MINISTRY OF THE HIGHER AND SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY The vice rector on study prof. Teshayev O. R. _______ «___» __________ 2012г. Chair: Traumatology orthopedics, VGTH with neurosurgery. Subject: Traumatology orthopedics. For medico-preventive faculty On a subject: Surgical methods of treatment in traumatology and orthopedics. Reparativny regeneration of a bone fabric. SRS-of Feature of fractures of bones at children. Practical occupation No. 3 TECHNOLOGY OF TRAINING TASHKENT-2012 Practical occupation No. 3 On a subject: Surgical methods of treatment in traumatology and orthopedics. Reparativny regeneration of a bone fabric. SRS-of Feature of fractures of bones at children. 1. Subject and equipment venue - chair of traumatology orthopedics, VPH with neurosurgery and audiences, - office of emergency traumatology of the 2nd clinic of TMA, - thematic patients or volunteers, patient's records, surgical tools, scenarios of role-playing games, visual aids, distributing materials, banners, video and photographic material. - new investment technological technologies, 2. Time of carrying out occupations 225минут (5 class periods). 3. Occupation purpose. To acquaint students with existing methods operative fixing bone отломков at changes of bones, indications and contra-indications to the operation, existing types metalwork and ways of their use. Will study stages reparativny regeneration of a bone fabric. 4. Pedagogical tasks: - to fix the general ideas of concept an osteosynthesis; - to fix and make metal construction definition about concept; - to create knowledge types of methods of an osteosynthesis; - to acquaint students with features of contraindications of carrying out surgical treatment; 5. Results of educational activity The student should know: - to make definition of concept an osteosynthesis; - to make definition of concept of a metal construction; - nobility of methods of an osteosynthesis; - to know contra-indications to carrying out surgical treatment. The student should be able: To carry out practical skill - rendering of the first medical care at an open fracture of bones of a forearm. 6. Methods and equipment of training Case. 7. Tutorials. - Manuals, video and photographic material, books - Educational матерялы, X-ray pictures, educational films, plait, plaster material 8. To form of education. Individual work, work in groups, collective. 9. Training conditions The audience having conditions for work in groups. 10. Mannitoring and estimates. - Oral control: control questions, performance of educational tasks in groups. - Written control: control questions. Technological card of educational occupation. Content of activity Work stage Teacher The I stage Introduction educational occupation (10 mines) 5 minutes Students 1.1. Calls an occupation subject, its purpose, tasks Listen and planned results of educational activity. – Write down in Independently study 1.2. Acquaints with an operating mode on occupation contents of a case and and criteria of an assessment of results (see individually fill a leaf of the methodical instructions for students). analysis of situations. 1.3. Explains appointment a case-stadi and its influence on development of professional knowledge. 1.4. Раздаёт case materials also acquaints with a situation analysis algorithm (see methodical instructions for students). 1.5. Gives a task independently to carry out the analysis and to bring results in «A leaf of the analysis of a situation». II stage 2.1. Carries out quiz on purpose to make active knowledge being trained on a subject: Answer questions. - features of inspection of patients with diseases the ODE; - features of inspection of patients with damages the ODE; - concept about diagnostics of injury of bones; - concept about diagnostics of injury of joints; - idea of a traumatism on production; - measures of prevention of a traumatism on production; 2.2. Divides students into groups. Reminds work rules in group and ruled discussions. 2.3. Gives a task: To carry out and discuss results of individual work with a case (sheets of the analysis of a situation) in mini-groups; Share on groups. To estimate and choose optimum options of actions for measures of prevention of a traumatism on production; To be prepared for presentation. Change 2.4. Coordinates, advises, directs educational activity. Checks and estimates results of individual work: sheets of the analysis of a situation. 2.4. Coordinates, advises, directs educational activity. Checks and estimates results of individual work: sheets of the analysis of a situation. Carry out an educational task. 2.5. Will organize presentation following the results of the done work on the solution of a case, discussion and a vzaimootsenka. Change 2.6. Makes comments, pays attention to the actions chosen in the course of the analysis for measures of prevention of a traumatism on production. 2.7. Reports the version of the decision. Main 30 minutes. Groups hold presentation of results of work. Participate in discussion, ask questions, estimate. 2.8. Will organize performance by students of Measurement of relative and absolute length of the practical skills bottom extremity Phisical examination of patients III stage final and 3.1. Sums up to occupation, generalizes results of Listen educational activity, declares estimates individual and estimated collaboration. 10 minutes. 3.2. Emphasizes value a case stage and its influence on development of future expert. Express the opinion 3.3 Gives homework. Write down 11. Motivation Carrying out this occupation gives the chance to the student to familiarize with concepts of an osteosynthesis, a metal construction, to existing methods of fixing bone отломков, stages of reparativny regeneration of a bone fabric and its methods of optimization. 12. Intersubject and intra subject communications Training of students to this subject, is based on knowledge of human anatomy, topographical anatomy and operative surgery, anesthesiology resuscitation, sheathe surgeries. 13. Content of occupation 13.1. Theoretical part. The osteosynthesis is a surgical connection bone отломков in the various ways. Osteotomiya operative section (crossing) of a bone. Transplantation of a bone is the change of the various bone fabrics applied to filling of formed defects in bones (after removal of good-quality tumors). Joint operations are subdivided into two groups: 1. Interventions on soft fabrics of a joint: an arthrotomy – joint opening, a sinovektomiya – an issecheniye of an articulate bag, plastic of the sumochno-copular device. 2. Operation on the bones forming a joint. Joint resection – an issecheniye of the articulate ends of the bones struck with any pathological process. Arthroplastics – mobility restoration in a joint. Arthrodesis – artificial creation of an immovability of a joint. Big distribution was received by methods vneochagovy kompressionny Ilizarov, Gudushauri, VolkovOganesyan, Kalnberz's osteosyntheses \devices. Phases of a cycle of restoration of a bone: The first phase – the beginning of development of a reproduction and a proliferatsiya of cellular elements under the influence of products of a necrosis and некробиоза the damaged cages and fabrics. Major importance in formation of a bone callosity has blood circulation restoration in the field of a change. The second phase – education and a differentiation of fabric structures. It is characterized by a progressing proliferatsiya and a differentiation of cellular elements that occurs thanks to anabolic hormones. Young bone cages form an organic basis bone регенерата. Under optimum conditions the osteoidny fabric is formed. The third phase – formation of bone structure. The main process is the complete recovery of blood circulation in a place of a change and a mineralization of an albuminous basis регенерата. The space between отломками bones is filled with a melkokletochny network bone трабекул from a coarse-fibered and lamellar bone fabric. By the phase end bone balochka merge in compact substance with wide bone channels. The fourth phase – reorganization primary регенерата and a bone restitution. In this stage the accurate kortikalny layer is defined, the marrowy channel is restored, the nadkostnitsa is accurately differentiated. The chaotic arrangement of obyzvestvlenny structures is replaced by their orientation, a superfluous naplastovaniye регенерата. General regularities of reparativny bone regeneration Reparativny regeneration of a bone fabric — formation of a bone fabric on a place of injury of the bone, directed on its high-grade structural функцио nalny restoration. Feature of bone reparativny regeneration — a mnogoetapnost of its current at which each subsequent stage happens a consequence previous. From the moment of injury of a bone before reparation end, i.e. formation of a morph of logically mature bone fabric filling defect and connecting bone отломки, and achievements of highgrade restoration of functions of a bone as itself stoyatelny body there passes a lot of time. Thus the general regularities of a course of reparativny process of a bone fabric and the specific features depending on conditions of its current, potentialities of osteogene cellular elements, and also from a condition of all organism are distinctly traced. The general regularities of reparativny process in the injured bone and its end, occurring in optimum conditions, are presented in a look своеоб different "generalized character". Optimum conditions mean a simple closed fracture of a long tubular bone, the correct repozitsiya and good fixing bone отломков. The damage stage, or primary destruktsiya, usually happens кратковре mine, but its extensiveness depends on an injuring factor (in the case under consideration - mechanical character): its forces, duration and areas step game. At most often met closed fracture of a long tubular bone there is a violation of its integrity to division into two bone отломка (distalny and proximal). Are thus broken off a nadkostnitsa, эндост, a bone fabric and all elements, in them present and with them connected: fibrous (collagenic and elastichesky) and cellular (фибробласты, остеобласты, osteocytes, cages predecessors) elements, a marrow, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, the fabrics surrounding a bone. Thus, the trauma causes a destruktsiya of fabric elements in the field of damage, violation of interrelation of the remained fabric elements and change of fabric spatial very tectonics. It follow fiziko-chemical and biochemical changes of the environment in a damage zone, I initiate shchy new (other) structural changes. Stage of consequences of primary destruktsiya, secondary destruktsiya. As a result of alteration in the center of damage the tsiya develops inflammatory реак. Its first sign — the blood-groove and limfoobrashcheniye frustration connected with a vazodilatatsiya and being accompanied by increase of permeability of a vascular wall therefore there is an ekssudatsiya, i.e. an exit from vessels in a fabric of water, proteins, salts and blood cells. Thereof arises swelled surrounding fabrics. In the center of an inflammation find metabolism products, toxins. It is followed лейкодиапедез, i.e. by migration of leukocytes and an infiltratsiya them to it, surrounding the inflammation center. The inflammatory giperemiya, a-ism няются rheological properties of blood develops, there are стазы, local hemorrhages, thrombosis of small vessels, a fibrinozny exudate. As a result of a metabolic disorder in the center of an inflammation acidosis, a hypoxemia and hyper osmium develop. In резуль тате leykotsitarny reaction in the center there is a large amount of enzymes that causes disintegration of the damaged fabrics. Between bone отломками обра зуется a blood clot. At a change of a kortikalny part of a diaphysis there is a rupture of the vessels passing in the central channels остеонов that brings to пре to blood-groove dyeing on them on some depth from damage border to a place of their next branching or анастомоза with vessels adjacent остеонов. 13.2. Analytical part METODICHESKYE RECOMMENDATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY OF CARRYING OUT GAMES «BEE SWARM» For work it is necessary: 1. A set of options of tasks and the situational tasks which have been unpacked on single sheets. 2. Nomerki for lot on number of students in each subgroup. 3. Blank sheets, papers, handle. Work course: 1. All students of a subgroup together discuss a task. The general time of game - 45 minutes. 2. All students of group share lot on 3 subgroups on 4 students in everyone. 3. Each subgroup sits down at a separate table, prepares a sheet of paper and the handle. 4. On a leaf date, group number, faculty, a full name, participating students of the entitled subgroup and business game is written. 5. One of students of each subgroup takes option of a task which is used for all subgroups from an envelope. 6. One of students of each subgroup copies a task on a leaf. 7. In them writes down its decision. 8. On the solution of a task 15 minutes are taken away. 9. The teacher observes, behind a game course. 10. On the expiration of operating time are given to the teacher. 11.Все participants of game discuss results, choose most the correct decisions for which there is the maximum point. 12. For discussion 15 minutes are taken away. 13. Students receive for answers from a rating of theoretical hours occupations. 14. The subgroup which gave the most right answers, receives the maximum point-100 of % from a rating of a theoretical part of occupation. 15. On a leaf with the answer the teacher puts points and the list. 16. The point got by students is considered at exposure an assessment current occupation. 17. In the lower free part of the magazine the mark about carrying out becomes games by the signature of the head of group. 18. Works of students remain the teacher. 13.2.1. Situational tasks: 1-situational task At you is on reception sick in the L. 72 years. The impossibility to lift an extremity complains of pains in the right coxofemoral joint. From the anamnesis: in 2 hours prior to receipt fell at home from a chair to the right side. At survey external rotation of the right bottom extremity, a symptom of «the stuck heel» is noted. Active bending in a coxofemoral joint are impossible, passive are painful. Sensitivity of skin of an extremity and a pulsation on peripheral arteries are kept. • Your preliminary diagnosis • What help you render? • You will carry out what additional methods of research? • Types of an osteosynthesis at this pathology? 2-situational task You have on reception a patient And. 22 years. Strengthening of pains at movements complains of pains, a swelling in the right knee joint. From the anamnesis: in 20-30 minutes prior to receipt fell at a bus stop. At survey the increase in volume of a circle of the right knee joint in relation to healthy is noted. At a palpation the kripitatsiya is defined. Sensitivity of skin of an extremity and a pulsation on peripheral arteries are kept. • Your preliminary diagnosis • What help you render? • You will carry out what additional methods of research? • Types of an osteosynthesis at this pathology? 3-situational task At you is on reception of the patient Д 34 years. Complains of pains amplifying at movements and a swelling in the right hip. From the anamnesis: for 30 mines before receipt fell from a bicycle. At survey the increase in volume of a circle of the right hip in relation to a healthy hip is noted. At a palpation severe pain is defined. Sensitivity of skin of an extremity and a pulsation on peripheral arteries are kept. • Your preliminary diagnosis • What help you render? • You will carry out what additional methods of research? • Types of an osteosynthesis at this pathology? 13.2.2 Practical part Practical skill - First-aid treatment at an open fracture of bones of a forearm. Purpose: To master equipment of first-aid treatment at an open fracture of bones of a forearm. Equipment: Volanter, couch, aseptic napkins, Kramer's tire, bandage. Carried-out stages (steps). № Actions Stages It is not executed (0 points) It is completely correctly executed 1. Introduction аналгетика. 0 20 2. Antibiotic introduction 0 20 3. Imposing of an aseptic bandage. 0 20 4. Extremity immobilization Kramer's tire 0 20 5. Transportation in a hospital. 0 20 In total 14. Forms of control of knowledge, skills and abilities. - the oral; - the written; - situational tasks; - to show abilities of performance of practical skill. 100 15. Criteria of an assessment of the current control on a subject: «Surgical methods of treatment in traumatology and orthopedics. Reparativny regeneration of a bone fabric» № Progress in (%) and points Assessment Level of knowledge of the student Depending on a situation can make the correct decision and sums up. By preparation for a practical training uses additional literature (as on native, and in English) Independently analyzes essence of a problem of surgical methods of treatment in traumatology and orthopedics and reparativny regeneration of a bone fabric. Can independently examine the patient and correctly makes the diagnosis (at treatment of changes and dislocations). 1 2 96-100 Shows high activity, a creative approach at carrying out interactive games. 3 91-95 Independently analyzes essence of a problem of surgical methods of treatment in traumatology and orthopedics and reparativny regeneration of a bone fabric. Shows high activity, a creative approach at carrying out interactive games. Correctly solves situational problems, proves treatment, makes the plan, tells surely. Has exact representations on an etiology, патогенезу, to clinic, can carry out differential diagnostics, to appoint treatment, can carry out prevention in traumatology and orthopedics. Practical skill carries out surely, understands essence Correctly collects the anamnesis, examines the patient, makes the preliminary diagnosis. Can interpret data of laboratory researches. Actively participates in SRS discussion. 4 86-90 Shows high activity at carrying out interactive games. Correctly solves situational problems, but can't appoint concrete treatment, tells surely. Has exact representations on an etiology, патогенезу, to clinic, can carry out differential diagnostics, to appoint treatment, but can't carry out prevention at treatment of changes and dislocations. Practical skill carries out on steps. Correctly collects the anamnesis, examines the patient, makes the preliminary diagnosis. Can interpret data a laborator ny researches. Actively participates in SRS discussion. 6 Correctly solves situational problems, is able to make the clinical diagnosis on classification, but can't appoint the plan of treatment and preventive actions, tells surely. Has exact representations on an etiology, патогенезу, to clinic and to carry out differential diagnostics, but can't appoint treatment. Practical skill carries out, but confuses steps. Correctly collects the anamnesis, examines the patient, makes the preliminary diagnosis. Can interpret data of laboratory research. Actively participates in SRS discussion. 7 Correctly solves situational problems, but can't prove the clinical diagnosis, tells surely. Has exact representations on an etiology, патогенезу and clinic, but can't carry out differential diagnostics and to appoint treatment. Correctly collects the anamnesis, examines the patient, but can't estimate weight of a condition. Can partially interpret data of laboratory research. Actively participates in SRS discussion. 8 Commits mistakes at the solution of situational tasks (can't expose the diagnosis on classification). Knows clinic at inspection of patients by scoliosis and acquired deformations, tells not surely. Has exact representations on an etiology of changes and dislocations, and reparativny regeneration of a bone fabric, but can't connect clinic with the patogenezy. Collecting the anamnesis not purposeful, survey not according to the scheme. Can't interpret data laborator-ny researches. It is passive at SRS discussion. Имеет общие представления о методов лечения в травматологии и ортопедии и репаративной регенерации костной ткани, рассказывает не уверенно, путает. 9 Самостоятельно не может опросить и осмотреть больного. Не может интерпретировать данные лабораторных исследований. Не участвует в обсуждении СРС 10 76-80 Has no exact representation of the basic principles of treatment of changes and dislocations. Doesn't know a subject. 11 71-75 For presence of the student on occupation, in due form, itself has writing-books, a phonendoscope 16. SRS-of Feature of fractures of bones at children. Control questions 1. At children you know what features of fractures of bones? 2. What is when children's changes occurs on type of «a green branch»? 3. Why at newborns and children of chest age diagnostics is complicated? 17. Control questions 1. Types of surgical treatment. 2. Osteosynthesis methods. 3. Complications at surgical treatment. 4. Indications to surgical treatment. 5. Contra-indications to surgical treatment. 6. Types of a metalwork. 7. Stages of reparativny regeneration? 8. Methods of optimization of reparativny regeneration? 18. Recommended literature 1. Yumashev G. S. «Traumatology and orthopedics of» M «, Medicine» 1990. - 575с. 2. Musalatov H.A. «Traumatology and orthopedics of» M «, Medicine» 1995. - page. 3. «Instructions on field surgery» V.N.Byalin, L.N.Bisenkov, P.G.Bryusov, etc. M 2000. - 415с. 4. www/