PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE (A Government of India Undertaking) 113-1,Ground Floor, Jeevan Prakash Bulding, J.C. Road, Bangalore-560 002. ENVELOPE – 1 TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PROCUREMENT OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 1 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE INDEX OF TENDER DOCUMENT Sl No. Details Page No. 1 PART A - Notice Inviting Tender 3 2 Data Sheet 5 3 PART B – Eligibility conditions 6 5 PART C- General rules and instructions for the guidance of tenderer PART - D - General Conditions of Contract. 14 6 PART E- Item Specifications & Questionnaire 25 7 PART F – Proforma A – Tender Form 29 8 PART G – Proforma B – Authorization Letter Format 30 9 PART G – Proforma C – List of Relatives 31 10 PART G – Proforma D – Undertaking Letter 32 11 PART G – Annexure A – Format of Contract Agreement 33 12 PART G – Annexure B – Bank Guarantee Format for EMD 35 13 PART G –Annexure C- Format of BG for Security deposit 37 14 PART H - Integrity Pact 39 15 PART I- Paper to be used 47 16 PART J- List of places where supply has to be made. 48 17 PART K – Format of Price Bid 50 4 TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 2 OF 50 7 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 113-1,Ground Floor, Jeevan Prakash Bulding, J.C. Road, Bangalore-560 002. Phone No : 22221257, 22538541, 22215003 ENQUIRY NO: GAPS/ENQ/COMP/cs-1/02/11-2015/SK. DT: 27.11.2015. PART-A - NOTICE INVITING OFFERS (NIT) Sealed offers are invited from reputed printers for supply of Computer Passbooks (CS-1) on TOTAL COST BASIS inclusive of all charges (i.e., Freight, insurance, delivery etc.) & all TAXES, CESS, DUTIES (i.e., Central / State Local Taxes, like VAT, CST, Excise, Entry Tax, Octro etc.) to be supplied to Printing Section, HEAD OFFICE, BADAMI HOUSE, NR SQUARE, BANGALORE - 560002. Important details are given below. 1) Item Required: CS-1 COMPUTER PASSBOOKS. 2) Quantity: 50 Lakhs 3) Eligibility : as detailed under part B of this tender documents. 4). EMD AMOUNT : 5). Delivery time Rs.3,00,000/- ( Rupees Three Lakh only ). :: Within 5 months from the date of receipt of the Purchase order by the vendor 6). Nature of tender :: Two Envelope system 7). CONTENTS OF THE TENDER :: FIRST ENVELOPE – Eligibility - Technical – commercial bid Part (A) Notice Inviting tender. Part (B) Eligibility criteria Part (C) General rules & instructions for the guidance of tenderer Part (D) General conditions of contract Part (E) Technical Specification of the items Part (F) Form of Tender – Proforma A Part (G) Proforma B, C, D and Annexure A , B & C Part (H) Integirty Pact SECOND ENVELOPE – price bid Part (I) Price Bid with Schedule of quantities TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 3 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Both the bids should be submitted on the same date & time but in separate envelopes, sealed and placed in bigger envelope super- scribed with the details on the envelope. 8) Method of issue of tender: To be downloaded from from 27.11.2015 to 16.12.2015. 9). Last date and time for submission: on or before 3.00 PM 10). Date of opening : 16.12.2015. at 3.30 PM. Date: TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS Asst. General Manager NOV 2015 PAGE 4 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE DATA SHEET 1 Tender Notice No. GAPS/ENQ/COMP/cs-1/02/11-2015/SK. DT: 27.11.2015. 2 Name of the work Printing & Supply of 50 Lakhs CS-1 Savings Bank Pass Books 3 4 Locations for Dispatch Owner Bank‟s Printing & Stationery Sections situated at various centers and HO: Printing Sec at Bangalore-56002. Canara Bank, Head Office, Bangalore-560 002, 5 Earnest Money Deposit. 3,00,000/-(Rupees Three Lakh only)( by way of Demand Draft/ Bank guarantee/ Fixed Dperosit Receipt) 6 Tender Forms available from: 7 Last date of submission of tender 24.11.2015 upto 1 p.m. 8 Tender to be submitted to: The Asst.General Manager, Canara Bank,Printing Section, H.O.(Annexe) 113-1,Ground Floor, Jeevan Prakash Bulding, J.C. Road, Bangalore-560 002 9 Opening of Technical Bids At 3 p.m. on 24.11.2015 Defects liability period (DLP) 12 months from the date of supply of last consignment of pass books Mode of payment: 100% of the value of Pass Books, on submission of delivery confirmation letter signed by Head of the concerned Stationery Pools/Printing Section H.O. 10 11 The Bank‟s website – 12 Liquidated damages for delayed supply 13 Escalation of Price [A] Delay upto 3 days - 1% (One percent of the amount of the delayed quantity) [B] 4 to 15 days - 2% (Two percent of the amount of the delayed quantity) [C] 16 to 30 days - 3% (Three percent of the amount of the delayed quantity) [D] Above 30 days - 5% (Five percent of the amount of the delayed quantity) If supplies are delayed beyond one month, orders are liable to be cancelled. No escalation permitted. Prices shall be firm. 14 Tender Validity 60 days from the date of opening of Technical Bid 15 Delivery Period Delivery of entire quantity is to be made within 5-MONTHS in equal monthly Installments of 10 Lakhs commencing from DECEMBER 2015 and upto APRIL 2016. 16 Quantity 50 Lakh (Thirty Lakh) SB Pass Books Flexibility After the Bid is accepted, during the supply period the Bank has an option either to enhance/reduce the requirements upto 10% on same Terms & Conditions 17 TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 5 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE PART B ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA S.No Documents Required Criteria 1. The Bidders should have at least 5 years experience in printing and supplying Books and stationery items to Banks/state/Central Govt. Departments, PSUs, other corporate Bodies in the immediate preceding 5 years ending 31.03.2015 2. A. The Bidders should be a profit making Company/ Firm having Regd. Profits for at least 2 years out of 3 immediate preceding financial years ending 31.03.2015. 3 The bidders should have printed and supplied a minimum of 20 lakh Pass books each year during the last 3 Financial years ending 31.03.2015 to any one of Banks/state/Central Govt. Departments, PSUs, other corporate Bodies. Manufacturer / Dealer / Distributer Certificate AND order copies supporting the experience. Audited Balance Sheet and P & L Account for the last three years. Certificate from Chartered Accountant certifying the B. The Bidder submitting the Bids should be turnover and profits of last company/ Firm, having an AVERAGE Annual three years i.e. 2012-13, Turnover of 2.00 crores for its operations in 2013-14 & 2014-15. India in immediate preceding 3 financial years ending 31.03.2015. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 1. Purchase order copies issued by the concerned organisation. 2. Satisfactory completion certificate from concerned organisation and quantities supplied. PAGE 6 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE ENQUIRY NO: GAPS/ENQ/COMP/cs-1/02/11-2015/SK. DT: 27.11.2015. PART C - GENERAL RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF TENDERER 1. Tender documents can be downloaded from the banks web site – 2. The tender is "TWO ENVELOPE CONCEPT" and it has to be submitted as such. It should be always be placed in sealed cover, with the name of the procurement written on the envelope mentioning " Technical Bid " on the First envelope and "Price Bid" on the second envelope as the case may be and both the sealed covers shall be placed in bigger outer cover and sealed and super scribed with the name of the procurement and deposited in the Tender Box within the prescribed date and time. 3. The first envelope sealed and super scribed as "Technical Bid " should contain all documents from Part A to Part G with Annexures and Earnest Money deposit (EMD), and all other related matters other than the Price bid. 4. The second envelope super scribed as "Price Bid" ( part H ) should be sealed and submitted on the same given date and time simultaneously along with Eligibility & technical bid. Non submission of the sealed price bid as prescribed above shall automatically render the entire tender being rejected. This envelope should contain duly filled in Schedule of quantities (enclosed in the tender document) with rates written in words and figures, and as detailed elsewhere in the tender documents. 5. EMD is to be submitted along with eligibility & technical bid. Submission of the EMD in the price bid envelope shall render the tender being rejected on the grounds of non submission of the EMD. However, EMD is waived for Micro & Small enterprises as per public procurement policy for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSE) of Govt. of India. A Xerox copy of the Micro and Small Enterprises registration certificate AND Valid Exemption Certificate issued by concerned authorities to be enclosed in order to claim the exemption for EMD. 6. The sealed tenders should be deposited in the Tender Box kept at Printing section Canara Bank,Head Office (Annexe) , 113-1,Ground Floor, Jeevan Prakash Bulding, J.C. Road, Bangalore-560002 on or before XX.1X.2015., 3:00 PM. If last day of submission of bids is declared a holiday under NI Act by the Government subsequent to issuance of TENDER the next working day TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 7 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE will be deemed to be the last day for submission of the TENDER. No offer will be accepted by post or courier or email or FAX . 7. The First envelope (Eligibility & Technical bid) will be opened in the said office on 3.30 PM 8. The date for opening the Second envelope (Price bid) will be intimated subsequently only to such firms whose Eligibility & Technical bids are found qualified. The TENDERER is requested to participate during the opening of the tender. 10 Earnest Money Deposit : Rs 3,00,000 /- ( Rupees Three Lakh Only only) by Demand Draft on Bangalore favouring " Printing section Canara Bank Head office " from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank OR a Bank Guarantee favouring Canara Bank Head Office from Nationalized / Scheduled Bank other than Canara Bank valid for the a period equal to the validity of the tender OR Fixed Deposit Receipt from Canara Bank valid for the a period equal to the validity of the tender shall be submitted along with tender. The BG shall be in prescribed format as per Annexure B. The Fixed Deposit shall be free of any lien or encumbrances, attachments. It should be in discharged state. After submission, the Bank will note the lien on it as EMD for this tender. 11. Tender Bids without EMD will be rejected except for bidders to whom exemption is provided in the tender. 12. The tenderers should quote in figures as well as in words the rate, and amount tendered by them. The amount for each item should be worked out and the requisite totals given. 13.Rates: Special care should be taken to write the rates in figures as well as in words and the amounts in figures only, in such a way that interpolation is not possible. The total amount should be written both in figures and in words. In case of figures, the words `Rs.' should be written before the figure of rupees and words `P' after the decimal figures, e.g. Rs.1.01 "P" and in case of words, the word `Rupees' should precede and the word `Paise' should be written at the end, ( upto 2 decimals only ) unless the rate is in whole rupees and followed by the words `only' it should be invariably be up to two decimal places. While quoting the rate in Price Bid (schedule of quantities) the word `only' should be written closely following the amount and it should not be written in the next line. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 8 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE However, if a discrepancy is found; i). the rates which correspond with the amount worked out by the tenderer shall unless otherwise proved be taken as correct. (OR) ii). if the amount of an item is not worked out by the tenderer or it does not correspond with the rates written either in figures or in words then the rate quoted by the tenderer in words shall be taken as correct. (OR) iii). where the rates quoted by the tenderer in figures and in words tally but the amount is not worked out correctly, the rates quoted by the tenderer will unless otherwise prove be taken as correct and not the amount. The rate shall confine to Rupee and Paise only (Only 2-decimals). Tenders with rates in more than 2-decimals in paisa will be rejected. 14. All corrections such as cuttings, interpolations, omissions and over-writings shall be number as `c',`i',`o' and `ow' and initialed. 15.Tender shall be submitted on prescribed Form only. The tenderer shall submit an under taking in proforma D stating that no changes, alterations are made in the tender documents downloaded from the website and same is submitted to the Bank. Only the original offer documents downloaded from website have to be duly filled and submitted and no other format shall be used, except for Proformas which shall be submitted in the letter head. Wherever required, particulars can be submitted in annexure but such details shall be clearly mentioned in respective columns in the original document. All the documents, enclosures, and correspondence will form the part of contract. All rates shall be quoted on the proper form of the tender alone. Quoted rates and units different from prescribed in the tender schedule will be liable for rejection. The entire set of tender documents should be submitted fully and also signed at appropriate places as detailed in the Instructions to Tenderers together with initials on every page. Notwithstanding this,submission of tender will indicate the acceptance of the tender documents by the tenderer. No modifications, writings or corrections can be made in the tender documents by the tenderer. No conditional offers are acceptable. The Employer reserves the right to reject the lowest or any tender and also to discharge any or all of the tenders for each section or to split up and TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 9 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE distribute any item of work to any specialist firm or firms, without assigning any reason. The tenderers should note that the tender is strictly on the item rate basis and their attention is drawn to the fact that the rates for each and every item should be correct, workable and self-supporting. If called upon by the Employer detailed analysis of any or all the rates shall be submitted. The Employer shall not be bound to recognize the contractor’s analysis 16.The rates quoted shall be all inclusive of materials, labour, tools & plant, carriage & transport, loading, unloading, freight, supervision, overheads & profits, insurance ,Excise Duty, Sales tax, VAT, or any other tax, any royalties, duties, levies, cess, turnover tax, or any other tax including entry tax, Octroi on material or finished item , mobilizing and other charges whatsoever including any anticipated or un-anticipated difficulties etc. complete for proper supply of the items as per the specifications and nothing extra shall be paid/reimbursed by the Bank. The Service Tax if applicable, will be paid extra. 17.The acceptance of a tender will rest with the Bank which does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender, and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any reason. 18. Tenders which are incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. 19. Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractor/vendors who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection. 20. The applicant shall furnish the list of his relatives working in the Canara Bank with their present place of posting in the Proforma C. 21. The tender for the supplies shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of tenders. No offer can be modified or withdrawn by the tenderer after submission of the tender bid. If any tenderer withdraws his tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the Bank, then the Bank shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit full value of the Earnest Money Deposit as aforesaid. 22.The tender for the work shall not be witnessed by a tenderer/ contractor/vendor who himself / themselves has / have tendered or who may and had/have tendered for the same work. Failure to observe this TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 10 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE condition would render tenders of the contractor/vendors tendering as well as witnessing the tender liable to summary rejection. 24.Tenderer or their authorized representatives with an authorization letter as per Proforma B are requested to be present during the opening of the bids. If any of the Bidders or all the bidders who submitted are not present during the specified date and time of opening it will be deemed that such Bidder is not interested to participate in the opening of the Bid/s and the Bank will proceed further with opening of the technical bids in their absence. 25. It will be obligatory on the part of the tenderer to tender and sign the tendered documents for all the component parts and that, after the work is awarded, he / they will have to enter into an agreement for each component with the competent authority of the Bank. The tenderer shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the supplies to be made by them and of the rates and prices quoted in the price bid and prices shall, except as otherwise provided, cover all his obligations under the Contract. 26. The tenderer shall agree that until a formal agreement on stamp paper is prepared and signed, this tender shall constitute a binding contract between the tenderer and the Bank/ Employer. 27. On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the Tenderer/ contractor/vendor who would be responsible for taking instructions from the Bank / Employer shall be communicated to the Employer. 28. Method of Evaluation of tender: a. In the first stage, offers will be evaluated against the stipulated eligibility criteria of the Bank and commercial conditions. Offers not complying with the Bank’s eligibility criteria and commercial conditions will be rejected summarily. b. In the second stage, technical evaluation will be carried for such of those tenders who comply with eligibility criteria & commercial conditions. Commercial Conditions stipulated is to be accepted by vendor otherwise it will be rejected. c. In the third stage ,second envelope containing " Price Bid " of such of those qualified tenders complying with the eligibility criteria’s, Commercial conditions and Technically acceptable shall be opened TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 11 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE on a given date and time in presence of the qualified tenderers with prior notice. The qualified tenderers are expected to attend the tender opening and their inability in participating will not in any way prevent the Bank undertaking the opening of the bids. d. During the course of technical evaluation if found necessary the Employer may seek supplementary price bids to bring the evaluation at par and any such price bids shall be prepared as stated in the tender and submitted in sealed envelopes superscribing "Supplementary Price Bid for the procurement of 50 Lakhs CS-1 Passbooks”. Such supplementary price bid shall be opened simultaneously with the original price bid on the prescribed date and taken into consideration in its evaluation. e. Voluntary submission of the supplementary price bid by the contractor/vendor / tenderer shall not be accepted and supplementary bids shall be limited to the details sought for by the Employer only. Any other un-related price variations furnished in supplementary price bids shall not be recognised and might be liable for rejections if undue information are furnished. 29. In case of other un-qualified tenderers, the sealed Price bid along with EMD shall be returned treating it individually. 30. Bank shall not responsible for any error during the downloading of the tender document . No claims shall be entertained on this reason. 31. All the contents of this tender document and price bid with quoted rates shall form a part of the contract document. The successful tenderer/contractor/vendor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority, shall sign an agreement on stamp paper contract consisting of the following within 14 days from the date of acceptance of the tender:(a) Standard form of Agreement on stamp paper. (b) All the contents of this tender document and price bid with quoted rates , Technical Brochures in schedules submitted by the tenderer , any correspondence leading to placing of the supply order or acceptance of tender by the Bank, etc., TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 12 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 32. INTEGRITY PACT: Integrity Pact format is enclosed as Part-H. The same to be duly filled in a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs 200/- and submitted along with offer. Only those tenderers, who commit them selves to the above pact with the Bank, shall be considered eligible for participate in the tendering process. Those bids/ tenders which are not containing the above pact are liable for rejection. The Integrity Pact forms part of the contract. 33. SPLITTING OF THE PURCHASE ORDERS: Total quantity shall be distributed among L-1 and L-2 Tenderer i.e., 60% to L-1 printer & 40% to L-2 Tenderer subject to L-2 Tenderer agreeing to execute at L1 tenderers rate, subject to the banks discretion / requirement. In case L-2 tenderer disagrees to supply at the L-1 tenderer rate , then the offer will be made to L-3, L-4 etc. tenderer, in the order of the quotes , to consider the supply at L-1 rate. If all the tenderers other than L-1 reject to supply at the L-1 rate , then the orders for supply of entire quantity will be placed on L-1. Bank reserves the right to alter / modify the said percentage, depending upon the urgency / circumstances. The L1 tenderer shall accept the above splitting of the order. Asst. General Manager TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 13 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE PART - D : General Conditions of Contract. 1. INTERPRETATION & DEFINATIONS In construing these conditions, the specifications, the schedule of quantities, tender and Agreement, the following words shall have the meaning herein assigned to them except where the subject or context otherwise requires. Employer or Bank: The term "Employer" or "Bank" shall denote CANARA BANK with their Head Office at BANGALORE represented by any of its officers authorized on their behalf. Vendor : The term "Contractor"," Bidder" or "Tenderer" or “ Supplier” shall mean ________________________________________________ (Name and address of Contractor) and his/their heirs, legal representatives, assigns and successors. “The Supply ” shall mean the items to be delivered under this contract and shall include materials and labour. "Contract " means the contract effected between the Employer & vendor ,the Employer's acceptance thereof comprising (in addition to the Tender and Acceptance) the tender documents consisting of Notice inviting the tender, General rules and instructions for the guidance of the tenderers, Form of Tender, Form of agreement, General conditions of contract , Technical specifications, proformas , Annexure , Integrity pact, price bid with schedule of quantities of the various items of supply with rates or attached to any of the forgoing documents, Annexures, any alterations agreed in writing between the parties before the formal acceptance of the Tender, all these documents taken together, shall be deemed to form one contract and shall be complementary to one another. "Specification" means the specification annexed to or issued with these documents "Approved " means approved in writing including subsequent written confirmation of previous verbal approval and "approval" means approval in writing including as aforesaid. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 14 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE “The Schedule of Quantities” or "Priced Schedule of Quantities" shall mean the schedule (or bill) of quantities as specified and forming part of this contract. “Act of Insolvency” shall mean any act such as defined by the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act or in Provincial Insolvency Act or any amending statutes. `Notice in writing' or `written notice' shall mean a notice in writing typed or printed characters delivered to or sent by registered post to the last known address private or business address or registered office address, and shall be deemed to have been received when in ordinary course of post it would have been delivered, and/or delivered personally, or otherwise proved to have been received. `virtual completion' shall mean that the delivery of the items is complete in all respects in the opinion of the Employer and for which the completion/clearance certificate has been issued by the Employer . `Purchase order' or “ Acceptance of the Tender” shall mean an intimation by a letter issued by the Accepting Authority of the Employer to tenderer that his tender has been accepted in accordance with the provisions in the said letter. 2. SCOPE The supply of 50 Lakhs CS-1 Computer Savings Passbooks as per tender specification stipulated in Part E of the tender documents for Canara Bank, Printing Section, GA Wing,H.O,.within the time specified in the tender. 3. TENDERS The tenderers should note that the tender is strictly on the item rate basis. The items supplied will be paid for as “measured items” on the basis of actual quantity accepted by the bank. The Employer has power to add /to omit/ cancel any item as shown in tender and intimate the same in writing but no addition, omission or variation shall be made by the contractor without authorization from the Employer. No variation shall vitiate the contract. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 15 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 4. AGREEMENT The successful tenderer shall sign an agreement within 10 days from date of receipt of the purchase order issued by the Bank in the prescribed form on Non judicial stamp paper as per the form of agreement detailed under Annexure A. All legal expenses, incidental thereto shall be borne by the contractor. If the tenderer fails to sign the agreement within the stipulated time Bank reserves the right to cancel the “ purchase order” and forfeit the Earnest money deposit submitted by the Tenderer. 5. PERMITS AND LICENCES Permits and Licenses for release of materials, which are under Government control, shall be arranged by the tenderer. The Employer may render necessary assistance, sign any forms or applications that may be necessary but shall not be responsible for actual procurement or for any delay in procurement. It may be clearly understood that no compensation or additional charges can be claimed by the contractor for non receipt of any controlled materials in due time on this account or according to his own requirements. The Employer shall be indemnified against all Government or legal actions for theft or misuse of controlled materials in the custody of the tenderer. 6. GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL RULES The tenderer shall confirm to the provisions of all local Bye-laws and Acts relating to the supply of the items and to the Regulations etc., of the Government and Local Authorities . The tenderer shall give all notices required by said Act, Rules, Regulations and Bye-laws etc., and pay all fees payable to such authority/authorities for supply of the items. The cost, if any, shall be deemed to have been included in his quoted rates, taking into account all liabilities for licenses, fees. and shall indemnify the Employer against such liabilities and shall defend all actions arising from such claims or liabilities. 8. QUOTED RATE The rates quoted shall be all inclusive of materials, labour, tools & plant, carriage & transport, loading, unloading, freight, supervision, overheads & profits, insurance ,Excise Duty, Sales tax, VAT, or any other tax, any royalties, duties, levies, cess, turnover tax, or any other tax including entry tax, Octroi on material or finished item , mobilizing and other charges whatsoever including any anticipated or un-anticipated difficulties etc. complete for proper supply of the items as per the specifications and nothing extra shall be paid/reimbursed by the Bank. The Service Tax if applicable, will be paid extra. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 16 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE No extra charge / tax will be paid for the location/ site where road permit is required. Bank will not arrange for Road permit. Any letter addressed to the tax authorities shall be issued by the Bank if required at the request of the tenderer. From the date of placing the order till the delivery of the items, if any changes are brought in the tax structure by the Government resulting in reduction of the cost of the items, the benefit arising out of such reduction shall be passed on to the Bank. However any increase in the tax structure by the Government shall not be paid by the Bank. The rate quoted shall be firm throughout the contract and No escalation shall be paid for any reason. 9. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : The EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within 15 days after placing the order on the successful bidder or within 7 days after the expiry of the validity of the tender. The EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned within 7 days after signing of agreement and depositing of the Security Deposit as per General conditions of contract of this document. The EMD may be forfeited/ Bank Guarantee may be invoked in the following instances : - If the bidder withdraws or amends the bid during the period of validity of Tender bid specified in this document. - If the successful bidder fails to sign the contract and fails to furnish Performance Guarantee/ Security Deposit in accordance with the terms of this tender within 10 days from the date of receipt of the Purchase order . 10. SECURITY DEPOSIT / PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE a) The successful bidder should submit a Security Deposit / Performance Guarantee for 10 % value of the contract within ten days from the date of receipt of the purchase order issued by the Bank. If the Security Deposit / Performance Guarantee is not submitted with in the stipulated time, Bank reserves rights to cancel the order by forfeiting the EMD. b) The successful bidder should submit Security Deposit by way of Demand Draft favouring Canara Bank, HO or Performance Bank Guarantee issued by a Nationalised/ Scheduled Bank in India other than Canara Bank in favour of TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 17 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Canara Bank as per the format prescribed in Part G-Annexure C OR fixed deposit receipt of Canara Bank. No interest is payable for such security deposits submitted in the form of DD/Bank Guarantee. Security deposit if submitted in the form of Performance Bank Guarantee, the guarantee period should be valid for 15 months from the date of placing the order or till expiry of warranty period, whichever is later. The guarantee should also contain a claim period of three months from the last date of validity. d) The security deposit will be returned to the bidder within 60 days after completion/ delivery of all the items subject to satisfactory quality as per specifications & correctness of the quantity of the items supplied and deducting the recoveries if any. e) The selected bidder/ tenderer shall be responsible for extending the validity date and claim period of the Bank guarantees as and when it is due, on account of incomplete work and unsatisfactory performance during the warranty period. f) The Bank shall invoke the Bank guarantee before the expiry of validity, if breach of contract and or the guarantee is not extended, or if the selected bidder fails to complete his obligations under the contract. The bank shall notify the bidder in writing before invoking the bank guarantee. The proceeds of the guarantee shall be payable to the Bank as compensation for any loss from the selected Bidder’s failure to complete his obligations under the contract. 11. DELIVERY, COMPLETION TIME, SUPPLY SCHEDULE TOTAL DELIVERY TIME :- WITHIN 5-MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF ORDER (20% OF THE TOTAL QUANTITY ORDERED EVERY MONTH).The First Lot should be supplied within 30 days from the date of Purchase Order. COMPLETION OF SUPPLIES : on delivery of full tendered quantity. Location : To our 12 Printing & Stationery Sections as specified in Part-J Where part supplies are made, the delivery shall be deemed to be completed only after all the items as per the purchase order are delivered to that site/ location. In such case, delivery date will be the date of delivery of the last item delivered to that particular location. INTERMEDIATE SCHEDULE OF SUPPLY : Order shall be supplied every month TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS 20 % Quantity of Purchase NOV 2015 PAGE 18 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Failure to adhere to the above time schedule is liable to be treated as delay / default/ non performance of the contract. 12. DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD /WARRANTY PERIOD The duration of the defect liability period/ warranty period is minimum 12 (Twelve) months from the date of completion of the supplies. During this period the Vendor / tenderer is responsible for making good any inherent or manufacturing defects are observed, though it might not be apparent or observed at the time of acceptance of stocks. In such an event, the vendor /tenderer will have to replace the stock in part or full/ or compensate for the loss or inconvenience that it might have already caused or might cause to the bank on account of such defects or deviation from the bank’s specifications. For the purpose of this clause the completion shall be date of supply of complete tendered quantity. The intermediate supplies shall not considered. 13 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY a) Failure to supply whether wholly or partly as per terms of our order or non – performance or non-supply in time or supplying the materials which do not conform to the specification/quality prescribed or which are found defective in any other way from the samples approved or stipulated by Bank will entail enforcement of one or more of the following : i) Cancellation of the order in part or full. ii) Forfeiture of the security deposit in whole or part. iii) Recovery of extra cost if any incurred by the Bank in securing the material etc. from other source due to the defect/delay in Execution over the stipulated time or otherwise. iv)Rejection of the entire stock/the extent of defective stock. If the bidder fails to supply the items within the specified time for delivery, the Bank shall have the option to accept or reject the stock/ items delivered by the bidder/ tenderer after the expiry of delivery period specified in the tender. In case of acceptance of the delayed delivery as mentioned above, the bidder shall be liable to pay the Bank the following amount as Liquidated damages at the rates specified below : Penalty / Liquidated damages will be charged for delayed supplies are as under:[A] Delay upto 3 days - 1% (One percent of the amount of the delayed quantity) [B] 4 to 15 days - 2% (Two percent of the amount of the delayed quantity) [C] 16 to 30 days - 3% (Three percent of the amount of the delayed quantity) [D] Above 30 days - 5% (Five percent of the amount of the delayed quantity) TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 19 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE If supplies are delayed beyond one month, orders are liable to be cancelled. Penalty/liquidated damages will be collected separately for each location on the value of all items to be delivered at that location. Where part supplies are made, the delivery should be deemed to be completed only after all the items as per the purchase order are delivered to that location. In such case, completion date will be the date of delivery of the last item delivered to that particular location. For the purpose of this clause, intermediate schedule of delivery at each site shall be treated as separate entity and accordingly the contract value is considered. Penalty will be charged for deviations/defective supplies(However the bank reserves the right either to reject entire stock / part or accept with penalty). If any defects are observed with regard to quality, packing, specifications & other terms & conditions of the enquiry shall attract additional penalty (apart from penalty levied on account of delay in supplies if any) by the Bank, by effecting cost adjustment for the defects. The quantum of such penalty will be decided at the sole discretion of the Bank. In this regard Bank will not entertain any disputes. b) The bidder agrees and considers that the liquidated damages set out herein above are fair and reasonable and that he will raise no objection or dispute with regard to the bank’s right to recover the liquidated damages. c) The liquidated damages shall be deducted / recovered by the bank from any money due or becoming due to the bidder under this purchase contract or may be recovered by encashment of bank guarantees or otherwise from bidder. 14. ORDER CANCELLATION AND FORFEITURE. The Bank reserves its right to cancel the entire / unexecuted part of Purchase Order at any time by assigning appropriate reasons in the event of one or more of the following conditions treating it as default / non performance of the contract: 1. Fails to sign the agreement within the specified time. 2. Fails to deposit the Security deposit /performance Guarantee within the specified time. 3. Delay in delivery beyond the specified period including if intermediate supplies are delayed beyond one month. 4. Supplying the materials which do not conform to the specification/quality prescribed or defective, 5. Negligence / contravenes the terms of the contract 6. Breaches in the terms and conditions of the Order. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 20 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE In addition to the cancellation of purchase order, the Bank shall invoke the Bank Guarantee or forfeit the Security Deposit given by the bidder towards non performance/non compliance of the terms and conditions of the contract, to appropriate the damages. The bank shall also have the right to Recover of extra cost if any incurred by the Bank in securing the material etc. from other source due to the defect/delay in Execution over the stipulated time and such extra cost shall be recovered by the Bank from any money due or becoming due to the bidder/ tenderer under this purchase contract or may be recovered by encashment of bank guarantees or otherwise from bidder under any other contract. 15. PRE-DISPATCH INSPECTION & ATTENDING TO POST DISPATCH DEFECTS: Pre dispatch inspection : The Bank and / or its nominated officials / consultants at their discretion may carry out pre-dispatch inspection of the items before the delivery. The vendor/ tenderer shall inform his readiness for pre-dispatch inspection at least 7 days in advance. Inspection of the items to be supplied to the Bank will be carried out at vendor’s facility. There shall not be any additional charges payable by the Bank for such inspection. The Bank reserves the right to reject of the entire stock/ to the extent of defective stock. Post dispatch inspection : The contents of each consignment delivered shall be verified in random for correctness of its quality for its acceptance. In case of any discrepancy further random verification shall be carried out. If the discrepancy continues all the boxes in the lot shall be rejected and the supplier shall repack the same and call the bank for verification. Any delay on this account shall not be valid for extension of time. During the usage if any quality discrepancy is reported the same shall be made good by the supplier by supplying the respective quantity of found to be defective within a one month from the date of reporting .. The stocks / materials accepted by the Bank at initial inspection and in final inspection shall in no way absolve the supplier responsibility as per the contract and bank shall have the right to reject the same at a later dateif found deficient/ defective in terms of the warranty clause of the contract. The Vendor is liable for any inherent or manufacturing defects observed after procurement, though it might not be apparent or observed at the time of acceptance of stocks. In such an event the Vendor will have to replace the stocks in part or full and/ or compensate for the loss or inconvenience that might have TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 21 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE already caused or might cause to the Bank on account of such defect or deviation over the specifications observed at such later date. 16. PACKING AND VERIFICATION OF THE QUANTITY The stocks / material shall be packed in boxes. The quantity in each box shall be clearly specified before despatch. The number of boxes supplied shall be verified for 100% for acceptance of quantity. Apart from the above, the Boxes in random shall be verified for correctness of its contents for acceptance of the quantity. In case of any discrepancy further random verification shall be carried out. If the discrepancy continues all the boxes in the lot shall be rejected and the supplier shall repack the same and call the bank for verification. Any delay on this account shall not be valid for extension of time. During the usage if any discrepancy is reported the same shall be made good by the supplier by supplying the deficit quantity within one month from the date of reporting. 17. PAYMENTS Payments shall be made based on the accepted quantity / stocks by the Bank at the site after complying with clause 15 , 16 and on submission of invoice with CST, VAT, TIN, and acceptance certificate by the bank . All invoices which are in order as per the terms of the contract shall be paid within one month from the date of receipt of invoice. No advance payment will be considered. 18. VARIATION IN QUANTITY The quantities indicated in the tender are as per the present assessment of Bank's requirement and Bank shall have the option to purchase (+) or ( -) 10% of the quantity specified in this bid at the same price and on the same bid conditions. 19. INDEMNITY The vendor shall indemnify, protect and save the Bank against all claims, losses, costs, damages, expenses, action suits and other proceedings, resulting from infringement of any law pertaining to patent, trademarks, copyrights etc. or such ot her statutory infringements in respect of all the items supplied by him. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 22 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 20. PUBLICITY Any publicity by the vendor in which the name of the Bank is to be used shall be done only with the explicit written permission of the Bank. 21. FORCE MAJEURE: The vendor/ tenderer shall not be liable for default or non-performance of the obligations under the contract, if such default or non-performance of the obligations under this contract is caused by any reason or circumstances or occurrences beyond the control of the vendor, i.e. Force Majeure. For the purpose of this clause, “Force Majeure” shall mean an event beyond the control of the vendor, due to or as a result of or caused by acts of God, wars, insurrections, riots, earth quake and fire, events not foreseeable but does not include any fault or negligence or carelessness on the part of the vendor, resulting in such a situation. In the event of any such intervening Force Majeure, the Vendor shall notify the Bank in writing of such circumstances and the cause thereof immediately within five calendar days. Unless otherwise directed by the Bank, the Vendor shall continue to perform / render / discharge other obligations as far as they can reasonably be attended / fulfilled and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance affected by the Event of Force Majeure. In such a case, the time for performance shall be extended by a period (s) not less than the duration of such delay. If the duration of delay continues beyond a period of three months, the Bank and the Vendor shall hold consultations with each other in an endeavor to find a solution to the problem. Not withstanding above, the decision of the Bank shall be final and binding on the Vendor. 22. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES: All disputes and differences of any kind whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with this Offer or in the discharge of any obligation arising under this Offer (whether during the course of execution of the order or after completion and whether beyond or after termination, abandonment or breach of the Agreement) shall be resolved amicably. In case of failure to resolve the disputes and differences amicably the matter may be referred to a sole arbitrator mutually agreed upon after issue of at least 30 days notice in writing to the other party clearly setting out their in the specific disputes. IN the event of absence of consensus about the single arbitrator, the dispute may be referred to joint arbitrators; one to be nominated by each party and the said arbitrators shall appoint a presiding arbitrator. The provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, shall govern the arbitration. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 23 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 23. JURISDICTION The Purchase Contract shall be governed by the Laws and Regulations of India for the time being in force and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Bangalore, India. 24. SHREDDING METHOD: Waste sheets of Computer Stationery with Bank's name & logo shall not be disposed off or sold in the Market as it is. Instead the same shall be duly shred and then disposed off. Any violation of this term shall be treated as Violation of Principal Terms of Contract and the Bank is entitled to claim damages. Accepted all the terms & conditions Signature of tenderer/ vendor TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 24 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE PART -E ITEM SPECIFICATIONS & Questionnaire (RIGHT HAND PORTION OF THE TECHNICAL QUESTIONAIRE TO BE FILLED BY THE TENDERER) ITEM TO BE SUPPLIED: BANK INTENDS to procure CS-1 SB COMPUTER PASS BOOK WITH ART PAPER COVER. Paper to be used is as under (the same has to meet the quality parameters / specifications as per BIS code - Without any negative tolerance in respect of GSM of the paper). APPROVED MAKES / BRANDS: 80 GSM SUPER SUNSHINE MAPLITHO PAPER FROM PAPER MILLS AS PER THE LIST ATTACHED IN ANNEXURE ‘D’TO BE USED FOR TEXT. 170 GSM GOOD QUALITY ART PAPER IS TO BE USED FOR COVER PAGE. Please fill in the details in the below table against each requirement. The tenderer shall furnish all the relevant details. If the space provided is inadequate, the details can be furnished by way of annexures, enclosing catalogues, product profiles etc., giving due references therein. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY SIZE No. OF PAGES BANK'S DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS OFFERED BY THE VENDOR 50,00,000 (FIFTY LAKH PASS BOOKS ONLY) Please Confirm SIZE- 18.7cms X 9cms in folded condition Total No. of Pages- 24 inner pages + 4 –COVER PAGES/ Please Confirm. PRINTING Both Cover pages to be printed in Multi colour, Front side with Bank’s name & logo and BACK COVER with art work. Offset printing in Hindi & English on inner 22 pages with CYON BLUE INK & with vertical rulings. 2 pages are to be pasted to the inner cover page using good quality glue/ adhesive or sticker pasting [Sticker gumming preferred]. After pasting there should not be any wrinkles. There is Two Colour Printing on Front inner cover page and single colour printing on back inner cover– where sticker gumming is involved. Please Confirm. OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Pass books are to be tailor stitched perfectly with good quality thread. Space between the stitches should be 3-mm. Thread should be properly trimmed & should not protrude out. Stitching should be properly centered and should not overlap. Thickness of the Pass Book should not exceed 1.4mm without cover page when the book is opened in finished form. The spine portion of the pass books should be thin & properly creased/compressed so that it passes through the Pass Book Printers without any difficulty. Edges of the Pass Book should not be sharp but should be blunt and round in shape. Please Confirm. NO LAMINATION FOR COVER PAGES TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 25 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE DESCRIPTION PAPER BANK'S DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS 80 GSM SUPER SUNSHINE MAPLITHO PAPER FROM“A”GRADE/REPUTED PAPER MILLS (AS PER THE LIST ATTACHED IN ANNEXURE C). 170 GSM IMPORTED MAT FINISH ART PAPER IS TO BE USED FOR COVER PAGE. (The same has to meet the quality SPECIFICATIONS OFFERED BY THE VENDOR parameters / specifications as per BIS code 12766-1997 (REAFFIRMED 2002) (Without any negative tolerance in respect of GSM of the paper). Bank is not bound by the Trade practice of + 2.5% etc., with regard to GSM. If the paper used is less than 80 GSM(for inner sheets) & 170 GSM(for Cover sheets), the Bank reserves the right to REJECT the entire stock and no claim or explanation would be entertained/accepted. Please Confirm & indicate the Make or brand of paper you are proposing to supply. Please Confirm. PACKING & SUPPLY Every 50 Pass books are to be packed in polythene covers and 20 such packets (1000 Pass books) are to be packed in 5 ply strong/good quality carton boxes. The boxes are to be tightly strapped at 4 places (2 horizontally and 2 vertically) with 12mm good quality straps. The quality of the boxes and packing should be superior so as to avoid any indentation / folding. FULL QUANTITY TO BE SUPPLIED TO 12 LOCATIONS AS SPECIFIED IN PART-J Please Confirm. APPROVAL & SAMPLES 25 pre-production sample pass books to be submitted immediately after the Order for approval. A few Pass Books are to be tested at select Branches. Bulk production to be taken up only after approval of the samples. The quality of the pass book should be exactly as per approved samples. Any deviation in quality of the pass book renders the stock liable for rejection. Required CD for the design would be provided by us. Get approval from us before taking up printing. CD to be returned to us after printing is completed. Please Confirm. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 26 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE DESCRIPTION SUPPLY SCHEDULE RATE EMD BANK'S DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS OFFERED BY THE VENDOR In 5- months (from the date of order) in monthly instalments. Delay in supply will attract penalty as detailed in Clause 11A & 11B of Part C: General Conditions of Contract of this document. Please Confirm. PLEASE QUOTE YOUR COMPETITIVE NET RATE PER PASS BOOK inclusive of the cost of paper & all TAXES, VAT, EXCISE, CESS, TRANSPORTATION, etc. Please round off the rate to nearest paise. DO NOT QUOTE MORE THAN TWO DECIMALS. Please Confirm. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): RS.3,00,000/- (Rupees Three Lakh only). Quotations without EMD are liable to be rejected. Please Confirm. ORDER SPLIT DETAILS TOTAL QUANTITY MAY BE DISTRIBUTED AMONG L-1 AND L-2 PRINTERS i.e., 60% to L-1 PRINTER & 40% TO L-2 PRINTER, SUBJECT TO L-2 PRINTER AGREEING TO EXECUTE AT L-1 RATE, SUBJECT TO THE BANKS DISCRETION / REQUIREMENT. BANK RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ALTER / MODIFY THE SAID PERCENTAGE, DEPENDING UPON THE URGENCY / CIRCUMSTANCES. Please Confirm. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 27 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS OFFERED BY THE VENDOR BANK'S DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY US, UPON YOUR SUBMITTING THE BILL & DELIVERY CHALLAN (LOT-WISE) TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. PAYMENT The supplier, in token of having used Specified paper has to certify as under on each Bill / Invoice under the signature of the authorised person / Proprietor / Director :“This is to certify that paper of _____ GSM PAPER manufactured / by M/s. __________________ has been used in manufacture of Pass book being supplied to CANARA Bank by us.” Please Confirm. Note: It may be noted that the specifications detailed above are only illustrative and not exhaustive and minimum required . The tenderer shall furnish the full details of the item offered with all the details including additional features over & above the minimum specified by Bank. Note 2: Further the quantities indicated are rough assessment of Bank's requirement and Bank shall have the option to purchase (+) or ( -) 10% of the quantity specified in this bid at the same price and on the same bid conditions. Signature of the Tenderer/ vendor TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 28 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE PART- F Proforma A Tender form Our Reference No: Date: To The Asst. General Manager, Canara Bank, Printing & Stationery Section Bangalore – 560 002. Karnataka. Dear Sir, Sub : Supply of 50 Lakh CS-1 Paassbooks to Canara Bank. Ref: GAPS/ENQ/COMP/cs-1/02/11-2015/SK. DT: 27.11.2015. Having examined the tender document including all Proformas & Annexures the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to supply the items in conformity with the said bid in accordance with the Schedule of Prices indicated in the Price bid and made part of this offer. If our offer is accepted, we undertake to commence and complete delivery within the stipulated time period calculated from the date of receipt of your Notification of Award / Order. We agree to abide by this offer till 90 days from the date of opening of the offer by the Bank and our offer shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted by the Bank any time before the expiration of that period. We accept all Terms and Conditions of the subject tender. We hereby submitting the tender document duly signed in all the pages for having accepted all the terms and conditions. We understand that the Bank is not bound to accept the lowest or any offer the Bank may receive without assigning any reason whatsoever. We are enclosing herewith our DD or Fixed deposit of canara bank No.______________ Dtd. _____________for Rs…………………………drawn on _______________________ Bank towards Earnest Money Deposit or Bank guarantee. No. form …………….. ( strike which ever is not applicable ) Dated this _________day of __________YYYY. Signature. ____________________________ Name of the company/Authorised Supplier with seal. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 29 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE (PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL THE COLUMNS ARE FILLED BEFORE SUBMITTING THE TENDER) Part G Proforma B ( Authorization letter format) The Asst. General Manager, Canara Bank, Printing & Stationery Section Head Office Bangalore – 560 002. Karnataka Dear Sir, SUB: Tender for supply of 50 Lkah CS-1 Passbooks- Authorization Letter for attending the Quotation / Bid Opening. REF: YOUR Enquiry NO: GAPS/ENQ/COMP/cs-1/02/11-2015/SK. DT: 27.11.2015. This has reference to your above Enquiry for supply of the subject items. We hereby authorise Mr. Miss/Mrs. ________________________________________ to attend the bid opening of the above bids on the due dates on behalf of our organization. The specimen signature is attested below: _________________________________ Specimen Signature of Representative __________________________________ Signature of Authorizing Authority __________________________ Signature of Attesting Authority _________________________________ Name of Authorizing Authority TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 30 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Part G Proforma - C 1. Details List of relatives working in Canara bank; NAME OF THE OFFICIAL DESIGNATION ADDRESS OF THE OFFICE / BRANCH 2. Details List of retired Government / PSU/ Bank employees , employed by the applicant : NAME OF OFFICIAL THE RETIRED DESIGNATION NAME & ADDRESS OF THE PREVIOUS EMPLOYER Name of the company/Authorised Supplier with seal. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 31 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Part G Proforma D ( Undertaking letter ) The Asst. General Manager, Canara Bank, Printing & Stationery Section Head Office Bangalore – 560 002. Karnataka Dear Sir, SUB: Tender for supply of 50 Lak CS-1 Passbooks.REF: YOUR Enquiry NO: GAPS/ENQ/COMP/cs-1/02/11-2015/SK. DT: 27.11.2015. This has reference to your above Enquiry for supply of the subject items. We hereby state that we M/s ________________________________________ have submitted the above tender documents duly filling at the appropriate places without making any alterations , corrections , omissions in the tender issued by the bank or downloaded from the web site. Name of the company/Authorised Supplier with seal. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 32 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Part G ANNEXURE –A FORMAT OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT This supply agreement made on this ________ day of the month of ____ in the year Two Thousand Eleven(____. 2015) BETWEEN, Canara Bank a body corporate constituted under the Banking & Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970, having its Head Office, at 112, J C Road, Bangalore- 560 002, represented by Asst. General Manager, P & S Section, GA Wing, HO, Bangalore, its duly constituted attorney (hereinafter referred to as Bank) of the ONE PART; AND M/s.__________________ duly represented by one of its Proprietor/Partner / Director ____________, aged _____years, S/o Sri ______________, residing at ________________________ and having their office at ________________________________________ (hereinafter called the Supplier) of the other part. WHEREAS THE Bank is desirous of purchasing……………….. for said location and has accepted the tender opened on ____.12 .2015 submitted by the supplier & the supplier has agreed to perform as set out and subject to the terms & conditions set forth in the said documents mentioned herein under. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH as follows: 1. In this agreement words and expression shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the conditions of contract hereinafter referred to. 2. The following documents not inconsistent with these presents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this agreement viz. a) Notice inviting Tender b) The Tender Document comprising Notice inviting the tender, Eligibility criteria, General rules & Instruction to tenderers, General Conditions of the Contract, technical specifications of the items , Form of tender , Appendix A B, PRICE BID (Priced schedule of quantities with specifications), . c) Corrigendum to tender document if any. e) Letter from supplier dt. ___________ in response to the negotiation meeting discussions held on _________ f) Letter of Acceptance issued to supplier by Bank – letter No._________ DT ________. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 33 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE g) Letters from and to the supplier, if any, leading to and prior to acceptance letter. 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Bank to the supplier the supplier hereby covenants and agrees with the Bank to supply the ORDERED ITEMS to specified location/s and perform the contractual obligations in conformity in all respects and subject to all terms and conditions/rules as mentioned in the aforesaid documents which shall from part of this agreement. In witness whereof, the parties hereunto have set their respective hands and seals the day and year first above written. For & on behalf of the Contractor with seal TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS for & on behalf of the Canara Bank with seal NOV 2015 PAGE 34 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Part G Annexure – B BANK GUARANTEE FORMAT FOR EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT To WHEREAS ______________________________(Name of Tenderer) (hereinafter called "the Tenderer" has submitted its tender dated _______________________ (Date) for the execution of (Name of Contract)_____________ _______(hereinafter called "the Tender") in favour of Canara Bank hereinafter called the "Employer"; KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we, ___________ Bank, a body corporate constituted under the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 having its Head Office at ________________________ amongst others a branch at ________________ (hereinafter called "the Bank" are bound unto the employer for the sum of Rs________________ (Rupees___________________________________________only) for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Employer, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents; THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are: (a) If the Tenderer withdraws its Tender during the period of Tender validity specified in the Tender; or (b) If the Tenderer having been notified of the acceptance of his Tender by the Employer during the period of Tender validity; (i) Fails or refuses to execute the Agreement, if required; or (ii) Fails or refuses to furnish the performance security or security Deposit, in accordance with clause ___________ of conditions of Contract / tender. We undertake to pay to the Employer up to the above amount upon receipt of his first written demand without the Employer having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand the Employer will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, 1) our liability under this Bank guarantee shall not exceed Rs________________(Rupees_______________________________ ____________only) TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 35 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 2) 3) The bank Guarantee is valid upto __________ and We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part therof under this Bank guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before _____________( mention period of the Guarantee as found under clause (ii) above plus claim period) Dated _________________day of ________________________20____ SIGNATURE OF THE BANK TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 36 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE PART G –Annexure CBANK GUARANTEE FORMAT FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT Guarantee No…………………………………………………………….. Amount of Guarantee Rs……………………………………………….. Guarantee cover from Dated : …………………………………………. To Dated: …………………………………………………………………. Last Date for Lodgement of claim: …………………………………….. To: ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… In consideration of ……………………………………… (hereinafter called "Beneficiary") having agreed to exempt …………………………… …….. Ltd., having its Registered Office situated at ………………………………. (hereinafter called the "the obligator(s)") from the demand of security deposit of Rs…………………… (Rupees ………………………………………………….. only) under the terms and conditions of an agreement dated …………………. (hereinafter called the "said Agreement") for the due fulfillment by the said obligator of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement, on production of the Bank Guarantee for Rs…………………. (Rupees ………………………………… only), at the request of the obligator ______ Bank, a body corporate constituted under the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of undertakings) Act, 1970 having its Head Office at _____________ amongst others a branch at ……………………… (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank") has agreed to give following guarantee in favour of the beneficiary for an amount not exceeding Rs……………….. (Rupees ……………………………………………………….. only) against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by reason of any breach by the said Obligator(s) of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement. 1. We, the Bank to hereby undertake to pay the amount payable under this guarantee without any demur merely on a demand from the beneficiary stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by reason or any breach of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement or by reason of the obligator's failure to perform the said agreement. Any such demand in writing made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under the guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs………………………………. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 37 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 2. We, the Bank further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the beneficiary under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or till the beneficiary certifies that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully discharged this guarantee. Unless a demand for claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before ………………………… we shall be discharged from all liabilities under this guarantee thereafter. 3. We, the Bank further agree that the beneficiary shall have the fullest liberty, without consent and without effecting in any manner or obligations hereunder, to extend time of performance the said obligator(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time any of the powers exercisable by the beneficiary against the said obligator(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved of our liability by reason of any extension being granted to the said obligator(s) for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the beneficiary or any indulgence by the beneficiary to the said obligator(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would not for this provision have effect of so relieving us. 4. We, the Bank lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the beneficiary in writing. 5. Not withstanding anything contained herein: (i) Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs. ……… (Rupees ……………………………………………………………… only) (ii) This Bank Guarantee is valid upto ……………………….. and (iii) We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before ………………. (mention period of the guarantee as found under clause (ii) above plus claim period) PLACE: DATE : TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS SIGNATURE NOV 2015 PAGE 38 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE PART H INTEGRITY PACT Between Canara Bank a body corporate constituted under the Banking Companies ( Acquisition and Transfer of undertakings Act, 1970,) having its Head office, 112, J C Road, Bangalore) hereinafter referred to as “The Principal”, which expression unless repugnant to the context or meaning hereof shall include its successors or assigns of the ONE PART and ___________________________________________________________ (description of the party along with address), hereinafter referred to as “The Bidder/ Contractor” which expression unless repugnant to the context or meaning hereof shall include its successors or assigns of the OTHER PART Preamble The Principal intends to award, under laid-down organizational procedures, contract/s for ………………………….. The Principal values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land, rules and regulations, and the principles of economic use of resources, and of fairness and transparency in its relations with its Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s). In order to achieve these goals, the Principal will appoint Independent External Monitor(s), who will monitor the Tender/RFP process and the execution of the contract for compliance with the principles mentioned above. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 39 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Section 1 – Commitments of the Principal 1.1 The Principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to observe the following principles:1.1.1 No employee of the Principal, personally or through family members, will in connection with the Tender/RFP for, or the execution of a contract, demand, take a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit which the person is not legally entitled to. 1.1.2 The Principal will, during the Tender/RFP process treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason. The Principal will in particular, before and during the Tender/RFP process, provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential / additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the Tender/RFP process or the contract execution. 1.1.3 The Principal will exclude from the process all known prejudiced persons. 1.2 If the Principal obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a penal offence under the Indian Penal Code 1860 and Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 or any other statutory penal enactment, or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal will inform its Vigilance Office and in addition can initiate disciplinary actions. Section 2 – Commitments of the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) 2.1 The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) commit himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in the Tender/RFP process and during the contract execution. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 40 OF 50 2.1.1 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer, promise or give to the Principal or to any of the Principal’s employees involved in the Tender/RFP process or the execution of the contract or to any third person any material, immaterial or any other benefit which he / she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the Tender/RFP process or during the execution of the contract. The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any illegal or undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce cartelization in the bidding process. 2.1.2 The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not commit any penal offence under the relevant IPC/ PC Act; further the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or document provided by the Principal as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically. 2.1.3 The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments he has made, and is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the award of the contract. 2.2 The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above or be an accessory to such offences. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 41 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Section 3 – Disqualification from Tender/RFP process and exclusion from future contracts If the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s), before award or during execution has committed a transgression through a violation of Section 2 above, or acts in any other manner such as to put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal is entitled to disqualify the Bidders(s)/ Contractor(s) from the Tender/RFP process or take action as per the separate “Guidelines for Suspension of Business Dealings with Suppliers/ Contractors” framed by the Principal. Section 4 – Compensation for Damages 4.1 If the Principal has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the Tender/RFP process prior to the award according to Section 3, the Principal is entitled to demand and recover the damages equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit. 4.2 If the Principal has terminated the contract according to Section 3, or if the Principal is entitled to terminate the contract according to section 3, the Principal shall be entitled to demand and recover from the Contractor liquidated damages equivalent to 5% of the contract value or the amount equivalent to Security Deposit/Performance Bank Guarantee, whichever is higher. Section 5 – Previous Transgression 5.1 The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 3 years with any other company in any country conforming to the anticorruption approach or with any other Public Sector Enterprise in India that could justify his exclusion from the Tender/RFP process. 5.2 If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the Tender/RFP process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such reason. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 42 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE Section 6 – Equal treatment of all Bidders/ Contractors/ Sub-contractors 6.1 The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from his subcontractors a commitment consistent with this Integrity Pact. This commitment shall be taken only from those sub-contractors whose contract value is more than 20% of Bidder’s/ Contractor’s contract value with the Principal. 6.2 The Principal will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this one with all Bidders and Contractors. 6.3 The Principal will disqualify from the Tender/RFP process all bidders who do not sign this pact or violate its provisions. Section 7 – Criminal Charges against violating Bidders/Contractors /Subcontractors If the Principal obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor which constitutes corruption, or if the Principal has substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal will inform the Vigilance Office. Section 8 –Independent External Monitor(s) 8.1 The Principal appoints competent and credible Independent External Monitor for this Pact. The task of the Monitor is to review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this agreement. Name & details Independent External Monitors (IEMs) identified for this Tender/RFP is as under. SN 1 2 Name Sri Dilip Mavinkurve Sri Hari Santosh Kumar TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS Email NOV 2015 PAGE 43 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 8.2 The Monitor is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and performs his functions neutrally and independently. He reports to the MD & CEO , CANARA BANK. 8.3 The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all contract documentation of the Principal including that provided by the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s). The Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) will grant the monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his contract documentation. The same is applicable to Sub-contractor(s). The Monitor is under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s) / Sub-contractor(s) with confidentiality. 8.4 The Principal will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among the parties related to the contract provided such meetings could have an impact on the contractual relations between the Principal and the Contractor. The parties offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings. 8.5 As soon as the Monitor notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this agreement, he will so inform the Management of the Principal and request the Management to discontinue or take corrective action, or heal the situation, or to take other relevant action. The Monitor can in this regard submit non-binding recommendations. Beyond this, the Monitor has no right to demand from the parties that they act in a specific manner, refrain from action or tolerate action. 8.6 The Monitor will submit a written report to the MD & CEO , CANARA BANK within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the Principal and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 44 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 8.7 The MD & CEO , CANARA BANK shall decide the compensation to be paid to the Monitor and its terms and conditions. 8.8 If the Monitor has reported to the MD & CEO , CANARA BANK, a substantiated suspicion of an offence under relevant IPC / PC Act, and the MD & CEO , CANARA BANK has not, within reasonable time, taken visible action to proceed against such offence or reported it to the Vigilance Office, the Monitor may also transmit this information directly to the Central Vigilance Commissioner, Government of India. 8.9 The number of Independent External Monitor(s) shall be decided by the MD & CEO, CANARA BANK. 8.10 The word ‘Monitor’ would include both singular and plural. Section 9 – Pact Duration 9.1 This Pact begins when both parties have legally signed it. It expires for the Contractor 12 months after the last payment under the respective contract and for all other Bidders 6 months after the contract has been awarded. 9.2 If any claim is made / lodged during this time, the same shall be binding and continue to be valid despite the lapse of this pact as specified as above, unless it is discharged/ determined by the MD & CEO, CANARA BANK. Section 10 – Other Provisions 10.1 This agreement is subject to Indian Laws and jurisdiction shall be registered office of the Principal, i.e. New Delhi. 10.2 Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not been made. 10.3 If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this agreement must be signed by all partners or consortium members. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 45 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 10.4 Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intentions. 10.5 Only those bidders/ contractors who have entered into this agreement with the Principal would be competent to participate in the bidding. In other words, entering into this agreement would be a preliminary qualification. For & On behalf of the Principal For & On behalf of the Bidder/ Contractor (Office Seal) (Office Seal) Place---------------------Date------------ Witness: ____________________ Witness: _____________________ (Name & Address) ____________ (Name & Address)________________ TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 46 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE PART-I PAPER TO BE USED SHOULD BE ONLY FROM ANY OF THE BELOW LISTED MILLS- 1. BALLARPUR INDUSTRIES 2. WESTCOAST PAPER 3. ITC 4. JK PAPER 5. TNPL 6. SESHASAYEE PAPER TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 47 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE PART-J LIST OF PRINTING & STATIONERY SECTIONS OF CANARA BANK TO WHICH PASSBOOKS HAVE TO BE SUPPLIED (QUANTITY WILL BE INFORMED LATER): 1. Head Office, Bengaluru 2. New Delhi 3. Chandigarh 4. Lucknow 5. Patna 6. Kolkata 7. Mumbai 8. Hyderabad 9. Mangalore 10. Chennai 11. Madurai 12. Thiruvananthapuram TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 48 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE 113-1,Ground Floor, Jeevan Prakash Bulding, J.C. Road, Bangalore-560 002. ENVELOPE – 2 PRICE BID FOR 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 49 OF 50 PRINTING SECTION, GA WING, HO, BANGALORE PART K FROM: Date: _____/_____/2015 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Dear Sir, SUB: Supply of CS-1 COMPUTER PASS BOOKS QUANTITY:-50 LAC. as per tender TERMS & CONDITIONS. Ref: Your Enquiry: GAPS/ENQ/COMP/cs-1/02/11-2015/SK. DT: 27.11.2015. PRICE BID (Amount in Rs.) LOCATION 12 Different Loacations as specified in Part-J RATE QUANTITY IN FORMS (IN-LAKHS) IN FIGURES PER PASSBOOK IN WORDS TOTAL AMOUNT IN FIGURES TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS 50 The above rate inclusive of all charges (i.e., Freight, insurance etc.) & all TAXES, CESS, DUTIES (i.e., Central / State Local Taxes, like VAT, CST, Excise, Entry Tax, Octroi,etc). We have read this tender documents in full and abide by the Terms & Conditions mentioned therein and also we will supply the item as per your specifications within the time specified . We are enclosing herewith our DD No.______________ Dtd. __________ for Rs.3,00,000/- drawn on ______________________________ Bank towards Earnest Money Deposit SIGNATURE OF THE SUPPLIER WITH SEAL & DATE TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF 50 LAKHS CS-1 PASSBOOKS NOV 2015 PAGE 50 OF 50