English I Lessons

English I Lessons- Second Quarter
Major Grades:
Book Report
Vocab Test
X-Men Archetype Essay
Ulysses Test
Monday Oct. 20/Tuesday Oct. 21
1. Warm-up/ New Vocab. (List #5)
2. Finish reading “Theseus.”
3. In partners, choose one character (or set of characters) to focus on. Using your notes, decide
which archetype you think fits them best. Then choose another character (can be from a movie,
book, comic book, etc.) which you think also fits this archetype. On a piece of drawing paper,
create an illustration of each character, and for each one, list two reasons why they are this
Wednesday Oct. 22/Thursday Oct. 23
1. Warm-up
2. Begin X-Men Archetype project:
a. Go over X-Men characters
b. Students begin watching movie, filling out character/archetype sheet as they go.
Friday Oct. 24/Monday Oct. 27
1. Warm-up
2. Finish watching x-Men and filling out character sheet
Tuesday Oct. 28/Wednesday Oct. 29
1. Vocab Quiz
2. Write Archetype Essay (Choose one character from X-2 and explain, in detail, which archetype
they are.)
Thursday Oct. 30/Friday Oct. 31
1. Warm-up
2. Vocab 6 assigned
3. Finish essay and turn in.
Monday Nov. 3/Tuesday Nov. 4
1. Introduction to The Odyssey
a. Students read page 1188 on their own in the Lit book and answer questions made by
teacher. Students go over answers as a class.
b. Students take notes over The Epic
Wednesday Nov. 5/Thursday Nov. 6
Grammar assignment over sentence types
Students read pages 4-16 of Ulysses
Students construct a paragraph explaining one way Ulysses fits the Epic Hero archetype.
Friday Nov. 7/Monday Nov. 10
1. Warm-up
2. Vocab Quiz 6. TEST Monday No. 17/Tuesday Nov. 18
3. Students read 17-40 of Ulysses.
Tuesday Nov. 11/Wednesday Nov. 12
Grammar assignment over sentence types
Students read 41-70 of Ulysses
Students construct a paragraph asking them which archetype Circe is.
Thursday Nov. 13/Friday Nov. 14
1. Warm-up
2. Students read pages 71-86 of Ulysses.
3. Students complete an exit slip in which they note one character flaw of Odysseus, using
evidence from the text to support why this action indicates a flaw in his character. MAKE
Monday Nov. 17/Tuesday Nov. 18
1. Warm-up
2. Students read pages 86-106 in Ulysses.
3. Vocab Test 2
Wednesday Nov. 19/Thursday Nov. 2
1. Students read pages 106-124 of Ulysses.
2. Students construct a paragraph explaining one way in which Ulysses is an Epic.
Friday Nov. 21/Monday Dec. 1 *NOTE—THANKSGIVING BREAK
Students complete The Odyssey Pamphlet Activity
Tuesday Dec. 2/Wednesday Dec. 3
1. Warm-up
2. The Return (finish Ulysses)
3. Students work on Ulysses Test Review
*Book Reports Due*
Thursday Dec. 4/Friday Dec. 5
Students review for Ulysses Test
Monday Dec. 8/Tuesday Dec. 9
Ulysses Test
Wednesday Dec. 10/Thursday Dec. 11
Final Review
Friday Dec. 12/Monday Dec. 15* Monday starts exam week
Tuesday Dec. 16/Wednesday Dec. 17* exams
Thursday Dec. 18/Friday Dec. 19* Early Release