BOGALUSA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015, 5:30 P.M. POSTED: FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2015, 12:00 NOON PRESIDING: WENDY O’QUIN PERRETTE, MAYOR PRESENT: COUNCILWOMAN KATES COUNCILWOMAN SMITH COUNCILMAN McCREE VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE COUNCILWOMAN FORTENBERRY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND COUNCILMAN RITCHIE ABSENT: NONE BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Bogalusa City Council Meeting will come to order. Invocation by Councilwoman Kates. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: Led the Invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Roll call. COUNCILWOMAN KATES……………………HERE COUNCILWOMAN SMITH…………………..HERE COUNCILMAN McCREE……………………….HERE VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE……………………..HERE COUNCILWOMAN FORTENBERRY……….HERE PRESIDENT DRUMMOND……………………HERE COUNCILMAN RITCHIE……………………….HERE BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Next is the approval of the Minutes held on May 5, 2015. BY VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE: I make a motion to approve those meeting minutes. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Seconded. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Roll call. COUNCILWOMAN KATES……………………..AYE COUNCILWOMAN SMITH…………………….AYE COUNCILMAN McCREE…………………………AYE VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE……………………….AYE COUNCILWOMAN FORTENBERRY…………AYE PRESIDENT DRUMMOND……………………..AYE COUNCILMAN RITCHIE…………………………AYE (MOTION CARRIED 7-0 APPROVING THE MINUTES HELD ON MAY 5, 2015). BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Next we have Introduction of Resolutions. We have none. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Next is the Introduction of Ordinances, Vice-President White. BY VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE: AN ORDINANCE to amend and re-enact the Comprehensive Building Regulations for the City of Bogalusa, State of Louisiana, relative to the building code; and to provide for related matters. I don’t see James Hall here tonight. As I understood it this is just updating our codes and regulations required by the State. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: I do have a comment Councilwoman. This particular code is very similar to Ordinance 229 which was adopted August 12, 2012 and based on prior findings the code it is about code enforcements but our Code Enforcement Department they actually adapted this part of this code, part of this ordinance which is the International Property Maintenance Code. They adopted that and that piece of it doesn’t actually it is not duplicable to the code enforcement so I just ask that we look closely to it and perhaps the code enforcement can adapt their own ordinance pertaining to the International Property Maintenance Code. That is number four. There is actually eight different codes that is sited and that is the fourth one. It is also pertaining to the Code Enforcement Department. So we need to take a look at that. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Maybe they will be on hand in the next two weeks. Next is an ordinance by Councilwoman Kates. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor to lease the building located at 411 Industrial Park to General Dynamics Information Technology Center. This is a renewal of the lease for General Dynamics and is all of my Council Mates have reviewed. It is actually going to be three years but there is an optional vision in it that will be advantageous to the City as well as the Company. BY MAYOR PERRETTE: Can I add to that? BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: Yes. BY MAYOR PERRETTE: They are guaranteed to be here for another year and a half which is a great accomplishment for us. We have been working with them and hopes to keeping them here so hopefully next council meeting if you have any questions in between here and there and Mr. Ryan Seal will be in attendance at the next meeting to if you have any other questions feel free to ask in between. Thank you. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: All righty next Gloria. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Mayor of the City of Bogalusa to enter into a lease agreement with The New Dimension Fellowship Center; and repealing any and all ordinances in conflict herewith. This particular ordinance is the description of the location is the Poplas Recreational Center at 1 J-J Piper Drive. We are really excited about it. I know the District A is excited about it the renewal of this particular lease. The lease really expired 2013 but it does have a piece in it whereas the community will be involved and recreation will be developed. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Next we have public hearing. These two ordinances are postponed until June 2nd meeting because of advertising didn’t meet the deadline through no fault of our own so I am going to read it aloud to keep it in the letter of the law. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Bogalusa, State of Louisiana, has postponed its consideration of the adoption of an ordinance setting ad valorem tax rates and levying such taxes for 2015. The ordinance will now be considered for final adoption, after holding a public hearing in accordance with the Bogalusa City Charter, at a public meeting of the Bogalusa City Council to be held on Tuesday, June 2, 2015, at five thirty o’clock (5:30) p.m., at City hall, 214 Arkansas Avenue., Bogalusa, Louisiana. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: I make a motion the following notice of postponement to be published in the official journal of the City no less than ten days (10) before June 2, 2015, all in the manner required by La. R.S. 42:19.1(A)(2)(a). BY VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE: Seconded. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Roll call. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: One question before we go on. Is this municipal property or personal property this particular tax? BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: This is to roll the tax forward. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: This is a tax item that we have to do every year and it is on your personal property. The millages that --BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: To maintain the millages that we had in years past. Okay we have a motion and a seconded, roll call. COUNCILWOMAN KATES……………………..AYE COUNCILWOMAN SMITH…………………….AYE COUNCILMAN McCREE………………………..AYE VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE……………………….AYE COUNCILWOMAN FORTENBERRY………..AYE PRESIDENT DRUMMOND…………………….AYE COUNCILMAN RITCHIE………………………..AYE (MOTION CARRIED 7-0 FOR POSTPONEMENT OF ORDINANCES THAT WAS INTRODUCED ON MAY 5, 2015 TO BE CONSIDERED FOR FINAL ADOPTION ON JUNE 2, 2015). BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Next is Councilwoman Fortenberry. BY COUNCILWOMAN FORTENBERRY: This is also postponed until June 2nd. AN ORDINANCE to authorize the Mayor of the City of Bogalusa to enter into a contract with ARE Consultants, for Partial Parallel Taxiway at the George R. Carr Memorial Airport. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: I would also---did you make that in form of a motion to postpone that? BY COUNCILWOMAN FORTENBERRY: Yes. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Okay I will seconded that motion then. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: I just have one question. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: The reason for these two postponements they were not published enough in the newspaper. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: I understand that I have a general question about how many runways do we actually have and what type of traffic is on the air field? BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Mr. Busby our Airport Manager will be here at the next meeting to answer that for you. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: Oh, okay thank you. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Roll call. COUNCILWOMAN KATES……………………….AYE COUNCILWOMAN SMITH………………………AYE COUNCILMAN McCREE………………………….AYE VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE…………………………AYE COUNCILWOMAN FORTENBERRY………….AYE PRESIDENT DRUMMOND………………………AYE COUNCILMAN RITCHIE…………………………..AYE (MOTION CARRIED 7-0 TO POSTPONE THE ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BOGALUSA TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH ARE CONSULTANTS, FOR PARTIAL PARALLEL TAXIWAY AT THE GEORGE R. CARR MEMORIAL AIRPORT UNTIL JUNE 2, 2015). BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Okay next we come to public participation. Mr. John McNabb. BY JOHN McNABB: 1200 Harrison Street. Good afternoon. I would like to preference this and I can understand simple mistakes when an employee hits a rock with a mower and busts a window that is a mistake or tap a bumper in a parking lot that is a mistake. These mistakes are financial and do not risk the productivity or health risk and welfare of the parties what I am here to discuss is a lot more problematic than that. I am here tonight to address an ever growing pandemic that is eating away at the productivity and dependability of our local governmental infrastructure. All too often I bear witness to a serious lack of professional standards on behalf of public works employees. On multiple occasions I have come in to purchase property, pay bills, or schedule meetings and I run into members of staff too busy to help the public due to the fact that they are playing on Facebook, dress shopping, or browsing for new cars. This is a waste of tax payer money, disrespectful to the citizens that fund these positions, and potentially dangerous for the technological infrastructure as many of these unsafe shopping sites contain malware and root-kits capable of infecting and damaging the internal network of the City of Bogalusa. For too long I’ve overlooked these lacking standards as mere small town charm, but recently a lack of professionalism resulted in a potentially dangerous risk to public health and safety. This past week I received in mail a brief letter explaining how our water was found to be contaminated by an excessive amount of coliform bacteria. Upon further research it has come to my attention that on April 1, 2015 multiple samples of local water came back as having an excessive amount of coliform bacteria present and as such our city was in violation of state regulations. Coliform can be found in the aquatic environment, in soil and on vegetation; they are universally present in large numbers in the feces of warm-blooded animals. While coliform themselves are not normally causes bacteria, viruses, or protozoa and many multicellular parasites…I can only think of three ways these samples could have been contaminated I worked for organizations whom have had to performs these test and know what protocol is required. Option 1 is that the vials used for the samples were improperly stored and resulted in a contaminated sample, option 2 the person taking the sample was so severely lacking impersonal hygiene that merely touching the vials contaminated the sample, or option three and most disturbingly the water itself was not properly treated and was contaminated before it ever reached the vial. Either instance someone is responsible for a potentially dangerous health risk to thousands of innocent men, women, and children within the city of Bogalusa and as such should be held accountable. I propose three simple solutions to help get things back on track, increase productivity and deter any potential health risks resulting from lack of standards. 1. I propose that an internet block be enacted network wide across all public works computers routers and firewalls so that only urls conducive of business are allowed to be accessed, 2. I propose a formal investigation of the cause of the contamination to our water samples, and 3. I call for the immediate resignation and termination for all parties involved with actions resulting in the contaminated samples. Some people will see this as drastic but family members’ health worth the risk so someone can kickback at their job and not follow protocol. For those who would like to see the letter I have copies of it for the council and have other copies for anybody in the city that may want to see them. BY ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Thank you. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Next is Lorraine Bourn. BY LORRAINE BOURN: 59537 Mt. Pleasant Road. I’m really pleased with the open door policy that ya’ll have going on and it is great but there is one thing I need help with. I want to attend the Finance Committee Meeting which I know is allowed but they are not scheduled on a regular basis. As I understand that the policy is that a notice will be placed on the bulletin board just inside City Hall twenty four hours in advance. I am wearing out those steps. Every day I have to go in there and look at the board. On our home page the website there is a community calendar there and have all the meetings listed. Would it be possible to twenty four hours in advance just to list it there on the community calendar or if we had a notification list that those people who want to sign up to attend we could give you our email or contact information I would appreciate it. BY ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Thank you ma’am. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Next Marvin Austin, Sr. BY MARVIN AUSTIN, SR.: 736 Florence Avenue. I come before the Council tonight and before the Administration concerning about summer jobs or jobs in general for our youths. I noticed in the Daily News publication last week the Housing Authority had an ad on rehabilitation (inaudible) or demolition we not going to tear them down we are going to fix them up. Since the Housing Authority is putting out bids for contracts to come in and bid on we want them contractors to put these people to work to help rehab these places giving them a sense of responsibility, teaches them certain skills. We worry about the money but the money is there. The job has to be done then why not let the young people do that. Also I was watching the summit on C-Span this weekend and they had some young people from across the nation brave young people. They were talking to them about the violence towards the policemen in our country. They had one young man he was a trouble youth and somebody took a chance on him. That young man went on to the University of Memphis. He became a Police Officer. In the same neighborhood that he use to run from gangs in he went back into that neighborhood. He is working with those young people. They had a young man by the name of Tyron Pride I want ya’ll to get in touch with him. He is the Chief of Staff in the Justice Department, Director of Programs. They have programs in every Department of Justice hood they got money out there. I know we just recently hired a man to write grants for us but we don’t have to wait on him to write those grants. We can do some contacts, people can use our influence through our self-ability and Abraham to expediting and push these things and put our young people to work. In the paper the other day Mr. Hammons wrote why these young blacks don’t run for policemen. Apparently he never heard of Commander Byrd who is doing time in federal prison now. We tortured young black men who hasn’t committed a crime some of them spent thirty five years in prison. The State of Illinois was paying money out now. One young man can’t get anything he spent thirty something years in prison for murder and he didn’t have anything to do with. He had to confess to guilty of manslaughter so he could get out of prison to see his dying mother with cancer. He can’t even receive any funds. DNA proved that he was not guilty. What has to take place I have officers in here now Bogalusa Police Officer Rocky Gerald he can tell you nobody can sit down in council I sit on the table with three law enforcement officers. When I first came to the council they had six hundred dollars for a dog they didn’t even have a trainer for a dog zero for the police officers. Rocky passed the test to go through the FBI because of politics people were holding him back. I went to fight for Rocky. Rocky can tell you that and Rocky was ready to go to the academy at Quantico and that opened it up for all the officers. We need to start recruiting our community get some of these young black men. I saw a young black man that went to my church very intelligent I didn’t know he was that sharp. He had a three point five that graduated the other night he is going into the Marines but he wants to be a Nuclear Engineer. We have that kind of talent here in Bogalusa. If we don’t say they will never know we care about them. Give them something positive to do. Thank you. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Thank you. Next is Barbara Hicks Collins. BY BARBARA HICKS COLLINS: 2682 South Columbia Road. I just want to take a few minutes of your time. Several meetings ago you approved a resolution supporting the Robert “Bob” Hicks Foundation and applying for Federal funds. That grant was summited and we have about three weeks or so to get the results. The Executive Director Foundation was limited in what I am giving you to update and limited to what I can do to apply. I was given the green light to ask for whatever I wanted but you realize that it was matching funds dollar for dollar. So I could not commit the Foundation to that. As it stands now we have to raise twenty thousand dollars to match the grant. So what I am doing and I once again asking each one of you for your support and pick your telephone up when I call because I will be calling. If I show that we are doing fund raising activities it is a little bit better on us and that is what I’m doing. We had a dinner and thank you guys for coming and get that dinner that was good. We also have at the end of June we have the evening of elegant dining at the B&C Hall. It is a semi-formal four course meal, a tie and I invite you, each one of you to either buy a ticket for you and your spouse, or your friends or your church members or to sponsor a table. The tickets are $50.00 and you will also have entertainment. That is the only way with the fund raises that is the only way not only the Councilmen I have the support of the Mayor. I ask the general public to come in. If we are trying to bring tourism into the City we have to be innovated enough to begin to create and establish different things here so it can help our economy. Civil Rights Museum is already noted that it will do that and I just ask for support of all the members, the Council, Wendy, and their Administration, and the general public and I thank you so very much. I am getting the support Councilman Ritchie is ready to do his painting party to go and paint the future museum. That is the kind of support that I need. Thank you very much. BY ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: Thank you. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Next Fate. BY FATE FERRELL: 1931 Dewitt. I would like to see since we have been having problems with our finances in Bogalusa I would like to see Ms. Kates put on the Finance Committee. She is an active person and trying to make things happen correctly for this City. Me and other people’s in this City thinks she should be on the committee. We need active people involved. Another thing I have to mention tonight I’ve been coming here for quite a while about the property at 1402 Sullivan Drive. Its two houses on that property. It’s grown up and it’s on the street I live on and I have to pass by it every day. I am tired of looking at his property looking in the way it looks. One house needs to be torn down or either burned down. The other house on front of Sullivan Drive needs to be cleaned up, trees done grown up, grass done grown up it is ridiculous that I have to keep coming here on this same property. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: You don’t know who owns it do you? BY FATE FERRELL: Robert Brumfield owned it, he is deceased. His wife is deceased now since he deceased. I have no idea who owns it now. I think her son but I don’t know anything about him but the property need to be cleaned up. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: I know that James has looked into trying to find the owners but was unsuccessful in finding anybody living. BY FATE FERRELL: It ain’t too hard to find nobody in this world. I’m not FBI and I’m sure I can find this man long as I have been talking about this man. It’s got to pay taxes on it so he can’t pay taxes on it? They got to know where he lives at. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Find the man and let us know who it is and you know that much. BY FATE FERRELL: He has been paying his taxes. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Do you know he has been paying them or someone else? BY FATE FERRELL: He has been paying them taxes. Ya’ll can go down there just like I did. It is a neglect to let this stuff continue to look the way it is looking. I pay my taxes, I keep my property clean and I also expect the other people to keep theirs clean. Bogalusa looks terrible. Everybody should be on the same page as me. It is time out. Another thing this is history making day from fifty years ago, Bogalusa was trying to get Cassidy Park segregated. Violence erupted in Bogalusa. Right now we still got a problem with Cassidy Park. You got some people that can have events at Cassidy Park and sell alcohol, you got others that want to have an event at Cassidy Park that can’t sell alcohol. That is discrimination. I don’t care how you look at it that is discrimination. We put you all here to do a job and do it right and I don’t see that happening. So will ya’ll please get this corrected. If one can’t have alcohol none can have alcohol. That is just the way I see it. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Mr. Ferrell can I ask you a question? BY FATE FERRELL: Ask all you want. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: You’ve been coming here for what ten years. BY FATE FERRELL: More than that. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Fifteen years? BY FATE FERRELL: More than that. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Twenty? BY FATE FERRELL: More than that. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Can I ask you a question? BY FATE FERRELL: Ask me. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Why haven’t you ran for office because you seem to have all the answers? BY FATE FERRELL: Why don’t I run for public office? Because there is too many crooks sitting up there at the table. I don’t want to be involved with crooks. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: Okay. I got you. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Alright anyone else in the public wish to follow that up? Being none we will move on to Administrative Remarks. BY MAYOR PERRETTE: Thank you. I would like at this time to give a certificate of recognition to Ms. Joiya Smith who is Ms. Grambling State University this year along with Ms. JaMya Magee Ms. Southern University. (Applause). These two beautiful young ladies are representing our City wonderfully and I’m very proud of both of you and I wanted to give this to you all on behalf of the City of Bogalusa. (Applause). BY JAMYA MAGEE: Good evening. I am JaMya Magee where I attend Southern University where I am now a senior, a twenty one year old senior majoring in Social Work. (Applause). BY JOIYA SMITH: Greetings from the 1901 Tiger Land to the worlds famous band, I am Joiya Smith and I do humbly serve as 2015-2016 Ms. Grambling University. (Applause). BY MAYOR PERRETTE: Very proud of you ladies. BY MARVIN AUSTIN SR.: President Drummond, I think the citizens of Bogalusa should be greedy because this may never happen again. BY MAYOR PERRETTE: Yes, very proud of them. (Applause). BY MARVIN AUSTIN SR.: I want to ask the City of Bogalusa proclaim a day in honor of our two queens. (Applause). BY MAYOR PERRETTE: You ladies are representing our city greatly and we are very proud of you all and continue your hard work and we hope you will come back to Bogalusa and practice your profession. Thank you. Ms. Smith she has something she would like to add. BY JOIYA SMITH: I just want to add on to everyone in the room on June 29th I will be doing the second annual Little Eyes are Watching Youth Camp. I had a lot of support from you all last year and I really need your support again. It is hosted by BHS Alumni and it is where we come back three days and give back to our youth in the community. We need financial support as well as physically and in every way you can give it. So thank you. (Applause). BY MAYOR PERRETTE: Thank you Ms. Smith. I have met with some of the ladies that day at Beno’s when they came in for spring break I believe. Also I would like to remind you all that Friday at Cassidy Park that Peter and Tink is a play put on by Southeastern University. Cost is $10.00. Along with that is the Rendezvous at six on Columbia Street. Pertaining to a question the 5013C Cassidy Park for alcohol. It is not segregated you have to be 5013c. It is not segregated, if you are not 5013c it is limited to five events. It was written that way, the ordinance was made that way. If you are not a nonprofit, there is an event going on at the end of the month that is a big blow up that is going on May 30th at noon at Cassidy Park. It is gospel, its rap, it’s all around. I met with the fellows and they are really great event and we are happy to be promoting them. We will be there opening ceremony. Representatives, I know Ms. White will be out of town her daughter is getting married that day but it is an open event and anyone can have an event in Cassidy Park but who can serve alcohol is a 5013c let me clarify that. Also I am glad that you feel like we have an open door policy with the City of Bogalusa because we do have an open door policy. However we are under the Louisiana Legislative Auditors, we are working along with them and coming to compliance with the State from the past administrations. With that being said if you have something that is going to be very time consuming because we are working for the State of Louisiana. We are pulling records that go back to 2012 or 2010 you will pay which is a permanent thing here that we have always had in the City of Bogalusa. May have not of been utilized but if you want it all pulled and it is going to take a couple of days because we have a time and you are open to it but your progress with the examination of city records you may request further information your request may require the services of the city employees or employee outside of normal business hours because they have a job to do too. Because right now I have my CPA who has been pulled and also in the middle of an audit and I can’t have them to pull public records request. Be advised there will be a charge to be paid in advance calculated of the overtime rate of the employees assigned. In addition of course the $.25 per copy of any city documents that you may request charge in accordance with the city ordinance 980. A place for you to examine the records will be provided. The city copy machine will be made available for you to use as it always has been. But if it requires someone to be pulled off their regular job to pull things from 2012 for example every credit card statement, we have no problem at doing that it is open to you all but we have to do this because we are working with the Louisiana Legislative Auditors. We are in corrective action and in order to implement the correction action plan the CPA has to be able to work along with them. At this point and time they are working specifically for pulling records. Also another notice is that in the past five years there has been only one business cut off on water. Notices have been put out and if they have not been paid by the end of the business day of Tuesday of 5-26 they will be cut off on Wednesday 5-27. There has only been one water cut off for businesses so be prepared. The only reason they aren’t going to be cut off by Friday because you have a holiday on Monday. So be prepared if you have a business and you are in delinquent status it will be cut off and it will not be turned on if it reflects your business. We have law offices with $500.00 water bills so that means you have not paid your water bill in a while. So therefore with that being said it is different times, times have changed. I think that is all at this time. Thank you. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Thank you. That brings us to Council discussion, Councilwoman Fortenberry. BY COUNCILWOMAN FORTENBERRY: I’d just like to say I’m glad to see ya’ll here this afternoon and it has been a very I think productive meeting and I want to wish ya’ll a Happy Memorial Day and we will see you June 2nd. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Thank you. Councilman McCree. BY COUNCILMAN McCREE: I just want to say Mr. McNabb thank you for opening my eyes to this contaminated water. I think we all should know that. I think it is very important that we get something done about this. Somebody is not doing their job they must not need a job. Mr. Austin you are right we need to put these children to work this summer. They use to have programs all the time for kids. I agree with you very much. Thank ya’ll so much and bring some friends with you next time. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Thanks. Councilwoman Kates. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: I just want to thank everyone for coming out tonight and appreciate your continued support, continued prayers that we make the right decision for Bogalusa. I would like to say again congratulations to Ms. Southern and Ms. Grambling well deserved. I spent a little time with them on the weekend in Franklinton. Also congratulations to the 2015 Bogalusa High School Graduates. I attended the Bogalusa High School Senior Honors Night and it was very interesting. In fact one of our Council Mates her daughter received a high highest esteem award. The Bogalusa Fund Scholarship Award. BY COUNCILWOMAN FORTENBERRY: $16,000.00 she can go to college. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: $16,000.00. That is great. Also on Saturday the Tau Lota Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority they planted vegetable seeds that were prevalent in the 1800 actually it was 1836 in Cassidy Parks Community Garden. My comment was a perfect place for a community garden in Cassidy Park. Also this group will also in the near future they plan to adopt the William J. Bailey, Jr. Park as part of their 2014-18 International Service Program and that is out of 1,908 existing community and school playgrounds. We’re selected the Bailey Park is located in District A. Pertaining to District A the Neighborhood Association has inquired about having a clean-up day on a quarterly basis or by yearly basis so we are going to do a general poling on that. The Washington Parish Council has shared resource for seniors which provides resources and networking for them. You can call the Capital Agency Agent on Capital Area Agency on Aging and ask for Aging and Disability Center that is 1-800-833-9883. Just have a couple of more oh coming soon Poetry in Motion that is a production of the New Dimension Gift Center at the Bogalusa Branch Library. It is going to be from 11:00 a.m. to 1:45 ages 12 to 25. Come and share your poetry and contact Helen Edwards at 910-797-6759 or the Bogalusa Library. This program along with other activities will be developing implementing to revive a plan action for the community involvement in the New Dimension Gift Center and the Poplas Recreation Center so we will have recreation beginning with Poetry in Motion. My last and unfortunate announcement I do have other announcements but I am going to make it really short, my last announcement is that I received a letter this afternoon Mr. Austin you had mentioned about we recently hired a grant writer and I received this letter it is to the Citizens of Bogalusa and Council. It says let me first thank both the Mayor and Councilmember Kates, for allowing me to share my desire to help the City of Bogalusa move into the 21th century. I shared with you and the full Council my 18+ years of experience working with cities in both Louisiana and throughout the U.S. I was very excited to help the citizens and city officials reach at least some of their goals they truly deserve. In reaching out over a two month period. I also realize that the city has quite a number of needs, one being funding, economic development, infrastructure, capital outlay and a very long list of others. I agreed to work with you not just grants, but a host of other areas. Again I would get feedback that we don’t need a grant writer anybody can write a grant and what we get for such a large fee? These types of comments were very shocking to me coming from a city that has so much to catch up with other surrounding cities such as Mandeville, Slidell and Covington. It is with great sadness I have decided to terminate my offer to work with the city at this time. It became crystal clear on last Friday when I received this misguided and uninformed letter from the CFO, Stacy Smith that I make this decision. Two things are very clear, 1) there is no desire on her part to help move the city forward and 2) she lacked a great deal of knowledge of how cities such as Bogalusa are supposed to function. I again wish the best for the City of Bogalusa because you deserve it and citizens should expect it. Sincerely Byron Stewart. That is all I have for tonight thank you for your time. BY VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE: Was that just addressed to you or to us? BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: No it’s to the Councilmembers as well. BY VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE: Do you have copies of it? BY MAYOR PERRETTE: The Mayor hasn’t gotten it. BY ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS: I haven’t gotten it either. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: Well he said he sent it to Stacy and I thought he said he sent it to you too Mayor. BY MAYOR PERRETTE: Well he hasn’t as of 4:40 this afternoon when I left this office. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: Okay you may want to contact him. BY MAYOR PERRETTE: I would like to add to that on behalf of Ms. Smith that is not here to speak. When someone wants a check cut today and has not provided a service I’m sorry they have procedures down the hall that I don’t implement but the city has already had implemented and I’m not going to make them go behind and make special arrangements for individuals. We are current our bills at this time for once in the City of Bogalusa and I am happy to say that but I’m sorry that we could not cut a check what they wanted a check. That being said I smell fish. Thank you. BY COUNCILWOMAN KATES: You are welcome. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Councilwoman Smith. BY COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Good afternoon. I would like to thank everybody for coming out and taking the time out of their busy schedules to come and voice your concerns for the City of Bogalusa. It also lets us know as the City Councilmen that ya’ll are serious about your City. For as the job opportunities for the youth it is something that we will have to work on as well as the city as a whole. I am all for that Mr. Austin as well. I would like to invite everyone out to the Rendezvous on the Road this Friday at 6:00 p.m. It is downtown Columbia Street. Also the Robert “Bob” Hicks Foundation I am inviting the City to come out and help sponsor. If you cannot afford to pay the price of the $50.00 ticket at least make a donation to let the Hicks Family know that we are supporting of them and that we are willing to go the extra mile to help them. It is a vital access to the community to receive donations and Ms. Barbara is really working hard along with others that are willing to help her. If you would like a ticket you can come to myself Councilwoman Smith or Councilman Brian McCree. The price is fifty dollars per person or fifty five at the door. Also I would like to congratulate the ladies once again Ms. Joiya thank you so much for Little Eyes are Watching You. My kids did attend last year we will be there this year and I just thank you for moving on your vision. Also to your mother for being the mother that is willing to go the extra mile to help you along with family support. It takes a great deal to gain the courage to move on your vision so I commend you for a job well done. Commend you for going to college that you exceeded in just not stopping and being a college student but to push for it and while you are pushing for it taking out the time to help others so I commend you on that. To Ms. JaMya Magee I commend you on a job well done for actually going into the field of Social Work which is what my degree is in. It takes a heart to be able to step beyond and look beyond your fault and to help and listen to others that have problems and also for being a parent and pushing through even though you have a child and not letting that stop you. Because a lot of young kids would stop and use that as an excuse I got [pregnant and I had to drop out I didn’t have this, I didn’t have that so I commend you on that. When you get older your daughter will appreciate that my mother didn’t stop. Not only did she not stop she chose life. So to the ladies I commend you, your mothers, your grandmothers, your whole support system because it doesn’t take just one person it takes all. If you need me to do anything I know people say feel free but I will reach out to you. Joiya if you need me to do anything your mom knows Ms. Tamira may text late but she is coming. So I just commend the families for raising such wonderful ladies. Will the families please stand up for both of these ladies today? We have to acknowledge ya’ll. (Applause). So I thank you to the families who are pushing your daughters you know because you’re not only expiring your family your expiring older people and expiring your community and you are letting young gentlemen and ladies to know yes we can. We can go to college, we can accomplish things and I hope ya’ll will come back and reach out within your community to work or just continue being an example for as the youth you know even your colleges or your class mates to come and help the City of Bogalusa because it takes help you have to be a team. One person cannot do anything, and one person cannot concur the world. You have to be willing to help far as Ms. Barbara Hicks making donations helping her you know just to pull and push forward. It takes dedication, it takes prayer and through all things put God first. Once again I would like to thank everybody for coming out. God bless you all. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Thank you. Next Councilman Ritchie. BY COUNCILMAN RITCHIE: I don’t think I have anything left to say after that. There is no way I can do any better that was tremendous. Thank you young ladies for the hard work ya’ll have done. It will show other kids that it can be done if you are determined and you are willing to put in the work and the time. Thank you to the families that raised these two girls. That is where it has got to start it starts in the home. We appreciate ya’ll for doing it. Thank ya’ll for coming and beyond that I think I’ve said enough for tonight. Thank you. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Thank you. Vice-President White. BY VICE-PRESIDENT WHITE: I too would like to congratulate you girls for your accomplishments. When I saw that it just brought so much joy to my heart to see us representative out there so well in the world and I know with Joiya’s typically we met last year when you started the Little Eyes are Watching You and I know the work that goes behind those things. It takes a lot yes to have that vision and then make it happen and you did that. You inspired me and I hope in some way I can offer that encouragement to you so you can continue on that roll. I didn’t realize that you have a child and that you are succeeding and doing those things and it is so important. Everything that Tamira said I say to you that we embrace that and we are so proud I shared it everywhere I could because those things are things we need to focus on and be proud of. With that being said that is all I have to say. Thank you for coming out and voicing your concerns and we are listening, we know that you are watching and want what is good for the city. We do want what is good for the city to move forward and a few surprises tonight that I didn’t know about and some disappointments but overall the activity and the energy and the people that care show up is real important. To me no matter how much we agree and disagree at least we know that you care and you are here and you are voicing it. That is how you get started, that is how you make things change. We appreciate that. BY PRESIDENT DRUMMOND: Thank you. As for me we are all proud of you girls who is representing Southern and Grambling. The whole town is really proud of you so go out and make Bogalusa proud of you. Mr. Austin I just like to say I think it is a good idea to hire the youth from this area. It will not only put a jingle in their pocket but put pride in their heart. That is more important than putting a jingle in their pocket. The bottom line it is up to the contractor that gets the lowest bid so you can come up here and talk all you want but it is really up to the contractor, that is who we need to approach about doing it. I realize they are limited to what they can do but the stuff that they can do it would benefit them to hire these kids. Next I would just like to remind people of the Rendezvous on the Road coming up we are competing with the play in the Park again I don’t know how that keeps happening but it does. This is the last meeting before the Memorial Day Service. If you haven’t never gone to it, it is on Monday evening at 6:00 o’clock at Ponomah Cemetery and it is really a nice event. With that said meeting adjourned.