Trace Element Contamination of the Rio Colorado in Argentina by David Frederic Ashcroft A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, UNIVERSITY OF SURREY, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Department of Physics Faculty of Electronics & Physical Sciences University of Surrey September 2009 © David Frederic Ashcroft 2009 3545105 1 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina ABSTRACT Trace element contamination in the surrounding Argentinean area of the Patagonia region has been acknowledged and published in various reports relating to the agricultural industry, petro industry, water treatment, sewage and other affiliated industrial activities. In this study samples of water, sediment and plant material were collected from various locations spread along the Rio Colorado, which is situated north the Rio Negro and Grande Canal, in part to copy the sampling regime implemented by Paddock, 2006 and Arribere et al., 2002. The sampling sites were specifically targeted to highlight areas of contamination and were located in four primary sites: Rincón de los Sauces; Catriel; Embalse Casa de Piedra dam; and the town of Rio Colorado. These sites house fruit orchards, petrochemical plants, potash industry, sewage discharge and water treatment plants. All water samples were filtered (using 20 micron filter) and analysed for trace elements using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS), ion chromatography and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICPAES). The sediment and plant material were dry-ashed using a muffle furnace (550oC) and acid dissolved using HNO3:HF digestion method, with the resultant digests analysed using ICPMS. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) was also implemented to ascertain trace element concentrations in the samples. In addition, sediment sub-samples, maintained in a wet state, were prepared and analysed for some seventeen USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The highest river trace element levels in water samples are seen at Catriel on the sewage discharge site with selected trace elements exceeding the guidelines for Vida Acuática. Similarly, the sewage discharge site at Rio Colorado possesses high levels of an abundance of chemicals all associated to this anthropogenic process. Sites at Rincón de los Sauces and Catriel contain significantly high levels of selected trace elements, many of which are attributed to oil products (namely V, Sb, Cr, Cd, Mn & Pb) with several elements (Cr, Cd, Pb & As) exceeding guidelines for Vida Acuática. Nitrates levels were found to be high at all four sampling locations with values above the drinking water guidelines as prescribed by WHO and UK guidelines. Predominantly, industrial and sewage processes are responsible. Drinking water from the faucets at all four sampling areas is generally deemed well within drinking water guideline quality standards, although there a couple of areas of concern. Drinking water from faucets in Rincón de los Sauces and Rio Colorado possess very high lead concentrations with values typically above the WHO drinking water guidelines. A possible explanation for this trend may be due to lead pipes being used for domestic distribution. Similarly, drinking water from faucets in Rincón de los Sauces and Rio Colorado also possess high concentrations of sulphate that may be associated to the use of metal sulphates in local chemical water treatment processes. Sediment samples from both Catriel and Rio Colorado show clear evidence of heavy metal contamination and show elevated levels above those quoted in the Dutch Adjusted and UK 3545105 2 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina CLEA guidance limits. Likewise for aquatic plant samples, with Rincón de los Sauces being contaminated with the most trace elements measured. In summary, it must be stressed that two of the Rio Colorado sites are highly contaminated from industrial and sewage discharge which may be of significance in comparing the two regions. More sediment samples need to be collected from the Rio Colorado at all sampling areas, especially Rincón de los Sauces, where no sediment samples were taken in this study, and Catriel in order to assess the long-term impact of industrial activities (oil extraction and processing). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly I would like to take the pleasure in thanking and acknowledging Prof Neil Ward for his support and assistance during the compilation of this report. I would also like to thank Jenny O’Reilly for all of her help with the sample analysis using the ICP-MS and FAAS instruments. Finally I would like to thank Dr P Regan and Miss A Smith for their contribution and assistance throughout ambiguous times. 3545105 3 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina CONTENTS Page No 1. Rio Colorado Valley and Heavy Metal Contamination ........................................................ 7 1.1 Introduction to the Rio Colorado Basin System ................................................... 7 1.2 Pollutant Model – Pathways ................................................................................ 8 1.2.1 Irrigation Water.................................................................................................... 8 1.2.2 Agricultural Soils and Aquatic Plants ................................................................. 10 1.3 Environmental Trace Elements and Heavy Metals ............................................ 11 1.4 Pollution Sources .............................................................................................. 15 1.4.1 Oil Products....................................................................................................... 16 1.4.2 Fruit Orchards ................................................................................................... 16 1.4.3 Water Treatment ............................................................................................... 17 1.4.4 Drinking Water .................................................................................................. 17 1.4.5 Potash Industry ................................................................................................. 18 1.5 International Regulatory Constraints ................................................................. 18 1.5.1 Cadmium........................................................................................................... 19 1.5.2 Arsenic .............................................................................................................. 19 1.5.3 Manganese ....................................................................................................... 20 1.5.4 Chromium ......................................................................................................... 21 1.5.5 Vanadium .......................................................................................................... 22 1.5.6 Antimony ........................................................................................................... 22 1.5.7 Lead .................................................................................................................. 22 1.5.8 Mercury ............................................................................................................. 23 1.5.9 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons .................................................................... 24 1.6 Aims and Objectives.......................................................................................... 25 2. Materials and Methods ..................................................................................................... 26 2.1 Background ....................................................................................................... 26 2.2 Materials and Methods ...................................................................................... 27 2.3 Sample Preparation........................................................................................... 29 2.3.1 Surface Water ................................................................................................... 29 2.3.2 Sediment and Plant Material ............................................................................. 30 2.3.3 Analytical Technique ......................................................................................... 30 2.3.4 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) ............................... 30 Instrumentation ................................................................................................. 32 Optimisation ...................................................................................................... 33 Calibration ......................................................................................................... 33 Interferences ..................................................................................................... 35 Detection Limits................................................................................................. 35 3545105 4 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina 2.3.5 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS) ................................................ 36 Instrumentation ................................................................................................. 37 Calibration ......................................................................................................... 38 2.4 Summary........................................................................................................... 38 3. Results and Discusion ...................................................................................................... 39 3.1 Surface and Drinking Waters ............................................................................. 39 3.1.1 pH and Conductivity Levels ............................................................................... 43 3.1.2 Trace Elements and Anion/Cation Levels .......................................................... 43 3.2 Sediments ......................................................................................................... 45 3.2.1 Trace Element Levels........................................................................................ 45 3.2.2 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons .................................................................... 48 3.2.3 Aquatic Plants ................................................................................................... 49 3.3 Comparative Data ............................................................................................. 51 4. 4.1 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 53 Further Works ................................................................................................... 55 References .............................................................................................................................. 57 3545105 5 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Sampling Sites along the Rio Colorado Table 2: Certified Reference Results for the ICP-MS Calibration Table 3: Theoretical and Calibrated Detection Limits in the ICP-MS Table 4: Hollow Cathode Lamp Operating Conditions Table 5: Water Sample Results from Rincón de los Sauces and Associated UK Regulatory Organisations’ Requirements Table 6: Water Sample Results from Catriel and Associated UK Regulatory Organisations’ Requirements Table 7: Water Sample Results from Rio Colorado and Associated UK Regulatory Organisations’ Requirements Table 8: COIRCO – Guideline Values for the Different Water Uses Table 9: Sediment Results for Heavy Metals Table 10: Comparison of Metals/Metaliods for COIRCO Table 11: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediment Table 12: Heavy Metal Levels in Rio Colorado Plant Samples and Associated Literature Requirements LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Multimap Map of the Study Area Figure 2: Photographs of Potential Pollution Sources and Receptors along the Rio Colorado Figure 3: Source Pathway Receptor Consequence Schematic for the Rio Colorado Figure 4: Template Source Pathway Receptor Consequence Model Figure 5: Sampling Sites Mapped along the Rio Colorado Figure 6: Inductively Coupled Plasma Source Figure 7: Processes that occur when Sample Aerosol reaches Plasma Figure 8: Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Figure 9: Contaminants within the Areas of the Rio Colorado that are above Associated International Regulatory Organisations’ Limits 3545105 6 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina TRACE ELEMENT CONTAMINATION OF THE RIO COLORADO IN ARGENTINA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS UNIVERSITY OF SURREY 1. RIO COLORADO VALLEY AND HEAVY METAL CONTAMINATION 1.1 Introduction to the Rio Colorado Basin System The study location is situated in the south of Argentina along the route of the Colorado River. The river has its sources on the eastern slopes of the Andes in the latitude of the Chilean volcano Tinguiririca, and pursues a general east-southeast course to the Atlantic Ocean, where it discharges through several channels to a delta in the Union Bay. Its total length is about 1000 kilometres, of which about 300 kilometres, from the coast to Pichi Mahuida, are negotiable for vessels that draw up to 2 metres. Various literature describes the river as being formed by the confluence of the Grande and Barrancas, but as the latter is only a small stream compared with the Grande it is more aptly described as a tributary, and the Grande as a part of the main river under another name. After leaving the surrounding area of the Andes, the Colorado flows through a barren, arid territory and receives no tributary of note except the Salado from La Pampa Province, and is considered to be a part of the ancient outlet of the now defunct Lacustrine basin of Urre Lauquen. The bottom lands of the Rio Colorado in its course across Patagonia are fertile and wooded, but their area is too limited to support more than a small, scattered population. The Rio Colorado marks most of the political boundary between the provinces of Neuquen and Mendoza. Urban and industrial development in the province of Tucumán, North West Argentina, was historically associated with its water resources. Rivers such as the Salí runs in a north to south direction along main cities and industries before filtering into the Rio Colorado via headwater catchments from the Aconquija range. The foothills of the Aconquija range comprise of industrial development (citrus, paper mill, candy factories). The central and lower basins of the Salí River (Galindo and others 2001) as well as the lower basin of its tributaries are polluted by urban sewage, and effluents from industrial and agricultural activities. The assessment of the chemistry, and quality of surface and ground waters of the province has been underway since the last decade as part of a systematic study (regional project) (Padilla 3545105 7 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Torres and others, 1996; Perondi and others, 1999; García and others, 2001). The hydrological network was subdivided into small basins that were monitored yearly (Vece and others, 1997). This report looks at the chemical composition of various samples spread the length of the Rio Colorado and subsequent chemical contamination patterns are derived, and compares any evidence of pollution against the chemical contamination of the Rio Negro (Paddock, 2006). Figure 1: Multimap Map of the Study Area 1.2 Pollutant Model – Pathways The diverse pollutant pathways are found in both the area water courses of the Rio Colorado and pollution of the surround soils in the agricultural areas, as a result of using water from tributaries for irrigation and from the historic use of arsenic based pesticides, and through sewage discharge, petro exploitation and water treatment plants. 1.2.1 Irrigation Water The Rio Colorado is used for a variety of both irrigation and disposal purposes, along with being a major source of drinking water. The waters are used for the irrigation of a diverse range of orchards, crops and plants. Due to both illegal and legal disposal of chemical and domestic wastes, the water course may potentially be contaminated like its neighbouring river, the Rio Negro (Paddock, 2006). As the illegal disposal of waste into the Rio Colorado is uncontrolled, potentially this possesses a larger threat than legal discharges. 3545105 8 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina The legal discharges into the Rio Colorado contain chemicals stemming from potash plants, petrol-chemical plants, other process waters and treated sewage (Marcilla, 2006). In addition, suspicion also indicates the possibility of pollution arising from illegal discharges from origins such as municipal, untreated sewage and unauthorised discharges from industries along the path of the water course off the Rio Colorado. Possible sources for potential pollution of the Rio Colorado are humans, insects, animals, plants and fauna that may be both directly and indirectly exposed to the contaminants in the water course. There are several communities littered along the Rio Colorado and its water course that use the aquifer for drinking, fishing, water sports and irrigation of crops/plants. The sources of pollution, their pathways and potential receptors for any contamination of the Rio Colorado water course are illustrated in the schematic in Figure 3, which represents the Source-Pathway-Receptor Conceptual Model for the Rio Colorado. Figure 2: Photographs of Potential Pollution Sources and Receptors along the Rio Colorado La Pampa Salt Lakes Rio Colorado Dam above Rio Colorado Rio Colorado Lake above dam Rio Colorado orchards 3545105 9 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Rio Colorado basin Salt lakes near Rio Colorado’s dam Natural gas burner near Neuquen Rio Neuquen 1.2.2 Agricultural Soils and Aquatic Plants Historical data have highlighted the extensive use and potential for accumulation of arsenic based pesticides in soil in lands adjacent to the banks of the Rio Colorado. A potential pollutant pathway has been predicted between the soil contamination and consumers of fruit and vegetables through the uptake of the soil contaminants into the produce (Paddock, 2006). Significant inorganic compounds that have been historically used in the Rio Colorado regions are Paris Green (Cu3(AsO3)2) and lead arsenate (PbHAsO4) (Peryea, 1998). Indeed, research conducted on soil contamination found that the use of inorganic arsenic pesticides has led to increased concern over a potential ‘chemical cocktail’ resulting in the accumulation of the counter-ions of arsenates/arsenites associated to lead, copper, calcium and sodium in soil (Broadway et al., 2004). The use of river sediments is considered to provide the best stable sample media to identify any long term deposition of chemical contaminants, as sediments act as reservoirs for insoluble heavy metals contaminants (Ward, 2000), especially mercury (Hissler, 2005). Aquatic plants also provide a good stable media to identify any long term deposition of trace elements, but are restricted solely to calendar seasons. 3545105 10 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina This report will also permit investigation of a potential pollution relationship between any of the Rio Colorado water and the water course’s use for irrigation of agricultural land surrounding the Rio Colorado leading to an uptake of contaminants within harvested produce, namely grapes. This study shall also compare the levels of pollution between the Rio Negro (Paddock, 2006) and the Rio Colorado. Possible sources of pollution, their pathways and potential receptors for any contamination of the Rio Colorado water course are illustrated in the schematic in Figure 3, which represents the Source-Pathway-Receptor Conceptual Model for the Rio Colorado. 1.3 Environmental Trace Elements and Heavy Metals Heavy meals are one of the more serious pollutants in our natural environment due to their toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation problems (Tam & Wong, 2000). Trace metals in natural waters and their corresponding sediments have become a significant topic of concern for scientists and engineers in various fields associated with water quality, as well as a concern of the general public. Direct toxicity to man and aquatic life, and indirect toxicity through accumulations of metals in the aquatic food chain are the focus of this concern. The presence of trace metals in aquatic systems originates from the natural interactions between the water, sediments and atmosphere with which the water is in contact. The concentrations fluctuate as a result of natural hydrodynamic chemical and biological forces. Man, through industrialisation and technology, has developed the capacity to alter these natural interactions to the extent that the very waters and the aquatic life therein have been threatened to a devastating point. All of these issues are explored further in the following studies. The activity of trace metals in aquatic systems and their impact on aquatic life vary depending upon the metal species. Of major importance in this regard is the ability of metals to associate with other dissolved and suspended components. Most significant among these associations is the interaction between metals and organic compounds in water and sediment. These organic species, which may originate naturally from process such as vegetative decay or result from pollution through chemical discharge from municipal and industrial sources, have a remarkable affinity and capacity to bind to metals. This phenomenon would naturally alter the reactivity of metals in the aquatic environment. (Singer, 1974). Many human activities (e.g.; mining, overuse of chemicals, industrial waste from ports and refineries) have a negative impact on several biological processes and there is no doubt that these will continue to affect the functioning of highly productive coastal ecosystems. Contamination caused by trace metals affects rivers and their environments (Guzman & Garcia, 2002). 3545105 11 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Trace metals, including those defined as ‘heavy’, arising from industrial and mining activities are discharged into rivers at many sites. The term heavy metal refers to any metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density and is toxic, highly toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. These anthropogenically derived inputs can accumulate in local sediments (up to five orders of magnitude above the overlying water (Bryan & Langston, 1992) and invertebrates living on or in food, and the rate of accumulation caries widely between species and heavy metal concentration found in ‘clean’ conditions. Less is known of the uptake of these metals by ingestion with food or from close contact with contaminated sediments (Harris & Santos, 2000). For some time, there has been serious concern about the simultaneous input of unwanted trace elements, present in these mineral fertilizers, (Cd, Hg, As & Cr). These trace metals are much more likely available to biota than those amounts bound to the soil (Sager, 1997). Approximately 80% of total chromium from mineral fertilizers emanates from basic slag and basic slag potash. Regional differences in application rates and crops lead to differences in trace element loads per farmed area up to 6-fold. Further on, inputs from fertilizers have been compared with input by atmospheric deposition. As a source of lead and cadmium, long-range transport via the atmosphere supersedes the input from mineral fertilizers, whereas in case of chromium it is reverse. It is widely recognised that marine ecosystems can become contaminated by trace metals from numerous and diverse sources. However, anthropogenic activities, such as mining, petro plants, and industrial processing of ores and metals, still remain the principal cause of the increased amount of heavy metals which have been dumped into the rivers (DeGregori et al., 1996). There is now considerable evidence in the scientific literature that contaminates such as trace metals, phosphorous, pesticides, PCBs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, can be taken up and concentrated by sediments and suspended matter in aquatic systems. Transportation of these contaminants in association with particulate matter represents a major pathway in the biogeochemical cycling of trace contaminants (Allen, 1979. quoted in Hart, 1982). Heavy metals belong to the group of elements whose hydro-geochemistry cycles have been greatly accelerated by man. Anthropogenic metals emissions into the atmosphere such as Pb, Hg, Zn, Cd and Cu are 1:3 orders of magnitude higher than natural fluxes. As a consequence these elements are expected to become increasingly accumulated in the natural environment. An increase in trace metal concentrations in river is not obvious since earlier data on the trace metals concentrations in these systems suffer from inadequacy of sampling technique as well as from a lack of reliable analytical tools (Schindler, 1991). In order to capture all environmental pathway routes, environmental samples during this case study were water, river sediment and plant material. 3545105 12 of 62 These media were selected to best Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina represent potential monitors impacted by primary chemical contamination in the River Colorado. In the scope of this investigation, other pathways, that exist, were considered to be less influential media due to the complexity of identifying chemical causes and seasonal variations, i.e. human hair and nails from the local populations (Steindel & Howanitz, 2003; Hammond, 2002; Ward, 2000; Ward et al., 2005). Running water may only indicate a recent or continued pollution incident as the contaminant will be diluted with fresh water flow passing the point of the pollution source. Surface water could be used as a monitor for longer periods of pollution, but in order to make any valid assessment of the contamination levels, there is a requirement for further physical measurements of the water, such as the inflow and outflow, and the residual time in the water body. Plants are a reasonable source of data relating to soil, water and air pollution, however, to make any comparison then the same species of plant must be sampled and the plants must be collected and analysed together, keeping all variables such as humidity and temperature identical for each plant sample. The length of the record of pollution determined by plant analysis is only as long as the last growing season, as the plants die back and shed foliage the record is lost, thus, plant samples must be collected at the same time of year (Ward, 2000; Paddock, 2006). Sediment samples indicate the build up of metal contamination with a specific environmental receptor, such as the build up of trace elements in river sediment and the soils beneath historic industrial sites through a process of sorption of the elements to the soil particles (Hester, 2001). It is indicated that the contamination of river sediment will be influenced by local pollution events, however, the chemical fractionation of this contamination may be altered by a change in redox conditions when the sediment is excavated, which could change the bio-availability and leachability of the contaminants (Stephens et al., 2000; Paddock, 2006). In order to understand the linkage between the hazard and risk of a potential contaminant, it is useful to consider the commonly adopted Source – Pathway – Receptor - Consequence Model. This is, essentially a simple conceptual model for representing systems and processes that lead to a particular consequence. In order for a risk to arise there must be hazard(s) that comprise of a ‘source’ event (e.g. chemical spill), a ‘receptor’ (e.g. plant sediment) and a ‘pathway’ that acts as an interface between the source and receptor (e.g. the river), as illustrated in Figure 4. 3545105 13 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Figure 3: Source Pathway Receptor Consequence Schematic for the Rio Colorado Wine Orchards in irrigated land, which is sourced from the potentially contaminated river and vice-versa with contaminated soil leaching pesticides into the river. Chemical uptake by fish may be passed down the food chain to humans Potential for contaminated plants and sediments from Potash industry releases. Potential heavy metal and organic compound contamination from petrochemical industry. Detrimental effects to the aquatic environment from municipal and domestics refuse. RIO COLORADO Potential for communities to use contaminated river water for drinking, which may result in health problems. Sewage discharge into the river. Animals drinking contaminated water and potentially passed down the food chain to humans. 3545105 14 of 62 Chemical releases into the Rio Colorado from water treatment processes.. Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Figure 4: Template Source Pathway Receptor Consequence Model The predicted receptors, sources and pathways for any pollutants in and around the Rio Colorado are illustrated in the Source Pathway Receptor Consequence Model in Figure 3 and the Template Source Pathway Receptor Consequence Model in Figure 4. 1.4 Pollution Sources Pollution sources arise from a variety of man-made and naturally occurring processes. This chapter talks about the potential sources of pollution and the associated detrimental effects to the environment. In addition to the intensity of the pollution source, concentrations of chemical pollutant may also depend on some of the factors as follows: Season of the year; Retention efficiency of plant parts; Collection efficiency of plant parts; Wind direction and speed; 3545105 15 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Local precipitation; Particulate size of pollutant; Solubility in water; and Topography. 1.4.1 Oil Products Although much of the world depends on the production or the trade of oil to fuel to its economies, these activities can cause severe damage to the environment, either knowingly or unintentionally. Oil production, and/or transportation, can disrupt the human population and the animal and fish life of a region. Oil waste dumping, production pollution, and spills may present hazards to the surrounding wildlife and habitat. Furthermore, environmental releases potentially threaten the extinction of plants and animals/birds from the residing area. Petrochemicals are chemical products made from raw materials of petroleum or other hydrocarbon origin. Although some of the chemical compounds that originate from petroleum may also be derived from coal and natural gas, petroleum is the major source. The effects of petrochemicals on river life are caused by either the physical nature of the petrochemical, physical contamination and smothering, or by its chemical constituents such as the toxic effects and accumulation leading to tainting. These effects may be induced by either/both the petrochemical or/and additive. River wildlife may also be affected by clean-up operations or indirectly through physical damage to the habitats in which plants, fish and animals live. The plants, fish and animals most at risk are those that could come into contact with a contaminated river-bed’s sediment and plant life (Corbett Dabbs W, 1996). The industrial sites at Rincón de los Sauces and Catriel both contain oil exploitation and processing facilities, which may provide a potential source for chemical contamination. In addition to the obvious threat of organic chemical pollution, these facilities also tend to use heavy metals in the manufacture of petrochemicals and other oil products, which include elements such as V, Sb, Cr, Cd, Mn and Pb. Contamination from such sites may be via liquid discharge and/or spillage, gaseous discharge, and leaching from solid discharge. Additional chemical contamination may arise from petro industry is in the form of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that also arise from vehicle pollution. 1.4.2 Fruit Orchards A diverse range of studies have been conducted in recent years to examine orchard soil concentrations of key contaminants related to the accumulation of pesticides such as lead 3545105 16 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina arsenate and Paris Green, whose chemical constituents are namely arsenic, lead and copper. However high concentration of counter ions, such as sodium and calcium, are not considered to be a chemical hazard in comparison to these studies (Broadway, 2004; Paddock, 2006; Ward, 2006; Embrick et al., 2005; Gaw, 2002; Merwin et al., 1994; Merry et al., 1983; Gaw, 2003; Peryea, 1998; Peryea, 1999; Wolz et al., 2003; and Yokel and Delistraty, 2003). Recent studies have highlighted an increase in arsenic concentrations in contaminated fruit orchards in the Grande Canal and neighbouring regions (Paddock, 2006 and Broadway, 2004). These studies revealed that a large percentage of arsenic in the near surface soils collected from the fruit orchards soils was in the residual form, signifying that the arsenic was in a matrix bound geochemical form. Indeed, it was observed that the mobile exchangeable arsenic fraction was made up of between 8% and 68% of the total concentration, varying with depth, suggesting a significant anthropogenic source of arsenic was present in the region (Broadway, 2004). 1.4.3 Water Treatment Water treatment is the process of removing undesirable chemical contaminants from raw water. Most water is purified for human consumption but water purification may be designed for a variety of other purposes, which leads to a diverse range of chemicals being used in the purification process. Amongst the chemicals used in water treatment processes, the most common are: iron(III) hydroxide; lime; hydrochloric acid; soda-ash; sodium hypochlorite; Iron(III) chloride; aluminium hydroxide; aluminium sulphate (coagulant); chlorine dioxide; hydrogen peroxide; and chloramines. Although these chemicals are relatively innocuous in trace amounts, large quantities of these compounds are stored on water treatment sites, possessing the potential to leak into the environment and cause environmental ramifications. The discharge of untreated sewage is equally a threat that may cause detrimental effects to animals, fish and plant material. 1.4.4 Drinking Water Lead is a metal commonly found in the environment. In the past, it was widely used in paint, as a petrol additive and for plumbing materials. Although no longer used in Argentina, most properties may have lead pipes somewhere between the tap in the kitchen and the main in the street outside. Water that leaves water treatment plants contains virtually no lead, but it may be picked up travelling through lead pipes. The two commonest forms of lead are soluble lead and particulate lead. Fortunately there are only two forms of soluble lead: lead nitrate; and lead acetate, and soluble lead concentrations decrease dramatically depending on water quality, 3545105 17 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina integrity of lead piping and water use. In general, lead is only an issue in drinking water when lead pipes are disturbed, releasing the particulate lead. Although there are no lasting ill-effects of trace amounts of lead, lead may become harmful to humans, fish, animals and plant materials if accumulated over a period of time. Children and babies are particularly at risk due to the potential of effect on mental development, and lead is deemed to be teratogenic and mutagenic. 1.4.5 Potash Industry Potash is the common name given to potassium carbonate and various mined and manufactured salts that possess the element potassium in water-soluble form. Potash is traditionally used in the manufacture of glass, soap, and fertilizer. The name derives from the old method of making potassium carbonate by leaching wood ashes and evaporating the solutions collected in large iron pots, leaving a white residue called ‘pot ash’. Later, potash became the term widely applied to naturally occurring potassium salts and the commercial product derived from them. The rich salt lands in the La Pampa region of Argentina provide potash ore for the thriving Potash Industries. In addition to the potash process waste, there are also a diverse range of chemicals used within the plants that possess the potential to leak into the environment and cause environmental concerns. 1.5 International Regulatory Constraints The Environment Agency (EA) published a series of reports in 2002, which provide a scientifically based framework for the assessment of risks to human health from land contamination. The reports, model and associated soil guideline values which make up the framework are valid for use throughout the United Kingdom. This framework, for similar land uses along the Rio Colorado, suggests that specific contaminants may consist of the elements including V, Sb, Cd, Mn, Pb, B, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As and Hg. In addition, significant levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) may exist using the Environment Agency’s model. Other guidelines that may be used as comparisons, for water, sediment and aquatic samples, are as follows: Dutch Adjusted, WHO, COIRCO, CLEA (UK) and Guidance Values for Different Water Use and Guideline Values for PAHs for the Protection of Aquatic Life (Argentina). 3545105 18 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina 1.5.1 Cadmium Cadmium poisoning is, in general, an occupational hazard associated with industrial processes such as petro exploitation, metal plating and the production of nickel-cadmium batteries, plastics and other synthetics. The primary route of exposure in industrial settings is via inhalation of cadmium containing fumes. Cadmium is also a potential environmental hazard and human exposures to environmental cadmium are primarily the result of the burning of fossil fuels and domestic wastes. However, there have been notable occurrences of toxicology as the result of long term exposure to cadmium in contaminated food and water. In Japan, during the sixties, cadmium accumulated in rice crop due to mining operations. Subsequently, the local population who consumed the rice developed Itai-itai disease and renal abnormalities, including proteinuria and glucosuria. Indeed, cadmium is one of six substances banned by the European Union’s Restriction on Hazardous Substances directive, which bans certain hazardous substances in electronics (A Wallace et al, 2001). Current research has discovered that cadmium toxicology may be carried into the body by zinc binding proteins (in particular, proteins that contain zinc finger protein structures). Zinc and cadmium are in the same group in the periodic table, contain the same common oxidation state (+2), and when ionised are almost the same size. Due to these similarities, cadmium may mimic and subsequently replace zinc in many biological systems, in particular, systems that contain ligands such as sulphur. It may be of interest for any future studies to note that the absorption of cadmium from the lungs is much more effective than that of the gut, hence smokers may contain 4-5 times higher blood cadmium concentrations and 2-3 times higher kidney cadmium concentrations than nonsmokers (L Friberg, 1983). 1.5.2 Arsenic Arsenic and many of its compounds are especially potent poisons, as both elemental arsenic and arsenic compounds are classified as toxic and deemed dangerous to the environment. The European Union lists some arsenic compounds as Category 1 carcinogens (Klassen et al, 2003). Arsenic disrupts adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP) production through several mechanisms. At the level of the citric acid cycle, arsenic inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase and by competing with phosphate it uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, thus inhibiting energy-linked reduction of NAD+, mitochondrial respiration, and ATP synthesis. Hydrogen peroxide production is also increased, which might form reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. These metabolic 3545105 19 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina interferences lead to death from multisystem organ failure probably from necrotic cell death (Croal et al, 2004). Exposure to arsenic can occur from the environment and food consumption. The two forms of arsenic can be absorbed and accumulated in diverse tissues and body fluids (Ueki et al, 2004). In the liver, the metabolism of arsenic involves enzymatic and non-enzymatic methylation, in which the most frequently excreted metabolite (≥ 90%) in the urine of mammals is dimethylarsinic. The remaining non-excreted arsenic accumulates in cells, which over time may lead to skin, bladder, kidney, liver, lung and prostate cancers. Other forms of arsenic toxicology in humans have been observed in blood, bone marrow and cardiac. Central nervous system, gastrointestinal, gonadal, kidney, liver, pancreatic and skin tissues. The human liver after exposure to therapeutic drugs may exhibit hepatic non-cirrhotic portal hypertension, fibrosis and cirrhosis. Arsenic is also known to cause arsenicosis due to its manifestation in drinking water, with the most common species being arsenate and arsenite. The ability of arsenic to undergo redox conversion between As3+ and As4+ makes its availability in the environment more abundant. What stimulates As3+ oxidation and limits As4+ reduction may well be relevant for bioremediation of contaminated land (J Vigo et al, 2006). Analysing multiple epidemiological studies on inorganic arsenic exposure suggests a small but measurable risk increase for bladder cancer at 10 parts per billion. Roughly 80 million people worldwide consume between 10 and 50 parts per billion arsenic in their drinking water (Ravenscroft, 2008). If they all consumed exactly 10 parts per billion arsenic in their drinking water, the previously cited multiple epidemiological study analysis would predict an additional 2000 cases of bladder cancer alone. This may indeed presents a clear underestimate of the overall impact, since it does not include lung or skin cancer, and explicitly underestimates the exposure (J Vigo et al, 2006). 1.5.3 Manganese Manganese compounds are less toxic than those of other widespread metals such as copper and nickel. Manganese poses a particular risk for children due to its ability tendency to bind to CH-7 receptors. Manganese poisoning has been linked to impaired motor skills and cognitive disorders. In 2005, a study suggested a possible link between manganese inhalation and central nervous system toxicity in rats (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1995). It is hypothesised that long-term exposure to the naturally occurring manganese in shower water puts up to 8.7 million Americans at risk. In addition, a form of neurodegeneration similar to Parkinson’s disease called ‘manganism’ has been linked to manganese exposure amongst miners and smelters since the early 19th Century (R Elsner, 2005). 3545105 20 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Manganese may affect liver function, but the threshold of acute toxicity is very high. On the other hand, more than 95% of manganese is eliminated by biliary excretion. Any existing liver damage may slow this process, increasing its concentration in blood plasma (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1995). The exact neurotoxic mechanism of manganese is uncertain but there are clues pointing at the interaction of manganese with Fe, Zn, Al and Cu. Based on the number of studies, disturbed iron metabolism could underlie the neurotoxic action of manganese. It participates in Fenton reactions and could thus induce oxidative damage, a hypotheses corroborated by the evidence from studies of affected welders (Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2003). A study on the exposed workers showed that they have significantly fewer children. This may indicate that long-term accumulation of manganese affects fertility. Pregnant animals repeatedly receiving high doses of manganese bore malformed offspring significantly more often compared to controls (Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2003). 1.5.4 Chromium Hexavalent chromium may be transported into human cells via sulphate transport mechanisms, taking advantage of the similarity of sulphur and chromate with respect to their structure and charge. Trivalent chromium, which is the more abundant variety chromium compounds, is not usually transported into cells. Inside the cell, Cr (VI) is reduced first to metastable pentavalent chromium (Cr(V)), then to trivalent chromium (Cr(III)). Trivalent chromium binds to proteins and creates haptens that trigger immune response. Once developed, chrome sensitivity can be persistent. In such cases, contact with chromate-dyed textiles or wearing of chromate-tanned leather shoes can cause or exacerbate contact dermatitis. Vitamin C and other reducing agents combine with chromate to give Cr(III) products inside the cell (K Sanikow & A Zhitkovich, 2008). Hexavalent chromium compounds are genotoxic carcinogens. Chronic inhalation of hexavalent chromium compounds increases risk of lung cancer and maybe deficiencies in the kidneys and intestine. It appears that the mechanism of genotoxicity relies on pentavalent or trivalent chromium. According to some research, the damage is caused by hydroxyl radicals, produced during reoxidation of pentavalent chromium by hydrogen peroxide molecules present in the cell. Zinc chromate is the strongest carcinogen of the chromates used in industry. Soluble compounds, like chromic acid, are much weaker carcinogens (K Sanikow & A Zhitkovich, 2008). 3545105 21 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina 1.5.5 Vanadium All vanadium compounds should be considered to be toxic. Tetravalent, e.g. VOSO4, has been reported to be over five times more toxic than trivalent V2O3. The most dangerous compound is vanadium pentoxide. Vanadium compounds are poorly absorbed through the gastrointestinal system (N Ress, 2003; K Kaern, 2007; A Scibior, 2006). Inhalation exposures to vanadium and vanadium compounds result primarily in adverse effects on the respiratory system. Quantitative data are, however, insufficient to derive a subchronic or chronic inhalation reference dose. Other effects have been reported after oral or inhalation exposures on blood parameters (A Scibior, 2006), on liver (Gonzalez-Vilalva et al, 2006), on neurological developments (K Kobayashia et al, 2006) and other organs. There is little evidence that vanadium or vanadium compounds are reproductive toxins or teratogens. Vanadium pentoxide was reported to be carcinogenic by a national study, although the interpretation of the results has recently been disputed (J Duffus, 2007). 1.5.6 Antimony Antimony compound is only weakly absorbed by the digestive system, and the main route of exposure is by inhalation of the dust. The elimination of antimony from the body is slow, leading to a risk of chronic toxicity in the form of pneumoconiosis with repeated inhalation exposures. Acute poisoning is very rare, and the signs are fairly non-characteristic (vomiting, abdominal pain, irritation of the mucous membranes). These symptoms are more often associated with ingestion of other more water soluble compounds (A Wells, 1984). Chronic poisoning by antimony trioxide is also rare. The main signs are irritation of the respiratory tract and of the skin and a characteristic pneumoconiosis, which is visible on chest X-rays (A Wells, 1984). Antimony trioxide is known to pass into breast milk and to transverse the placenta only in very small amounts. One study of exposure with regard to female workers suggested a higher incidence than usual of menstrual problems and of late-term miscarriages. Also, their children may have developed slower than usual during the first twelve months of life, although this study is considered inconclusive (A Wells, 1984). 1.5.7 Lead Lead has no known physiologically relevant role in the body. The toxicity of lead comes from its ability to mimic other biologically important metals, most notably Ca, Fe and Zn, which act as cofactors in many enzymatic reactions. Lead is able to bind to and interact with many of the 3545105 22 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina same enzymes as these metals but, due to differing chemistry, does not properly function as a cofactor. This interference hinders the enzyme’s ability to catalyse its normal reactions. Lead is removed from the body extremely slowly, normally at a rate of 0.5 µmol/L, causing accumulation in the tissues. 95% of the absorbed lead is deposited as a lead phosphate complex in the bones (Scotland NHS, 2009). Most lead poisoning symptoms are thought to occur by interfering with an essential enzyme delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD). ALAD is a zinc-binding protein which is important in the biosynthesis of heme, the cofactor found in hemoglobin. Lead poisoning also inhibits the enzyme ferrochelatase which catalyses the joining of proporphyrin IX and Fe2+ to form heme. Genetic mutations of ALAD cause the disease prophyria. Lead poisoning is sometimes mistaken for porphyria but the distinction is that lead poisoning usually causes anemia while true porphyria does not. Lead also interferes with excitatory neurotransmission by glutamate, which is the transmitter at more than half the synapses in the brain and is critical for learning. The glutamate receptor thought to be associated with neuronal development and plasticity is the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, which is blocked selectively by lead. This disrupted long-term potentiation, which compromises the permanent retention of newly learned information (Holstege, 2007). Outside of occupational hazards, the majority of lead poisoning occurs in children under age twelve. The main sources of poisoning are from ingestion of lead contaminated soil (leaded gasoline) and from ingestion of lead dust or chips from deteriorating lead based paints. This is particularly a problem in older houses where the sweet-tasting lead paints is likely to chip, but deteriorating lead-based paint can also powder and be inhaled. Lead has also been found in drinking water. It can come from plumbing and fixtures that are either made of lead or have trace amounts of lead in them (Water Webster, 2007). Lead may even migrate into wells and waterways from nearby industrial plants (petrochemicals) (EPA & NYSDEC, 2006). Exposure to lead and lead compounds may occur through inhalation, ingestion and dermal contact. Lead exposure in the general population occurs primarily through ingestion, although inhalation also contributes to lead body burden. However, lead from petrochemical additives may be absorbed directly through the skin (USCDC, 2007). 1.5.8 Mercury Mercury poisoning is a disease caused by exposure to mercury or its compounds. Mercury is a heavy metal which occurs in several forms, all of which can produce toxic effects in high enough doses. Its zero oxidation state exists as vapour or as liquid metal, its mercurous state 3545105 23 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Hg+ exists as inorganic salts, and its mercuric state Hg2+ may form either inorganic salts or organomercury compounds, with these three groups varying in effects. Toxic effects include damage to the brain, kidney, and lungs (J C Clifton, 2007). Mercury poisoning can result in several diseases, including acrodynia (pink disease), HunterRussell syndrome and Minamata disease (PW Davidson, 2004). Symptoms typically include sensory impairment (vision, hearing, and speech), disturbed sensation and a lack of coordination. The type and degree of symptoms exhibited depend upon the individual toxin, the dose, and the method and duration of exposure. Common symptoms include peripheral neuropathy (presenting as paresthesia or itching, burning or pain), skin discolouration, edema (swelling) and desquamation (peeling dead skin). Because mercury blocks the degradation pathway of catecholamines, epinephrine excess causes hyperidrosis (profuse sweating), tachycardia (persistently faster than normal heart beat), mercurial pytalism and hypertension (high blood pressure). Mercury is thought to inactivate S-adenosyl-methionine, which is necessary for catechoamine catabolism by catecholo-methyl transferase. Affected children may show red cheeks and nose, erythematous lips (red lips), loss of hair, teeth and nails, transient rashes, hyptonia (muscle weakness) and photophobia. Other symptoms include kidney dysfunction or neuropsychiatric symptoms (memory impairment, insomnia). Human generated sources such as coal plants emit approximately half of atmospheric mercury, with natural sources such as volcanoes responsible for the remainder. An estimated two-thirds of human-generated mercury comes from stationary combustion, mostly of coal. Other important human-generated sources include non-ferrous metal production, cement production, waste disposal, crematoria, caustic soda production, production of steel and pig iron, mercury production for batteries, and biomass burning (L R Goldman, 2007). Mercury and many of its chemical compounds, especially organomercury compounds, can also be readily absorbed through direct contact with bare skin. Mercury and its compounds are commonly used in chemical laboratories, hospitals, dental clinics and establishments that fabricate batteries, fluorescent light tubes and explosives (USEPA, 1997). 1.5.9 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) toxicity is very structurally dependant, with isomers varying from being non-toxic to extremely toxic. Thus, highly carcinogenic PAHs may be small or large. Although PAH is not very well known to the general public, everyone can be exposed to them through many different routes. PAHs are molecules made from carbon and hydrogen. 3545105 24 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina PAH is generated when materials are burned. Several PAHs are probable human carcinogens: benz[a]anthracene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluorathene, chrysene, dibenz[a,h]anthracene, and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (B Larsson, 1983). Constant, long-term exposure of PAHs can cause cancer to the lungs and problems with the reproductive and organ systems. It is common for smokers or second hand smokers to get lung cancer because of the PAH molecule in cigarette smoke. Industrial workers are also at a high risk for exposure manifesting in birth defects occurred to unborn babies. As for our organ system, lungs, liver, skin and kidneys can be damaged by exposure. However these effects are dependant on an individual’s health, heredity, previous exposure, and to chemicals and medicine, so each individual may be affected differently (B Larsson, 1983). For people who believe that they have been exposed to PAHs for a prolonged period, there is now a means of testing for the toxin via blood and urine samples (B Larsson, 1983). 1.6 Aims and Objectives The aim of this study is to determine the trace element (Al, Sb, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Sr and V) levels of surface waters, plants and sediments taken along the Rio Colorado in Northern Patagonia and evaluate the impact of chemical input from anthropogenia (such as oil and petrochemical extraction and agricultural activities on water quality). Another aim is to undertake a comparison study between the Rio Colorado and a neighbouring river, Rio Negro, to ascertain any trace element trends. The project objectives are as follows: To collect and store for transport to the United Kingdom, surface water, plant and sediment samples from the two river systems (Rio Colorado, Patagonia – Argentina); Develop analytical techniques to chemically prepare water, plant and sediment samples for trace element analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS); Develop techniques for the determination of trace element levels in samples by optimisation, calibration and validation of both ICP-MS and FAAS instruments; To statically evaluate the trace element results and compare with affiliated literature, other Rio Colorado database values and water quality standards; Determine levels of trace elements and the geochemical phase of these metals in the Rio Colorado sediments, to assess the bioavailability, mobility and potential source of contaminants, and compare them to the Rio Negro, especially levels of trace elements reported by Paddock, 2006. 3545105 25 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina To interpret the data, so as to assess the input of human activities on the water quality of Rio Colorado and evaluate the effect on abstraction of water for drinking and agricultural purposes in the region. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS This chapter will provide a summary of the geosphere of the Rio Colorado regions, specifically describing the natural drinking water, and detail the sample media and analytical methods used for analysis. 2.1 Background The Rio Colorado flows generally east-southeastward across the arid terrain of northern Patagonia and the southern Pampas, and is a border for four provinces. The arid conditions support widespread but relatively sparse vegetation, which species have evolved methods of coping with lack of water and extreme heat. The barren terrain’s soil is typically weathered and lacking in humus, with saline accumulation at high levels. Therefore water resources in these dryland areas are of vital importance. Irrigation in drylands is essential for the many aspects of agriculture that rely upon the Rio Colorado, as water is sourced from the river. Due to the arid climate, complex geological conditions and human activities, some problems of ecological environmental geology occur, such as lack of water resources, desertification, salinisation, and biogeochemical endemic diseases, etc. These problems occur in fragile regions of the environment that seriously restrict the development of the local economy and cause harm to human health. Although the Rio Colorado originates from the Andes, as the river flows downstream it potentially may uptake contaminants from agriculture and human industry. Recent studies undertaken suggest that pesticides and phenolic derivatives have been reported to be found in drinking water in rural areas. It is a trend that water quality rises significantly as you go from rural to urban areas. This fact may be especially alarming as rural healthcare is drastically more sparse compared to urban medical resources. Ground-water quality has deteriorated where the main economic activity is cattle breeding (J.D. Paloni et al, 2002). Overgrazing and deforestation have resulted in detrimental effects to vegetation that has in turn produced a more arid environment. 3545105 26 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina 2.2 Materials and Methods In 2007-2008, a study was commissioned to investigate the chemical (trace elements, anions and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) levels in surface waters, sediments and aquatic plants (at selected sites depending on availability) along the Rio Colorado. Samples consisting of plant material, sediments and water were collected along the length of the Rio Colorado by representatives of the Rio Negro newspaper. Specific instructions were given for the collection and storage of all samples before shipment to General Roca, Rio Negro, where all sediments and plant samples were sub-divided to remove plant debris/stones (sediments) or sediment particulate (plant leaves and stalks) and fractions air-dried at ≈ 30 O C before transport to the ICP-MS facility, Chemical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom for chemical analysis. Four sampling areas were selected, namely: Rincón de los Sauces – five water samples (RSW) from a Petro exploitation area, water treatment facility and drinking water from a domestic faucet, and one plant sample (RSP) from the Petro exploitation area; Catriel – six water samples (CAW) from Peñas Blancas, the water treatment and sewage outflow facilities and drinking water from faucets, three plants (CAP) from the first three water sites, and river sediments (CAS) from Peñas Blancas and Puente Dique; Embalse Casa de Piedra Dam – two water and sediment samples from the lake adjacent to the northern entrance road to the dam; and Rio Colorado – five water samples (RCW) from El Viñedo that is 15 km upstream from the town, the water treatment and sewage facilities, and drinking water from faucets. In addition three sediments (RCS) from the first three water sites and two plants (RCP) from El Viñedo and the water treatment works area bank of the river. The sample locations are illustrated in Figure 5. The samples from the locations were uniquely labelled and the specific details of each sample location are presented in Table 1. 3545105 27 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Table 1: Sampling Sites along the Rio Colorado Site Date Sampled Site Name Details Sample Types* RCW20070701 20/07/07 Rio Colorado El Viñedo 15 km upstream from town. WSP RCW20070702 20/07/07 Rio Colorado Water Treatment Plant 50 metres upstream from water treatment plant WSP RCW20070703 20/07/07 Rio Colorado Sewage Discharge 80 metres downstream from sewage discharge. There is no treatment plant. WS RCW20070704 20/07/07 Rio Colorado Water Treatment Plant Drinking water 300 metres away from the Water Treatment Plant. W RCW20070705 20/07/07 Rio Colorado Water Treatment Plant Drinking water from the Water Treatment Plant W CAW25070701 25/07/07 Catriel Peñas Blancas WPS CAW25070702 25/07/07 Catriel Point “in between” WPS CAW25070703 25/07/07 Catriel Water Treatment Plant Chanel were water is taken to the Water Treatment Plant WP CAW25070704 25/07/07 Catriel Sewage Discharge Sewage Discharge Pipe W CAW25070705 25/07/07 Catriel Water Treatment Plant Sample taken from a faucet close to the Water Treatment Plant. W CAW25070706 25/07/07 Catriel Water Treatment Plant Sample taken from a faucet close to the Water Treatment Plant. W RSW17070701 17/07/07 Rincón de los Sauces Petro exploration region on the river In this area there is oil in the water as the water is used to purge the wells W RSW17070702 17/07/07 Rincón de los Sauces Middle point between petro region and town In this area there is construction work for an irrigation channel. It is not uncommon to spot oil spills. W RSW17070703 17/07/07 Rincón de los Sauces A few metres away from where water travels into the Water Treatment Plant Area of oil spill due to filtration in wells W RSW17070704 17/07/07 Rincón de los Sauces First faucet after the water is taken into the Water Treatment Plant Rural housing. The inhabitants do not report any health complications WP RSW17070705 17/07/07 Rincón de los Sauces Water faucet in a house in the centre of the town A house in the town that is close to an industrial park. W Sample Number *Note: Sample Location W = Water sample P = Plant material sample S = Sediment sample 3545105 28 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Figure 5: Sampling Sites Mapped along the Rio Colorado Rincoñ de los Sauces Catriel Embalse Casa de Piedra Dam Rio Colorado 2.3 Sample Preparation All water samples were filtered (using a 20 micron filter), and analysed for trace elements using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and anions by Ion Chromatography. Major cations were also analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry. Water samples were also measured for pH and conductivity. All sediments and plant material dry-ashed using a muffle furnace (500 OC) and acid dissolved using a hydrofluoric-nitric acid digestion method. The resultant digests were analysed for about 20 trace elements using ICP-MS. Sediments sub-samples, maintained in a wet state, were prepared and analysed for some 17 USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). All determinations by atomic spectroscopy were validated using an internationally recognised method, matrix-matched certified reference materials, so as to ensure that the values tabulated for interpretation were within the error of the certified value. As an example, for surface water analysis, two certified reference water samples were analysed, namely TMDA-54.4 and NIST 1643e, and the validation results are shown in Table 2. 2.3.1 Surface Water On receipt to the University of Surrey, the water samples were decanted into PTFE sample container and refrigerated to await analysis. Prior to analysis, all surface water samples were filtered using a 20 micron filter. 3545105 29 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina 2.3.2 Sediment and Plant Material Sediment and plant materials were prepared in an identical fashion prior to analysis. Generally, all of the samples in the literature are first oven dried at varying temperatures ranging from 35 105C from between 24 hours up to 3 days to ensure that there is no moisture present in the sample. The samples were sieved into different size fractions, for example <63 m and 63-250 m (Rauch et al., 2000), and other studies sieved them into <2mm, 0.5mm, 74 m, 600-250 m, 250 – 90 m and <90 m (Al-Chalabi and Hawker, 1996). The sediment and plant material samples were transferred into paper bags and oven dried for 12 hours at ~90˚C. Once the samples had been partially dried, they were then sieved into five different size fractions - <75, 75-105, 105-125, 125-250 and >250 m. The most abundant fraction, of sediment/plant materials sample, over the whole range of samples was identified for analysis, which was found to be 105-125 m. The samples were then transferred into crucibles and placed in a muffle furnace for 12 hours at 400C to be dry-ashed. Samples were then weighed before and after dry ashing to establish the organic content present, then transferred into polypropylene squat beakers in preparation for the digestion process. Once in the polypropylene beakers, the samples were digested with 2 ml (1:1) mixture of HF:HNO3 suspended in a water bath at 90 oC. A further 1 ml of HNO3 was added to the dried samples. The samples were then removed from the water bath and made up to 20 ml with distilled deionised water and transferred into ‘Sterilin’ containers. Further dilution or decanting was then performed on the digested sediment/plant materials sample prior to FAAS/ICP-MS analysis. 2.3.3 Analytical Technique Historically, a diverse range of techniques have been implemented for the determination of trace element concentrations in environmental samples, with the oldest techniques including simplistic wet chemical titrimetry analysis. Over the last 60 years, the use of instrument based techniques has increased to take control of environmental analytical chemistry (Fifield & Haines, 1996). All heavy metal analysis was undertaken on the ICP-MS, with the exception of Na, Mf, Ca and Fe which were analysed using the FAAS. 2.3.4 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry is a technique that is widely used in trace element analysis because of its capability of easily detecting elements at a ng/g (part per billion) level. 3545105 Method development (e.g. hydride generation, laser ablation, electrothermal 30 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina vaporisation) has expanded the use of ICP-MS enabling over 50 elements to be determined in environmental, biological and clinical samples. The principle behind ICP-MS is the ionisation of the analyte atoms by inductively coupled plasma at atmospheric pressure, followed by extraction via a series of cones into a mass spectrometer. In order for ionisation to occur, the analyte must be supplied with sufficient energy to permit the removal of an outer electron (M → M+ + e-). This amount of energy is known as the first ionisation energy, and is unique to each element. The Saha equation allows the degree of first ionisation to be calculated and is shown in Equation 1 and Equation 2. The Saha equation demonstrates that at the operating temperature of the plasma (≈ 800 k) and with an electron density of 1015 cm-3. The resulting energy supplied is enough to form singly charged positive ions for more than fifty elements in the Periodic Table, with an ionisation efficiency > 90%. Ki = Note: nM+ + ∙ne Equation 1 nM nM+ is the number of M+ ions per cm3; Ki is the ionisation constant; ne is the number of free electrons per cm3; and nM is the number of M atoms per cm3 K i = 4.83x1015 T 3/2 ZM+ (T) ZM (T) exp (− Eion ) kT Equation 2 Where: ZM+ is the partition function for the ionic state; ZM is the partition function for the atomic state; K is the Boltzmann constant; T is the absolute temperature; and Eion is the ionisation energy (eV). Once inside the mass spectrometer, the ions are separated accordingly to their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and then detected by either the channel electron multiplier or the Faraday cup (the detector is chosen accordingly to the intensity of the ion beams produced). 3545105 31 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Instrumentation The ICP-MS instrument used for this study (Finnigan MAT SOLA ICP-MS) consists of a sample introduction system, and inductively coupled plasma (interfaced to a quadrupole mass spectrometer. An illustration of an Inductively Coupled Plasma Source is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6: Inductively Coupled Plasma Source. The sample introduction system is a pneumatic solution nebuliser (PSN), which makes use of a peristaltic pump to ensure that the sample is delivered at a constant rate to the nebuliser. After nebulisation, the sample passes through the spray chamber, where larger droplets are separated out, resulting in the production of an aerosol of fine droplets. This aerosol is then carried to the ICP by the carrier gas, argon. The ICP behaves as the ion source. Argon flows through a quartz torch which has a coil wound around the end that induces radiofrequency magnetic fields. A high voltage spark that introduces electrons into the argon stream ignites the plasma – the collision of the electrons with argon atoms causes their ionisation, leading to ignition of the plasma by inductive coupling (Vandecasteele and Block, 1993). Figure 7 outlines the processes that take place once the sample aerosol reaches the plasma. Figure 7: Processes that occur when Sample Aerosol reaches Plasma. Solvent evaporated from each droplet to produce anhydrous salt Salt particles are vaporised into gas phase Gas molecules atomised into free ions Atoms are ionised The aim is to provide the plasma sampling position with the maximum density of ionised atoms (this can be optimised by adjusting instrument parameters, see Section The plasma sampling position is situated in the central channel of the plasma. This section is extracted into 3545105 32 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina the mass spectrometer as a result of a pressure differential between the plasma (atmospheric pressure) and the pressure behind a series of three cones. The first cone through which the gas (carrying the singly charged ions) passes is the sampling cones. Its orifice has a diameter of 1.1 mm, situated approximately 14 mm from the end of the torch and behind this cone the pressure is 2-3 mbar. It is the lower pressure that causes the gas to be extracted through the cone from the plasma region, and also to expand once it has passed through the sampling cone aperture. Because of the expansion, only a tiny amount of the extracted ions pass through the second cone, known as the skimmer. The skimmer is situated 8 mm beyond the sampling cone and has an aperture of 0.8 mm. The instrument used in this study is unusual in that it makes use of a third cone, known as the accelerator. The accelerator, positioned 8 mm behind the skimmer and with a 1 mm sampling orifice, has a negative charge applied to it, which focuses the positive ions into a beam that passes into the mass analyser, repels the negative ions and allows neutral species to diffuse to the vacuum pump. The space between the cones and the analyser housing is evacuated to a pressure of ≈ 1 x 10-3 mbar by a turbomolecular pump (Dudding, 2000). Optimisation As discussed in Section, certain parameters affect the properties of the sampling part of the plasma. To gain the highest ion count, the plasma sampling position must contain the highest density of ionised atoms. Obtaining the maximum analyte count intensity is mutually dependent on the forward power and nebuliser flow rate. Forward power governs the amount of time (residence time) the analyte solution will spend in the plasma before ionisation occurs. Nebuliser flow rate determines the distance travelled in the plasma by the analyte solution before ionisation occurs. Too high a forward power will cause the highest density of ionised atoms to occur too far away from the sampling cone (because the residence time will be lower when maximum ionisations occurs); too high a nebuliser flow rate will cause the analyte solution to reach the sampling cone before maximum ionisation has occurred. A balance must be struck so that the forward power and nebuliser flow are together providing a region of highest density of ionised atoms that is as close to the sampling cone as possible. Optimisation experiments were carried out to gain the best balance of forward power and nebuliser flow rate for the two elements being used as internal standards, cobalt and indium. Calibration After optimisation of the instrument parameters, calibration of the ICP-MS was performed using the same technique as for the FAAS. A series of calibration standards were prepared in 1% HNO3 using Plasma Emission Standard Solutions (BDH Laboratories, Poole, England) possessing element concentrations of either 1000 or 10000 µg/ml. The calibration standards 3545105 33 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina were prepared with concentrations ranging across the linear dynamic range of the instrument. It should be noted that for many elements analysable via ICP-MS, the linear dynamic range extends across more than six orders of magnitude (Vandecasteele and Block, 1993). Multielemental calibration standards were prepared (containing Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Se and Zn) and run on the Finnigan MAT SOLA instrument. The isotopes used were as follows: 112 Cd; 65 Cu; 54 Fe; 208 Pb; 82 Se; and 44 Ca; 66 Zn. Isotope selection was based on the extensive work undertaken by Stovell (1999) using this instrument for the analysis of blood serum. Two international certified reference materials (CRM) were used to validate the water analysis measurements. Both samples were run after the ICP-MS calibration and the calculated values, in Table 2, were compared against the Reference Range (certified values). In most cases good agreement was obtained for levels of accuracy (good agreement between measured mean and certified value) and precision (RSD % below 15%). Table 2: Certified Reference Results for the ICP-MS Calibration. Elemental Concentration (µg/l) Element 3545105 CRM TMDA-54.4 CRM 1643e Reference Measured Reference Measured Range Value Range Value Lithium 25.7 0.5 23.3 17.4 1.7 17.1 Aluminium 394.0 5.0 384.9 141.8 8.6 182.7 Chromium 438.0 4.0 383.7 20.4 0.2 23.1 Manganese 275.0 2.0 309.9 39.0 0.5 39.7 Iron 382 5 655.2 98.1 1.4 103.5 Nickel 337.0 3.0 369.2 62.4 0.7 63.6 Copper 443.0 4.0 492.6 22.8 0.3 22.1 Zinc 537.0 6.0 571.5 78.5 2.2 75.2 Arsenic 43.6 0.8 48.0 60.5 0.7 61.6 Selenium 33.0 0.7 35.9 12.0 0.1 14.8 Antimony 25.7 0.5 23.1 58.3 0.6 50.5 34 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Interferences One of the drawbacks over the use of the ICP-MS in the analysis of trace elements is its susceptibility to a range of interferences, both spectroscopic and non-spectroscopic. However, in most areas, these interferences can be either eliminated or overcome through the careful selection of parameters such as the solvents used to introduce the sample into the ICP or the isotopes measured. Detection Limits The detection limit is the lowest concentration of an analyte that can be confidently reported as being distinguishable from the blank level (Vandecasteele and Block, 1993). Equation 3 shows how the background signal and its standard deviation are related to provide the smallest signal that is required to show that the analyte signal is significantly different to the blank signal. ỹB + ksB Equation 3 Where: ỹB is the mean background signal; and sB is the standard deviation of the background signal. The value of k is generally assigned a number of 3 as this is deemed to be high enough to prevent signals from being incorrectly assigned to the analyte when they are in fact blank signals, and low enough to prevent analyte signals from being incorrectly attributed to the blank signal (Vandecasteele and Block, 1993). The detection limit (DL) for a given analyte, using a specific technique, can easily be calculated using Equation 4, where b is the slope of the calibration curve from the least squares line equation (y = bx + c). DL = 3sB 𝑏 Equation 4 Table 3 reports the detection limits calculated for the Finnigan MAT SOLA ICP-MS instrument used in this work. 3545105 35 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Table 3: Theoretical and Calculated Detection Limits in ICP-MS Element Theoretical Detection Limit* (µg/l) Calculated Detection Limit (µg/l) Copper 0.077 2.8 Iron 2.5 5.3 Selenium 1.1 2.3 Zinc 0.15 3.5 *Adapted from Table 9.5, p221 – Vandecasteele and Block, 1993 2.3.5 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS) Atomic absorption spectrometry is a popular technique, useful for the analysis of trace metal levels in solutions. It has been applied to the analysis of a variety of sample matrices and is frequently used in the analysis of trace elements in fluids. The technique can be used to analyse the concentration of over 70 different metals in a solution. Although atomic absorption spectrometry dates to the nineteenth century, the modern form was largely developed during the 1950s by a team of Australian chemists. The technique makes use of absorption spectrometry to assess the concentration of an analyte in a given sample and relies heavily on the Beer-Lambert law. The electrons of the atoms in the atomiser can be promoted to higher orbitals for a short amount of time by absorbing a set quantity of energy (i.e. light of a given wavelength). This amount of energy is specific to a particular electron transition in a particular element, and in general, each wavelength corresponds to only one element. This provides the technique its elemental selectively. As the quantity of energy imparted into the flame is known, and the quantity remaining at the other side, at the detector, can be measured from the Beer-Lambert law to calculate how many of these transitions took place, and thus receive a signal that is proportional to the concentration of the element being measured. In order to analyse a sample for its atomic constituents, it has to be atomised. The sample should then be illuminated by light. The light transmitted is finally measured by a detector. In order to reduce the effect of emission from the atomiser, in the form of black body radiation, a spectrometer is normally used between the atomiser and detector. The schematic in Figure 8 illustrates its basic principles. 3545105 36 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Figure 8: Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Instrumentation The FAAS consists of: A hollow-cathode lamp (which must be changed for each element) that emits the radiation that is absorbed by the analyte atoms; An atom cell, where the sample solution is nebulised into an aerosol and dissociated into free atoms by the flame; A monochromator; A photomultiplier detector; and A means of displaying data. Flames can vary both in the constituent and in the component ratios. The flame used for this study pre-mixed air-acetylene, which is capable of reaching temperatures of approximately 2400 oC. The instrument used in this study was a Perkin Elmer Model 5000 Spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, Beaconsfield, Bucks, UK) with single element cathode lamps; the wavelength and applied currents are shown in Table 4. Table 4: Hollow Cathode Lamp Operating Conditions Analyte Wavelength nm 3545105 Applied Current mA Calcium 422.7 6 Copper 324.8 5 Magnesium 285.2 6 Zinc 213.9 10 37 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Calibration The instrument was calibrated using a series of calibration standards (prepared from Plasma Emission Standards of either 1000 or 10000 µg/ml, BDH Laboratory Supplies, Poole, Dorset, England). These were prepared over a range of analyte concentrations, spreading across the linear dynamic range of the instrument. The concentration range over which linearity is maintained in FAAS depends on the analyte of interest, but usually is that which provides absorbance signals over 0.5 - 1.0 arbitrary absorbance units (Vandecasteele and Block, 1993). For zinc analysis by FAAS, then this range is quite low, with the zinc signal forming a plateau at approximately 6 µg/ml Zn. After plotting the analyte signal against the concentration for each of the standards, the least squares line equation (y = bx + c) was used to calculate the slope and intercept, y. Note that b = the slope and c = the y intercept. All of the standards were prepared in a 1% HNO3 solution, which was particularly important for the analysis of serum samples. Momcilovicacute et al., (1975) found that if standards were prepared in distilled water, the results for the analysis of zinc in serum samples were artificially elevated. 2.4 Summary To achieve the study aim and objectives methods of sample preparation and determination of the trace element contaminant concentrations of environmental samples, namely, water and soil/sediment, have been designed and developed using published and original procedures. The data is to be employed in giving an insight into the source of any contamination and its effects on prescribed receptors. Further procedures have been designed and developed for the preparation and determination of the geo-chemical phase of any trace elements within the surface water, aquatic plant and river sediment samples to provide an insight into the bioavailability of any environmental condition. The analysis of all prepared samples was undertaken using ICP-MS and FAAS techniques. Quality control and validation procedures were designed and implemented, including: blank sample analysis; ICP-MS instrument drift analysis and duplicate sample analysis. 3545105 38 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSION In this chapter, the results obtained for the analysis conducted during this project will be illustrated and discussed. 3.1 Surface and Drinking Waters The trace element and anion/cation values for surface waters, and regulatory values set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Kingdom Drinking Water Standards are recorded in the tables as follows: Table 5 illustrates water sample results from Rincon de los Sauces expressed as µg/l or *mg/l; Table 6 illustrates water sample results from Catriel expressed as µg/l or *mg/l; and Table 7 illustrates water sample results from the Rio Colorado River as µg/l or *mg/l. 3545105 39 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Table 5: Water Sample Results from Rincon de los Sauces and Associated United Kingdom Regulatory Organisations’ Requirements. Rincon de los Sauces - Elemental Concentration µg/l or *mg/l Element pH RSW01 RSW02 RSW03 RSW04 RSW05 Petro Explot Mid petro town Water extract WTP Faucet WTP Faucet town 6.78 7.12 7.87 7.12 7.02 WHO certified levels UK DWS 200 Conductivity (µS) 456 562 873 786 883 Aluminium 10.3 14.1 19.7 27.4 64.8 100 Antimony 45.6 24.1 22.8 1.6 1.2 20 5 Arsenic 5.8 11.5 5.7 3.5 3.8 10 10 Boron* 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.14 0.27 0.5 1 Barium* 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.024 0.021 0.7 1 Calcium* 91.0 91.6 92.3 137.9 135.6 - 250 3545105 Cadmium 3.32 0.51 0.88 0.35 0.31 3 5 Cobalt <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 - - Chromium 39.23 6.39 6.23 3.29 2.08 50 50 Copper 9.31 6.46 2.81 18.59 17.14 2000 2000 Iron 51.1 5.4 5.6 2.7 2.2 - 200 Potassium* 2.81 2.88 2.85 3.05 3.51 - 12 Magnesium* 7.29 7.35 7.42 10.77 9.32 - 50 50 Manganese 243 15 4.3 2.1 1.8 400 Molybdenum 4.1 1.4 0.24 1.8 1.9 70 - Sodium* 105.3 105.5 33.7 28.9 28.9 - 200 Nickel 16.07 0.08 1.25 0.09 0.16 70 20 Phosphorus* 0.031 0.038 0.028 0.028 0.029 - 2.2 Lead 42.4 7.02 7.62 26.11 58.34 10 25 Selenium 4.2 1.3 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 10 10 Sulphate* 172 175 174 298 597 - 250 Strontium* 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.96 0.59 - - Vanadium 25.79 1.65 4.27 0.37 0.28 - - Zinc 78.4 25.54 27.98 28.7 28.8 - 5000 Chloride* 138.0 136.5 139.3 128.2 137.2 250 250 Nitrate* 133.0 156.8 114.2 32.2 27.3 50 50 Bromide* 0.40 0.37 0.34 0.13 0.17 10 - Fluoride* 8.0 8.8 7.6 3.2 2.8 1.5 1.5 40 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Table 6: Water Sample Results from Catriel and Associated United Kingdom Regulatory Organisations’ Requirements. Catriel - Elemental Concentration µg/l or *mg/l Element CAW 01 CAW 02 CAW 03 CAW 04 Penas Blancas Between Point Channel WTP Sewage discharge pH 6.88 7.67 7.23 6.32 7.34 7.28 Conductivity (µS) 1288 897 873 653 983 872 Aluminium 15.2 16.9 12.0 109.6 26.2 22.12 100 200 Antimony 0.9 1.1 0.9 12.2 0.8 1.0 20 5 Arsenic 8.5 11.1 12.0 37.9 2.3 2.1 10 10 Boron* 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.15 0.10 0.08 0.5 1 Barium* 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.441 0.030 0.021 0.7 1 Calcium* 97.4 100.5 88.0 173.8 108.8 72.1 - 250 Cadmium 0.84 1.45 1.33 8.03 0.24 0.31 3 5 Cobalt <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 6.4 <0.1 <0.1 - - Chromium 0.77 6.13 9.15 35.45 3.66 2.13 50 50 Copper 0.40 0.85 1.50 9.38 0.40 0.46 2000 2000 Iron 3.2 2.7 8.2 14.7 1.4 0.9 - 200 Potassium* 2.94 2.92 2.76 7.54 3.05 3.14 - 12 Magnesium* 8.07 8.67 7.39 13.96 8.55 7.20 - 50 Manganese 21 14 3.3 58.3 1.5 1.1 400 50 Molybdenum 4.1 3.7 0.3 5.9 1.9 1.4 70 - Sodium* 110.3 116.7 43.1 154.7 25.5 22.7 - 200 Nickel 0.05 0.03 2.99 2.17 0.21 0.18 70 20 Phosphorus* 0.043 0.022 0.024 2.859 0.026 0.021 - 2.2 Lead 0.6 4.16 2.45 13.71 0.86 0.98 10 25 Selenium <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 10 10 Sulphate* 187 200 169 288 197 195 - 250 Strontium* 0.7 0.73 0.64 1.15 0.74 0.73 - - Vanadium 0.22 0.15 0.74 0.55 0.18 0.19 - - Zinc 17.4 25.2 21.5 322.4 24.7 28.2 - 5000 Chloride* 138.3 155.2 143.2 218.3 166.2 123.2 250 250 Nitrate* 178.2 166.2 123.2 267.3 34.2 23.3 50 50 Bromide* 0.32 0.24 0.21 0.99 0.23 0.16 10 - Fluoride* 6.4 7.3 4.5 12.4 2.3 1.8 1.5 1.5 3545105 41 of 62 CAW 05 Faucet Close WTP Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina CAW 06 WHO certified UKWDS levels Faucet Far WTP Table 7: Water Sample Results from Rio Colorado and Associated United Kingdom Regulatory Organisations’ Requirements. Rio Colorado - Elemental Concentration µg/l or *mg/l Element RCW01 RCW02 RCW03 RCW04 El Vinedo 50m WTPl Sewage Discharge Drinking close WTP RCW05 Drinking 2800m WTPl Lake Dam mean 2 samples WHO certified levels UKDWS - pH 7.89 8.01 6.76 7.56 7.43 7.23 - Conductivity (µS) 786 887 563 872 809 776 - - Aluminium 13.1 13.4 118.2 60.8 42.6 24.3 100 200 Antimony 8.2 3.0 33.2 1.7 1.7 12.2 20 5 Arsenic 3.2 3.0 3.8 2.8 2.1 1.8 10 10 1 3545105 Boron* 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.19 0.15 0.5 Barium* 0.046 0.046 0.145 0.030 0.031 0.045 0.7 1 Calcium* 94.8 94.8 95.5 99.8 118.1 89.2 - 250 Cadmium 4.79 4.08 13.48 1.77 0.23 0.22 3 5 Cobalt 1.03 3.88 4.05 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 - - Chromium 6.69 9.34 19.98 0.68 3.01 2.89 50 50 Copper 0.44 0.73 8.78 1.23 0.64 0.75 2000 2000 Iron 4.7 2.7 28.2 1.1 0.9 1.1 - 200 Potassium* 3.29 3.33 3.42 3.49 3.87 2.89 - 12 Magnesium* 9.06 9.08 9.22 9.67 7.18 6.29 - 50 Manganese 11.5 8.7 56.9 2.8 3.8 6.7 400 50 Molybdenum 0.6 1.7 8.3 1.3 2.9 0.9 70 - Sodium* 102.1 102.2 103.9 23.9 24.8 139.7 - 200 Nickel 1.58 1.92 18.94 0.15 0.19 0.18 70 20 Phosphorus* 0.042 0.029 0.166 0.018 0.020 0.038 - 2.2 Lead 1.87 5.18 19.18 9.79 12.27 1.79 10 25 Selenium <1.0 <1.0 2.78 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 10 10 Sulphate* 206 205 489 251 250 198 - 250 Strontium* 0.74 0.76 1.73 0.67 0.59 0.54 - - Vanadium 0.41 0.42 3.77 0.24 0.29 0.23 - - Zinc 31.92 23.85 315.26 26.27 24.34 18.96 - 5000 Chloride* 138.0 132.2 167.4 123.3 115.2 138.2 250 250 50 Nitrate* 113.4 113.6 189.3 49.2 22.3 112.4 50 Bromide* 0.37 0.40 0.56 0.23 0.18 0.32 10 - Fluoride* 7.8 8.1 14.5 2.3 2.8 7.8 1.5 1.5 42 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina 3.1.1 pH and Conductivity Levels The measured pH and conductivity values in Tables 5, 6 and 7 range from 6.32 to 8.01 and 456 to 1288 µS, respectively, with the lowest pH values associated with sewage outflow or industrial sites. All drinking water/faucet samples are about pH ≈ 7. The lowest conductivity level is at Rincón de los Sauces (456 µS) and is associated with the surface water collected near the petro exploitation site. The highest conductivity value is for Catriel (1288 µS) as Peñas Blancas. Values are in good agreement with the comparative data reported by COIRCO: pH 7.10 to 8.04 (Rincón de los Sauces), 6.97 to 8.08 (Catriel), 7.60 to 8.20 (Casa de Piedra) and 7.74 to 8.25 (Rio Colorado); conductivity 427 to 984 µS (Rincón de los Sauces), 444 to 1445 µS (Catriel), 722 to 865 µS (Casa de Piedra) and 746 to 891 µS (Rio Colorado). 3.1.2 Trace Elements and Anion/Cation Levels Tables 5, 6 and 7 shows that various sites have numerous chemicals at elevated levels in the river surface waters, with values exceeding the regulatory guidelines for drinking water. A more realistic interpretation of these values may be obtained by comparing the river samples against irrigation, livestock watering or aquatic life standards, as stated by COIRCO (Table 2.29, page 62) in Table 8. The following observations may be deduced: The highest river water trace element occurs at Catriel, especially the sewage discharge (CAW04) site, with selected trace elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb) exceeding the guidelines for Vida Acuática Irrigción, as illustrated in Table 8; The sewage discharge point at Rio Colorado (RCW03) also possesses high levels of many chemicals (Cd, Cr, Mn, V, Pb, sulphate and nitrate) that may be attributed both to sewage treatment/discharge; The industrial sites at Rincón de los Sauces (RSW01 and RSW02) and Catriel (CAW01), to a certain degree, contain high levels of selected trace elements. The elements include V, Sb, Cr, Cd, Mn and Pb, and are associated with oil products. Several of these elements (Cr, Cd, Pb and As) exceed the regulatory guidelines for Vida Acuática and Irrigción as shown in Table 8; Nitrate levels are high at all four sampling areas, with values above the drinking water guidelines (WHO and UK Regulations). This statistic is due to the industrial and sewage discharge sites that continue to impart detrimental effects on the environment. The specific locations of nitrate contamination are Rincón de los Sauces (RSW01-03), Catriel (CAW0103), Casa de Piedra and Rio Colorado (RCW01-03); Drinking water from faucets at all four sampling areas are generally within drinking water guideline quality standards, although a couple of areas are of concern; Drinking water from faucets in Rincón de los Sauces (RSW04-05) and Rio Colorado (RCW04-05) have very high lead levels, with values typically above the WHO drinking 3545105 43 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina water guideline of 10 µg/L Pb. A possible explanation for this may be due to lead pipes being used for water distribution; and Drinking water from faucets in Rincón de los Sauces (RSW04-05) and Rio Colorado (RCW04-05) contain high levels of sulphate, at values above the UK drinking water standard of 250 mg/L sulphate. A possible reason for this may be chemical water treatment using metal sulphates of either aluminium or iron. Table 8: COIRCO – Guideline Values for the Different Water Uses. Value Guide (µg/L) Element Drinking Water Irrigation Water Cattle Breeding Aquatic Life Arsenic 10 100 25 5 Cadmium 3 5.1 80 0.017 Zinc 3000 1000-5000 50000 30 Copper 2000 200-1000 500-5000 2-4 Chromium 50 4.9-8.0 50 1.0 Mercury 1 - 3 0.026 Molybdenum 70 10-50 500 73 Nickel 20 200 1000 25 Lead 10 200 100 1-7 Selenium 10 20-50 50 1 A comparison of the trace element levels of river water samples in this report with those of a previous study of the Grande Canal and Rio Negro (Paddock, 2006) show some interesting differences. In general, the petro exploitation site at Rincón de los Sauces (RSW01), and the sewage discharge sites at Catriel (CAW04) and Rio Colorado (RCW03) have much higher trace element levels than the maximum values along the Grande Canal (especially the fruit processing plant and disused chloro-alkali plant at Cipolleti). Zinc levels are much higher in most samples of the Rio Colorado (ranging from 17.4 to 322.3 µg/L Zn) relative to the Rio Negro (0.52 to 15.5 µg/L Zn), and the petrochemical exploitation and sewage sites have much higher levels of antimony (Rio Colorado maximum 45.6 µg/L Sb: Rio Negro maximum 1.6 µg/L Sb) suggesting oil-based chemical release to the environment. Only boron and arsenic seem to be higher in the Rio Negro, associated with industrial and irrigation canal locations. The presence of higher lead levels in faucet drinking water in Rincón de los Sauces and Rio Colorado was not noted in the drinking water samples from Rio Negro. 3545105 44 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina 3.2 Sediments 3.2.1 Trace Element Levels Sediments are often considered to be better monitors of chemical contamination of a river as they are long-term reservoir of trace elements and heavy metals, whereas surface waters are subjected to constant variation due to water flow, volume, etc. Table 9 reports the trace elements for a limited number of sediment samples. Unfortunately, no sediment samples were available at Rincón de los Sauces. Table 9: Sediment Results for Trace Elements CAS 01 CAS 02 CLEA UK Dutch Adjusted Target Penas Blancas Point in Between mg/kg *( ) Aluminium % 4.33 4.12 - - Antimony 6.5 7.8 - - Arsenic 8.5 11.1 - 29 (40) Boron 23.2 27.3 3 - (3) Barium 266 198 - Cadmium 2.87 1.23 7.65 Cobalt 2.1 1.3 - Chromium 134.2 89.3 111 100 (600) Copper 67.3 42.3 - 36 (130) Iron % 5.43 5.19 - - Manganese 356.7 319.2 - - Mercury 1.23 0.78 6.51 Molybdenum 0.78 0.73 - Nickel 45.5 38.2 52.7 Lead 18.9 12.3 450 Selenium 1.8 0.93 - Strontium 289.4 267.5 - - Vanadium 187.4 203.4 - - Zinc 134.2 98.3 - Element mg/kg 200 0.8 (3) 20 0.3 (1) 10 35 (70) 85 - 140 (3) (300) Units (values expressed as mg/kg - ppm) * ( ) ICRCL 59/83 Guidance on the assessment and redevelopment of contaminated land 2 nd Ed. July 1987 {Rio Colorado: Rio Colorado Sediment RCS01-03 (values mg/kg dry weight)} {Rio Colorado: Catriel Sediment CAS 01-2 (values expressed as mg/kg dry weight)} 3545105 45 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Table 9: continued: Sediment Results for Trace Elements Element RCS01 El Vinedo RCS02 RCS03 50m WTPl Sewage Discharge Casa de Piedra CLEA UK Dutch Adjusted Target mean 2 samples mg/kg *( ) Dam mg/kg Aluminium % 3.45 4.12 5.34 3.66 - - Antimony 0.8 0.83 3.44 0.67 - - Arsenic 7.8 6.6 23.4 8.4 - 29 (40) Boron 24.4 22.1 55.6 27.1 3 - (3) Barium 342 378 569.3 283 - Cadmium 0.23 0.33 13.8 0.23 7.65 Cobalt 0.56 1.02 8.22 0.59 - Chromium 45.2 32.8 166.2 41.8 111 100 (600) Copper 28.3 21.2 89.3 27.3 - 36 (130) Iron % 4.34 4.77 6.34 5.12 - - Manganese 289.3 277.6 428.3 278.3 - - Mercury 0.19 0.23 3.27 0.34 6.51 Molybdenum 0.32 0.25 2.33 0.25 - Nickel 18.3 12.3 65.3 12.3 52.7 Lead 9.3 6.5 31.2 5.4 450 85 Selenium 0.78 0.65 3.22 0.54 - - Strontium 234.3 271.4 319.3 211.4 - - Vanadium 98.3 76.3 432.1 112.3 - - 87.3 65.3 223.8 56.9 - Zinc 200 0.8 (3) 20 0.3 (1) 10 35 140 (70) (3) (300) Units (values expressed as mg/kg - ppm) * ( ) ICRCL 59/83 Guidance on the assessment and redevelopment of contaminated land 2 nd Ed. July 1987 Sediment samples were analysed from Catriel (CAS01-02), Peñas Blancas and a point between that site and the water treatment facility, Csas de Piedra and Rio Colorado (RCS0103, El Viňedo, water treatment plant and sewage discharge respectively). Values are compared with environmental quality guidance limits set by the United Kingdom CLEA, Dutch Adjusted target values for soils and IRCL 59/83 limits for the assessment and redevelopment of contaminated land (1987). The findings are as follows: Two sediments show clear evidence of trace element contamination, namely Peňas Blancas (Catriel, CAS01) and the sewage discharge (Rio Colorado, RSC03); Both sites show elevated levels of many trace elements above either the Dutch Adjusted or UK CLEA guidance limits; and 3545105 46 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina In general, Casa de Piedra shows no significant levels of chemical contamination, which may in part be due to the dilution effects of the lake. Comparison of the sediment data for this study with trace element values reported in 2006 (Paddock, 2006) for the Rio Negro and Grande Canal confirm that the Rio Colorado (for these limited number of sediments) has higher levels, especially for As, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn. Interestingly, arsenic is a serious concern in regions of Argentina, especially in La Pampa (north of the Rio Colorado) which is the southern border, and the Rio Colorado sediments range from 6.6 to 23.4 mg/kg As compared with the Rio Negro (1.4 to 7.4 and Grande Canal 3.4 to 6.1 mg/kg As). Similarly, concern has been raised about mercury levels in the Grande Canal (Rio Negro) as a result of industrial discharge from the chloro-alkali plant in Cipolleti. However, mercury levels in the Grande Canal ranged from 0.12 to 0.17 mg/kg Hg compared with 0.19 to 3.27 mg/kg Hg in the sediments from the Rio Colorado. Overall, it must be stressed that two of the Rio Colorado sites are highly contaminated from industrial and sewage discharge which may be of significance in comparing the two regions. In summary, more sediment samples need to be collected from the Rio Colorado at all sampling areas, especially Rincón de los Sauces and Catriel in order to assess the long-term impact of industrial activities (oil extraction and processing). Table 10: Comparison of Metals/Metalloides for COIRCO (table IV.4 p177 – 2006) Element This study COIRCO As 8.4 2.6-12 Ba 283 120-279 B 27.1 8.5-58 Cd 0.23 <0.5-2.1 Cu 27.3 17-53 Cr 41.8 6-38 Hg 0.34 <0.05-0.07 Ni 12.3 6.7-25 Pb 5.4 3.2-20 Se 0.54 0.7-1.3 V 112.3 41-191 Zn 56.9 28-105 {and this study (Casa de Piedra dam) – mg/kg dry weight} A limited amount of data on the levels of metals/metalloids is reported by COIRCO (2006), which makes historical comparisons hard to conclude. Data for thirteen elements are presented in Tables IV.4 (p177-8), mainly for Casa de Piedra over the period 2000 to 2005. 3545105 47 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Comparison with the mean values of two sediment samples taken from Casa de Piedra in this study are in very good agreement for all elements, as illustrated in Table 10. 3.2.2 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Table 11 reports the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in sediment samples from Catriel, Casa de Piedra and Rio Colorado sampling areas. Table 11: Rio Colorado: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sediment PAH CAS01 CAS02 RCS01 El RCS02 RCS03 Casa de Adjusted Penas Between Vinedo 50m WTPI Sewage Piedra Dam 2 Dutch Blancas point mean Target Soil Discharge samples Naphthalene 0.073 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.015 Acenaphthene <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.050 Acenaphthylene <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 - Fluorene 0.056 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 - Phenanthrene/Anthracene 0.223 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 - Methylnaphthalene 0.022 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 - Dimethylnaphthalene 0.012 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 - Methylphenanthrene <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 - Dimethylphenanthrene 0.187 0.013 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 - Fluoranthene 0.226 0.036 0.008 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.015 Pyrene <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 - Benzo[b+k]fluoranthene <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.025 Crysene + 0.034 0.011 0.012 <0.002 <0.002 0.012 0.020 + benzo[a]anthracene 0.020 Benzo[a]pyrene 0.018 <0.002 0.008 <0.002 <0.002 0.009 0.020 Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 Benzo[ghi]perylene <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.020 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.025 Total 1.0 {(values expressed as µg/g or mg/kg dry weight)} The combustion of fuel (oil, petrol and diesel) is considered to be one of the main contributors of PAHs to the environment. In Particular pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene are serious health hazards due to their carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic properties. The Rio Negro study (2006-2007) reported two sites 3545105 48 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina adjacent to out of action roadways, especially at Villa Regina (RUTA 22) that possessed PAH levels of benzo(a)pyrene of 11.9 and 38.2 mg/kg. Unfortunately, only a couple of Rio Colorado sediment samples were collected from possible sites where fuel combustion would be expected. However, some conclusions may be deduced: Peňas Blancas (Catriel, CAS01) and the point between that site and the water treatment facility (CAS02) show some evidence of PAH input, but the levels are low compared with the Rio Negro roadside samples; and However, the levels of fluoranthene, chrysene(+)benzo(a)anthracene are above the Adjusted Dutch target guidance limits for PAHs in soils. PAH values are also reported by COIRCO (Table V.1 to V.4 p181-4) over the period of 2000 to 2005 for Csas de Piedra that concluded that most sites PAH levels to be below the levels of detection. Traces of naphthalene, methylnaphthalene, dimethylnaphthalene and dimethylphenanthrene were detectable at about 0.012 to 0.230 mg/L. COIRCO (2006) also provides a list of Valores guía de HAPs para la protección de la vida acuática (Table 2.30 p62) in which selected PAHs are listed with limits (µg/L): acenaphthylene 5.8; anthracene 0.012; benzo(a)anthracene 0.018; benzo(a)pyrene 0.015; fluoranthene 0.04; fluorene 3.0; naphthalene 1.1; phenanthrene; and pyrene 0.025. Clearly, the sediment sample collected from Peňas Blancas (Catriel, CAS01) has several PAHs above these limits. 3.2.3 Aquatic Plants Table 12 reports the trace element levels for several aquatic plants that were collected at Rincón de los Sauces (RSW01), Catriel (CAP01-03), Casa de Piedra and Rio Colorado (RCP01-02). The values compares with literature ranges for non-contaminated plants as follows: The sites with high trace elements levels in surface river waters and sediments also have contaminated plants, with Rincón de los Sauces (RSW01 – petro exploitation) being contaminated with most trace elements measured; Interestingly, all three plant samples from Rio Colorado have elevated sodium levels, which may reflect the release of salt from the Rio Salado; and No plant materials were provided from the sewage discharge sites. 3545105 49 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Table 12: Heavy Metal Levels in Rio Colorado Aquatic Plant Samples and Associated Literature Requirements. Element RSP01 CAP 01 CAP 02 CAP 03 RCP01 RCP02 Casa de Piedra Dam mean 2 samples Literature Petro Explot Penas Blancas Between Point Channel WTP El Vinedo 50m WTPl Aluminium 896 435 109 156 28.9 32.8 189 8 - 200 Antimony 1.67 0.29 0.11 0.06 1.09 1.16 0.09 0.02 – 0.26 Arsenic 3.3 1.5 1.8 0.6 1.3 2.8 1.1 0.009 – 1.5 Boron 11.2 7.6 5.2 4.8 2.1 1.3 6.5 1.0 – 30.0 Barium 356 167 154 103 89.3 113.8 127 1 - 198 Calcium 5623 4578 4239 3899 2897 3299 3544 6000 - 10000 Cadmium 1.77 0.56 0.21 0.13 0.13 0.17 0.09 0.03 – 0.25 Cobalt 0.66 0.27 0.18 0.12 0.18 0.26 0.11 0.01 – 0.40 Chromium 3.89 1.65 1.22 0.56 1.19 1.78 0.63 0.02 – 3.00 Copper 123.9 56.2 23.2 11.7 4.56 1.28 18.7 2.0 – 25.0 Iron 3655 1288 345 322 234 168 278 18 - 400 Potassium 8122 7688 5689 6133 5692 5299 6523 5000 - 20000 Magnesium 3566 2566 2198 1899 1892 2377 2782 1500 - 3000 Manganese 623 345 213 128 67 112 98 20 - 350 Molybdenum 3.22 3.62 1.66 0.78 1.34 1.18 1.10 0.33 – 1.50 Sodium 2836 1345 1189 1245 3872 3287 2788 60 - 1500 Nickel 12.9 6.7 2.3 1.8 1.2 2.1 0.9 0.8 – 5.0 Lead 42.4 23.4 17.2 6.5 3.2 6.2 5.3 0.5 – 10.0 Selenium 29.6 0.15 0.19 0.06 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.001 – 0.21 Strontium* 673 458 128 233 189 218 309 6 - 1500 Vanadium 10.9 5.9 1.2 0.8 1.19 1.23 0.7 0.1 – 0.5 Zinc 256 67.2 71.3 33.6 45.3 67.3 29.8 12 - 50 3545105 50 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Typical values 3.3 Comparative Data A detailed report is available for comparing the experimental data of this study. The COIRCO (Comité Interjuisdiccional del Rio Colorado) report Program Integral de Calidad de Agus del Rio Colorado is available – Calidad del Medio Acuático, 2006, 218pp, on The report provides a comprehensive overview of sampling procedures and analytical methods and lists data at similar sites along the Rio Colorado at: Rincón de los Sauces; Catriel; Casa de Piedra dam and Rio Colorado. Chemical measurements for trace elements were conducted using less sensitive methods of atomic spectroscopy (when compared with ICP-MS) and therefore many elements are reported as less than values. The COIRCO report provides trace element data for water and sediments, and HAPs for sediment, with values compared against selected standards, i.e. ‘valores guía para diferentes uses del agua’ and ‘valores guía de HAPs para la protección de la vida acuática’, which translates to ‘guideline values for different water use and guideline values for PAHs for the protection of aquatic life’. The schematic in Figure 9 illustrates the contaminants within the areas of the Rio Colorado that are above associated International Regulatory Organisations’ guidelines. 3545105 51 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Figure 9: Contaminants within the Areas of the Rio Colorado that are above associated International Regulatory Organisations’ Guidelines*. Catriel Water: Al, Sb, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, SO Sr, V, Zn & NO 4 3 Sediment: B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg & Ni (PAH: Fluoranteno & Criseno(+)benzo(a)antraceno Plant: Al, Sb, As, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mo, Ni, Pb, V & Zn Rincón de los Sauces Rio Colorado Water: Sb, Cd, Mn, Pb, V & NO 3 Sediment: B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni & Se Water: Al, Sb, As, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, SO , V, Zn & NO 4 3 Sediment: B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Se & Zn Plant: Al, Sb, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Plant: Sb, As, Na, V & Zn Pb, Se, V & Zn Embalse Casa de Piedra Dam Water: As, Ba, B, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb & Na Plant: Na *The guidelines include: Dutch Adjusted; WHO; COIRCO; CLEA (UK); and Guidance Values for Different Water Use and Guideline Values for PAHs for the Protection of Aquatic Life (Argentina). 3545105 52 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina 4. CONCLUSIONS As defined in an earlier section of this report, the main objective was to highlight the levels of heavy metals and other contaminants along the Rio Colorado through a systematic sampling strategy using plant, surface water and sediment samples. This section will attempt to summarise the conclusions resulting from this report and ascertain whether the aims and objectives were fulfilled. Samples consisting of plant material, sediments and surface water were collected along the path of the Rio Colorado by representatives of the Rio Negro newspaper, with specific instructions being issued for the collection, storage and conditioning (sediment and aquatic samples required drying) prior to shipment. The samples were analysed using ICP-MS, FAAS, with sediments and plant material dry-ashed, and acid dissolved using hydrofluoricnitric acid digestion method. No further preparatory works were undertaken before the samples were analysed using the FAAS and ICP-MS; Analytical techniques to chemically prepare water, aquatic plant and sediment samples for trace element analysis by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS) was successfully developed using proven analytical techniques; Techniques for the determination of trace element levels in samples by optimisation, calibration and validation of both ICP-MS and FAAS instruments were developed and implemented successfully using proven analytical techniques; This report statically evaluates the trace element results and compares them with affiliated literature and water quality standards; Comparisons and trends were successfully highlighted between similar reports; The data was interpreted successfully, in order to assess the input of human activities on the water quality of Rio Colorado and evaluate the effect on abstraction of water for drinking and agricultural purposes in the region. This study has highlighted areas of Rio Colorado that possess higher concentrations of heavy metals than the regulatory values set by the World Health Organisation and the United Kingdom Drinking Water Standards. The causes of such contamination are mainly due to anthropogenic activities undertaken in affected areas. Leaks from water treatment works, sewage plants, potash plants and petrochemical industries appear to have all been attributed to the induced levels of contamination along the environs of the Rio Colorado. Comparisons of heavy metal contamination between the Rio Colorado and Rio Negro show that the Rio Colorado possesses much higher concentrations of contamination. The Rio Negro possesses contaminants associated to agriculture and chloro-alkali industry, whereas the Rio Colorado contains contaminants that may be attributed to petrochemical, potash, agricultural, sewage and 3545105 53 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina water treatment plant processes. Nevertheless, both reports have highlighted significant concentrations of heavy metals levels that are above international guidelines. There appears to be numerous similarities with the Rio Negro and Rio Colorado in relation to heavy metal contamination. Hypothetically speaking, the two rivers’ areas should contain significant levels of arsenic due the similar historical agricultural processes, which is supported by the presence of arsenic in samples. The historical use and accumulation of arsenic based pesticides has been documented in previous studies as the predominant heavy metal contaminant in the Rio Negro Valley (Broadway, 2004; Paddock, 2006). The pathway to the human food chain was thought to be through plant uptake from the soil and then human consumption of the contaminated produce. The inorganic pesticides used historically used in the vicinities of the Rio Colorado and Rio Negro were Paris Green and lead arsenate. The actual levels of heavy metal contamination in the Rio Colorado may be spurious as considerably fewer samples were taken from along the Rio Colorado, compared to the Rio Negro. On this basis, it is capable to conclude that the Rio Colorado trace element levels detailed in this report may not be a true presentation of heavy metals contained within its sediments, surface waters and aquatic plant life. However, based on this report, it is feasible to suggest that parts of the Rio Colorado are heavily contaminated with a variety of trace elements. A comparative report to the effects of sewage irrigation in Beijing, China, (Wen-hua Liu et al, 2005) identifies similar heavy metal contaminants (Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu & Cr) to those found close to the sewage plant close to Catriel. Both studies also reveal increased concentrations of the inorganic nutrient, nitrates, in sediment and plant samples, which is attributed to nitrate based fertilizers. Indeed, the significant presence of nitrates and sulphates in the samples indicates that they are derived from anthropogenic processes such sewage, water treatment, agricultural and potash industry activities. The Chinese report suggested that heavy metal transfer from sediment/soils to plants may be a key pathway to human health exposure to heavy metal contamination. Soil inhalation and ingestion may also become important pathways to human exposure to heavy metal contamination. Reports from Brazil have also identified increased concentrations of PAH compounds close to a Brazilian petro industry (Monica C Rojo Camargo et al, 2002). Likewise with the Rio Colorado, contamination was found predominantly in sediment samples. The Brazilian report also stated that raised levels of organic solvents were found in the sediment samples, with examples including benzene, toluene and xylenes. These organic compounds are used predominantly as preservatives in the petrochemical industry and are classified as carcinogenic due to their aromatic ring structure. Furthermore, a report from the UK highlighted heavy metal contaminants found close to a municipal incinerator in Newcastle that burns organic liquids amongst other waste (D Rimmer et al, 2006). 3545105 54 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina Both this incinerator site and the petro plant along the Rio Colorado possess similar heavy metals in the specific localities (Cd, Cr, Ni & Zn). However, the presence of Cd and Cr, along with Hg and As, may also be due to use of pesticides. It should be noted that the presence of PAH compounds in sediment samples may also be a contributor to traffic pollution from trains and vehicles (Kamalakkannan R et al., 2004). The presence of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd within samples from the Catriel and Rincón de los Sauces locations may be attributed to traffic pollution as these four elements were highlighted to be the main pollutants commonly associated to the combustion engine (Picken, 2006). 4.1 Further Works Further studies that may be undertaken should focus on sediment and plant samples. Both reports on the Rio Negro and Rio Colorado have illustrated that surface water samples were not the best media for sampling due to the extreme dilution factors, as plant and sediment samples tend to provide a more comprehensive assessment of heavy metals in the environment over longer periods of time. However, surface water should be continued to be undertaken as the Rio Colorado provides a source for irrigation, cattle breeding and, most importantly, drinking water for humans. Sites containing higher levels of heavy metal contamination from the various anthropogenic processes and industries are mapped along the Rio Colorado. Further studies should be undertaken on those locations with significant levels of chemical contamination. These sites should include Penas Blancas and El Vinedo that are situated close to petrochemical, sewage, water treatment and drinking water locations. Furthermore, a more extensive and systematic river sampling strategy may be designed and implemented for those particular areas of interest, in order to compile a more comprehensive report detailing environmental impact assessments. Factors such as global warming have resulted in river levels dropping which may potentially result in detrimental effects to biodiversity in relation to fish population. This indeed may also be attributed to a variety of other parameters such as heavy metal pollution and physical habitat variation. Further studies may be undertaken to study affects the biodiversity of aquatic creatures in the Rio Colorado. As reported in Brazil (Monica C Rojo Camargo et al, 2002), organic compounds were found in sediment samples close to a petrochemical plant. Further work may include larger chemical analysis suites to include GC/FID, GC/PID and GC/MS, enabling researchers to test for organic compounds close to the petrochemical plant in Rincón de los Sauces and neighbouring Catriel. Although, there is an abundance of reports regarding various countries’ river water quantity, conversely, the literature available on Argentinean river water quantity is exceptionally sparse. Further work should be researched using a greater diversity of sampling sources, with examples 3545105 55 of 62 Main Project: Trace Element Contamination in the Colorado River in Argentina including workers at anthropogenic environments and members of local communities situated to areas to potentially the greatest threat to human health. Further work might be carried out on regions of the Rio Colorado that are situated close to main road networks in order to account for any PAHs and heavy metals such as Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn could be generated by traffic pollution. The findings in this report have shown that there is a significant quantity of contamination along the Rio Colorado. Obviously it not tangible to state that there will or will not be any detriment effects to the environment from the heavy metal/chemical contamination in and around the Rio Colorado. 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