exam 7 english

1. Which part of the upper limb made of by shoulder?
a. Proximal segment of the upper limb, back of the trunk plus lower lateral neck
b. Proximal segment of the upper limb,front trunk
c. Front thorax
d. None
2. First segment of the free upper limb is
a. Shoulder
b. Arm
c. Foream
d. None
3. From elbow to wrist is
a. Leg
b. Arm
c. Forearm
d. None
4. Clavicle bon has one of the following shape
a. V
b. E
c. S
d. None
5. One of the following nerves crosses the suprascapular notch
a. Suprascapular nerve
b. Subscapular nerve
c. Radial nerve
d. None
6. One of the following muscle insert from subscapular fossa
a. M,subscapular
b. M,suprascapular
c. M,radialis
d. M,Ulnaris
7. Human body has two pectoral girdles ,Each of the pectoral girdles is comprising
a. Calvicle and scapula
b. Homerus and tibia bones
c. Sternum bone
d. None
8. By the one of the following organ the pectoral girdles are attached with each other
a. Bone
b. Artery
c. Muscle
d. Ligament
9. In which part of anterior thorax dose clavicle bon is located
a. Superior of the second rib
b. Superior of the first rib and articulates with the sternum and the scapula
c. Superior of the third rib
d. None
One of the most broken bones in the body is
a. Tibia bone
b. Sternum bone
c. Radial bone
d. Clavicle bone
Which part of clavicle dose made of the most frequent fractured
a. Ends
b. body
c. curves
d. none
Scapula bone makes the shoulder joint by the following bones
a. clavicle and sternum bone
b. homerus and sternum bone
c. homerus and clavicle bone
d. none
From which bone of upper limb the tailors get the length measurement.
a. Acromion of scapula
b. Coniod tubercle
c. Process humerus
d. None
In which border of scapula dose suprascapular notch is located
a. Superior border
b. Anterior border
c. Posterior border
d. None
The coracoids process is projection place of the following mucles
a. M,coracobrachial
b. M,coracobrahial and Biceps
c. Triceps
d. None
The infraspinous fossa is a surface for attachment of the following muscles
a. M,thorax
b. M,obdominal
c. M,thigh
d. M,shoulder
The superior transverse scapular ligament traverses the scapular notch and converts into a
a. Through
b. False
Sensory nerve of the shoulder is
a. Suprascapular nerve
b. Infrascapular nerve
c. Lateral scapular nerve
d. None
Due to suprscapular neuritis the neuralgic pain radiates to the following vertebral
a. C5-C7
b. C5-C6
c. C4-C2
d. None
Prolonged entrapment of the suprascapular nerve leads to visible wasting of following muscles
a. Supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles
b. Radial muscle
c. a and b is correct
d. None
Pectoral girdles do not articulate with the vertebral column
a. Through
b. False
Sternoclavicular joint is also called
a. Synovial joint
b. Crescent joint
c. Semi crescent joint
d. None
Which one the following joint is the only true synovial joint that connect the pectoral girdle with
a. Sternoscapular joint
b. Humrucavicular joint
c. Sternoclavicular joint
d. None
The longest and largest bone of the upper limb is
a. Radius
b. Ulna
c. Humerus
d. None
Which of the following bones made elbow joint
a. Ulna and radius
b. Humerus ,radius and ulna
c. Ulna,radius and scapula
d. None
Where is the frequently broken place in the humerus?
a. Body
b. Neck
c. Caput
d. None
Medial foream is made by the one of the following bone
a. Posterior border
b. Lateral border
c. Anterior border
d. Medial border
The attachment point of biceps muscle in the radius bone is
a. Radial tuberosity
b. Head of radius
c. a and b are correct
d. None
How many bones are involved to form wrist join?
a. 12
b. 9
c. 14
d. 8
Proximal row from lateral to medial in wrist joint are placed
a. Pisoform,triquentrum,lunate,scaphoid
b. Scaphoid,triquentrum,lunate,pisiform
c. a and b are correct
d. None
Where dose trapezius muscle is located
a. Superior posterior thorax
b. Middle posterior thorax
c. Inferior posterior thorax
d. Upper and middle back
The jugular notch is
a. Depression between the two sterna ends of the clavicles
b. Depression between humerus and clavicles
c. Depression between humerus and scapula
d. None
The most superficial muscles of the anterior thoracic wall are
a. Pectoralis major
b. Pectoralis minor
c. Trapezius
d. None
Olecranon process is insertion place for one of the following muscle
a. Pectorial major
b. Maseter
c. Triceps
d. None
The axilla is
a. The site where the limb joins the trunk
b. The site that where the distal end of humerus joins to ulna
c. The site that where the distal end of humerus joins to radius
d. None
Which one of the following muscle is attach to the thoracic cage
a. Triceps
b. Pectoralis major
c. Trapezius
d. None
One of the action of pectoralis muscle is
a. Medially rotates of humerus in shoulder joint
b. Lateral rotates of ulna in elbow joint
c. Posterior rotates of sternum in elbow joint
d. None
The origin of pectoralis major muscle is
a. Clavicle,sternum and costal cartilages of rib 2-6
b. Scapula,humerus and first rib
c. Sternum.humerus and radius
d. None
One the following nerve is innervate the pectoralis major muscle
a. Lateral and medial pectoralis nerve
b. Radial nerve
c. Ulna and radius nerve
d. None
Origin of pectoralis minor is
a. 2-5 ribs
b. 6-7 ribs
c. 1rib
d. None
Pectoralis minor is innervate by one of the following nerve
a. Medial pectoral nerve
b. Subscapular nerve
c. Scapular nerve
d. None
Origin of the serratus anterior is
a. Superior eight or nine ribs
b. Inferior tenth or eleventh ribs
c. Superior one rib
d. None
Serratus anterior muscle innervate by the one of following nerve
a. Long thoracic nerve
b. Subscapular nerve
c. Radial nerve
d. None
Action of subclavius muscle is
a. Depresses clavicle and moves it interiorly
b. Elevate clavicle
c. Elevate humerus
d. None
Injury to the long thoracic nerve result is paralysis one of the following muscle
a. Thoracic major
b. Thoracic minor
c. Triceps
d. Serratus anterior
Which one of the following rib is origin of subclavius muscle
a. First rib
b. Second rib
c. Third rib
d. None
Latissimus dorsi muscle innervate by the one of following nerve
a. Thoracodorsal nerve
b. Subclavian nerve
c. a and b are correct
d. None
Muscles of the back are arranged in(
a. Two
b. Three
c. Fourth
d. None
The medial border of the triangle of auscultation is made of by the one of the following bone
a. Medial border of scapula
b. Lateral border of humerus
c. Inferior border of clavicle
d. None
Infraspinatus muscle supplied by the one of the following arteria
a. Suprascapular artery
b. Infrascapular artery
c. a and b are correct
d. None