1 Supplement to “Forecasting and Remote Sensing Outer-belt Relativistic 2 Electrons from Low-Earth-Orbit” 3 4 Yue Chen, Geoffrey D. Reeves, Gregory S. Cunningham, Robert J. Redmon, and Michael 5 Henderson 6 7 Correspondence to: cheny@lanl.gov 8 9 This supplement includes materials that are relevant but not essential to presenting the 10 main conclusions. First we validate the chorus wave proxy using recent Van Allen Probes 11 data, and then we examine measurements of >100 keV electrons from POES MEPED E2 12 channel in detail. Next, by deriving pseudo POES data from pitch-angle resolved Van 13 Allen Probes MagEIS observations and comparing to original POES data, we are able to 14 confirm that the observed cross-energy cross-pitch-angle coherence is real and not due to 15 MeV electron contamination on POES instruments. At last, we show how the electron 16 phase space density radial distributions observed by Van Allen Probes vary over time and 17 then evaluate the role of the magnetopause boundary and radial diffusion. 18 1 19 1. Validation of the Chorus Wave Proxy Method 20 The chorus wave proxy method developed in Chen et al. [2014a] is tested using long-term 21 Van Allen Probes observations from 2012 Oct. to 2014 Dec. Besides confirming the one- 22 to-one temporal correlation, we quantitatively validated the proxy method taking 23 advantage of the two probes. Within each 4.5 h time bin, we first derive the fitting 24 parameter P by comparing Van Allen Probe-A chorus wave observations to POES 25 precipitation at the conjunctive (L, MLT) positions as defined by Equ (1) of Chen et al. 26 [2014a], then validate the method by applying the same P parameter to POES data so as to 27 compare with chorus wave observations from Probe-B at other conjunctive (L, MLT) 28 positions. One such example is shown in Figure S1. Indeed, the PE value for Probe-A (i.e., 29 an in-sample test) is 0.37 and the PE for Probe-B (out-of-sample test) is 0.11 for this 3- 30 month period. In comparison, PE values using empirical averaged, three-Kp categorized 31 chorus distributions from CRRES data are ~ -1.2 for both satellites during the same period. 32 33 2. POES E2 Measurements within the Period 34 NOAA POES satellites have circular sun-synchronous orbits (altitude ~800-850 km, 35 inclination ~98o) with a period of ~102 min. The Space Environment Monitor-2 (SEM-2) 36 on board each 3-axis stabilized POES spacecraft contains 2 solid-state detector 37 telescopes—one oriented to view in the anti-Earth-center direction (i.e., the 0o telescope) 38 and the other to view at about 90o to the first (i.e., the 90o telescope)—to measure 39 electrons in 3 energy ranges (E1, 0.03-2.5 MeV, E2, 0.1-2.5 MeV and E3, 0.3-2.5 MeV). 40 2 41 Figure S2 presents details of NOAA-15 E2 (>100 keV) data during the period. Panel A 42 replots the same ratio curve as in Figure 1E, and Panel B shows the count rates from the 43 90o telescope (blue) compared to 1 MeV fluxes from MagEIS (red). The green vertical 44 lines mark the spikes in Panel A, and it can be seen that the leading edge of each spike in 45 Panel A always corresponds to a simultaneous increment in >100 keV electrons in Panel B, 46 while significant dropouts of 1 MeV electrons may (e.g., events 3 and 9) or may not (e.g., 47 events 5 and 11) be coincidental. By comparing the timings and amplitudes of both 48 increments and dropouts, we conclude that it is the increments of >100 keV precipitation 49 instead of the dropouts in MeV electrons that is the main contributor to the formation of 50 leading edge of most spikes observed in the ratio curve. 51 52 Figure S2-D compares the 90o telescope data (black) to the 0o telescope data (gray, timed 53 by 20). Although the one-to-one correlation can be seen for the sudden increments in the 54 two populations, electron levels measured by the 0o degree always recede much more 55 quickly to the instrument back ground level of ~1 cnt/s. This is mainly due to the fact that 56 in the outer belt the 0o telescope measures electrons well within the loss cone while the 57 90o telescope mostly measures near and/or across the loss cone. Thus the higher flux 58 levels for the larger pitch angles allow the 90o telescope to register more dynamic 59 signatures. Indeed, much less dynamics are recorded by the 0o telescope of the E3 channel 60 with even higher energy (not shown here). Due to these reasons, we chose to use POES 61 measurements from the 90o telescope in this study, which provide more information to the 62 predictive filters. 63 3 64 3. Ruling out the Possibility of MeV Electron Contaminations on POES MEPED E2 65 and E3 Channels 66 The MagEIS instruments on board Van Allen Probes are believed to provide the cleanest 67 electron observations on radiation belts that are often taken as the “gold standard”. Thus, 68 using the level-3 pitch-angle resolved data from Van Allen Probes, we are able to derive 69 the expected electron intensities at POES altitudes (called pseudo POES data here) 70 following the methods described in Chen et al. [2014b]. As the example shown in Figure 71 S3, since the dynamics shown in the pseudo data (Panel A) agree well with those in 72 original POES E3 data (Panel B) particularly at L-shells between ~3.5 – 5.0, we believe 73 MeV electrons have no significant effects on POES MEPED electron channels, and thus 74 the cross-energy cross-pitch-angle discussed in the main text must be real. The difference 75 in CR values between two panels are caused by errors from various sources, including 76 such as mapping from the magnetic equator to low-altitudes, limited pitch-angle resolution 77 for electrons near the loss-cone from Van Allen Probes’ near equatorial orbits, and no 78 consideration of angular effects from MEPED’s wide opening angles. However, the 79 difference in the absolute values in Panels A and B are not our concern for this study since 80 we only need to compare how the pseudo data and real data vary over time. In addition, 81 we also compare NOAA-15 data in two different MLT zones (predawn and afternoon) and 82 see very different electron intensities (not shown here). Considering MeV electrons should 83 have no MLT-dependence, the observed significant MLT-dependence in POES MEPED 84 E2 and E3 channels provides another evidence supporting POES electron measurements 85 used here should be reliable. 86 4 87 4. Electron Radial Distributions and the roles of Magnetopause Shadowing and 88 Radial Diffusion 89 Here we evaluate the effects of Magnetopause shadowing and radial diffusion in the 90 observed outer-belt electron dynamics. Figure S4-A plots the temporally evolving electron 91 phase space density (PSD) radial distributions in the same period. In this plot electrons 92 have the 1st adiabatic invariant µ=550MeV/G and the 2nd adiabatic K=0.03G0.5RE, which 93 correspond to ~1MeV energy and ~45o equatorial pitch angle at L=4.6. The white symbols 94 in Panel A mark the peak PSD positions in radial distributions, which are mostly at > ~5.5 95 but sometimes move to as low as ~4.5. This is consistent from previous PSD studies by 96 Chen et al. [2010] and Turner et al. [2012] that both show persistent PSD peaks exists at L 97 between ~5-6 and negative PSD gradients at larger L-shells using THMEIS data. This 98 suggests that 1 MeV electrons at L=4.6 are generally inside the PSD peak no matter 99 during the loss or energization times. Therefore, the PSD peaks at larger L-shells and 100 positive PSD radial gradients at L between 3.5 -5 do not favor outward radial diffusion, 101 and thus the effects of magnetopause can be deemed unimportant for the dropouts of MeV 102 electrons in this region; similarly, since persistent PSD peaks exists at L~5-6 instead of the 103 outside of radial belt boundary, the role of magnetopause/plasma sheet can also be deemed 104 insignificant for the energization of MeV electrons at L between 3.5-5. 105 106 However, during MeV electron energization, it is possible that the inward radial diffusion 107 from PSD peaks to smaller L-shells contributes to the cross-energy cross-pitch-angle 108 coherence. Although quantifying the contribution of radial diffusion needs simulations 109 from sophisticated models and thus is beyond the scope of this study, we may still do 5 110 some quantitative evaluations. Using the empirical Kp-driven DLL from Brautigam and 111 Albert [2000], we can estimate the time needed for a signature of new MeV electrons to 112 propagate from beyond L=5 to L=3.5 through diffusion. Using the max Kp values during 113 the period (Panel B), we can calculate the characteristic time ∫3.5 2π· ππΏ to be >1.0 day 114 with Kp =5 or >1.8 day with Kp=4. However, from the lag times for maximum CC for 115 each L-shell in Figure 2, we know the lag-time difference for L-shells within 3.5 – 5 is 116 <~10 h which is less than half of the diffusive time scales. In addition, we neither see the 117 expected lag-time dependence due to inward radial diffusion—the time lag should 118 increase significantly with decreasing L-shells—in the CC plots. Therefore, based upon 119 above evaluations, we conclude that it is unlikely for the inward radial diffusion to 120 dominate the time lags observed in the cross-energy cross-pitch-angle coherence. 5 πΏ πΏπΏ 121 122 123 References 124 Brautigam, D.H. and J.M. Albert (2000), Radial diffusion analysis of outer radiation belt 125 electrons during the October 9, 1990, magnetic storm, J. Geophy. Res., 105, A1, 291- 126 309 127 Chen, Y. et al. (2014a), Global time-dependent chorus maps from low-Earth-orbit electron 128 precipitation and Van Allen Probes data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 129 doi:10.1002/2013GL059181 130 Chen, Y. et al. (2014b), REPAD: An empirical model of pitch-angle distributions for 131 energetic electrons in the Earth’s outer radiation belt, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 132 doi:10.1029/2013JA019431 6 133 Chen, Y., G. Reeves, and R. Friedel (2010), On the role of transition region in controlling 134 the outer radiation belt dynamics: A survey of in-situ observations, Fall AGU Meeting, 135 SM33C-1920, San Francisco, CA, December 2010 136 Turner, D.L., V. Angelopoulos, Y. Shprits, A. Kellerman, P. Cruce, and D. Larson (2012), 137 Radiation distributions of equatorial phase space density for outer radiation belt 138 electrons, Geo. Res. Lett., 39, L109101, doi: 10.1029/2012GL051722 7 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Figure S1 Validation of the chorus wave proxy method in a 3-month period. A) Observed chorus wave amplitudes by Van Allen Probe-A, B) proxy chorus waves derived from POES precipitating >30 keV electrons along Van Allen Probe-a trajectory, and C) ratios between proxy values and observations. Colors from orange to dark gray indicate good agreements. D) Dst (black) and AE (gray) indices. E, F, G) Validations using Van Allen Probe-B data in the same format. All data are binned by 4.5 h and 0.2 in L. 8 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Figure S2 Count rates (CRs) for >100 keV electrons measured by NOAA-15 at L=4.6 within the same ~260 day period as in Figure 1. A) Ratios between CRs for POES >100 keV electrons and RBSP 1MeV electron fluxes (replotted from Figure 1E). B) Time series of >100 keV CRs (blue) compare to 1MeV electron fluxes (red). C) Dst (black) and Kp (gray) indices. D) CRs for locally trapped (black) and precipitating (gray) >100keV electrons measured at low altitude by NOAA-15. Here precipitating CRs are timed by 20 to bring the curve close to that of locally trapped population. 9 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 Figure S3 Testing possible MeV electron contaminations on POES MEPED E3 electron channel. A) Pseudo >300 keV electron observations at POES altitude, derived from RBSP-a MagEIS pitch-angle resolved data, are sorted by L-shell and time. The time period is the same as in Figure 1. B) Original POES E3 data in the same format. The two black lines in both panels mark L=3.5 and 5. 10 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 Figure S4 Electron radial PSD distributions vary with time (Panel A) and magnetic activity (B, black for Dst and gray for Kp). Here electrons have the 1st adiabatic invariant µ=550MeV/G and the 2nd adiabatic K=0.03G0.5RE, which correspond to ~1MeV energy and ~45o equatorial pitch angle at L=4.6. White symbols in Panel A mark the maximum PSD locations with L-shells between 3 – 6. Green vertical lines are identical to those in Figure S2 indicating the spikes of in the ratios between >100 keV precipitating and 1 MeV trapped electrons. 11