Social Innovation to Prevent Litter Andrea Talbot, Market Research Manager Rose Tehan, Action Researcher The research process 1 • Opportunities and barriers to prevention 2 • Behaviour change activity and the lasting impact 3 • Social experiments to test and produce evidence 2 What have we learned so far? Local land managers’ litter priorities Tools and approaches to reduce littering • General litter, dog fouling, fly-tipping (predominantly of black sacks & cigarette litter) • Community engagement, education, enforcement, partnership working • Enhancing community ownership Monitoring of litter initiatives • Feeling that interventions & activities had been successful. • Some forms of monitoring outputs Barriers to litter prevention • Messages not getting through about what constitutes litter • Keeping community groups/residents engaged with they aren’t seeing results Ideas for how the social experiments might have maximum impact • Memorable messaging, utilising social media • Harnessing/enhancing a sense of pride in our communities • Increasing visibility 3 Story Telling Story Telling 5 Proposed Projects ‘Which side of the fence are you on?’ awareness raising event 7 Chewing Gum Action Group local support 8 Green footsteps to increase bin usage 9 England’s Great Litter Count 10 Dog walkers Dog poo in hyper-local areas 11 Cig butts in main retail and commercial areas 12 Approaches 13 Workshop task (approx. 20 mins.) England’s Great Litter Count Eyes on dog poo • How can we maximise take-up? How can local land managers help us? • • What would you need from us to help you get on board? Have you done anything similar in your area? What can we learn from this? Where could you see this working? What are the potential barriers? • • What would your organisation need from us to ensure corporate sign off, should you wish to participate? What outputs & outcomes would you be looking for? Whose buy-in would you need (internally and externally)? Who else might need to be involved to make it happen? What would you need from us to help you get on board? • What would your organisation need from us to ensure corporate sign off, should you wish to participate? What outputs & outcomes would you be looking for? Whose buy-in would you need (internally and externally)? Who else might need to be involved to make it happen? How can the Keep Britain Tidy Network best enable you to ‘learn and do’? How can we use the results to create positive change? How should we promote the outcomes? What’s the legacy? 14 Group feedback and next steps Thanks for listening What questions do you have? Andrea Talbot Market Research Manager 01942 612658 Rose Tehan Action Researcher 0207 549 0326 Look out for us on Twitter! @keepbritaintidy @ACTalbs