5NBTA3A Unpacked

*This standard is part of a major cluster
Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
A. Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded
form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 × (1/10) + 9 x (1/100) + 2 x (1/1000)
This standard references expanded form of decimals with fractions included. Students should build on their
work from Fourth Grade, where they worked with both decimals and fractions interchangeably. Expanded
form is included to build upon work in 5.NBT.A.2 and deepen students’ understanding of place value.
Students build on the understanding they developed in fourth grade to read, write, and compare decimals to
thousandths. They connect their prior experiences with using decimal notation for fractions and addition of
fractions with denominators of 10 and 100. They use concrete models and number lines to extend this
understanding to decimals to the thousandths. Models may include base ten blocks, place value charts,
grids, pictures, drawings, manipulatives, technology-based, etc. They read decimals using fractional
language and write decimals in fractional form, as well as in expanded notation. This investigation leads
them to understanding equivalence of decimals (0.8 = 0.80 = 0.800).
It is critical that when reading and saying decimals that language to support student understanding is
consistently used. For example, always say “5 and two tenths” instead of “five point two.” Using the “point
terminology results in a disconnect to the fractional part that exists in every decimal. This is not unlike the
reading of fractions as “two over ten” instead of correctly saying “two tenths.” This level of precision in
language will provide students with the opportunity to hear the connections between decimals and
fractions, so that when they hear “two tenths,” they think of both 0.2 and (Van de Walle 2012).
Model Examples:
10 x 10 grids:
*Each grid is equal to one whole, and students shade in fractional parts. This model limits students to work
up to hundredths.
Technology based base 10 blocks:
Meter Stick:
* One of the best length models for a decimal fraction is a meter stick. Each decimeter is one-tenth of the
whole stick, each centimeter is one-hundredth, and each millimeter is one-thousandth.
Empty Number Lines:
Empty number lines are also useful in helping students compare decimals and think about scale and place
value (Martinie & Bay Williams, 2003). Given two or more decimals, students can use an empty number
line to position the values, revealing what they know about the size of these decimals using zero, one, other
whole numbers, or other decimal values as benchmarks. The use of multiple representations will broaden
not only students’ understanding but the teachers’ understanding of their level of performance (Van de
Walle, 2013).
* The above samples are merely examples of various ways students might model, and in no way represent
the only ways to model this standard.
The following are potential questions to check for understanding:
Have students show a fraction using any model. For example, once a fraction, say
, is modeled, the following ideas can be explored:
Is this fraction more or less that 1/2 ? Than 2/3? Than ¼? Some familiarity
can be developed by comparison with fractions that are easy to think about.
What are some different ways to say this fraction using tenths and
hundredths? (6 tenths and 5 hundredths or 65 hundredths) Include
thousandths when appropriate.
Show two ways to write this fraction……
Using expanded form, explain why 3.14 is larger than 3.014? Model your
What is a number less than 0.245? Use expanded form to justify and explain your
Consider the following:
.538 is written in expanded form notated as; 5 x (1/10) + 3 x (1/100) + 8 x
(1/ 1,000)
Model and explain the relationship between the standard form and
expanded form values of each digit. For example; how does the digit 5 in
.538 relate to 5 x 1/10?
Show the number 1.34 in expanded form in multiple ways. Use a model to prove
that your answers are correct. (models can be done with base ten blocks, place
value charts, number lines, drawings, manipulatives, technology-based, etc.