Chapter 6 study guide 2011-2012 Rome and Early Christianity

Chapter 6 “Rome and early Christianity” Study guide;
Old Test
I. Wordbank -Matching
Julius Caesar
g. Peter
h. Mercenaries
i. Diocletian
j. Attila
k. Constantine
l. legions
m. Pax Romana
n. invention
o. innovation
p. classical
q. Carthage
r. roman citizen
s. monarchy
t. aristocracy
 Put your answers in the spaces next to the matching sentence.
____1. His name means “ Savior” and “Messiah;” taught a personal relationship with
___ 2. A time of roman peace
____ 3. A form of govt. ruled by a king or queen
____ 4. A form of govt. ruled by a group of nobles.
____ 5. The name given to Rome’s military forces.
____ 6. Greco-Roman culture was also called this.
____ 7. Considered to be the first pope of the Christian Church
____ 8. Something that is created for the first time
____ 9. An improvement or recreation of an invention.
____ 10. A North-African city-state defeated by Rome
____ 11. The Roman emperor that gave toleration to Christians
____ 12. The apostle who taught the difference between Christianity and Judaism
____ 13. Roman ruler who invented the Julian calendar ; he was assassinated
____ 14. A military leader who tried to avenge Carthage’s loss to Rome
____ 15. Known as the first emperor of Rome; real name was Octavian
____ 16. Collective name given to the disciples of Jesus
____ 17. Foreign soldiers who were paid to defend Rome
____ 18. This leader led some of the Germanic tribes against Rome
____ 19. The Roman emperor who restored order to the Roman Empire in 284 b.c.
____ 20. A white male landowner
II. Time Line Draw a timeline with the following years included: Also, list the coreect
information that goes with each year.
509b.c. 264b.c. 27 b.c. a.d. 30 a.d. 180 a.d. 312 a.d. 380 a.d. 476
III. Short Answer Questions:
1. Rome was built on 7 rolling hills. List 3 reasons why this was
advantageous for Rome.
2. List the 3 types of governments that Rome combined to build an empire.
Also, define each one.
3. Name 4 factors that made Rome a great power
4. List 2 factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic.
5. Why was the apostle Paul so important for the spreading of Christianity?
6. List 3 reasons why the Romans persecuted the Christians.
7. What was the Jewish Diaspora?
8. What did Jesus emphasize in His teachings?
9. Who fought in the Punic Wars? Who won? What was the result?
10. Explain the quote “ All roads lead to Rome”
11. Explain the quote “When in Rome do as the Romans”
12. What was ironic about the relationship between Rome and Christianity?
13. Draw a venn diagram comparing Christianity and Judaism.
14. List 3 things that Rome left the world( in other words , what was their
IV. True or False – Write True or False after the statement.
1. Rome was built on 7 hills and this helped make them powerful.
2. Greeks, Latins, and Etruscans settled near the Tiber river and
influenced the Romans.
3. During the Punic Wars, the goal for both sides was to control the
4. As a result of the Punic Wars, Carthage emerged as a master of the
Mediterranean from Spain to Asia Minor.
5. Rome developed a legal system to unify its empire.
6. Rome built a network of roads to unify its empire.
7. Rome formed a strong govt. to unify its empire.
8. Rome was intolerant to its conquered people.
9. Roman law gave everyone definite legal rights.
10. A Roman citizen was any landowner.
11. One of Julius Caesar’s lasting reforms was the Julian calendar.
12. The Greeks borrowed or innovated from the Romans.
13. Roman woman had few legal rights but they had more rights than
Greek women.
14. Christianity arose from Judaism.
15. The Romans renamed Judea- Palestine and forced the Jews to leave and
live in other parts of the world.