Sanderson’s Wynd Primary Litter Action Plan Action points: 1. Whole school Litter Pick ups Action 1 School Litter Pick Ups 2 Litterless Campaign Who’s in Charge 4. Surveys/Graphs 6 Talks at assemblies Litter monitors How do we know it is successful 7. 8Sustainable Lunch Recycling Boxes Composting Reduction in Litter Nothing Yes but this is an ongoing project Summer Term Again weighing of Reduction in Litter/categorising of Litter types/Comparisons/Displays Nothing Yes but this is an area we will need to visit regularly. Easter Term Reduction in dog poo Nothing Less evidence of dog poo in close proximity to school. Playground clear of litter Nothing Most of the time playground has very litter but again profile raised on a regular basis Children very Nothing On the whole When will it be done by 5 Displays How will we monitor it Class Teachers/eco reps Class Teachers/ Parents/eco reps P3 Christmas/Easter Weighing of Term Litter/Comparison 2. Litterless Campaign Whole school helped by p2, p5/6, P3/4 Throughout the year Letters to papers/working with Dog Warden/ marking where dog poo left/ distributing leaflets in local area and to parents Weighing of litter Graphs linked to weight/types/ Amounts P2 monitoring litter in playground and reporting findings in assembly 3 Graphs P2 P3/4 P5/6 Each Term Graphs showing decrease in Community Litter Pick Up Dog Poo campaign Will it cost Did it work? 1 4 Displays The above classes/eco reps Throughout the year 5 Assemblies Mrs. Throughout the Christian/Eco year committee/ P2 6/7 Whole school Throughout the litter. Graphs showing types of litter etc. Reporting findings to classes aware of responsibilities concerning litter children are very good but often litte blown into school and we do have an ongoing battle with the seagulls Observing children looking at displays, discussing the message and then carrying the message into the playground Litter monitors Nothing and teachers observing children putting litter in the bins and reminding those who forget. Asking questions at assembly to ensure children know what is expected of them as well input of information. Regular reminder of the litter slogan. Recycling centre is used Children keeping playground litter free Nothing Our P2 children, in particular, have bee excellent at keeping a close eye on litter dropping in the playground and chastising those who forget!!! Even displayed in assembly any litter that they found. This was very effective! I would say most of our children bin their litter and they look out for those who don’t! Producing Nothing This is ongoing. 2 Recycling/Composting Nursery year regularly and no evidence of workable compost paper, bottles etc. in the bin. Fruit skins etc. collected weekly Fun events linked to recycling Sustainable Lunch Days Once a term Check lunch boxes for use of sustainable containers Whole school Less packaging in boxes Nursery using rotating compost bin. More successful than static ones. Need to look at changing school ones. Recycling centre used regularly. Fun Events very popular Nothing Definite reduction and more evidence of reusable containers 3 4 5