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The shape of the spatial kernel and its implications for biological invasions in patchy
Tom Lindström1, Nina Håkansson2 and Uno Wennergren1
IFM Theory and Modelling, Linköping University, 581 83 Linköping, Sweden
Keywords: Kurtosis, Spread of disease, Point patterns, Spectral density, Dispersal, Invasion
Abstract: Ecological and epidemiological invasions occur in a spatial context. In the study
presented we test how these processes relate to the distance dependence of spread or dispersal
between spatial entities such as habitat patches or infective units. The distance dependence is
described by a spatial kernel which can be characterized by its shape, quantified by kurtosis,
and width, quantified by the kernel variance. We also introduce a novel method to analyze
and generate non randomly distributed infective units or patches as point pattern landscapes.
The method is based on Fourier transform and consists of two measures in the spectral
representation; Continuity that relates to autocorrelation and Contrast that refers to difference
in density of patches, or infective units, in different areas of the landscape. The method is also
used to analyze some relevant empirical data where our results are expected to have
implications for ecological or epidemiological studies. We analyzed distributions of large old
trees (Quercus and Ulmus) as well as the distributions of farms (both cattle and pig) in
Sweden. We test the invasion speed in generated landscapes with different Continuity and
Contrast. The results show that kurtosis, i.e. the kernel shape, was not important for predicting
the invasion speed in randomly distributed patches or infective units. However, depending on
the assumptions of dispersal, it may be highly important when the distribution of patches or
infective units deviates from randomness, in particular when the Contrast is high. We
conclude that speed of invasions and spread of diseases depends on its spatial context through
the spatial kernel intertwined to the spatial structure. This implies high demands on the
empirical data; it requires knowledge of both shape and width of the spatial kernel as well as
spatial structure of patches or infective units.
1. Introduction
Both ecological and epidemiological studies are concerned with invasion of organisms. The
mechanism and dynamics of invasion are essential components in numerous specific topics.
These include recolonization of habitats (Lubina & Levin 1988, Seabloom et al. 2003),
migration in response to climate variations (Clark 1998, Walters et al. 2006), spread of human
(Tatem et al. 2006) and livestock (Fergusson 2001, Boender et al. 2007) diseases and invasion
of alien species (Skellam 1951, Urban et al. 2008). The rate of the invasion will largely be
determined by the spatial spread of organisms. This is commonly modeled with some
probability density distribution, describing the probability of dispersal or infectious contacts
as a function of distance. In this study we will refer to these distributions as spatial kernels,
because it has been used within in both epidemiological (e.g. Boender et al. 2007, Tildesley et
al. 2008) and ecological (e.g. Guttal & Jayaprakash 2008, Little et al. 1996) studies. In the
ecological literature, they are also known as dispersal kernels (Mollison 1991, Clark 1998),
redistribution kernels (Kot et al. 1996, Westerberg &Wennergren 2003), dispersal curves
(Nathan et al. 2003) and displacement kernels (Santamaría et al. 2007, Lindström et al. 2008)
and in epidemiological studies they are sometimes referred to as contact kernels (Mollison
1977, Ferguson et al. 2001).
This study focuses on the importance of spatial kernel characteristics in spatially explicit
settings. The spatial kernel may be characterized by its scale and shape, quantified by
variance (𝜈) and kurtosis (𝜅), respectively (Lindström et al. 2008). Dispersal of organisms that
follows a random walk process results in a Gaussian distribution (Turchin 1998), where κ=3
or κ=2 for one and two dimensional kernels, respectively (Clark et al. 1999, Lindström et al.
2008). In this study we will consider two dimensional kernels since most ecological and
epidemiological dynamics occur in at least two dimensional landscapes. Figure 1 shows
example of spatial kernels with different scales and shapes.
For epidemiological studies, assumptions regarding the shape of the kernel should be made
from knowledge of how transmission occurs. If transmission arises through direct contacts,
the kernel should be based on the movement behavior of the hosts. For many pathogens
however, transmission is mediated via a vector. If the movement of the vector resembles a
random walk a fair assumption is to model transmission with a Gaussian kernel (Gerbier et al.
2008). Yet outbreak data (Fergusson et al. 2001) and studies of pathways that may mediate
transmission (Lindström et al. 2009) often reveal highly leptokurtic distributions. Also in
ecological setting, empirical studies show that dispersal commonly deviate from Gaussian
distributions. Usually a leptokurtic (κ>2) distribution is observed for both plants (Kot et al.
1996, Skarpaas & Shea 2007) and animals (Schweiger et al. 2004, Walters et al. 2006),
implying a peak in density at short distances but at the same time a fat tail, indicating fairly
frequent long distance dispersers. A number of explanations has been proposed that explain
leptokurtic dispersal, including population differences in dispersal abilities (Fraser &
Bernatchez 2001), temporal variation in the diffusion constant (Yamamura et al. 2007) and
loss of individuals during dispersal (Schneider 1999).
Previous studies have focused on the kernel shape and its relation to invasion speed. If
Gaussian dispersal in a homogenous and continuous space is assumed, the invasion can be
modeled as a reaction diffusion process and the speed of the invasion will be given by the
diffusion constant (Skellam 1951), which can be calculated from the kernel variance. Fat
tailed kernels are generally considered to result in faster invasion speed and highly leptokurtic
kernels where the tail is not exponentially bounded may result in accelerating invasion speed
(Mollison 1977, Kot et al. 1996, Clark 1998).
Recent work has moved further from assumptions of homogenous and continuous space and
turned the attention to heterogeneous landscapes (Smith et al. 2002, Urban et al. 2008). In this
paper we take yet another step and focus on invasion of organisms in environments where the
habitats or infective units are best represented as discrete entities with a fixed spatial location.
Examples of this are studies of livestock epidemics (Keeling et al. 2001, Boender et al. 2007)
and ecological invasions where habitats and infective units are considered as isolated patches
surrounded by a hostile matrix (as is done in metapopulation studies). Throughout the paper
we will refer to such habitats and infective units as patches, hence using terminology perhaps
more familiar to ecologists.
Our aim in this paper is to explore the role of shape and scale of spatial kernels for the speed
of biological invasion in patchy environments. Such results may support studies and the
predictive power of estimated speed of invasions. We expect that this may also depend on the
spatial pattern of focal entities. We therefore introduce a novel method to incorporate spatial
aggregation in point patterns using spectral density. Hence we test whether the role of scale
and shape is dependent on spatial structures as aggregation in patchy landscapes. To
exemplify what spatial patterns may be found, we also analyze relevant point pattern data
with a method developed from the analysis given by Mugglestone & Renshaw (2001).
2. Materials and Methods
In this study we focus on invasion in spatially explicit, patchy landscapes. This requires
methods of (1) representing the spatial distribution of patches and (2) the distance dependent
probability of colonization between patches. Patch distribution were generated and
characterized with a novel approach based on Fourier transform and the probability of
colonization was modeled with spatial kernels, characterized by its scale and shape as
described in Lindström et al. (2008).
2.1 Neutral point pattern landscapes
Keith (2000) defined neutral landscapes for lattices as models where the value at any point in
the landscape can be considered random and pointed out that this does not exclude models
with spatial autocorrelation. This neutral landscape definition may also be applied to point
pattern landscapes where the distribution of points may deviate from random as long as the
exact position of a point cannot be predicted. We refer to these landscapes as Neutral Point
Pattern Landscapes (NPPL) and in this section we describe two measures, Contrast (𝛿) and
Continuity (𝛾), that can be used to characterize such landscapes. Technical details and
mathematical explanations of these parameters are presented in Appendix A.
Continuity (γ) is a scale free measure of spatial autocorrelation and based on assumptions of
self similarity over multiple scales. Large values of 𝛾 reflects that nearby areas have similar
density. By using Fourier transform as presented by Mugglestone & Renshaw (1996), the
point pattern may be represented by a series of sine and cosine terms and 𝛾 is given by a the
negative slope of a linear regression fitted to the log(frequency) vs. log(amplitude) of these
elements. Readers familiar with time series analysis may find it useful to interpret this
measure as a two dimensional, point pattern equivalent of the spectral color parameter of 1/fnoise (see Halley 1996 for a review of 1/f-noise).
Continuity determines whether areas with similar patch density are located near each other or
are more scattered in the landscape. It does however not provide any information on the
difference of patch density in the landscape and we therefore introduce Contrast (𝛿), which is
a normalized and scale free measure of density dispersion. Large values of 𝛿 reflect a large
difference between sparse and dense areas. We measure Contrast in the frequency domain and
this measure may be interpreted as a point pattern equivalent of coefficient of variation.
Figure 2 illustrates how point pattern landscapes change with Contrast and Continuity. More
details on Continuity and Contrast generation of NPPL are presented in Appendix A.
The assumption of self similarity over scales in the NPPL is crucial to the use of a single
Continuity measure 𝛾 for spatial autocorrelation. To investigate if this assumption holds we
analyze some relevant empirical point pattern data. These analyses also provide some
estimates of what parameter values (of Continuity and Contrast) that can be expected in
studies where our results have implications. The empirical data consists of distributions of
trees (Ulmus and Quercus) and farms (pig and cattle) in Sweden, all represented by their
Cartesian coordinates. The tree data was provided by the Östergötland County Administrative
Board. It is the result of a massive inventory of large and old trees, (Länsstyrelsen
Östergötland 2009). The farm data was supplied by the Swedish Board of Agriculture and we
use the same data as used for kernel estimation in Lindström et al. (2009). A more detailed
analysis of the farm data can be found in Nöremark et al. 2009.
2.2 The spatial kernel
In this study we modeled the spatial kernel with a generalized normal distribution (Nadarajah
2005). In Lindström et al. (2008) this is extended to two dimensional symmetrical kernels.
Kernel density is given by
𝐾(𝐷) = 𝑒 −(𝐷⁄𝑎)𝑏 ⁄𝑆
where 𝐷 is the distance, 𝑎 and 𝑏 are parameters regulating the scale and shape of the kernel.
The kernel is normalized by 𝑆 as further discussed below.
We focus on rotationally symmetric kernels and quantify scale and shape by two dimensional
variance and kurtosis, respectively, as defined by Clark et al. (1999) and Lindström et al.
(2008). As described in Lindström et al. (2008), the two dimensional variance (𝜈) is defined
as the 2nd moment and is a kernel measurement perhaps more familiar to the empirical
ecologist as expected net squared displacement. Kurtosis (𝜅) is a dimensionless quantity
defined as the 4th moment dived by the square of the 2nd moment and in Lindström et al.
(2008) it is shown that for equation 2.1 ν and 𝜅 are given by
𝜈 = 𝑎2 𝛤(4⁄𝑏)⁄𝛤(2⁄𝑏)
𝜅 = 𝛤(6⁄𝑏)𝛤(2⁄𝑏)⁄(𝛤(4⁄𝑏 )) .
where Г is the gamma function. In studies focusing on continuous space, the spatial kernel
commonly describes the probability of dispersal events as a function of distance. Here we
instead consider invasion as a series of colonization events of discrete patches.
Implementation of spatial kernels is somewhat less straightforward as the probability of
colonization events is also influenced by the location of patches. Hence, the spatial kernel
may be incorporated differently, corresponding to different assumptions of the dispersal
process. First, one may assume that every occupied patch overall has the same potential to
colonize other patches. This may correspond to for instance the assumption of animals
dispersing actively without any mortality, or transmission of disease between farms through
human mediated contacts such as animal transports where the number of shipments is
assumed to be independent of the farm location (Lindström et al. 2009). In these instances, the
spatial kernel describes how much more probable colonization of nearby patches are relative
to distant patches and we refer to this as relative density dependence. This is implemented by
normalizing the spatial kernel by summation over all possible patches such that the
colonization from patch j is normalized over all patches k≠j by
𝑆 = ∑ 𝑒 −(𝑑𝑘𝑗 ⁄𝑎)
where 𝑁 is the number of patches.
Secondly, one may assume that the probability of one occupied patch colonizing another
patch is a fixed probability dependent on between patch distance and hence independent of
the location of all other patches. This would correspond to situations where colonization is the
result of a large number of passively (e.g. by wind) dispersing units, such as seeds or
pathogens. Equation 2.1 is then normalized by (Lindström et al. 2008)
𝑆 = 2𝜋𝑎2 𝛤(2⁄𝑏 )⁄𝑏.
2.3 Simulation
The effect of κ and ν on invasion was estimated by simulating invasions in NPPL with
discrete time and the combination of parameters given by table 1. Some combinations of δ
and γ were not possible to generate (see figure 3) because it is unfeasible to uphold a pattern
with high spatial autocorrelation without any contrast in patch density. Starting at a random
patch, we simulated invasions with 200 replicates of each parameter combination, for both
absolute and relative distance dependence. To reduce edge effects, we arranged the landscape
such that the starting point was located in the centre of the NPPL, which is possible due the
periodic nature of the Fourier transform.
2.3.1 Probability of colonization
The model presented here is a discrete time and space simulation model. The probability (𝑃)
of colonization of an unoccupied patch from an occupied patch at distance 𝑑 in one time step
is given by 𝑃 = 𝑅𝐾(𝑑), where 𝐾(𝑑) is the kernel from equation 2.1, normalized by either
equation 2.3 or 2.4 and 𝑅 is a constant determining the colonization pressure. For relative
distance dependence we used 𝑅 = 0.1 and initially an occupied patch will on average
colonize one other patch every 10th time step. To get comparable results for absolute distance
dependence we used 𝑅 = 0.1⁄(𝑁 − 1), where 𝑁 is the number of patches. We thereby obtain
on average the same probability of colonization as for relative distance dependence if there is
a random distribution. In a non random landscape, patches in sparse (dense) areas will have a
lower (higher) probability to colonize other patches.
2.3.2 Simulation outputs and analysis
The objective of this study is to investigate the importance of the shape of the spatial kernel
for biological invasions in a spatially explicit context. Two measurements of invasion speed
were analyzed. First we investigate the time, Τl, to reach fixed proportions, pl, of occupied
patches. We used pl = 10%, 50% and 90%, to get estimates at different stages of the invasion.
Secondly, we also analyze the speed, 𝜓, of spatial spread, defined as 𝜓 = 𝑑𝑙 ⁄𝑡𝑙 , where dl is a
fixed distance and tl is the number of time steps required to reach that distance. In this paper
we present the results for dl=0.25 (given relative to the unit square). At this distance, the
influence of the edge effect is considered very small. For Ψ, we analyzed the results of both
absolute and relative distance dependence.
The results were analyzed with an ANOVA (type three) for each combination of landscape
parameters, with the output parameters 𝜓 and Τl as dependent variable and variance and
kurtosis as categorical predictors. Since the outputs showed non normal residuals, a Box-Cox
transform (Box & Cox 1964) was performed for each analysis. The exact value of Continuity
and Contrast varies between replicates and therefore they were included as continuous covariables. The relative effect of kurtosis was calculated Eκ=MSκ/(MSκ + MSν) where MSκ and
MSν are the mean sum of squares of κ and ν, respectively.
3. Results and discussion
3.1 Neutral point pattern landscapes (NPPL)
To justify the linear model used for Continuity and demonstrating what landscape parameter
values may be expected in areas where our results have implications, we analyzed relevant
data with the method given in Appendix A. We analyzed the distribution of two tree species,
oak (Quercus) and elm (Ulmus). Especially old trees of these species are important habitats
for saproxylic insects. Many of these are endangered and limited dispersal has been proposed
to be a major explanation (Ranius 2006, Hedin et al. 2008). Both tree species are also host for
many lichens (Jüriado et al. 2009) and Ulmus is in addition relevant for epidemiological
studies because of the spread of Dutch elm disease (Ophiostoma ulmi) (Gilligan & van den
Bosch 2008). We also examined the spatial distribution of pig and cattle farms in southern
Sweden. The spatial distributions of farms are known to be essential for possible outbreak of
livestock diseases (Boender et al. 2007). Continuity estimates are all fairly close to one while
the Contrasts are more variable, ranging from 1.29 for cattle farms to 4.9 for elm trees (figure
The distribution of the analyzed data and their estimated values of Contrast (δ) and Continuity
(γ) indicate that the linear assumption in determining 𝛾 is applicable also for analyzing
empirical data. The linear relationship between log(frequency) and log(amplitude) implies
that there is a spatial self similarity over scales, which is the definition of a fractal process
(Halley et al. 2004). There are however many underlying processes for the distributions of
these point patterns. Further, Halley et al. (2004) points out that “Even an elephant appears
linear if plotted on log–log axes” and one should be careful when inferring fractality. We
therefore refrain from drawing conclusions on the fractal properties of these distributions.
Instead we conclude that the analyzed patterns justify the assumptions of the NPPL used in
this study and that the measurements Continuity and Contrast may capture important
landscape features.
Keitt (2000) introduced spectral methods to landscape ecology and presented neutral
landscapes for lattice models. By further developing the point pattern representation by
Mugglestone & Renshaw (1996) and the spectral mimicry of time series by Cohen et al.
(1999) we introduce the neutral point pattern landscape model (NPPL). The method may be
used to generate non-random landscapes with specific characteristics. The landscapes are
characterized by their Continuity, which is a measure of spatial autocorrelation, and Contrast,
which is a measure of the variability of patch density in the landscape. High Contrast results
in groups of locally connected but regionally isolated patches and colonization between such
isolated groups are rare when dispersal is limited (i.e. low kernel variance).
The methods to generate and analyze point patter landscapes introduced in this study are
based on spectral representation, which has become increasingly important to spatial data
analysis. It is especially advantageous when studying spatial dependence in point pattern
processes since it may capture more complex dependencies than other techniques. One
example is anisotropy (Schabenberger & Gotway 2005), which was not within the scope of
this study, but is a straight forward modification of the method.
3.2 Simulations of invasion
Our results show that kurtosis of the dispersal kernel can be a factor that has substantial effect
on the invasion speed, both in terms of number of occupied patches (figure 3A) and spatial
range of the invasion (figure 3B). However, the effect is dependent on the spatial structure of
patches as well as assumptions of the dispersal process. Black areas in figure 3 indicate low
importance of kurtosis, and this is consistently found for random NPPLs (Contrast=1 and
Continuity=0), indicating that the shape of the kernel is of negligible importance when
patches are randomly distributed.
Absolute distance dependence would best describe a colonization process of an organism with
large amount of propagules and passive dispersal (e.g. by wind). Under such assumptions our
results show that kurtosis of the spatial kernel may have high impact of the invasion speed in
non-random landscapes. The general pattern is that the Contrast is the characteristic that
mainly influenced the importance of kurtosis while Continuity had less effect. This can be
seen in figure 3A and 3B as a more evident shift left-right than up-down. Further, the
importance of kernel kurtosis changes during the course of invasion (figure 3A), with the
most prominent effect found during the initial phases of invasion. High Contrasts result in
groups of locally connected but regionally isolated patches and colonization between such
isolated groups are rare when dispersal is limited (i.e. low variance). The occurrence of rare
but long distant events (described by the tail of the leptokurtic kernels) enables such events.
The importance of kurtosis decreases with higher Continuity. For high Continuity the
distribution of patches may locally resemble random distribution of patches, where kurtosis is
of low importance.
From figure 4 it can be seen that the estimated values of Continuity and Contrast of the
empirical distributions (see section 3.1) lies within the range where kurtosis can have
substantial effect on invasion speed under absolute distance dependence. Hence, while it is
not within the scope of this paper to compare invasions in tree and farms landscapes, the
differences in Contrast suggest that kernel kurtosis may be a more important feature for
invasions in the former.
The relative distance dependence corresponds to colonization by actively dispersing
individuals without mortality or disease spread between farms via human activities if the
number of contacts of infected premises is independent of its location (e.g. the number of
animal transports may be expected to be the same for geographically isolated farms and those
in dense areas – Lindström et al. 2009). For such organisms, our results show that kernel
shape is unimportant relative to the kernel scale for all landscape characteristics (figure 3C).
Hence, kurtosis is not important to consider for invasions of organisms where the colonization
process follows the assumptions of relative distance dependence. Under relative distance
dependence, the patch arrangement becomes less important and because the colonization
pressure from each patch is the same, the invasion process may not to the same extent depend
on fat tailed kernels to reach isolated patches.
We may also expect that dispersal may include both an active component and a more passive
one including mortality. Depending on the organism and its dispersal mechanism, the
invasion process may position the importance of kurtosis along the gradient between absolute
and relative distance dependence in a given patchy landscape.
In particular for epidemiological invasions, other factors than distance influence the dynamics
(Keeling et al. 2001. Lindström et al. 2010). In this study we have used an admittedly
simplified colonization model to represent both ecological invasions and spread of disease.
That analogy between colonization in a metapopulation and spread of disease has been
discussed and used in disease modeling, for example by Vernon & Keeling (2009) in their
study on spread of disease in a network representation. As pointed out in their study, the
assumptions of a simplified colonization model may be to crude to capture the dynamics of
any real invasion, but it allows for testing the effect of the contact structure. Our aim was to
reduce the system such that the main characteristics in the study were landscape and dispersal
while excluding recovery/extinction and within patch dynamics such as density dependence.
We argue that our results regarding the importance of kurtosis and the interaction with
landscape features would hold also for more realistic models.
Previous studies have shown that spatial kernels without exponentially bounded tails results in
invasions where the speed of the spatial range expansion accelerates (Mollison 1977, van den
Bosch et al. 1990, Kot et al. 1996). These studies focus on traveling wave solutions and study
the invasion as the speed of the wave front. Such wave fronts cannot be observed in our
spatially explicit and finite point pattern landscape. Instead, we have studied the spatial range
expansion, as time to a fixed distance, and we cannot draw any conclusions about accelerating
invasions although when there are heavy tails they are also expected in point pattern
landscapes. However, much larger landscapes are required for such studies, and consequently
computational power may become a limiting factor. Instead, one may turn to one dimensional
models of invasion, as has been done in many previous studies, (e.g. Kot et al. 1996, Clark et
al. 1998), but one have to consider that invasions in one and two dimensions may behave
quite differently (Mollison 1977). It may in addition be cumbersome to relate the results to
empirical patch distributions.
In a patchy landscape some of the last patches to be colonized are not necessarily the most
distant to the initial point. Therefore we have evaluated both a direct spatial measure of speed
and time to specified proportion colonized. For example, the spatial speed measure applies to
when a disease will reach a specific area, while the proportion colonized applies to how much
will be infected within an area. As the trends are very similar, we only present examples of
the spatial range results in figure 3.
3.3 Implications of our results
Ecological and epidemiological processes occur in a spatial context. Our understanding of,
and possibility to predict and control, those processes are dependent on how well we may
describe this spatial context. This includes both the spatial environment and the spatial
behavior of the process itself. In our work we have studied invasion, using a patchy landscape
as the spatial environment and a family of spatial kernels to model the distance dependence in
the colonization process. The novel part of our study is to use spatially explicit models and
releasing commonly used assumption of homogeneous and continuous spatial structures and
instead focusing on the process in patchy landscapes. We thereby include the interplay
between the spatial kernel and patchy landscapes. Our result indicates that depending on the
assumptions of distance dependence, this interplay may be very strong and whether kernel
kurtosis has evident effect on the invasion speed depends on the spatial structure of the
patches. More specifically the importance of kurtosis of the spatial kernel is measured relative
the variance of the spatial kernel. Kurtosis is a measure of the shape of the spatial kernel and
thereby our results emphasize the importance of correct representation of this kernel feature.
Since a vast area of topics such as colonization of habitats, migrations in response to climate
variations, and spread of diseases occurs in a spatial context where spatial structure is an
obvious component (Kareiva & Wennergren 1995) we expect that our results may have
implications on direct applications and on future research and investigations. That the
importance of kurtosis differs depending on landscape structure implies that both speed of
invasion, and the methodology to estimate it, may differ between landscapes. In some
landscapes it may suffices with the variance of the spatial kernel while other landscapes
enforce assessments of the kurtosis of the kernel. Furthermore it also stresses the importance
of developing empirical methods that correctly captures landscape structure. In this study we
evaluated both a direct spatial measure of speed and time to a specified proportion colonized,
which corresponds to slightly different questions regarding invasions. The trends are similar
(figures 3A and 3B) and hence our results have implications for studies focusing on either of
these measures.
Both variance and kurtosis relates to long distance dispersal (LDD). Studies of LDD
commonly defines this (see e.g. Nathan 2006) as either dispersal events beyond some fixed
distance or some percentile of the tail. As these distances or percentiles are chosen by the
researchers, the measures of LDD are to some extent subjective and comparison between
studies may be problematic. We argue that dispersal is better described by analysis of the
spatial kernel and its characteristics. From analysis of dispersal in continuous space it has
been shown in several studies (for example Yamamura 2004, van den Bosch et al. 1990, Kot
et al. 1996) that the fat tail of the spatial kernel, reflected by kurtosis in our study, has an
impact on invasion speed. To our knowledge this is however the first study that focuses on the
importance of the kernel characteristics for invasions in patchy environments, using both
random and non random distribution of patches. By describing the kernel by variance and
kurtosis, and test the effect of these measures, it is possible to analyze if and when these
characteristics are important to estimate. This is made possible by the use of a kernel function
where these characteristics are possible to control. In previous studies (Lindström et al. 2008)
we have studied the effect of kernel characteristics on the population distribution in static
landscapes and found that kurtosis was not important and hence does not have to be
estimated. Here, when studying invasion, we find that the importance is dependent on the
spatial characteristics.
The review of Hawkes (2009) introduces a set of principles regarding the relation between
movement behavior, dispersal and population processes. Advocating the use of non-Gaussian
kernels, Hawkes points out that a more complex spatial kernel is expected when there is
individual variation in movement behavior within the population and such variation also
promotes leptokurtic spatial kernels. Another principle of Hawkes (2009) is that for some
species we may even anticipate changes of movement behavior during dispersal as a result of
spatial structure. Such a feedback will interweave the landscape and the spatial kernel even
more. This feedback principle somewhat twist the question into what movement behavior is
optimal in a given spatial structure? Our results may then give some guidance since the
importance of kurtosis reflects possible selection pressure in relation to invasion.
4. Conclusion
The impact of the spatial aspect in ecological and epidemiological theory is especially
apparent and obvious in the light of invasions and spread of disease. The spatial aspect has
two components, the landscape and the dispersal of organisms. We have showed that these
two are entwined when the landscape structure is complex and it’s usually not enough to
assess the scale of the dispersal kernel. Instead the specific shape of the spatial kernel may
also be important. Yet, its importance is dependent on the landscape structure and thereby
there is also a need to measure this structure. These theoretical results point out that studying
ecological and epidemiological spread in a spatial context puts a lot of pressure on empirical
details on dispersal, contact patterns and landscape structures.
We thank the Swedish Contingency Agency (MSB) for funding and also both the County
Administration Board of Östergötland and the Swedish Board of Agriculture for supplying
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