Curriculum Map

7th Grade - 3rd Quarter Curriculum Map
7.L.1 Understand the structures, processes and functions of living organisms that enable them to survive,
reproduce and carry out the basic functions of life.
Vocabulary: Unicellular, Multicellular, Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Plant Cells, Animal Cells, Nucleus, Cell
Membrane, Cell Wall, Chloroplasts, Cytoplasm, Golgi body, Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum,
Organelle, Vacuole, Specialized cell, Tissues, Organ, Organ System, Organism, Digestive System,
Circulatory System, Respiratory System, Excretory System, Reproductive System, Skeletal System, and
Muscular System.
Clarifying Objective: Compare the structures and functions of plant and animal cells, including
Date: January 21st – February 6th
I can…
1. Explain the difference between the major organelles of plant and animal cells.
2. View plant and animal cells under the microscope and can identify at least two organelles in each.
Essential Questions:
- How do plant and animal cells differ in terms of which organelles they have?
- How do the structure and function of organelles differ in plant and animal cells?
Clarifying Objective: Summarize the hierarchical organization of multi-cellular organisms from cells
to tissues to organs to systems to organisms. Summarize the general functions of the major systems of the
human body and the ways that these systems interact with each other to sustain life.
Date: February 9th – March 11th
I can…
1. Create a flow chart describing the organization of cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and
2. Summarize the general functions of the circulatory system.
3. Summarize the general functions of the respiratory system.
4. Summarize the general functions of the excretory system.
5. Summarize the general functions of the digestive system.
6. Summarize the general functions of the reproductive system.
7. Summarize the general functions of the skeletal system.
8. Summarize the general functions of the muscular system.
Essential Questions:
- How do cells differ from tissues?
- How are organs more complex than tissues?
- How are organ systems forms?
- How do the different body systems work?
- How do the body systems work together to help maintain homeostasis?
3rd Quarter Exam Week: March 23rd – 27th.
7th Grade – 4th Quarter Curriculum Map
7.L.2 Understand the relationship of the mechanisms of cellular reproduction, patters of inheritance and
external factors to potential variation and survival among offspring.
Vocabulary: DNA, Chromosomes, Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Unicellular, Multicellular, Mitosis, Cell
Cycle, interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis, Budding, Binary Fission,
Regeneration, Asexual Reproduction, Gene Chromosomes, RNA, Replication, Mutation, Genome, Cloning,
Pedigree, Mode of Inheritance, Dominant, Recessive, Environmental Factors, Behavioral Factors, Genetic
Factors, and genetic diseases, Gene, Heterozygous, Homozygous, Phenotype, Genotype, Gamete, Egg, and
Clarifying Objective: Explain why offspring that results from sexual reproduction (fertilization and
meiosis) have greater variation than offspring that result from asexual reproduction (budding and
mitosis.) Infer patterns of heredity information from Punnett squares and pedigree analysis.
Date: March 31th - May 21st
I can…
1. Create a graphic organizer to differentiate between eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
2. Identify the phases of mitosis when viewed on a slide under a microscope or in a diagram.
3. Create a model to show the phases of mitosis.
4. Explain how organisms grow by budding.
5. Create a Punnett Square for all types of crosses.
6. Determine the probability of an organism having certain traits by reading a Punnett Square.
7. Create a Venn Diagram or similar graphic organizer to compare and contrast meiosis and mitosis.
Essential Questions:
- How do eukaryotes differ from prokaryotes?
- Compare and Contrast each phase of mitosis.
- How do binary fission, budding, and regeneration help cells grow and divide?
- How can the probability of an organism inheriting certain traits be determined?
- How do homozygous and heterozygous traits differ?
- How do dominant and recessive traits differ?
- How are mitosis and meiosis similar and different?
- Why does genetic variation occur with meiosis?
Clarifying Objective: Infer patterns of heredity using information from Punnett squares and
pedigree analysis. Explain the impact of the environment and lifestyle choices on biological inheritance
and survival.
Date: May 26th – June 8th
I can…
1. Analyze a pedigree so that I can determine the mode of inheritance for a genetic disease.
2. Cerate a pedigree using the correct symbols.
3. Explain the difference between genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors.
4. Explain how environmental, behavioral and genetic factors affect a person’s change of getting a
genetic disease.
Essential Questions:
- How does a pedigree help determine the mode of inheritance for a genetic disease?
- How do behavioral, genetic and environmental factors influence whether an individual will inherit a
specific disease?
Last Day of the Quarter is June 11th.