Ancient Greece topic * Autumn term

Levelled outcomes
Curricular subject and
History 4a find out about
the events, people and
changes studied from an
appropriate range of sources
of information
1a place events, people and
changes into correct periods
of time
3 To recognise that the past
is represented and
interpreted in different ways
and to give reasons for this
PE 1. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. consolidate their existing
skills and gain new ones
b. perform actions and skills
with more consistent control
and quality.
Art Record and explore ideas
and collect visual or other
information for their work.
 how the middle ages
relates to other
historical periods and
to the chronology of
 about how people
lived in medieval
Design a front cover for the topic, thinking about what other worlds could mean
and add these images around the edges of a middle image based on the middle
ages. Look at different timelines from the middle ages period, discussing their
content, purpose and who they are aimed at. How do we know this? (photocopy
different timelines from the different books)
Learn steps for a
medieval dance
Watch some video clips of people doing medieval dancing and exploring what
dances we think have come from these times. Think about who would have done
this kind of dancing and when. Explore some movements by ourselves to the
music of green sleeves. Share our ideas with each other.
L2 I explore and repeat dance
L3 I explore a variety of
L4 I explore how movements
can be used to create mood.
Draw in response to a
given theme
L2 my artwork shows my ideas.
L3 I communicate my ideas and
L4 to develop my ideas I use
lots of methods to explore.
History 2a characteristic
features of period and
society studied
4a find out about the events,
people and changes studied
from an appropriate range of
sources of information
 how the middle ages
relates to other
historical periods and
to the chronology of
about how people lived
in medieval times
To revise
knowledge of
games originated
from middle ages
Explore pictures and stories of mythical dragons from the middle ages and the
myths that go with them. What stories do they know? Practice sketching skills by
just doing different elements of a dragon, teaching them how to start with a basic
shape and then elaborate it eg. Triangle for spread wings, sausage shapes for legs
etc. look at shading and shaping.
Look at why was happening with royalty and crusades at the time, payment of
taxes etc. explore the feudal system that was left behind by the Normans and what
this meant for the rich and the poor. Why was Robin Hood around at this time?
(have sheets to support the feudal system)
Learning how to play games that originated in medieval times. In small groups
play blind man’s bluff, follow my leader and skipping using a chant too (if we
have large skipping ropes). Discuss which game they liked best and why, which
was easiest to play etc. See horrible histories bk p102
L2 I say what has gone well and
L3 I discuss how my work is
similar to and different from
L4 I compare and comment on
the skills, techniques and ideas
used in my work and in others.
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
Crosscurricular links
Literacy discussion
History 5a recall, select and
organise historical
5b use dates and historical
vocabulary to describe the
periods studied
4a find out about the events,
people and changes studied
from an appropriate range of
sources of information
 About how people
lived in medieval
 to use pictures of
artefacts to find out
about a particular
aspect of life in
middle ages
PE 1. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. consolidate their existing
skills and gain new ones
b. perform actions and skills
with more consistent control
and quality.
Learn steps for a
medieval dance
Art Record and explore ideas
and collect visual or other
information for their work.
Comment on differences and
similarities in their own and
others’ work and adapt and
improve their own.
History 5a recall, select and
organise historical
5b use dates and historical
vocabulary to describe the
periods studied
4a find out about the events,
people and changes studied
from an appropriate range of
sources of information
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
Literacy Persuasive
Look at the homes of the rich from the middle ages, mainly castles. Using a sheet
showing the different rooms, the children need to write a description of the place
like the tv version of horrible histories ‘cribs’. In groups create large castle walls
for the class display. Design a coat of arms for their names. (look in see inside
middle ages book for castle picture)
Working in pairs, teach the children some basic steps that could be used in a
medieval dance. Think about posture and expression. Put some of the moves
together to create a short dance that can be repeated.
Draw in response to a
given theme
Look again at different pictures of dragons from different angles for the children
to have a go at sketching their own dragon, putting together their shapes from last
week. Sharing their work with each other, making constructive comments on how
to improve their work.
About how people lived
in medieval times
to use pictures of
artefacts to find out
about a particular aspect
of life in middle ages
Look at the homes of the poor, how they were made etc. Make an estate agent
card for a medieval poor property for sale, selling the advantages to its position
eg. Inside the castle walls. (good picture in the see inside middle ages book for
good pictures of poor houses. Also good write up on spare sheet that they could
draw their own diagram to go with the writing)
Develop skills of team
work and tactics needed
for an invasion game
Have a game of camp ball. This was very similar to football except you held the
ball and tried to get it in the opponents’ goal. Play for a short while and look at
why it isn’t a successful game, not enough rules. In small groups invent some
rules that will improve the game and then replay. (split the hall in half and have 2
games happening at the same time) Discuss which games worked well and why.
Share with the class the horrible history fact about this game from HH book p.105
L2 I link two or more actions
together to make a sequence.
L3 I choreograph and then
refine my movements into a
L4 I make complex sequences
that include changes in
L2 I suggest ways to improve
my work.
L3 I describe the work of others,
commenting on the ideas and
purposes that I encounter.
L4 I discuss my own work and
that of others.
Literacy History
Literacy Persuasive
L2 I have developed some
tactics for the game I am
L3 I choose the appropriate
tactics to cause a problem for
the opposition.
L4 I choose the most
appropriate tactics in a game.
History 4b ask and answer
questions, and select and
record information relevant
to the focus of the enquiry
4a find out about the events,
people and changes studied
from an appropriate range of
sources of information
PE 3. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. identify what makes a
performance effective
b. suggest improvements
based on this information.
Art Combine and organise
visual and tactile qualities in
their work. Comment on
differences and similarities
in their own and others’
work and adapt and improve
their own.
History 4b ask and answer
questions, and select and
record information relevant
to the focus of the enquiry
4a find out about the events,
people and changes studied
from an appropriate range of
sources of information
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
History 4b ask and answer
questions, and select and
record information relevant
to the focus of the enquiry
4a find out about the events,
people and changes studied
from an appropriate range of
sources of information
About how people
lived in medieval
times to use
pictures of artefacts
to find out about a
particular aspect of
life in middle ages
Look at the food of the poor, doing a little quiz about what they did or didn’t
have. Explain how the weather really affected what and how often they ate. Create
a shopping list for a poor person. As a class make and taste cabbage soup as stated
in the horrible histories book. Write up the recipe and a short review of how it
Put medieval dance
steps together to
create a dance with
a partner
Welcome to strictly come medieval dancing! Partners are chosen from a hat and
they will need to work with their partner over the next few weeks to perfect a
medieval dance. I will be a different judge each time (need masks for each of the
judges from strictly to do this and add a bit of fun). Practice the moves from last
week with their new partners.
Recreating their dragon drawings on a larger scale to add colour by painting, this
may need a recap on painting techniques with water colours. Look at adding other
media to make them more mythical like glitter, collage materials for texture.
Reviewing their work.
Use paint to add colour
and pattern to design/
About how people
lived in medieval
to use pictures of
artefacts to find out
about a particular
aspect of life in
middle ages
Improve throwing
and aiming skills
About how people lived
in medieval times
to use pictures of
artefacts to find out
about a particular aspect
of life in middle ages
Literacy Instructions
Dt cooking
Maths measuring
L2 I perform my dance actions
with control and co-ordination.
L3 my dance movements are
clear and fluent.
L4 I perform expressively.
L2 I have ideas and make some
choices about what I do.
L3 I adapt and improve my
work when making images.
L4 I think about how I might
adapt and refine my ideas, skills
and methods.
Literacy History
Compare the food of the poor to the rich and how much more they had and how
often. Create a menu for a rich banquet.
Lots of medieval games were based on throwing and aiming, such as hammer
throwing, horseshoe throwing and stool ball (this was aiming balls at a milkmaid
sat on a chair!) Set up the hall with different throwing/aiming games for the class
to rotate around. Bean bags into a hoop (instead of stool ball), throwing hoops at a
target (for horseshoe game), javelins as hammer throwing and they also played
skittles. Discuss what was their favourite and why. Choose people to show their
aiming skills/throwing skills.
Look at the clothes of the rich, what the fashion was, materials used etc and how
they weren’t washed but hung in the closet (toilet). Girls to make hats with
material floating from the top, boys to make crowns with plush material in the top.
L2 I talk about the differences
between my own and others’
L3 I discuss how my work is
similar to and different from
L4 I compare and comment on
the skills, techniques and ideas
used in my work and in others.
PE a. create and perform
dances using a range of
movement patterns,
including those from
different times, places and
b. respond to a range of
stimuli and accompaniment
Art Record and explore ideas
and collect visual or other
information for their work.
Put medieval dance steps
together to create a
dance with a partner
As previous lesson but pairs will learn a few more steps to include in their dance.
Practice and share with the rest of the class and obviously the judge!
L2 I explore and repeat dance
L3 I explore a variety of
L4 I explore how movement can
be used to create a mood.
Use paint to add colour
and pattern to design/
Looking at landscapes from the middle ages eg woodlands and forests. Creating
their own wooded landscape in water colours, keeping the shapes basic and
uncomplicated/blurry. This will be the backdrop for their dragon which they can
cut out and stick onto their landscape.
L2 I show control in the
methods and materials I use in
my work.
L3 I investigate and use the
qualities of materials/methods to
develop my ideas.
L4 I use the qualities of
materials and processes to suit
my aims.
History 4b ask and answer
questions, and select and
record information relevant
to the focus of the enquiry
4a find out about the events,
people and changes studied
from an appropriate range of
sources of information
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
History 5a recall, select and
organise historical
5b use dates and historical
vocabulary to describe the
periods studied
5c communicate their ideas
in a variety of ways - ICT
PE a. create and perform
dances using a range of
movement patterns,
including those from
different times, places and
About how people lived
in medieval times
to use pictures of
artefacts to find out
about a particular aspect
of life in middle ages
What did they think poor clothing was like and why? How would they get
different colours? Get the large material pieces and drapes from resources room,
old brooches, ropes etc and see if in groups they can make a peasant costume for a
fashion show, horrible history style. In groups use small pieces of plain cotton
soaked in squashed fruits to see if they naturally dye eg blackberries.
Improve skills at aiming
and throwing.
Develop team work and
Set up the hall with the same aiming/throwing games as last week. Split the
children into teams like it is a medieval contest. As a class decide how a points
system could be used for each activity. Have a class contest and present a prize to
the winners which in medieval times would have been cakes or kisses!
About how people lived
in medieval times
to use pictures of
artefacts to find out
about a particular aspect
of life in middle ages
Look at the different jobs that were around in the middle ages, discussing whether
the rich or the poor would have that particular job. Children to pick a job from the
hat and have to research what they can about that job to write a job description for
a situations vacant section of a paper.
Put medieval dance steps
together to create a
dance with a partner
As previous lesson, practice and refine steps learnt and adding a step or steps of
their own, padding out the dance so there are less repeats.
L2 I use the terms opponent and
team mate when playing games.
L3 I select and use the most
appropriate skills, actions and
L4 I link skills, techniques and
ideas and apply them accurately
and appropriately.
Literacy persuasive
L2 I choose the best movements
to communicate a mood or
L3 I choreograph and then
refine my movements into
b. respond to a range of
stimuli and accompaniment
L4 I am creative and
imaginative in composing my
own dance.
Art Combine and organise
visual and tactile qualities in
their work.
Translate design into a
3D design.
After a quick practice at making basic shapes with the clay, the children need to
recreate their dragon in clay, 3d. Remind the children about joining techniques
with clay and how to get texture.
History 5a recall, select and
organise historical
5b use dates and historical
vocabulary to describe the
periods studied
5c communicate their ideas
in a variety of ways – ICT
3 To recognise that the past
is represented and
interpreted in different ways
and to give reasons for this
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
History 5a recall, select and
organise historical
About how people lived
in medieval times
to use pictures of
artefacts to find out
about a particular aspect
of life in middle ages
Continuation of the previous lesson. They can include made up facts as well as
real ones to see if others can identify fact from fiction. (use facts from different
sources including horrible histories)
Improve skills at using a
hockey stick
Develop teamwork
Hurling or shinty was a game played that is similar to hockey now. Each child to
have a hockey stick and ball to practice dribbling skills, keeping the ball close to
the stick. In groups the children need to devise a game that will practice this skill
and play it. They need to give feedback and share their ideas with the rest of the
About how people lived
in medieval times
to use pictures of
artefacts to find out
about a particular aspect
of life in middle ages
Put medieval dance steps
together to create a
dance with a partner
Compare what we do in our spare time to what poor people from the middle ages
did. Children to decide how to present their information. Suggest a venn diagram
as there will be things we could still do today.
It’s strictly final week so after one dress rehearsal (they can wear their hats from a
previous history lesson)the pairs need to perform their dance in front of the rest of
the competition and be judged by whichever judge is present. Some may prefer to
do it as group which is fine. Interview the couples after to see what their highlight
of their ‘journey’ was.
L2 I evaluate my own and
others’ dances.
L3 I know that dance can
express a variety of
L4 I discuss the flow and
movement I see in dances.
Use paint to add colour
and pattern to design/
Evaluate their own work
Painting their dragon figures with pva based paint to add shine and other media
such as glitter etc so it sticks to the paint. Reviewing each other’s work. If time
L2 I suggest ways to improve
my work.
L3 I describe the work of
PE a. create and perform
dances using a range of
movement patterns,
including those from
different times, places and
b. respond to a range of
stimuli and accompaniment
Art Combine and organise
visual and tactile qualities in
their work. Comment on
L2 I explore lots of different
materials and methods.
L3 I explore ideas in different
L4 I investigate and develop a
range of practical skills.
literacy persuasive
L2 I use my rolling, hitting and
kicking skills when playing
L3 I keep possession of a ball
with a hockey stick.
L4 I work with my team or
alone to gain possession of the
differences and similarities
in their own and others’
work and adapt and improve
their own.
they could tell an oral story about their dragon.
others-commenting on the ideas
and purposes that I encounter.
L4 I discuss my own work and
that of others.
History 4b ask and answer
questions, and select and
record information relevant
to the focus of the enquiry
4a find out about the events,
people and changes studied
from an appropriate range of
sources of information
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
Geography 1a ask
geographical questions
2a use appropriate
geographical vocabulary
2c use atlases, globes and
maps at a range of scales
3a to identify and describe
what places are like
About how people lived
in medieval times
to use pictures of
artefacts to find out
about a particular aspect
of life in middle ages
Look at how the rich spent their spare time. Write an advert for a rich medieval
entertainment that someone from this century could buy eg like a gift experience
card for a medieval banquet. (use internet for adverts for medieval banquets, there
is one that happens in Nottingham). Plan is to bring this gift card to life at the end
of the topic.
ICT Literacy
Improving skills at using
a hockey stick and
controlling the ball
Building on skills of hockey from last week, look at passing the ball between to
players with a push shot, learning to control the ball and knowing to keep the stick
on the ground. Play mini team games to help practice this skill. At the end of the
lesson practice pushing the ball into a goal area from different distances.
about different types of
environments and
specifically tourist
to use globes and atlases
Thinking about our trip to Sherwood Forest and other tourist attractions/places we
have been to, can we identify where they are? Using google maps to plot tourist
attractions on a world map. Try and make sure the LA’s find at least one for every
continent. Other groups should find more. What do we notice about where they
are? What types of attractions are they? Can they find a mix of man made and
natural beauty? Share our findings with each other.
Music3. Pupils should be taught how
a. analyse and compare sounds
b. explore and explain their own ideas
and feelings about music using
movement, dance, expressive language
and musical vocabulary4. Pupils
should be taught:
a. to listen with attention to detail and
to internalise and recall sounds with
increasing aural memory
b. how the combined musical elements
of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo,
timbre, texture and silence can be
organised within musical structures
[for example, ostinato] and used to
communicate different moods and
To interpret music
through pictures and
Listen to Holtz The Planets, for each planet the children need to draw and write
words to describe how the music depicts the planet. Discuss how the music
illustrates a colour and what type of mood is on the planet eg mars is red and
angry with war. Share our ideas and discuss why we all can have different
opinions and the need for you to be able to support your thoughts. Use music box
resources from staff room.
.L2 I notice how music can be
used to create different moods
and effects and to communicate
L3 I discuss my work and that
of others using appropriate
L4 I compare and evaluate
different kinds of music using
appropriate musical vocabulary.
DT Developing, planning and communicating
ideas1. Pupils should be taught to:a. generate
ideas for products after thinking about who
will use them and what they will be used for,
using information from a number of sources,
including ICT-based sources
to use information sources,
including ICT, to help in their
to develop a clear idea of what
has to be done, planning how to
Thinking about their trip to Sherwood Forest visitor centre, the children need to
think about how they could develop it to create more tourism, making it a more
profitable organisation. In small groups they need to plan a map design of what
L2 I generate ideas based on my
investigations of products.
L3 I recognise that my designs have to
meet a range of different needs and users.
L4 I generate ideas by collecting and using
L2 I use my rolling, hitting and
kicking skills in games.
L3 I keep possession of a ball
with a hockey stick.
L4 I work with my team or
alone to gain possession of the
b. develop ideas and explain them clearly,
putting together a list of what they want their
design to achieve
c. plan what they have to do, suggesting a
sequence of actions and alternatives, if needed
d. communicate design ideas in different ways
as these develop, bearing in mind aesthetic
qualities, and the uses and purposes for which
the product is intended.
use materials, equipment and
processes, and suggesting
alternative methods of making if
the first attempts fail
would bring more tourists.
Geography1a ask geographical
1b collect and record evidence
1e communicate in ways appropriate
to the task and audience
2d use secondary sources of evidence
2f use ICT to help in geographical
3a to identify and describe what places
are like
3c to describe where places are
to use secondary
Looking at the area surrounding the visitor centre in more depth. Using an
enlarged map of the area children need to identify major roads, cities or villages
nearby, facilities, shops, hotels etc and any other tourist attractions, either
manmade or of natural beauty. If possible, use ICT to find information about jobs
in the area, population and tourist figures at the moment.
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
Improving skills at using
a hockey stick and
controlling the ball
In small groups children need to create their own mini practice games for
dribbling with the ball, practising push shots and shooting at a goal. Rotating
round each groups ideas. Working with a partner, practice travelling with a ball in
hockey and passing to a partner whilst travelling, creating a zig zag pattern down
the hall, finishing with a shot on goal.
Geography1a ask geographical
1b collect and record evidence
1e communicate in ways appropriate
to the task and audience
2d use secondary sources of evidence
2f use ICT to help in geographical
3a to identify and describe what places
are like
3c to describe where places are
to use secondary
Discuss what we think developing the visitors centre would do for the nearby
communities/the surrounding area. Taking the information they researched last
week the children need to write a report using the information writing frame. As a
class decide what each section should be about and what it should include.
Music3. Pupils should be taught how
a. analyse and compare sounds
b. explore and explain their own ideas
and feelings about music using
movement, dance, expressive language
and musical vocabulary4. Pupils
should be taught:
a. to listen with attention to detail and
to internalise and recall sounds with
increasing aural memory
b. how the combined musical elements
of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo,
timbre, texture and silence can be
organised within musical structures
[for example, ostinato] and used to
communicate different moods and
DT Pupils should be taught to:a. select
appropriate tools and techniques for
making their product
To interpret music
through pictures and
Listen to some of the stories that someone wrote to go with the music and discuss
why we think the author depicted them in that way. Children take one of the
planets and create a large picture of it using their findings from this and the
previous lesson.
L2 I notice how music can be
used to create different moods
and effects and to communicate
L3 I discuss my work and that
of others using appropriate
L4 I compare and evaluate
different kinds of music using
appropriate musical vocabulary.
how the working characteristics
of materials relate to the ways
materials are used
Children need to start making their plan into a 3d model so that they can show
L2 I use models, pictures and
words to describe my designs.
to use ICT to access
to use ICT to access
L2 I use my rolling, hitting and
kicking skills in games.
L3 I keep possession of a ball
with a hockey stick.
L4 I work with my team or
alone to gain possession of the
how materials can be combined
and mixed in order to create more
useful properties
to join and combine materials and
components accurately in
temporary ways
to investigate a range of materials
investment people. Explain the lessons will conclude in a dragon’s den type
lesson where they will have to pitch their ideas to prospective investors (teachers
and possibly send photos, write ups etc to the centre itself). Show them the artists
impressions from the visitor’s centre and explain how 3d models are used to help
sell ideas. In this lesson they can start with getting the base and the great oak
Geography 1c analyse
evidence and draw
1e use secondary sources of
4a recognise some physical
processes and explain how
these can cause changes in
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
Geography 1c analyse
evidence and draw
1e use secondary sources of
4a recognise some physical
processes and explain how
these can cause changes in
that the effect of tourism
can be significant in a
given area and can be
both good and bad
Having listened to some of the reports from the previous lesson the children need
to discuss what they think would happen for the local area if the visitors centre
was developed on a much bigger scale like we’ve been doing in DT. They need to
come up with a list of pros and cons for developing the area. Discuss what we
have found and add more to it if needed eg. If they need prompting about
environmental issues.
Improving skills at using
a hockey stick and
controlling the ball
Improve skills at team
Spilt the hall up so that the children can play 4 v4 games of hockey. Explain that
in the middle ages they didn’t have rules as such, it was a free for all so in their
groups they need to devise some simple rules as they play to make their game
better. Discuss what rules they’ve decided on and how it has improved their game.
that the effect of tourism
can be significant in a
given area and can be
both good and bad
that varying weather
conditions can have a
significant impact on life
in an area
how the environment
affects the nature of
human activity
In mixed ability groups the children need to take an issue and research it more
depth such as what would happen to traffic if the centre was developed? Are the
roads big enough for large volumes of traffic? The groups could be roads,
transport links eg trains, weather, education, employment, the woodland. They
need to create a balance of arguments for each if possible.
Music3. Pupils should be taught how
a. analyse and compare sounds
b. explore and explain their own ideas
and feelings about music using
movement, dance, expressive language
and musical vocabulary4. Pupils
should be taught:
a. to listen with attention to detail and
to internalise and recall sounds with
increasing aural memory
b. how the combined musical elements
To interpret music
through pictures and
Finishing off their planet from last week, adding colour and detail. Using the story
writing frame children need to write their own myth for how their planet came
into being. They may need more time to finish this. Hoping to tie this in with
radio 2 writing competition, writing a story in 500 words or less.
b. suggest alternative ways of making
their product, if first attempts fail
c. explore the sensory qualities of
materials and how to use materials and
d. measure, mark out, cut and shape a
range of materials, and assemble, join
and combine components and
materials accurately
L3 I use words, labelled
sketches and models to
communicate the details of my
L4 I communicate alternative
ideas, using words, labelled
sketches and models showing
that I am aware of constraints.
L2 I have developed some
tactics for the game I am
L3 I choose the appropriate
tactics to cause a problem for
the opposition
L4 I use a variety of techniques
to pass..
L2 I notice how music can be
used to create different moods
and effects and to communicate
L3 I discuss my work and that
of others using appropriate
. L4 I compare and evaluate
different kinds of music using
of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo,
timbre, texture and silence can be
organised within musical structures
[for example, ostinato] and used to
communicate different moods and
Pupils should be taught to:a. select
appropriate tools and techniques for
making their product
b. suggest alternative ways of making
their product, if first attempts fail
c. explore the sensory qualities of
materials and how to use materials and
d. measure, mark out, cut and shape a
range of materials, and assemble, join
and combine components and
materials accurately
appropriate musical vocabulary.
how the working characteristics
of materials relate to the ways
materials are used
how materials can be combined
Continuing with their 3d models, trying to keep everything at the same scale/in
relation to the size of the oak tree they have built. They need to think carefully
about how they are organising their group to work most efficiently and complete
the most in the time given.
and mixed in order to create more
useful properties
to join and combine materials and
components accurately in
temporary ways
to investigate a range of materials
Geography 1c analyse
evidence and draw
1e use secondary sources of
4a recognise some physical
processes and explain how
these can cause changes in
places 2g decision making
that the effect of tourism
can be significant in a
given area and can be
both good and bad
that varying weather
conditions can have a
significant impact on life
in an area
how the environment
affects the nature of
human activity
Taking into account all we’ve looked at so far the children need to decide if they
are still for developing the site or whether they think it is a bad idea. Share the
plans with them that Nottingham council already have in place incase there are
things they haven’t considered. They need to plan a persuasive letter to the head
of the council, stating their case. Recap the writing frame for persuasive writing.
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
Geography 1c analyse
evidence and draw
1e use secondary sources of
4a recognise some physical
Improving skills at using
a hockey stick and
controlling the ball
Improve skills at team
Have a mini competition with 4v4 teams, so each team can play each other,
gaining 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw. Talk about using space, passing the
ball into a space for your player to run into and collect the ball. What was
different for the winning team? Discuss what makes a good team besides skills.
that the effect of tourism can be
significant in a given area and
can be both good and bad
that varying weather conditions
Children need to write up their persuasive letter to the council. Recap during the
lesson literacy features such as the use of different sentence types and starters.
White gold work. Read through some examples as the lesson progresses to help
those who may need support with ideas.
L2 I select appropriate tools,
techniques and materials
explaining my choices.
L3 I apply my knowledge and
understanding of the nature of
materials to cut shapes and join
them with some accuracy.
|L4 I apply my knowledge and
understanding of materials and
work with them with some
accuracy, paying attention to
quality of finish and function.
L2 I decide on the best position
to be in during a game.
L3 I follow rules in a game
L4 I work with my team or
alone to gain possession of the
processes and explain how
these can cause changes in
places 2g decision making
can have a significant impact on
life in an area
how the environment affects the
nature of human activity
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
DT Pupils should be taught to:a. select
appropriate tools and techniques for
making their product
b. suggest alternative ways of making
their product, if first attempts fail
c. explore the sensory qualities of
materials and how to use materials and
d. measure, mark out, cut and shape a
range of materials, and assemble, join
and combine components and
materials accurately
To revise
knowledge of
games originated
from middle ages
how the working characteristics
of materials relate to the ways
materials are used
how materials can be combined
and mixed in order to create more
useful properties
Recap some of the games we learnt last half term in preparation for our banquet at
the end of term. Set up lots of different games for the children to rotate around.
See if they can remember the chants too to go with the skipping.
L2 I say what has gone well and
L3 I work and behave safely.
L4 I compare and comment on
the skills, techniques and ideas
used in my work and in others.
Finishing off their 3d models, including labels and small write ups for each
section they have included. They will need to think about whether their will be a
one off charge for the park like alton towers works or will things be individually
priced. Have they covered all ages? Entertainment? Food? Seating? Etc what do
they think they should charge? What effect/impact will it have on the
L2 I recognise what I have done
well and suggest things I could
do better in the future.
L3 I identify some
improvements I could make to
the processes I use and the
products I make.
L4 I reflect on my designs as
they develop, drawing on
previous experience.
to join and combine materials and
components accurately in
temporary ways
to investigate a range of materials
Geography 1c analyse
evidence and draw
1e use secondary sources of
4a recognise some physical
processes and explain how
these can cause changes in
places 2g decision making
PE 7. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. play and make up smallsided and modified
competitive net,
striking/fielding and
invasion games
that the effect of tourism
can be significant in a
given area and can be
both good and bad
that varying weather
conditions can have a
significant impact on life
in an area
how the environment
affects the nature of
human activity
Improving skills at using
a hockey stick and
controlling the ball
Improve skills at team
Split the children into for and against groups and ask them to prepare a
presentation to put to the mayor (teacher) to persuade him at the town meeting
Discuss the need to not only prepare their arguments but also to consider their
opponents and prepare come-backs for each of the opponents possible arguments
Working with 4s the children will explore the need for marking players and how
it can block your opponent from getting the ball. Play a version of piggy in the
middle where the opposite team has to try and get the ball by successfully
blocking the player they are marking. Apply what they have learnt so far in a 7v7
game. Is there a need for more rules? Eg. Have to pass to at least 3 players before
you can score.
L2 I have developed some
tactics for the game I am
L3 I choose the appropriate
tactics to cause a problem for
the opposition.
L4 I use a variety of techniques
b. use skills and tactics and
apply basic principles
suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to
organise and keep the games
to pass.
Geography 1c analyse
evidence and draw
1e use secondary sources of
4a recognise some physical
processes and explain how
these can cause changes in
places 2g decision making
that the effect of tourism
can be significant in a
given area and can be
both good and bad
that varying weather
conditions can have a
significant impact on life
in an area
how the environment
affects the nature of
human activity
After looking at different advert campaigns and leaflets the children need to
design a poster (LA) a leaflet (AA and HA) to advertise our new visitor’s centre
and the attractions it would have. They need to remember who their target
audience is, where it is, when it is open, how to get there etc
PE a. create and perform
dances using a range of
movement patterns,
including those from
different times, places and
b. respond to a range of
stimuli and accompaniment
DT 3. Pupils should be
taught to:
a. reflect on the progress of
their work as they design and
make, identifying ways they
could improve their products
Put medieval dance steps
together to create a
dance with a partner
Recap the dance steps we learnt last half term, practise and refine our dances
ready for the banquet. The children need to remember the importance of posture
and serious faces with slow elegant moves.
L2 I evaluate my own and
others’ dances.
L3 I know that dance can
express a variety of
L4 I discuss the flow and
movement I see in dances.
to evaluate their
design ideas as these
develop, bearing in
mind the users and the
purposes for which
the product is
intended, and
indicating ways of
improving their ideas
Children pitch their ideas with their models to the dragons, arguing their case for
their development. Perhaps video these pitches as part of a package to send to the
visitors centre. Dragons need to pick a winner and present them with a cheque for
their development.
L2 I use models, pictures and
words to describe my designs.
L3 I use words, labelled
sketches and models to
communicate the details of my
L4 I communicate alternative
ideas, using words, labelled
sketches and models showing
that I am aware of constraints.
Geography 1c analyse
evidence and draw
1e use secondary sources of
4a recognise some physical
processes and explain how
these can cause changes in
places 2g decision making
After looking at different advert campaigns and leaflets the children need to
design a poster (LA) a leaflet (AA and HA) to advertise our new visitor’s centre
and the attractions it would have. They need to remember who their target
audience is, where it is, when it is open, how to get there etc this session will be
for finishing off/improving purposes.
PE 7. Pupils should be taught to:
a. play and make up small-sided and
modified competitive net,
striking/fielding and invasion games
b. use skills and tactics and apply basic
principles suitable for attacking and
c. work with others to organise and
that the effect of tourism
can be significant in a
given area and can be
both good and bad
that varying weather
conditions can have a
significant impact on life
in an area
how the environment
affects the nature of
human activity
Improving skills at using
a hockey stick and
controlling the ball
Improve skills at team
7 v7 hockey competition, each team playing each other, applying all the skills
they have learnt so far. What made the winning team successful this time?
L2 I decide on the best position
to be in during a game. I have
developed some tactics.
L3 I select the most appropriate
skills, actions and ideas.
L4 I use a variety of techniques
keep the games going
to pass.
PLEASE NOTE It is planned that during the last week of term we will have a medieval banquet, probably only the entertainment part. It will probably be the last day of term. The children can
dress up if they want to and will wear the hats they have made. This could incorporate presenting to the dragons and story telling. They could do their medieval dances and could have a turn at
being a jester. Also play the medieval games they learnt last half term.