
Year 7 curriculum
Multiply and divide decimals using efficient written strategies and digital technologies
Round decimals to a specified number of decimal places
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions
Assumed knowledge:
Basic whole number operations
Understand there are quantities between 0 and 1
Recognise the place value system can be extended beyond hundredths
Compare, order and represent decimals
Fractions/decimals to thousandths
Add and subtract decimals
Round and estimate with decimals
Multiply and divide by powers of 10
Common misconceptions:
Not understanding place value (e.g. 1.8 < 1.15)
1.2*10 = 1.20
12.3 + 1.21 = 2.44
1.1 * 1.3 = 14.3
Students see $1.20 as “one dollar and 20 cents” rather than “1.2 dollars”
Multiplying makes things bigger
Key terminology:
Place value
Decimal place
Key understanding:
Key skills:
Order decimal numbers to at least thousandths.
Order a mix of decimals and whole numbers (e.g. 2.12, 10.652, ect.)
Add and subtract decimal numbers without technology to at least thousandths with
a mix of decimal lengths (e.g. 1.23+4.1, 18.2 + 3.23)
Short multiplication and division without a calculator to at least thousandths.
Multiply and divide decimals by factors of 10 using efficient strategies (not long
Solve decimal operations in real word contexts (word problems) avoiding dollars
and cents.
Recognise that multiplying by a number smaller than 1 will lead to a smaller result
that the initial value. [e.g. I multiply 6 by a number between 0.5 and 0. A possible
answer could be: A) 15, B) 8, C) 6 D) 4 E) 2]