Westside High School Backwards-Sociology Lesson Plan Unit Two November 18-December 06 Understanding (s)/goals: EU1: Students will TLW explain why most social scientists believe that both environment (nurture and heredity (nature affect personality. TLW describe how healthy cultural environment is essential for a child’s full development. TLW assess various arguments for why social interaction influences the views of self. TLW explain why adolescence developed as a distinct stage in the life cycle in the United States. TLW identify and analyze the five general characteristics of adolescence.. TLW explain the essential arguments put forth by Daniel Levinson (adult male development). TLW describe and analyze the typical life course of an adult male and female as related to childbirth, education, social status, work, family, and health. TLW argue for or against the idea that deviance defines social norms. TLW differentiate Stage 1 – Desired Results Essential Question(s): Student Outcomes (objectives): The students will be able to: 1. How has the nature –nurture debate evolved? 2. What is the role of self in the socialization process? 3. What are the primary agents of socialization? 4. Why do sociologists study people who were isolated early in childhood? 5. In what ways might mass media, especially TV, reinforce and counteract the effects of other agents of socialization? 6. What are the factors that led to the development of adolescence in the United States? 7. How did the practice of dating develop? 8. What are the main eras of adult male development? How does female development differ from that of the adult male? 9. What are the main characteristics of each stage of life during the later years of adulthood? 10. What is the nature of deviance? 11. What are its TLW identify the four main factors that affect the development of personality. TLFW explain how isolation in childhood affects development. TLW explain how a person’s sense of self emerges. TLW identify and describe the theories that have been put forth to explain the process of socialization. TLW identify the most important agents of socialization in the United States. TLW explain why family and education are important social institutions. TLW explain how adolescence developed as a distinct stage of the cycle in the United States. TLW identify the five general characteristics of adolescence. TLW summarize how dating developed as a form of social interaction. TLW describe the functions that dating fulfills. TLW identify some of the social problems facing contemporary teenagers. TLW trace the causes and consequences of these problems. TLW summarize Daniel Levinson’s theory of adult male development. TLW identify and describe the stages of adult female development. TLW describe how the nature of work in the United States has changed. TLW explain how the composition of the labor force in the United States has changed. TLW described the characteristics of life during late adulthood. TLW identify the new challenges that older Americans face. TLW explain the nature and social functions of deviance. TLW compare the theories that have been proposed to explain deviance. TLW identify the principal types of crime in the United States. TLW explain the characteristics of the American criminal justice system. between label theory and other theories of deviance TLW identify the five characteristics of crime by category and type. TLW explain the purposes of the corrections systems for adults and juveniles. social functions? 12. How can we apply sociological perspectives to our understanding of social deviance? 13. Why is crime defined as being at the limit of social norms? EU4: Students will Assessment Connections Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s) and Other Evidence: Formative Class participation Summative Chapter 5 test Check for understanding questions. Chapter 6 test Review games for chapter tests. Graphic organizers Unit project Entrance and exit cards Case study Chapter review worksheets Chapter prompts Do Nows Chapter 7 test Chapter 8 test Posters project Students presentations Stage 3 – Learning Plan Learning Activities Monday. 11/18/2013 TLW write a brief summary about the contents of this chapter. Define the following terms: Adolescence, puberty, anticipatory socialization, Discuss the five characteristics of adolescence. Tuesday 11/19/2013 Students will write 1 page paper on issue they/teenagers are facing today. Discuss with Class. Wednesday Discussion on Students will watch video excerpts on movie Mean Girls. Complete questions on movie. Challenges teenager experiences in today world. 11/20/13 Thursday 11/21/13 Friday 11/22/13 SAME AS WEDNESDAY Provide graphic organizer for compare and contrast of adolescent and teen characteristics