Latin Mid-Term SAMPLE Test 2014/15 2nd semester Dent 1. Mark the right answer of these questions with an „X” at the appropriate box below. 1. The plane dividing the body into superior and inferior parts is called: a. lateral b. horizontal c. cranial d. sagittal 2. The front side surface of trunk is termed as a. palmar b.volar c. plantar d. ventral 3. Opposite side of palma manus is: a. digiti manus b. pollex c. dorsum manus d. axilla 4. The position of vertebrae thoracicae to the sternum is ________________ : a. posterior b. ventralis c. lateralis d. cranialis 5. Ring finger in Latin is: a. digitus minimus b. digitus medius c. digitus coronalis d. digitus anularis 6. Synonym (term with similar meaning) of dorsalis direction is: a. lumbalis b. ventralis c. caudalis d. posterior 7. Latin name of hip is a. coccyx b. coxa c. pubis d. cortex 8. Hallux in English is: a. forefinger b. heel c. big toe d. foot 9. The middle part of foot in Latin is: a. carpus b. tarsus c. metacarpus d. metatarsus 10. The Latin name of neck is: a. occiput b. nucha c. sura d. cervix 11. The lateral bone of crus is...: a. femur b. patella c. fibula d. tibia 12. Medial bone of antebrachium is ...: a. olecranon b. ulna c. radius d. ossa metacarpalia 13. The meaning of my(o)- Greek root is: a. marrow b. fungus c. muscle d. mandible 14. Body in Latin is ...: a. carpus b. corpus c. soma d. homo 15. The Greek root splen- means in Latin ...: a. viscera b. poples c. lien d. pilus 16. The position of acromion is _____________ to olecranon: a. lateralis b. medialis c. proximalis d. distalis 17. The position of os ilium to os sacrum is ___________: a. proximalis b. cranialis c. caudalis d. lateralis 18. The position of hallux is ____________ to the other toes: a. medialis b. radialis c. dexter d. externus 19. The second form in the dictionary form of Latin nouns is: a. Singular Nominative b. Singular Genitive c. Gender d. Plural Nominative 20. We get the root of a noun after cutting the ending of....... from the dictionary form of a noun a. Sing.Gen. b.Sing.Nom. c. Plur. Gen. d. Plur Nom 21. Nominative form of genus is...: a. genu b. genus c. gena d. genis 22. The nape, or back of neck is called: a. mala b. nucha c. crus d. occiput 23. Each bone of the spinal column in Latin is termed as: a. spina b. axis c. columna d. vertebra 24. The heelbone in Latin is: a. os coccygis b. calcaneus c. os coxae d. talus 25. The Greek root equivalent of Latin vertebra is a. spondylb. dactylc. myeld. cephal1 A B C D 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2. Give the Latin equivalent of the parts treated or studied in the medical speciality. 6/___ cardiology __________________ myology _________________ pathology __________________ neurology _________________ gynaecology __________________ osteology _________________ 3. Form the following names of inflammations by adding -itis suffix to the Greek root. hepatitis _____________ phlebitis ___________ enteritis ______ stomatitis ___________ otitis ____________ 5/___ 4. Fill in the table. Sing. Nom. Sing. Gen. Decl. Root Plur. Nom. English meaning pes, pedis m brachium, i n caput, capitis n crus, cruris n patella, ae f. genu, genus n nervus, i m facies, ei f 5. Opposites. Write a word that means the opposite of each of the following. caudalis ____________________ externus _________________ ventralis ____________________ palmaris ________________ inferior ____________________ 5/___ 6. Write in the appropriate directional terms to the blanks. The pollex is on the ____________ side of the hand, the digitus minimus is on the _________. Pectoralis major muscle is a surface muscle over the pectoralis minor muscle so its position is termed as _________. Digiti pedis are at the _____________part of the lower limb. Ren is___________ to pulmo. 5/___ 7. Fill in the blanks with the Sg. Gen. form of the appropriate Latin name of body part. English term Latin biceps m. of the thigh biceps ____________ muscle abductor muscle of the thumb abductor ________ muscle adductor muscle of the big toe adductor ________ muscle bones of fingers _________digitorum muscles of ribs ___________ costarum 5/____ Latin Mid-Term SAMPLE Test 2014/15 2nd semester Dent Total: 100/____