RTI Profile Debrief 3-24-11 - Santa Clara County Office of Education

RSDSS Region V Meeting
March 24, 2011
RTI Profile Debrief
Administrator Participants
San Benito County
 Cindy Cordova, Principal, Maze Middle School, 6-8, Hollister Elementary School District
 Aggie Obeso-Bradley, Principal, R. O. Hardin Elementary, K-5, Hollister Elementary School
 Elaine Klauer, Assistant Principal, Spring Grove School, K-8, North County Joint Union
School District
Monterey County
 Judith Peterson, Principal, Washington Middle School, 7-8, Salinas Union HS District
 Francisco Huerta, Principal, El Sausal Middle School, 7-8, Salinas Union HS District
Santa Clara County
 Erik Burmeister, Principal, Union Middle School, 6-8, Union School District
 Robin Jones, Noddin Elementary School, K-5, Union School District
Santa Cruz County
 Michelle Stewart, Principal, Vine Hill School, K-5, Scotts Valley Unified School District
 Kris Munrow, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Santa Cruz City Schools
Administrator Sharing Protocol
Each administrator has approximately 10 minutes to describe how the RTI Profile was used with
the school. Suggested talking points include:
 Provide a 2-sentence description of your site – number of students, demographics, focus, etc
 Provide a brief description of how you used the RTI Profile
o With whom was it used?
o How long did it take?
o What procedure did you use?
o How did you use the information?
 Share your reactions to the RTI Profile –
o Utility – Was it easy to use? Is the format easy to follow? What was helpful? What
got in your way?
o Usefulness – Did it ask the right questions? Was the information you got useful to
you? Were the findings “actionable”? Do you need support to use the RTI Profile or
act on the findings?
 Share interpretations, ideas, and recommendations –
o Based on your experience, how would you recommend the RTI Profile be used in the
o Are there changes you would make in the RTI Profile?
Focused Conversation Debrief
 Descriptions – What did we hear?
 Reactions – What are our initial reactions?
 Interpretation and Ideas – Knowing this, what actions might we take and why?
 Next Steps – What specific actions will we take as a region? In each county?
Elaine Klauer, Assistant Principal, Spring Grove School, K-8, North County Joint Union
School District
 Provide a 2-sentence description of your site – High EL, Many students not making it. Didn’t
have any of the components. Focusing on high quality first instruction. Now doing Tier 1, 2,
and 3 (at one grade level).
Provide a brief description of how you used the RTI Profile
o Started with school psychologist. Discussing it for about 2 hours. Chose #1 and #3 to
begin with. Liz asked lots of pushing questions – what does that look like? How do
you know that’s happening?
o How did you use the information? Now know that they have to do more walk
throughs. Discussed in staff meetings to jumpstart the staff. Pushed them to do a
Tier 3 after doing the assessment component (#3) using Language! Had a dialogue
about whether Tier 3 is Lg! or is it SpEd. Pushed them to reexamine the assessment
system – was it all necessary? Doing an assessment profile to see if they are
Share your reactions to the RTI Profile –
o Utility – Helpful to have the stages of implementation.
o Usefulness – Helpful to have Liz asking questions because she knows the district.
Cindy Cordova, Principal, Maze Middle School, 6-8, Hollister Elementary School District
 Provide a 2-sentence description of your site - 600 students, 65% His, 30% EL, 70% SED.
Next year will be a 7-8 for budget reasons so they’ll be restructuring. Went to Union MS in
Santa Clara County. A springboard for change. Shared with staff the background on RtI as
they knew very little. Looking to create a systematized approach to address the needs of all
 Provide a brief description of how you used the RTI Profile
o Used the profile to create the PPT for staff. The staff who visited Union shared what
they had learned. Next step will be to do the Tier 1 on the Profile with the LT to
guide them in preparing for the next year.
Aggie Obeso-Bradley, Principal, R. O. Hardin Elementary, K-5, Hollister Elementary School
Provide a 2-sentence description of your site – 62% EL, 90% SED, 650 students, QEIA schools, QEIA
SIG funds, going K-6 next year. See Profile for details
 Provide a brief description of how you used the RTI Profile
o With whom was it used? Used Component 1 with principal with Liz.
o How did you use the information? Next step will be to use these with the full staff.
 Share your reactions to the RTI Profile –
o Utility – Needed to chunk it. Overwhelming with so many questions.
o Are there changes you would make in the RTI Profile? Prefers the APS Minimally –
Fully ratings.
Santa Cruz COE
 Approach: as an assessment to get a global view across the components or Tiers
Santa Cruz: looked at it by component what are we doing, what that looks like and what the
next steps would be.
Michelle Stewart, Principal, Vine Hill School, K-5, Scotts Valley Unified School District
Provide a 2-sentence description of your site –Started Walk to Learn several years ago. That led to
RtI for the school. Small district with 2 Elem, 4% EL, 10% SED. Started with one grade level and
now have 3. Santa Clara COE did overview of RtI and the Profile.
 Provide a brief description of how you used the RTI Profile
o With whom was it used? Two elementary schools in groups, x school and x grade.
o How long did it take? Previous PD explaining the descriptors. Several hours to do
the rotation.
o What procedure did you use? Brainstorm of what was already happening relative to
the 10 components. Rotate around each of the components
o How did you use the information? Will see if any progress has been. Use the actual
Profile and look at stage of implementation. Typed up and then used to make
 Share your reactions to the RTI Profile –
o Utility – Time to go back and do the actual Profile and refer back to the posters.
Kris Munrow, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Santa Cruz City Schools
Provide a 2-sentence description of your site – (SCCS) Santa Cruz City Schools used the RTI
Profile with all 10 of our school sites. We are using it this year with site leadership to
conduct a self assessment of what we have in place in our schools and where what initial
steps need to be taken at each site to move forward. SCCS serves 7,000 students. Our most
significant subgroups are Hispanic students, Socio-economically disadvantaged students,
and English Learners.
Provide a brief description of how you used the RTI Profile
o With whom was it used? Site administrators in our four elementary schools, two
middle schools, three comprehensive high schools and our alternative schools
How long did it take? We’ve been working on a section of the profile each month at
our leadership team meetings. School leaders take the document back and work on
their self assessment between meetings.
o What procedure did you use? We’ve been giving a brief power point explaining each
portion of the pyramid and then having leaders consider what they have in their
schools now and what might be next steps. We ended up adding to the behavior
side and renamed it school climate. We added the 40 Assets model to the climate
portion of the period.
Share your reactions to the RTI Profile –
Utility – The utility was better for some sites than others. Schools that have little in
place for Tier 1 felt overwhelmed by the material.
o Usefulness – The information has been useful. It has been a great springboard for
considering our next steps.
Share interpretations, ideas, and recommendations –
Based on your experience, how would you recommend the RTI Profile be used in the
future? Yes, I recommend using it as a tool.
Are there changes you would make in the RTI Profile? We recommend looking at
school climate and not just behavior on the right side of the pyramid. The 40 Assets
material was good for this. (Project Cornerstone)
Monterey COE
Monterey County (As reported by Jordan)
 Judith Peterson, Principal, Washington Middle School, 7-8, Salinas Union HS District
 Francisco Huerta, Principal, El Sausal Middle School, 7-8, Salinas Union HS District
Provide a 2-sentence description of your site – number of students, demographics, focus, etc
Washington and El Sausal are both high EL, SED, Hispanic.
 Provide a brief description of how you used the RTI Profile
o With whom was it used? Have a weekly Systematic Intervention Committee to
review effectiveness of programs. Used with committee and then shared with the
full staff.
o What procedure did you use? These are the quality criteria against which our
programs are compared.
o How did you use the information? Component 1 shaped implementation of GRR,
shifted programs based on analysis
 Share interpretations, ideas, and recommendations –
o Helped them assess programs in place to see whether they are working. Assess
Santa Clara COE
Looking for schools that could be models for specific components. Looking at the stages of
implementation for each of the components.
 Erik Burmeister, Principal, Union Middle School, 6-8, Union School District
 Robin Jones, Noddin Elementary School, K-5, Union School District
Provide a 2-sentence description of your site – Union has a higher percentage of SpEd than EL.
Recognized as RtI visitation schools. Working with outside consultants on RtI systems (Cara Bergen
– EXCEL; WestEd)
 Provide a brief description of how you used the RTI Profile
o With whom was it used? Ran the choices by the LT. LT used the criteria for these
three components in the SPSA. Reps from the LT take it to grade levels/Department.
o How long did it take? A continual conversation. Have 90 minute GL meetings
o What procedure did you use? Chose 3 components – chose one they were doing
well, (High quality instruction), chose one they wanted to leverage because they
were getting push back (data systems), chose one that they needed to start (high
expectations). What does this look like and what evidence do we have? After grade
levels/departments determine level of implementation, then it comes back to the LT
to summarize, look at trends and patterns, and determine actions schoolwide.
o How did you use the information? Used the criteria in components.
 Share your reactions to the RTI Profile –
Utility – Lisa had to push to include documentation. Didn’t find it overwhelming.
Liked the focus statements to refocus their work and conversations.
Focused Conversation Debrief
Descriptions – What did we hear?
 Useful tool. It was helpful with positive benefits
 It isn’t a one shot deal. Needs to be implemented over time.
 We had different ways of using the profile: rating, not-rating, APS style, Fixsen style
 Some used it with a principal, some with LT, some with full staff, some at districtwide
 Some used it for what is and then next steps
 Used to feed the action steps in SPSA
 Not a menu – must use all eventually
 Sites are in different places
 Some used only 1 component, 3 components or whole tool
 Lots of energy in the conversation when using the tool. Building synergy at the site
 Heard Ahas!
 Using different language: rubric/profile, elements/criteria/components
 Heard great ideas to take back and implement the profile.
 Site administrators would like direction on protocols for using the profile depending on the
desired outcomes.
Reactions – What are our initial reactions?
 Encouraged that there was the ability to use it in different settings and for different reasons
 Encouraged that it generated dynamic and focused conversations
 Excitement for the potential balanced with the concern that I don’t take on too much
 Encouraged that principals have discovered in ways to implement the profile and make it
 Some trepidation in how we make this part of an ongoing conversation on implementation
of RtI. Do we freely hand this out? Do we just email it or do we require that they engage as a
 If I had this 2 years ago, my program would look different today.
 This clarifies a lot!
Interpretation and Ideas – Knowing this, what actions might we take and why?
 Look at different ways to roll this out based on context and desired outcome
 Helpful to have different ways it was rolled out
 Roundtables with implementers
 Norming our language.
 Our elevator speech.
 Bringing groups back repeatedly during the process as well as going out to sites.
Administrators academy
 Design process for different groups of districts or sites
 Lens for EL, high SpEd, AA boys
 This is the picture. This is the work. It isn’t one more thing. All initiatives, programs, etc are
in there. RtI is the system of meeting the needs of all students both academically and
 What do we know? What does it mean? Is it effective?
Next Steps – What specific actions will we take as a region? In each county?
As a region, we need to refine or calibrate on our language.
Consider the role of different “ratings” APS-style and Implementation-style
Develop protocols for use