 pt basic questions; cursory understanding conveyed Research Methodology follows discipline based research like a professional in the field Sources of Information uses advanced processes to access relevant sources in various formats uses standard processes to access relevant sources in various formats uses basic processes to access information choosing most obvious and basic sources inconsistently or inadequately accesses relevant sources Collection of Data uses array of tools to gather, record, organize data as a professional would uses adv processes to mine data & connect, evaluates, accuracy of data and suggest solutions for conflicts or disparities understands other perspectives; synthesizes, evaluates & integrates multiple perspectives uses limited number of tools as novice would uses generic, though appropriate tools, often choosing most obvious uses stand. processes to examine data & connect, evaluate reliability of data and identify potential conflicts or disparities understands another perspective; partially integrates multiple viewpoints uses basic processes to make few connections and note some conflicts and disparities inconsistently or inadequately uses generic tools often missing pertinent data inconsistently or inadequately analyzes data, misconceptions, and/or fails to recognize conflicts and disparities Analysis & Interpnretation of data Multiple Perspectives II. Presentation of Learning: Product and Communication well organized , sound well organized, Organization inconsistently or inadequately follows research plan so learning not enhanced inconsistently recognizes multiple viewpoints & partially views situation from another perspective views a situation from only one perspective & does not acknowledge multiple viewpoints partially organized, some planning, lacks consistant reasoning, clarity and support lacks organization, little planning, reasoning or clarity some analysis, minimal grade level inconsistent understanding misses significant connections, below grade level understanding product, shows planning, reasoning, clarity & supported with details sophisticated insights and analysis; deep wellbeyond grade level understanding basically sound, shows planning, reasoning, clarity & supported with details coherent analysis; on or beyond grade level substantive understanding Impact extends knowledge, generates unique, plausible solutions to research questions applies knowledge, generates creative, workable solutions to research questions relates knowledge, generates routing, workable solutions to research questions makes few connections; lacks workable or plausible solutions to research questions Delivery uses highly effective communications incl. supporting data, clear, pertinent examples, easy to follow reasoning integrates vocab of discipline; conveys indepth understandings; effective communication ,incl some data, pertinent examples, generally easy to follow reasoning uses vocab of discipline; conveys substantive understanding clear communication, inconclusive or irrelevant data, gaps in reasoning, connections unclear uses some vocab of discipline; conveys inconsistent understanding communications prevent audience from following thinking Depth of Understanding Vocabulary of Disciplinarian Total Points misuses or ignores vocab of discipline; conveys cursory understandings