Sailing Into Seventh Grade with Miss Leach: Integrated Language

Sailing Into Seventh Grade with Miss Leach
Integrated Language Arts, Grade 7
Phone: (440) 572-7070
Website: - follow links to teachers’ websites
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
Welcome to Integrated Language Arts on the Mavericks team! I am excited to work with you this year as we develop as
critical thinkers through exciting and engaging activities. This year, we will focus on reading, writing, research, grammar,
comprehension, and communication skills that are included in the seventh grade curriculum. In seventh grade, you will
be attending two language arts classes called Principles of Language Arts (taught by Mrs. Picchetti) and Integrated
Language Arts (taught by Miss Leach). This will allow you to connect your learning and acquire the skills necessary to
read, write, and think like a scholar. You will receive a separate grade for each class, but Mrs. Picchetti and I will be
working together to connect the content and blend the content in a way that makes Language Arts come alive.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I am here to help you accomplish goals and be your best self!
Required Materials
You are required to bring the required materials to class every day. Failure to come to class prepared will result in
disciplinary action.
 Purple 3-ring binder (1.5 inches)
 1 spiral notebook
 Dividers (5)
 Highlighters (2)
 Pencil/Pen (Blue or Black Ink Only)
 Planner
 Loose Leaf Paper
 Red Pen
Classroom Procedures
1. Enter the classroom quietly and prepared to learn.
 When you arrive at our class, I will greet you in the hallway.
 When you enter the classroom please be seated at your assigned seat with all of the materials you need for class.
2. Turn in homework to the proper tray.
 Homework is due at the beginning of the class period when you come to the classroom. I will not accept work
once class begins.
 Turn absent/late work in to the appropriate tray.
3. Complete the Bell Ringer.
 I will have a Bell Ringer question or prompt ready for you when you enter the classroom.
 Sit in your seat and quietly respond to the Bell Ringer in the appropriate section of your binder.
 All Bell Ringers should be completed before the start of class. Extra time may be allotted for in-depth responses.
4. Pick up after yourself before you leave.
 Take all of your belongings, pick up any scrap papers around you, and put your desk back in line before you
leave each day.
 Keep track of your personal belongings. All items left behind will be taken to the school’s Lost and Found at the
end of the school day.
Absent/Late Work
 When absent, take the following steps:
1. Check the daily absent folder in my classroom. You will find any make-up work and directions for
2. Come and see me with any questions or concerns.
3. Check the homework calendar on the Mavericks website.
4. Make sure you complete and turn in your make-up work on time.
If you are absent, you will be given the number of days that you were absent to complete the necessary
assignments upon your return to school. For example, if you are absent for two days, you will have two school
days upon your return to complete your assignments.
Make arrangements to take missed quizzes and tests immediately. It is your responsibility to make these
arrangements. If you do not make-up quizzes within the assigned number of days depending on the length of
your absence or before graded quizzes are returned to the students who were present, you will earn a zero on the
quiz or test.
I will only accept late work one day late for a maximum of half credit.
**Planned absences must be handled in accordance with school policy. You must inform the teacher of your planned
absence at least two school days in advance.
Grading Procedures
Be aware that your grade will be based upon completion of homework, writing, tests, quizzes, and class participation.
The following grading scale will be used to determine grades:
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: 59 and below
Behavioral Expectations and Consequences
1. Respect ALL individuals within the school at ALL times. Be kind with your words and actions.
2. Be prepared! ALL students must bring required materials to class ON TIME.
3. Complete all assignments on time.
4. Listen carefully.
5. Follow directions.
6. Respect school and personal property.
All the rules within the “Student Code of Conduct” section of the handbook apply within the classroom at ALL times.
Academic Dishonesty
During assessment situations, silence is mandatory. Talking and disruptive behavior will result in a loss of points.
Copying another person’s work or allowing another person to copy your work is an act of cheating and both students will
receive zero credit for the assignment. Disciplinary action will follow.
1. First Offense: Warning.
2. Second Offense: Classroom consequence.
3. Third Offense: Before or after school detention with parent phone call.
4. Fourth Offense: Office Referral
-Serious offenses, such as intolerant and disrespectful behavior will result in an immediate office referral and
parent phone call/meeting.
Classroom Demerit System:
 In our classroom, if a student commits a rule infraction, is late to class without a pass, or comes to class
unprepared, they will receive a demerit.
 If a student ears 3 demerits, they will be issued a lunch detention with me.
 I will assign the student the day of their lunch detention.
 I will keep track of demerits in a written catalog. All students will start each quarter with a clean slate.
My Promises to Students
1. I promise to be respectful of my students’ ideas, beliefs, and values.
2. I promise to make my classroom a safe place for all.
3. I promise to work with my colleagues to coordinate our efforts and give students the best education possible.
4. I promise to show my passion for Language Arts and lifelong learning.
In all of these ways, I promise to do the best I can to create an environment that will excite and challenge students. The
syllabus is a contract between the student and teacher. You are responsible to become familiar with the rules and
regulations of the class. If you are uncertain about any of the topics in this syllabus, feel free to ask me and I will do my
best to clarify the information.
I have read the course expectations. I understand all of the information and agree to abide by the rules and regulations
presented throughout this contract.
(Student Name-Please Print)
(Student Signature)
Parents/Guardians: Please read the course expectations with your child. This page is due on AUGUST 21, 2015
(Parent/Guardian Name-Please Print)
(Parent/Guardian Signature)