D) aphthous stomatitis


1. When clicking capillary gemangioma color is...

* A) a sudden paleness

B) color change

C) less color change

D) there is no right answer

E) disappear

2. A cyst like "hourglass" is located in:

* A) sublingual salivary gland

B) lips, small salivary glands

C) parotis salivary gland

D) submandibular salivary gland

E) palatal minor salivary glands

3. Fibro epulisning main treatment method is

* A) removing the cancer

B) cryodestruction

C) light therapy

D) X-ray therapy

E) radiation

4. A boy of 14 years, there is a pathological mass on the anterior field of alveolar appendix, similar to the shape pea. Color of the mass is blue-brown.Soft consistence.Your diagnosis:

* A) epulis

B) papilloma

C) Lipoma

D) retentive cyst

E) fibrosis

5. The way of developing of the middle neck fistula

* A) Closing of the thymus –larinxway

B) afterlymph node inflammation

C) Closing of the embryonic thyroid-language

D) There is no right answer

E) remains of the thyroid gland

6.authorof the method of exchanging triangular flakes plastic

* A) Limberg

B) Millard

C) Sedillo

D) Abbe

E) Lapchinskiy

7. The lateral congenital fistula inner hole opens to the sector of neck:

* A) on the palate germs

B) the wall in the back of the throat

C) language "blind" hole

D) submandibular sector

E) the side wall of the larynx

8..The middle congenital fistula inner hole opens to thenext sector of a neck:

* A) "blind" hole of a tongue

B) the wall in the back of the throat

C) submandibular sector

D) on the palate germs

E) the side wall of the larynx

9. What is made within “heruvizm”:

* A) does not require treatment.

B) Surgical treatment;

C) conservative treatment

D) conservative--surgical treatment;

E) light therapy

10. Jaw chondromes treatment:

* A) jaw resection of the affected industry.

B) conservative;

C) cancer treatment;

D) with pathological oven kuretazh cancer treatment;

E) light therapy

11. Jaw chondromas radiographic signs:

* A) Indefinite limited bone erosion;

B) Indefinite limited bone tissue cure;

C) The exact boundaries bone tissue cure;

D) The exact boundaries of bone erosion.

E) detection.

12.Spikulas are characterised by following tumor:

* A) osteosarcoma.

B) osteoma;

C) osteoblastoma;

D), osteoid-osteoma;

E) fibroosteoma;

13. Often occuring forms of osteolitic jaw sarcomas:

* A)among children and adolescents;

B) in children;

C) adolescents;

D) in adults;

E) any age.

14. First symptoms of peripheral jaw osteosarcomas

* A) Deformation of jaw;

B) movement of the teeth, jaw pain

C) jaw pain and deformation;

D) teeth movement.

E) inflammation of the oral mucosa

15. First symptoms of central jaw osteosarcomas:

* A) movement of the teeth, jaw pain

B) Deformation of jaw;

C), jaw pain and deformation;

D) teeth movement.

E), inflammation of the oral mucosa

16. what is observed within the palpation of jaw osteosarcoma:

* A) pain;

B) no pain;

C), fluctuorizing determined;

D) is determined parchment crackle symptom

E) determined the bone relief

17.What organs jaw osteosarcoma metastase?

* A) lungs;

B) liver;

C) spleen;

D) kidney;

E) spine;

18. Osteosarcoma Synonyms:

* A) fibrosarcoma;

B) osteoblastosarcoma;

C) osteogen cancer;

D) osteoblastic sarcoma;

E) osteolitic cancer.

19.Osteosarcoma is not a synonym for:

* A) chondrosarcoma;

B) osteoblastosarcoma;

C) osteogen cancer;

D) osteoblastic sarcoma;

E) osteoidsarcoma;

20. Radiologic differences between ossificative fibroma and fibrotic osteodisplasiya

* A) clearly defined capsule focal lesions of the jaws;

B) a fixed jaw, a large number of damages;

C) bone spicules are protuberances;

D) is greater than 1 cm sequestration;

E) bone tissue without damages only to fill it.

21.Radiologically ossificative fibroma is like:

* A) residual disease;

B) osteomani;

C) osteosarcoma;

D) chondrosarcoma;

E) ecsostose.

22. clinical course of ossificative fibroma is look like:

* A) fibrosis osteodisplasia;

B) fibroma;

C) osteosarcoma;

D) xondrosarcoma;

E) fibrosarcoma.

23. radiological features of cystic osteoblastomes:

* A) bone tissue specific limited damages;

B) separated from each other by bone septums in the form of small spaces;

C) uneven limited variety of venues dimensional intensive darkening;

D) was also observed in large areas of bone tissue destruction.

E) melting sugar in the form of contamination

24. specific clinical symptoms of osteoblastoma:

* A) away from the teeth and shake asymmetry;

B) jaw increasing pain in the night;

C) the area of the teeth, jaw tightly parchment crackle symptoms;

D) the definition of alveolar fistula many ways.

E) asymmetry;

25. What is relating to non osteogenic tumors of jaws:

* A) cementing fibroma ;

B) osteoblastoma;

C) osteoid-osteoma;

D), giant cell tumor;

E) ossificating fibroma;

26. Main symptoms of osteoid-osteoma jaws?

* A) jaw reasons, aching pain, pathological tumor ovens topic;

B) increase in night-time pain;

C) the limitation of the opening of the mouth;

D) mouth opening movement of the jaw.

E) the teeth movement

27. What ecsostosis operation consists of:

* A) in the jaw deformation in the field of grinding;

B) forming the border of healthy tissue is removed;

C) resection of the diseased part of the furnace located in the jaw.

D) forming the border of healthy tissue removed and radiation therapy

E) resection of the diseased part of the furnace located in the jaw and is used cytostatics

28. radiographic features of osteoid-osteoma:

* A) limited sclerosis of bone destruction foci surrounded by round-shaped ring limited darkening;

B) is uneven and uncertain limited homogeneous dark centers;

C) with a 1-mm line width and flat limited source of intense darkening;

D) all answers are right

29. radiographic signs of odontoma:

* A) with a 1-mm line width and flat limited source of intense darkening;

B) clearly limited homogenize round-shaped black centers;

C) is uneven and uncertain limited homogeneous dark foci

D) sclerosing tissue surrounded by some limited bone destruction.

E) all answers are right

30. radiographic features of ossificative periostitis:

* A) is uneven and uncertain limited homogeneous dark centers;

B) clearly limited homogenize round-shaped black centers;

C) with a 1-mm line width and flat limited source of intense darkening;

D) sclerosing bone tissue surrounded by a vague limited destruction

E) unchanged

31.Osteomas divided into:

* A) peripheral and central;

B) internal and external;

C) hard and soft;

D) osteoblastic and osteolitic;

E) simple and complex

32. Soft tissue-traumatic cyst:

* A) tissue of foreign body from harmful effect;

B) of this congenital disease;

C) odontogen disease;

D), there is the background of this disease, the body changes allergic

E) will appear in the background of this chronic inflammatory disease

33. What is the excretion of ateroma?

* A) pappy;

B) serous;

C) of the mucosa;

D) blood mixed;

E) is changed necrotic tissue.

34. Skin patients production industry in the field of external hole will be added to the tumorous densely?

* A) ateroma;

B) the minor salivary glands retentive cyst;

C) dermoid;

D) epidermoid;

E) neck middle cyst;

35.Ateroma retentive cyst:

* A) fat glands;

B) sweat glands;

C) salivary gland;

D) the mucous glands.

E) Fat and mucous glands.

36. The wayout of anterior ear fistula?

* A) the external auditory way;

B) of the oral cavity;

C) the nasal cavity;

D) deep in the middle of the brain and the cavernous sinus;

E) orbit.

37. What cyst and fistulas of anterior ear field put together the developmental defects of branchial arc?

* A) 1st;

B) 2d;

C) 3d ;

D) 4 th;

E) 5 th.

38. After developing of which branchial arc sac cyst and fistula of anterior ear field is formed?

* A) 1st pair;

B)2d pair;

C) 3d ;

D) 1 and 2 pairs;

E) 2 and 3 pairs;

39. . After developing of which branchial arc sac cyst and fistula of neck and lateral field is formed??

* A) 2 and 3 pairs;

B) 1 st pair;

C) 2d in pairs;

D) 3 in pairs;

E) 1st and 2 –d pair;

40. Complications after operation on the medium neck cysts?:

* A) oedema of throat;

B) an inflammation of the lungs;

C) mediastinitis;

D) the angular vein trombophlebitis;

E) rough sinustrombosis.

41. What age is recommended for surgical operations on medium neck cysts?

* A) 9-10 years.

B) 1-2 years;

C) 3-4 years;

D) 5-6 years;

E) 6-7 years;

42. What kind of epithelium forms the inner layer of cysts and fistulas?

* A) all answers are right.

B) multi-layer flat;

C) the cylinder;

D) transition;

E) non differentative;

43. What types of cysts usually put up under swallowing movements?

* A) the middle of the neck cyst;

B) epidermoid;

C) dermoid;

D) side of the neck cyst;

) paraauricular cyst;

44. Name inner lateral fistulas of neck:

* A) passes through sublingual bone and goes to tongue roots to the blind hole;

B) starts from the middle line of the neck skin and blindly ends at a sublingual field;

C) starts from the skin of inner edge of the sterno-collar-papillary muscles and ends at the soft tissues of thyroid cartilage area;

D) starts from the soft tissue of thyroid cartilage area and ends on lateral surface of throat;

E) starts from the middle line of the neck skin, passes through sublingual bone and goes to tongue roots to the blind hole space;

45. Incomplete neck external fistulas:

* A) starts from the skin of middle line of the neck starts and blindly ends at sublingual bone;

B) via the sublingual bone, and the language has rots in the field of blind holes;

C) from the sterno-collar-papillary muscles on the inner edge of the middle of the neck Three starts and ends thyroid cartilage area of soft tissues;

D) the thyroid cartilage area of soft tissue begins and ends on the surface of the inner side of the hole palate tonsillitis or throats;

E) along the middle line passes through the neck skin, bone begins sublingual and linguistic roots go blind in the field of space;

46.Wher a fistula of paraauricular field does open?:

* A) on the skin in field of era-drum or in paraauricular field;

B) Language root of the side surface or e of the sphere;

C) Language root around a blind eye;

D on the skin in field of era-drum;

E) on the palate tonsillitis at the bottom of the side surfaces of the recessorthroats.

47. Where a complete middle fistula does open?:

* A) to the area of blind hole of the tongue root;

B) on the skin in field of era-drum;

C) on the skin in field of era-drum or in paraauricular field;;

D) throats at the bottom of the side surface;

E) on the palate tonsillitis at the bottom of the side surfaces of the recessorthroats.

48. What field of skin, complete neck does fistula open?:

* A) starts along the middle line of the front surface of the neck under the tongue between the bone and thyroid cartilage, bone, in some cases, sublingual position in the field of

B) will be opened only in the field of sublingual on the skin in field of era-drum or in paraauricular field;;

C) on the bone just under the tongue;

D) only at the bottom of the thyroid cartilage;

E) on the skin in field of era-drum;.

49.Tireoglossal fistulas roads are divided into:

* A), buggy, foreign and domestic;

B) running (functional) and underemployment;

C) the upper, middle, lower foreign and domestic;

D) running (functional), serous and purulent.

E) foreign and domestic;

50.Neck /middle fistulas synonyms:

* A) tireoglossal disease;

B) dermoid;

C) stop teratoma

D) branchiogen disease;

E) side of the cyst.

51. Synonyms of lateral neck cysts:

* A) branchiogen disease;

B) dermoid;

C) stop teratoma;

D) secondary cyst;

E) tireoglossal disease;

52. In what cyst membrane there are sebaceous and sweat glands?:

* A) dermoid;

B) epidermoid;

C) medium;

D) side;

E) atheroma.

53. What kinds of cysts compose congenital tumorous formations:

* A) dorsal side of the isthmus.

B) ateromas;

C) the upper jaw cyst cavity mucous glands;

D) post-traumatic cysts;

E) granules

54. Does not relate to congenital cysts of softissue jaw-faical field:

* A) mucous gland cyst.

B) dermoid cysts;

C) epidermoid cysts;

D) the middle of the neck cyst;

E) paraauricular cyst;

55. Does not relate to congenital cysts of softissue jaw-facial field:

* A) sebaceous glands retentive cyst.

B) dermoid cysts;

C) the middle of the neck cyst;

D) on the dorsal side of the isthmus;

E) paraauricular cyst;

56. Features of inflamed cyst treatment:

* A) evacuation of exudates (tooth removal or separation of alveolar branch and bone perforation).

B) Tooth removal or root resection;;

C) are the causes of tooth;

D) there are daughter cysts that have to be remove

E) oro-antral cystectomia;

57. Features of operational treatment of epidermoid cyst:

* A) there are daughter cysts that have to be remove ;

B) Tooth removal or root resection;;

C) are the causes of tooth;

D) oro-antral cystectomia;

E) evacuation of exudates (tooth removal or separation of alveolar branch and bone perforation).

58. features of operative treatment of Paradental cyst (cystectomy):

* A) tooth removal;

B Tooth removal or root resection;remove ";

D) oro-antral cystectomia;

E) evacuation of exudates (tooth removal or separation of alveolar branch and bone perforation).

59. features of operative treatment of follicular cyst (cystectomy:

* A) tooth removal;

B) Tooth removal or root resection;;

C) ) there are daughter cysts that have to be remove ";

D) oro-antral cystectomia;

E) evacuation of exudates (tooth removal or separation of alveolar branch and bone perforation).

60. features of operative treatment of radicular cyst s (cystectomy):

* A) Tooth removal or root resection;

B) tooth removal;

C) the need to "dochernie over";

D) oro-antral cystectomia;

E) evacuation of exudates (tooth removal or separation of alveolar branch and bone perforation).

61. A large amount of bone cysts after receiving the defective bone regeneration after the end of the central part consists of:

* A) Fibrous tissue;

B) bone tissue;

C) space;

D) blood clots.

E) tendon tissue

62. What is used for filling the hollow cavity used in the current period after cystectomy:

* A) ground tooth powder;

B) brebone;

C) allobone;

D) Biactive ceramics;

E) Gydroxoapaptit;

63. What is used for filling the hollow cavity used in the current period after cystectomy::

* A) gypsum;

B) brebone;

C) allobone;

D) hemostatic sponge;

E) Biactive ceramics;

64. Autolysis of blood clots after cystectomya:

* A) Infection of blood clots and postoperative wounds;

B)infection and blood;

C) the opening of post-operative wounds;

D) always cyst size.

E) the complete inability of the crust

65. location of globulomaxillar cysts?

* A) between the second incisor and the canine in the upper jaw;

B) between the upper incisor teeth;

C) the area of the nose under the base of the wing of the nose, lip wrinkles.

D) between the lower incisor teeth

E) the area of the nasal septum

66. Cysts forming on the lower field of naso-palatine canal:

* A) multirowed flat epithelium.

B) Only the cylindrical epithelium;

C) only mertsatel epithelium;

D) cylindrical or mertsatelepiteliy;

E) mertsatel epithelium

67. Cysts on the lower field of naso-palatine canal consist of:

* A) cylindrical or ciliated epithelium;

B) Only the cylindrical epithelium;

C) only ciliated epithelium;

D) multirowed flat epithelium.

E) ciliated epithelium;

69. Synonyms of noodontogenic cysts:

* A) fissure cyst;

B) radicular cyst

C) retromolar disease;

D) Dental cyst;

E) Follicular cysts

70. Epidermoid cyst epithelium?

* A) multi-rowed flat keratinizing;

B) multi-storey flat non-keratinizing;

C) the cylinder;

D) cuboid;

E) ciliar.

71. What cyst filled with atheromatic mass?

* A) epidermoid;

B) radicular;

C) Follicular;

D) paradental;

E) neodontogen.

72. From what cysts epithelial tissue is formed and then daughter cysts are formed?

* A) epidermoid;

B) radicular

C) Follicular;

D) paradental;

E) noodontogen.

73. Epidermoid cyst is not a synonym of?

*A) retromolar disease;

B) of the primary disease;

C) keratocyst;

D) jaw epidermoid;

E) cholesteatoma.\

74. Epidermoid cyst is not a synonym of?

* A) Dental cyst;

B) of the primary disease;

C) keratocyst;

D) jaw epidermoid;

E) cholesteatoma.

75. What cysts are associated with dental pathology?

* A) paradental;

B) radicular;

C) Follicular;

D) epidermoid;

E) noodontogen.

76. Membrane of what cyst are often full with multi-rowed multi-rowed keratinizing flat epithelium?

* A) Follicular;

B) radicular;

C) nose-palate;

D) globulomaxillar;

E) naso-alveolar.

77. Follicular disease develops in:

*A) Around the crown of cutted teeth;

B) the root end of the field;

C) from the ends of the tooth crown;

D) the area of the root surface of the side

E) in the field of periodontium

78. What is based in differential diagnosis between cyst and ameloblastoma of lower jaw:

* A) pathohistologic reasearch.

B) under the results of puncture;

C) clinical symptoms;

D) X-ray data;

79. Osteoblastoma’s main excretion substance:

* A) bloody-brown and without any cholesterol;

B) heavy, dull, viscous;

C) amber-colored cholesterol crystals;

D) liquid will be indispensable.

E) clear

80. The nature of the discharge at amiloidoblastome mandible:

* A) whitish, cloudy

B) blood brown, do not contain cholesterol;

C) cholesterol crystals amber;

D) there is no liquid discharge

E) clear

81. When a localization of cysts of the mandible, the deformation of the bones from the language?

* A) when cysts developing from 2-3 molar

B) the development of cysts of milk teeth

C) the development of cysts of the canines

D) the development of cysts of premolars

E) for the development of cysts of the first molar

82. Because of the epithelium is often shell radicular cyst?

* A) stratified squamous epithelium non cornificative

B) stratified squamous epithelium of the stratum

C) a cubic epithelium

D) columnar epithelium

E) ciliated epithelium

83. Synonym of thenazoalveolar cysts?

* A) nasolabial cyst;

B) globulomuscularcyst;

C) spherical cyst of the maxilla;

D) nasopalatine cyst;

E) cyst channel clippings

84. Synonyms nasopalatine cysts?

* A) cyst channel clippings

B) globulomuscular cyst

C) spherical cyst of the maxilla;

D) nasolabial cyst;

E) alveolar nasal cyst

85. which of these do not relate to the cyst odontogenic?

* A) the alveolar-bow

B) radicular

C) follicular

D) paradental

E) epidermoid

86. which of these do not relate to the cyst odontogenic?

* A) globulomuscular

B) radicular

C) follicular

D) paradental

E) epidermoid

87. If the damage is a branch of the facial nerve in parotidectomy, impaired movement of the lower lips?

* A) lateral

B) temporal

C) zygomatic

D) buccal

E) neck

88. If the damage is a branch of the facial nerve in parotidectomy, disrupted the movement of the upper lip?

* A) buccal

B) temporal

C) zygomatic

D) corner

E) neck

89. If the damage is a branch of the facial nerve in parotidectomy, eyelid closure is broken?

* A) zygomatic

B) temporal

C) buccal

D) corner

E) neck

90. In what tumors are there are serocytes ?

* A) acinocellular tumor

B) pleomorfadenoma

C) parasialoma

D) carcinoma

E) tumormucoepidermoid

91. In what tumors are there are serocytes ?

* A) atsinoznokletochnaya tumor

B) pleomorfadenoma

C) parasialoma

D) carcinoma

E) tumormukoepidermoidnaya

92. salivary gland carcinoma develops from?

* A) of the output of the tubule epithelium

B) of the output of the stroma tubule

C) from blood vessels

D) lymph vessels

E) from the nerve trunk

93. Synonym to adenocystosecarcinoma:

* A) cyilindroma;

B) adenocarcinoma;

C) pleomorphic adenoma;

D) mucoepidermoidoedema;

E) epidermoid carcinoma;

94. What does the malignancy pleomorphic adenoma of the salivary glands ?

* A) the restriction of tumor growth

B) slow growth

C) for heavy

D) night pain

E) the mobility of tumor

95. What does the malignancy pleomorphic adenoma of the salivary glands ?

* A) acceleration of tumor growth

B) slow growth

C) for heavy

D) aching

E) the mobility of tumor

96. Which of the pathological processes have a very small probability of malignancy?

* A) syphilophyma oral mucosa

B) chronic fistula

C) trophic ulcer

D) scars lupus

E) crack mucosa

97. obligate precancerous disease?

* A) Bowen's disease

B) lichenplanus

C) lupuserythematosus

D) post-radiation stomatitis

E) submucosal fibrosis

98. obligate precancerous disease?

* A) Wart cancer

B) lichenplanus

C) lupuserythematosus

D) post-radiation stomatitis

E) submucosal fibrosis

99. obligate precancerous disease?

* A) limited hyperkeratosis

B) lichenplanus

C) papilloma

D) aphthous stomatitis

E) post-radiation stomatitis

100. What is fibrous dysplasia?

* A) tumor-like formations

B) benign tumor

C) malignancy

D) obligate precancerous condition

E) optional precancerous condition

101. When clicking capillary gemangioma color is...

* A) a sudden paleness

B) color change

C) less color change

D) there is no right answer

E) disappear

102. Who first described fibrous dysplasia

* A) Paget

B) Reklingauzena

C) Mihauzen

D) Rouer


103.What resembles proliferative form of fibrous dysplasia

* A) Kaposi

B) osteoma

C) ossified fibroma

D) chondroma

E) Cement

104. What is the difference between enchondroma and enchondroma

A) localized in the jaw

B) abnormal looseness of teeth

B) metastasis

D) form

D) color

105. What do not differentiate with enhondroma

A) fibrous dysplasia

B) eosinophilic granuloma

B) osteoma of the jaw

D) fibromaossificans

D) chondrosarcoma

106. Treatment of giant cell cementoma (cementoma family matters):

A) to the resection of healthy tissue

B) symptomatic

B) radiation therapy

D) The cutter jaws

D) physiotherapy

107. The main reason leading to cancer of the lateral surface of the tongue:

A) acute chronic damage to the tooth

B) smoking

B) weather conditions

D) Alcohol

D) the sharp edges of the teeth

108. The main cause of cancer of the lips

A) weather conditions

B) the nature of power

B) tobacco smoking

D) alcoholic beverages

D) the sharp edges of the teeth

109. What method is used in the treatment of stage 3 of cancer

A) complex

B) electroexcision

B) radiation therapy

D) resection

D) cryosurgery

110. The most common cancer sites of the mandible

A) premolars and molars

B) the front teeth

B) teeth

D) the level of the mandible

D) the angle of the mandible

111. A cyst in the form of "hourglass" occurs:

A) sublingual salivary gland

B) small salivary gland lip

B) parotid gland

D) the submandibular gland

D) Small palatal salivary gland

112. The frequent formation of the salivary glands

A) polimorfadenoma

B) mukoepidermalformation

B) adenocarcinoma

D) tsilindroma

D) monomorfadenoma

113. In a salivary gland retention cyst is often found:

A) small glands of the lower lip

B) sublingual

B) the submandibular

D) parotid

D) palatine small

114. The sign does not indicate malignancy nevus

A) inflammation of Education

B) an increase in regional lymph nodes

B) increased pigmentation

D) seal of pigment spots

D) pain in Education

115. Squamous cell carcinoma do not differentiate:

A) fibroma

B) obligate precancerous condition

B) keratoacanthoma

D) basal cell carcinoma

D) actinic keratosis

116. accelerates the growth of melanoma:

A) surgery

B) joining inflammation

B) weather conditions

D) physical illness

D) All answers are correct

117. In most cases of squamous cell carcinoma is localized:

A) cheek and ear eve

B) nasal bridge

B) the outside corner of the eye

D) gums

D) lower lip

118. In the surgical treatment of primary bone grafting is performed:

A) Bone hemangioma

B) sarcoma of the mandible

B) carcinoma of the mandible

D) osteoblastoclastoma

D) All answers are correct

119. The most frequent localization of ameloblastoma:

A) and a branch angle of the mandible

B) the hill of the upper jaw

B) alveolar bone of the lower jaw

D) alveolar bone of the upper jaw

D) the body of the mandible

120. There is a puncture ameloblastomic cystic form

A) shiny transparent liquid

B) brown bloody fluid

B) gray amorphous mass

D) a jelly-like mass

D) cheesy masses

121. The characteristic x-ray signs of a complex odontoma.

A uniform shade in the form of mulberry

B .unevenbone destruction

V. shadow in the form of a "glass darkly"

G. Multiple cavity

D. bone destruction with clear boundaries

122. Not applicable to odontogenic tumors

A myxoma

B. fibroadamantoblastoma

B. ameloblastoma

G. odontoma

D. mentoma

123. Treatment cement

A removal of the tumor with a capsule

B. resection of the jaw

B. Cardiodestruction

G. Combination therapy

D. exposure

124. Which disease peculiar feature of an X-ray opacity of glass

A fibrous dysplasia

B. Osteoid osteomaB.

C. Neurofibromatosis

G. ameloblastoma

D. eosinophilic granuloma

125. The characteristic symptom of filling ,:

A cavernous hemangioma

B. salivary gland cyst

B. Paracervial cyst

G. capillary hemangioma

D. Bone hemangioma

126. Form osteoblastoklastom occurring unlimited bone destruction

A. Veil Lithic

B. cellular

B. Cystic

G. Solid

D. peripheral

127 What is not included in the group of odontogenictumors

A) sublingual salivary gland

B) small salivary gland lip

B) parotid gland

D) the submandibular gland

D) Small palatal salivary gland

128. that develops in the jaw bone in violation of enamel-forming organ

A follicular cyst

B. keratocyst

B. Cyst canal cuts

G. Naso alveolar cyst

D. radicular cyst

129. public tumors found multinucleated giant cells

A. osteoblastoclastoma

B. ameloblastoma

B. Osteoma

G. Fibrous dysplasia

D. Osteoid osteoma

130. The composition of a dermoid cyst

A. porridge-shaped mass

B. Fat

B. Hemorrhagic fluid

D. Cholesterol

D. dark liquid

131. local destructive growth is peculiar to

A-acinar tissue tumors

B. Polymorphic adenoma

B. monomorphic adenoma

G. adenolymphoma.

D. mukoepidermoid tumor

132. whatis differentiated witheosinophilic granuloma

A. vascular tumors

B. osteosarcoma

B. retention cysts

G. polymorphic adenoma

D. osteomyelitis of the jaw

134. softodontoma differentiated with.

A. with ameloblastoma

B. Polymorphic adenoma

B. Periodontitis

G.osteomielitom jaw

D. hemangioma

135. The effective treatment of Ewing's sarcoma

A ray and chemical therapy

B. removal of the tumor at the boundary with the healthy tissue

B. Hormone Therapy

G. The radio therapy

D. cryo destruction

136. The most sensitive to radiotherapy is

A. reticulosarcoma

B. osteosarcoma

B. chondrosarcoma

G. Gemandotelioma

D. fibrosarcoma

137. The first stage of the cancer clinic language

A primary spot up to 1 cm, located deep in the mucosa

B. ulcer to 2-5 cm, extends to the muscular layer, single-sided metastases

B. ulcer spread to other organs, single regional metastases

G. ulcer spread to other anatomical regions

, Single metastases

D. no right answer

138. Clinic tongue cancer stage 4

A plague of 2-5 cm, extends to the muscular layer, single-sided metastases

B ..primary focus up to 1 cm, located deep in the mucosa

B. ulcer spread to other organs, single regional metastases

G. ulcer spread to other anatomical regions

Single metastases

D. no right answer

139. The location of a cancer of the oral cavity mucous bottom is considered more benign

A. anterior

Front side B.

B. Rear department.

G. On the tongue

D. Language-jaw groove

140. The upper jaw cavity cancer develops

A. from epithelial tissue

B. from muscle tissue

B. lymphoid tissue

G. nervous tissue

D. connective tissue

141. X-rays characteristic sign of secondary cancer of the lower jaw

A bone destruction in the form of melting sugar

B. multiple cystic cavities in thin cortical bone

B. diffuse increase in bone in the form of darkened glass

G. pyatnoobraznoe Branch focus cortical cylindrical shape

D. norightanswer

142. Which of the tumor is the cause of cancer of the lower jaw

A) ameloblastoma

B) chondroma

B) odontoma

D) myxoma

A) osteoclastoma

143. which opens the inner hole of congenital fistula lateral neck

A) on the basis of palatal folds

B) on the rear wall of the larynx

B) in the "blind" hole language

D) in the submandibular area

D) in a side wall of the larynx

144.Osnovnoy diagnostic method for investigation of stroke lateral neck fistula

A) contrast fistulography

B) radioisotope research

B) Wasserman

D) dynamic thymol test

D) morphological study

145. Content punctate inflamed congenital cyst neck

A) transparent liquid

B) lymph

B) Blood

D) granular liquid

D) pus

146. The main method of treatment of congenital cysts and fistulas neck

A) Operational

B) chemotherapy

B) fiziotereapiya

D) dynamic observation

D) Cryotherapy

147. The main treatment for tongue cancer

A) combined treatment

B) Operational

B) radiation therapy

D) chemotherapy

E) no right answer

148. The location of a mucous oral cavity bottom cancer is considered more dangerous?

A) the transition of the root of the tongue

B) sublingual area

B) Oral-lingual groove

D) the lateral surface of the tongue

D) anterior

149. The most common morphological type of cancer of the lower lip

A) squamous

B) a cylindrical

B) intermuscular

D) mukoepidermalnaya

E) no right answer

150. The most serious complication of a cyst in removing the side of the neck

A) damage to major vessels of the neck

B) fracture of the hyoid bone

B) facial nerve paresis

D) damage to the parotid gland

E) no right answer

151. The contents of the non-inflamed punctate radicular cyst

A) pale liquid crystal cholesterol

B) holesteotomnaya weight

B) Blood

D) turbid liquid

D) lymph

152. The main methods of treatment of large cysts of the jaws

A) cystotomy

B) cystectomy

B) cryosurgery

D) partial resection of the jaw

E) no right answer

153. The main method of treatment of gum fibromatosis

A) removal of the tumor with periosteum

B) radiation therapy

B) combination therapy

D) chemotherapy

E) no right answer

154. Clinic fibrous epulis

A) painless education with a broad base of dense

B) hilly painful bleeding gums education

B) limited stratum center gums

D) tight painful infiltration in the area a few teeth

D) center of erosion that has no tendency to epithelialization and bleeding

155. Clinic angiomatous epulis

A) Education hilly painless red gums

B) a limited stratum center gums

B) painless education with a broad base of dense

D) 2-3 hearth erosion does not have a tendency to epithelialization and bleeding

D) dense painless infiltration in the area of several teeth

156. The peripheral giant cell granuloma Clinic

A) Soft texture uneven bluish gums education with indistinct borders

B) painful lumpy bleeding gums education

B) dense painless infiltration in the area of several teeth

D) Limitations stratum center gums

D) 2-3 hearth erosion, no tendency to epithelialization and bleeding

157 X-ray picture of the fibrous epulis

A) no bone changes in epulis

B) cortical plate resorption jaws

B) the presence of bone changes

D) the presence of focal destruction of the spongy substance

D) Distribution of focal destruction of the spongy substance in the area of the adjacent teeth

158. The main method of treatment of the fibrous epulis

A) removing tumor

B) cryosurgery

B) radiation therapy

D) X-rays terepiya

D) Chemotherapy
