Name: Date: War Comparison Oral Reflection Following the return of

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________
War Comparison Oral Reflection
Following the return of your War Comparison Essay, you are to complete a reflective statement on the
assessment, commenting on your performance and the progress made in achieving the goals set.
For this assessment, please create an oral Reflective statement using Standards E, J and L. You will
present this oral one to one with Ms. Hartle in class. It should be 2-4 minutes, and spoken, not read. This
is will be presented in class during 2/6, 2/7, 2/10 and 2/11. Please bring this sheet on the day of
E. I can demonstrate an ability to substantiate and justify ideas with relevant examples.
□ Clear thesis or idea statement.
□ Relevant use of justified support from text, research, experience, anecdote, etc.
□ Use of relevant terminology/semantics.
□ Use of relevant oral or written conventions of syntax.
□ Logical organization of thoughts.
□ Coherence within thought progression.
□ Fluid use of English grammar and mechanical conventions.
J. I can demonstrate a knowledge of self through reflection.
□ Knowledge and understanding of personal strengths.
□ Knowledge and understanding of personal weaknesses.
□ Ability to set realistic learning goals.
□ Ability to address personal concerns for completing a set task.
□ Ability to provide examples of goals to address or goals met.
□ Justification of self-awareness in goal completion/improvement/struggle.
□ Understanding of effective use of reflection within the learning/growth process.
L. I can demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of correct and effective use of the English language
in speaking.
□ Knowledge and understanding of English grammar usage through non-repetitive errors.
□ Knowledge and understanding of the use of tone when speaking.
□ Knowledge and understanding of rate (speed) when speaking.
□ Knowledge of voice usage, staying in appropriate person when addressing an audience
through speech.
□ Understanding of effective use of organization of thought and thought progression through
use of transition words within speaking.
□ Understanding of effective use of syntax within oral speaking through non-repetitive errors.
□ Understanding of effective use of semantics (appropriate word choice for audience being
addressed) within speaking.