Common Core and Physical Education

Common Core and Physical
Brian Fisher, Ed.S., Shelby County
To begin… Learning Objectives
• TLW… understand basic concepts that are
involved with Common Core State Standards
• TLW… know foundational anchor standards for
English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math CCSS
• TLW… examine some practical techniques for
instituting CCSS in physical education (PE)
• TLW… experience less stress when saying the
words “Common Core State Standards”
Entry Ticket
Math (a + b = c)
• Number of years you have taught (a)
• Number of years until retirement (b)
• What will be the total number of years
teaching when you retire? (c)
• Write an equation with actual number
representations and total years.
Entry Ticket
Math (a + b = c)
Number of years you have taught (a)
Number of years until retirement (b)
What will be the total number of years teaching when you retire? (c)
Write an equation with actual number representations and total
My equation…
8 + 27 = 35
Entry Ticket
Math (a x b = c)
• Number of points needed to win (by two) a
regular badminton game-rally scoring (a)
• Number of games needed to win a match (b)
• Write an equation using the numbers
Entry Ticket
Math (a x b = c)
• Number of points needed to win (by two) a regular badminton
game-rally scoring (a)
• Number of games needed to win a match (b)
• Write an equation to determine the lowest amount of points
possible in a badminton match
The correct equation…
21 x 2 = 42
Let’s Talk about the Common Core…
• What’s good about it?
– Common standards across US; college readiness
• What’s not-so-good about it?
– Common standards across US; another change
• How does it impact the child?
– Simplifies learning; deepens learning (critical thinking)
• How does it impact PE?
– Very little
– PE teachers need help understanding how to implement the
• How does it impact schools?
– TN is required to meet the standards-Race to the Top
– New high stakes tests-PARCC
• How does it impact me?
– We all need to help
– Education is best accomplished using a “TEAM” approach
History of Common Core
1980s- “A Nation at Risk”; Outcomes-based education
1990s- “Goals 2000”; Standards-based education
2001- NCLB
2004- American Diploma Project’s report “Ready or
Not: Creating a High School Diploma that Counts”;
Common Core begins
• 2008- Common Core State Standards launched by
National Governors Assoc. & Chief State School
• 2014-15: CC must be fully implemented
Common Core Defined
• Nation-wide agreement on what should be
• Clear expectations
• College-readiness is at the “core”
• Basic skills-math, reading, & writing
• Has taken the multiple SPIs and collapsed
them into fewer CCSSs
• Critical thinking & problem solving skills
A BIG Obstacle
• “I don’t have enough time…”
– Start with just one day per week for CCSS
– Eliminate “un-active” time during class
– “What did we LEARN today?” Rather than “DO”
– Use “oral writing” strategies; document this in
your lesson plan for teaching evaluation!
Peer feedback
“Tell me a story about that…”
Closure statements
Group Paragraphs- Intro sentence, supporting
sentence, ending or transitional sentence
Other Problems…
• Unclear about the CCSS content
– Grade level content of math/ELA
– Understanding this content
• Unclear about PE content
– First of all--- Do you KNOW your PE Standards?
Math CCSS-Kindergarten
• Counting and Cardinality (# of elements in a set; reps in a set)
– Know number names & the count sequence
– Count to tell the number of objects
– Compare numbers
• Operations & Algebraic Thinking
– Understand addition as putting together & adding to, and understand
subtraction as taking apart & taking from
• Number & Operations in Base Ten
– Work w/ numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value
• Measurement & Data
– Describe & compare measurable attributes
– Classify objects & count the number of objects in each category
• Geometry
– Identity & describe shapes
– Analyze, compare, create, & compose shapes
Counting and Cardinality for Kindergarten
(# of elements in a set; i.e., reps in a set)
• Know number names & the count sequence
• Count to tell the number of objects
• Compare numbers
Give each child a balloon using different colors
Ask the group to tap the balloon up in the air while performing locomotor skills (walking
forward/back; sliding; galloping, etc.)
When I say “GO”– Get together with your other friends who have the same color
balloon as your balloon. Ready? GO!
Once balloon color groups are together, ask each group to count the number of balloons
in their group, or their “set” out loud with their group at the same time.
Ask questions, such as: “Which set has the most balloons? The least?”
Write the number of each color on a white board (if you have one…)
Have each set use their number of balloons as the number of exercises they need to do
(e.g., crunches, push ups, laps, etc.)
Math CCSS-3rd Grade
Operations & Algebraic Thinking
Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division
Understand properties of multiplication & the relationship between multiplication & division
Multiply and divide within 100
Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic
Number & Operations in Base Ten
– Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic
Number & Operations-Fractions (limited to fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, 8)
– Develop understanding of fractions as numbers
Measurement & Data
– Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes,
and masses of objects
Represent and interpret data
– Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to
– Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish
between linear and area measures
– Reason with shapes and their attributes
Measurement & Data for 3rd Grade
Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes,
and masses of objects
Represent and interpret data
Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication
and to addition
Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and
distinguish between linear and area measures
With a partner, count the number of steps taken in 50 feet (measure off with cones marking)
Estimate how many steps you will take when walking around the track (440 feet)
Walk alone and count to yourself silently how many steps it actually takes
What is the difference between your estimate and the actual amount?
Is it greater than or less than your estimate?
Get into a group of 4- find your group’s step average
Use your group’s data to configure a bar chart
Math CCSS-7th Grade
Ratios & Proportional Relationships
– Analyze proportional relationships & use them to solve real-world & mathematical
The Number System
– Apply & extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract,
multiply, & divide rational numbers
Expressions & Equations
– Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions
– Solve real-life & mathematical problems using numerical & algebraic expressions &
– Draw, construct, & describe geometrical figures & describe the relationships between them
– Solve real-life & mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, &
Statistics & Probability
– Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population
– Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations
– Investigate chance processes & develop, use, & evaluate probability models
Ratios & Proportional Relationships for 7th Grade
Analyze proportional relationships & use them to solve real-world & mathematical
With a partner, pick a favorite baseball team (i.e., St. Louis Cardinals, Memphis Redbirds, etc.)
Weekly (pick a specific day to be Math Day)– co-managers work together to calculate team statistics,
e.g., batting averages from individual batting averages; team ERA from pitchers’ ERAs; etc.
Calculate these averages into fractions
Can use charts that illustrate the team’s statistics.
Use baseball cards to help guide lesson. Give co-managers a “team” of 4 cards; calculate a team
batting average for all 4 players… and use your imagination.
Some sample questions to ask:
What is the range, median, mode for batting averages and pitching ERAs?
How do the scores differ from last week? Why?
Hitting for the Cycle
When a baseball player hits for the cycle, he
gets a single, double, triple, and a homerun
in one game. The distance between each
base is 90 feet.
– How far would the player run if he hit for the
CC is Integrating
Start out simple…
• Vocabulary words for each grade
– When doing “cal,” spell out words instead of
counting off
• Math concepts for each grade
– When doing “cal,” count off by 5’s instead of
counting by ones
• Use charts to compare classes
– Number of free throws made or positive remarks
in their log books
Use Entrance Messages
My special message to you– ask your principal for a
PowerPoint Projector in your gym
Use Pictures to Spark a Discussion
American swimmer Michael Phelps out-touches Serbian swimmer Milorad
Cavic by 0.01 seconds at the finish of the 100-meter butterfly final. It was
the seventh of Phelps' record eight gold medals during the 2008 Olympics.
Tell me what’s happening?
Tell me what’s happening?
Tell me what’s happening?
Other ideas…
Flag Football- Create a play book
Dances- Historical background for each
Food Labels- lots of math here
Fitness Plans- math and ELA
• Which words should be taught
– Essential to understanding text
– Likely to appear in future reading
• Which type should we give time/attention
– More abstract words (as opposed to concrete)• Persist vs. Checkpoint
• Notices vs. Accident
– Words which are part of semantic word family• Secure, securely, security, secured
Academic Vocabulary and CCSS
• Tier I
– Words from oral conversation
– Basic, simple, concrete words
• Walk, said, car, dog, muscle
• Tier II
– General academic vocabulary
– More abstract than Tier I
– Largely stem from written sources
• Saunter, boasted, vehicle, tricep
• Tier III
– Discipline and domain words
– Acquired when studying specific subject matter
• Photosynthesis, carburetor, cerebellum
• Activity… and PPTs
Tier Vocabulary Example
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Start with with Tier 1 words and integrate the next levels as you
move through your lesson.
Your turn!
Come up with a PE activity for…
• 3rd Grade
– CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.3.4a: Read grade-level text
with purpose and understanding.
• 6th Grade
– CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1 Write arguments to
support claims with clear reasons and relevant
• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1a: Introduce claim(s) and
organize the reasons and evidence clearly.
Learning Objectives- Closure
• TLW… understand basic concepts that are
involved with Common Core State Standards
• TLW… know foundational anchor standards for
English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math CCSS
• TLW… examine some practical techniques for
instituting CCSS in physical education (PE)
• TLW… experience less stress when saying the
words “Common Core State Standards”
Common Core Web Sites
• Any comments?
• Any ideas of how to make this transition a smoother
• Any questions? (SCS Health/PE web site)