to the AGM report for 2014-2015.

Oakgrove Integrated College
Board of Governors
Staff 2014/15
Sites & Premises
Trips & Events
Music Dept
Awards & Achievements
Pastoral Care/Discipline
Oakgrove Integrated College
2014 - 2015
I took over as Chair of Oakgrove Integrated College Board of Governors in January this year
when Trevor Lindsay retired. I wish to thank Trevor for all the work he did for the College
as Chair.
I very much enjoyed looking at the 2014-15 achievements and successes of our College in so
many fields. The College exam results continue to improve with GCSE results at 64% and at
44% (5A* – C grades including English and Maths) which, when compared to other similar
schools, show that Oakgrove is achieving in the top 10%. A Level results also show
significant improvement, rising to 47% attaining 3 or more A* - C grades and 92% attaining
2 or more A* - E grades. This places Oakgrove among the top 25% of similar schools.
Perhaps most importantly of all, in terms of Value Added, we have achieved 17% above our
predicted level at GCSE.
As well as academic success, the College has once more demonstrated how it has provided a
good education to all students – seeing potential in every student and encouraging individual
talents and personalities. Staff inspire students to be the best they can be and assist them to
develop skills to help them make their way in society and attributes such as self-confidence,
self-motivation, resilience, kindness, responsibility and industry.
Some highlights:
2014-15 was a particularly interesting year in our STEM subjects – Science, Technology,
Engineering and Maths – especially among our young women students. Students
Megan Duffy and Zoe McGirr won the Irish Aid-Gorta Self Help award at the BT Young
Scientists Exhibition. And subsequently, accompanied by Mrs Gilmore and Ms Molloy, they
visited Ethiopia. Chloe Ho was the only NI student selected for the STEM Summer School at
Cambridge University. Siofa Flynn, Lauryn Moran and Eva O’Connell participated in the
UK National Science and Engineering Finals in Birmingham. And the three winners of a
National Young Scientist Award, Leah Fleming, Aimee McMichael and Sean Straw, will
proceed to next year’s 2016 UK National Science & Engineering Festival in Birmingham.
In Sport Orrin McLaughlin captained the NI Under-12 football team and was declared
“Player of the Tournament” at the international competition in Berlin, Germany. And Chloe
Wilson, in the NI Wrestling Talent Squad, to her previous haul of Irish and UK medals,
added a bronze medal when she represented the UK in Helsinki, Finland.
Educational-Travel this year saw a group of RE students visit Rome accompanied by
Mr Russell and Ms Markham.
Mr Duffy and Ms Furey accompanied 10 students on a skiing trip to Bulgaria with
Hazelwood Integrated College, Belfast, and North Coast Integrated College, Coleraine.
In the Community-Social sphere our Young Philanthropy Initiative selected the Down’s
Syndrome Trust as its local charity and raised over £3,000 for it.
And our Year 13 Health & Social Care students paid their annual visit to Foyle Hospice.
This year they participated in a tree-planting initiative at the Hospice – and later did fundraising on its behalf.
I am particularly glad to see our former students’ involvement in the growing Integrated
Education Alumni Association. Our former students are, of course, our greatest
ambassadors and we take great pride in their achievements both at home and overseas.
2015-16 promises to be another great year for our students and parents. And of course none
of this would be possible without all our College’s excellent and dedicated teachers and
support staff. On behalf of the Board of Governors I thank them most warmly for all their
work – past, present and future. And a particular word of thanks must go to our Principal
Ms Markham, and to her two Vice Principals Mr Donaghy and Mr Harkin.
We on the College Board of Governors are proud of the College’s successes and we look
forward to all the challenges and achievements of the coming year. As Governors we strive
to support the school’s integrated ethos; its Principal and staff; and we work to apply the
College’s resources to best effect, as well as providing financial oversight and long-term
I would to thank all Governors for their service.
Dr Anne Murray
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors is responsible for the management of the school and has met
monthly over the last year. Governors are elected or appointed by various bodies with an
interest in the school. Our Governors for the year 2014 - 2015, with their terms of office in
brackets are:
Foundation Governors appointed by the Foyle Trust for Integrated Education:
Mr T Lindsay (2006 – 2010) (2010-2014) Chairperson
Ms S May 2012 – 2016
Dr A Murray (2013 -2017)
Mrs B Webster (2015-2019)
There are two vacancies
Department of Education Governors appointed by D.E.N.I.:
Mr R Cowan (2009 – 2013) (2013 – 2017)
Mr J Baird (2009 – 2013) (2013 – 2017)
Miss C Malcolm (2015 -2019)
There is one vacancy
Teacher Governors elected by the Staff Council:
Mr D McDonnell (2015-2019)
Ms N McQuaid (2014 – 2018)
Parent Governors:
Mrs M Forester, Vice-Chairperson (2010 - 2014) (2014-2018)
Mrs C Smith (2014 – 2018)
There are two vacancies.
The detail of the school’s business is handled by sub-committees which meet as required and
report back to the full Board of Governors. These sub-committees, with their main
responsibilities are:
Admissions - draws up and implements admissions criteria:
A Murray, B Webster, J Baird.
Appointments - reviews personnel requirements, interviews and selects staff:
J Baird, M Forester, A Murray (Chairperson), B Webster, S May.
Discipline/Pastoral Care - draws up and reviews school behaviour policy:
S May (Chairperson), C Donaghy, M Forester, B Webster, N McQuaid.
Finance and General Purposes - ensures good stewardship of DENI funding, and that
accounts are in order:
J Baird (Chairperson), J Lynch, B Webster, C Smith & A Murray.
J Baird (Chairperson), C Smith, B Webster, A Murray
Child Protection Governor – M Forrester
Staff Attendance – J Baird (Chairperson), A Murray.
The Principal, Ms Markham, attends all sub-committees.
STAFF 2014 - 15
Ms J Markham
Mr J Harkin
Mr C Donaghy
Mrs G Kelly
Mrs L Friel
Ms B Sherrard
Ms P O’Doherty
Mr P O’Kane
Mrs C Gilmore
Ms L Thompson
Mrs N Carolan
Mr J Hall
Mrs J Ballantyne
Mrs R Duncan
Mrs C Cormie
Ms C McKinney
Ms P McCourt
Mr S McDonagh
Mr J Devenny
Miss L Corbett
Mrs L Lynch
Ms J Callan
Mr F McGuigan
Mrs B Pollington
Mrs C Ewing
Mrs T Gillespie
Mrs C O’Neill
Mrs S Quigley
Mrs J A Canning
Mr S Doherty
Mrs J Morris
Mr J O’Neill
Mr C Donaghey
Mr G Duffy
Mrs M Bergin
Mrs O Hegarty
Mrs G McCullagh
Mrs C Fletcher
Mr S Wakeley
Mr D McDonnell
Ms L Devine
Mr N Ticehurst
Mr J Lynch
Mr J Bonnar
Mr J Russell
Mr M Smith
Miss N Hamill
Ms D Furey
Mrs D Harley
Mr P McCann
Mr D Middleton
Mrs J Colvin
Mr S Steger-Hoey
Mrs L McNicholl
Ms F O’Dochartaigh
Mrs L Adams
Mrs B Holmes
Mr J Steen
Ms N McQuaid
Deirdre Grant
Ms N Doherty
Mrs R Gibson
Ms L Porter
Mrs N Cummings
Mrs M McGonagle
Mr P McFadden
Mr C Sandy
Mrs M Molloy
Mrs P Hardeman
Mr S McDaid
Mr D O’Connor
Miss M Killen
Mrs K Boyle
Mrs C McCaul
Mrs L Dellow
Mrs L Spratt
Mrs D Blackman
Mrs E Stevenson
Ms L Hamilton
Ms C Cullen
Mrs M Laverty
Mrs S Carroll
Mrs A Hunter
Mrs E Pegg
Miss B Doherty
Ms C Peoples
Ms V Gallick
Mrs J Graham
Miss S Beadsworth
Mrs S Lyle
Miss L Duffy
Mrs M Hegarty
Mr E O’Kane
Mr D McClintock
Miss C Tierney
Ms S Gamble
Mr M Beattie
Mr J Doherty
Mrs A Harrigan
Mrs E Strawbridge
Mrs J Baird
Mrs P McLaughlin
Mrs R Green
Mrs H Alexander
Mrs D Chambers
Ms C Mansfield
Miss F Sternberger
School Business Manager
Senior Finance Officer
Principal’s PA/Office Manager
Financial Clerical Officer
Receptionist/Clerical Officer
Clerical Officer/Reprographics Technician
Technology Technician
Senior Science Technician
Science Technician
Science Technician
Sites & Premises Coordinator/PE Supervisor
Cook/Catering Supervisor
Catering Assistant
Catering Assistant
Catering Assistant
Catering Assistant
Catering Assistant
Catering Assistant
Catering Assistant
Senior Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Lunch-time Supervisor
Building Supervisor
Assistant Building Supervisor
Library Assistant
Art Technician
I.T. Technician
IT Technician
Senior Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Doherty
Mrs M Moore
Ms K Donaghy
Ms A Blaha
Miss F Brown
Mrs G McKinnney
Miss L Cooke
Mrs C Keaveney
Mrs C McDermott
Mrs F Hawthorne
Mrs H Butcher
Mrs B McGuinness
Mrs J Bonner
Miss N Johnston
Mrs M McGinnity
Miss A Breslin
Miss M Murray
Mrs W Robinson
Ms S McDaid
Miss C Devenny
Mrs M Grieve
Ms S McDaid
Mrs M McGuinness
Mrs M McConnellogue
Mrs E Jamison
Mrs M Peoples
Mrs K Borland
Mrs M McCloskey
Ms C Gilmore
Mr M Watters
Mrs D Cummings
Mr G McCole
Mrs K McGonagle
Mrs S Lynch
Miss M McCann
Mrs C Quigley
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
6th Form Supervisor
6th Form Supervisor
H. E. Technician
2014 -2015
A Murray
D O’Connor
J Markham, Principal
A new Oakgrove sign has been erected at the entrance of Gransha.
Reception floor was relayed with new vinyl flooring and school crest inlaid.
The following internal areas have been painted: First floor Foyle wing, Reception area,
Administration Offices and the Board of Governors Room.
External areas also painted: Front of school and extension arches.
Red brickwork at the back of school has been repointed.
Roof gutters were cleaned out.
Hill entrance to school has had hedges cut and kerb edges scraped to make good. Fencing has
been repaired and treated.
Three external fire doors have been replaced. Assembly Hall, also one near to Sports Hall
and also back stairwell to IT department.
The following services were carried out PAT testing, Lifts, Pumping Station and Fire
Alarm Fire System has also had an upgrade and a service.
Trips and Events
2014 - 2015
Year Group
A warm welcome to all staff and students in the new
academic year
Parents’ Evening
Attended a writing workshop in Waterside Theatre
Visit Belfast Universities
Helped at Mayor’s Tea Dance
Students attended a BTYS workshop
Breakfast Club begins
European Day of Languages was celebrated across the school
Prize Giving
Culture Tech events e.g. Minecraft workshop, Science careers
workshop, video workshops, Ministry of Science
Class councillors from Years 9 and 10 attended an event to
mark Peace One Day
Pascal Vaudequin, NI IFA Development Officer was in school
to speak to GCSE PE and BTEC Sports students
Homework Club begins
Students in Years 11 – 14 took part in ‘The big video
Year 8
Year 11
Year 13
Year 13/14
Year 14
Whole School
Year 14
Year 13
Year 10
Year 9
Whole School
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Whole School
Year 12
Year 13/14
Business Studies pupils organised and ran their events:
Bumper Banter and Laser Tag.
Pupils completed their prefect training
Pupils had a talk from the Teenage Cancer Trust
Pupils attended a STEM event at St Mary’s College
Pupils took part in the Poetry in Motion project
Sixth form debating team performed very well in the NI
regional heat at Queens
Whole School Council elections
Oakgrove’s got Talent took place with 12 brilliant acts
A Year 10 class were part of a project called ‘Integration along
the border’ which links us with St Eunan’s College,
Science visit to Waterside Theatre and W5
Geography Fieldwork in Magilligan
R.E trip to Gurdwara
Geography Fieldwork in Magilligan
Parents’ Evening
School Formal
Whole School Council Elections take place
Year 13/14
Years 11-14
Whole School
Parents’ Evening
Students attended a Road Safety production
196 Operation Christmas Child Boxes collected
Students raised money for NI Chest, Heart and Stroke and NI
Children to Lapland
Two 6th form students represented Oakgrove at the student
parliament event in Belfast
Two projects were successful in being accepted in the BT
Young Scientist competition. Both projects gained ‘highly
commended’. Zoe and Megan’s project ‘Seed harvesting kit for
subsistence farmers in developing countries’ won the
prestigious ‘Irish aid and Gorta self-help Africa’ award
Rachel Coyle (Head Girl) represented Oakgrove in the Schools’
Hidden Talent charity competition
Students performed ‘Much Ado about Nothing’ in the
Shakespeare Schools Festival. They were nominated to go and
perform at the London showcase.
Carol Service
January 2015
Year 9
Year 10
Year 13/14
Whole School
Students took part in the ASH Project
10E participated in a 6 week programme “Heading for Healthy
Students travel to the NI Holocaust Memorial Day in Belfast
Open Evening at Oakgrove for prospective Year 8 students
Christian Unity service
Holocaust Memorial Assemblies
Year 8
Year 8/9/10
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 13
Year 8
Year 10
Year 11
Year 8 Students take part in Dr James’ Magical Science &
Engineering Show at Magee
Key Stage 3 Parents’ Day Meetings
Geography field trip
Derry City Council’s Prejudice: Face On Project
Geography residential
Scottish University presentation
Work Experience
Castle Competition
Pupils involved in ‘Whistle Project’
3 pupils competed in the National Science and Engineering
finals in Birmingham.
Year 12
Whole School
Year 8
Year 9
Year 11
Whole School
Year 14
Year 13
Whole School
Year 8
Year 11
Year 10
Whole school
Interview skills sessions for two days
Events held to mark World Book Day
Integration Week begins and several events are held each day
to encourage students to remember that we are different and are
here to make a difference
Davenant Foundation School came to visit and join in
Integration activities
Pupils represented Oakgrove in the Mock Trial Competition
Pupils attend a ‘Make it digital’ workshop
Pupils attended a ‘Red card to sectarianism’ event
Pupils attended a poetry anthology launch in Belfast
Pupils took part in a Robotics workshop
Pupils attended talks by Aware defeat Depression
Year 9 and 10 pupils attended a hate prevention conference
along with other schools
Oakgrove’s legacy leaders met with Kelly Gallagher as part of
the ‘Get set to make a change’ project
‘Hands for a bridge’ visit from Roosevelt High School, Seattle
Whole School Council members attended workshops organised
by the Youth Forum
Pupils attend a performance of “Bassan” a play about
reconciliation out of conflict in the Middle East – written by an
Israeli and performed by a Palestinian.
Pupils involved in Leadership Training
Primary School STEM event
Pupils travel to W5
Year 11 girls took part in a Nexus talk
HE Students visit Loughery College
Geography Students visit Carrickatane Wind Farm
YPLC came to work with years 8, 9 and 10
Literacy Tests for whole school
FTIE - The Next 25 Years 2015 -2040 hosted at Oakgrove
Summer Fair organised by Parents’ Council
Sports Day
Summer Concert in Lecture Theatre
5 pupils take part in SciFest competition in St Mary’s
Summer School including OIP students
GCSE and A LEVEL results
Sixth Form Open Day
Instrumental Tuition
Large numbers of pupils participated in drum, guitar and Dj-ing lessons with tutors from the
Nerve Centre. Other pupils had lessons on brass, string and woodwind instruments provided
by WELB Music Service. A large number of pupils have also taken part in singing and
keyboard lessons. Pupils have been successful in gaining places in the WELB Youth
Orchestra and Civic Choirs. Many pupils have taken part in City of Culture composition and
performance events.
Talent Show
Junior pupils of all abilities took part in a talent show in October. This was an evening event
well supported by parents. Annie Doherty was the winner.
Soloists performed at Prize Night and Open Night.
The Junior Choir performed at the Carol Service along with some senior soloists.
End of Year Concert
This took place in the Lecture Theatre and showcased the songs Year 11 pupils wrote during
the University Workshops. Senior pupils and staff also performed.
Year 11 pupils took part in a series of workshops with the Ulster University. These
workshops took place between January and May. Pupils showed great commitment staying
every Thursday until 5.30 pm. Pupils also performed their compositions alongside pupils
from Limavady High School and Strabane High School at the Great Hall in Magee.
Miss C Tierney (Library Assistant)
Mrs L Friel (Teacher Librarian)
Oakgrove Integrated College Library aims to provide a central learning resource for the
whole school. The Library is a welcoming facility for all members of the school community.
With excellent views of the grounds and the River Foyle, the Library is wonderfully
positioned to provide the very best in learning resources amidst a backdrop of tranquillity and
tasteful surroundings.
All students in years 8, 9 and 10 have a weekly library lesson. Accelerated Reader is used in
the library to motivate pupils of all ages and abilities to read more and better books.
Accelerated Reader promotes reading for pleasure and encourages pupils to use reading to
With an extensive range of resources for all abilities and subjects, students also have access
to a computerised catalogue. As well as study and reading areas, the library has the following
resources: 9 computer workstations (C2K) with internet access, a colour-laser printer, a
scanner, books (Fiction, Senior Fiction, Non-Fiction, Audio & Reference), magazines and
There is a Library club for the students and this club helps to promote reading in a fun and
creative way. The Library club is a popular daily event that integrates all year groups in a
positive and friendly environment.
Homework club is held in the Library after school from Monday to Thursday. Students have
access to all of the library’s resources with the Library Assistant and Teaching Assistants on
hand to provide support when needed.
Debating, Public Speaking and Leadership
Senior students took part in a series of events including the Soroptomists’ Competition.
Megan Stevenson won the Oakgrove round of the Rotary Young Leadership event.
Whole School Council
The newly elected members of the Whole School Council meet regularly to shape decisions
affecting school life. All of the election processes in school aim to mirror exactly what
happens in the outside world so that students will feel more able to play a part in the
democratic process when they reach the age of 18. Members of the Board of Governors meet
with student representatives from time to time. There are plans to increase the areas of
school life in which students have a say following the increased use of pupil voice by the
Maths Department.
Magistrates’ Mock Trial Competition
Students travelled to Laganside Court and the High Court in Belfast for the competitions in
which competitors played the roles of lawyers, witnesses and court officials. The students
enjoy the experience. Oakgrove have entered both the Junior Magistrates and Senior Mock
Trial events in November and March.
International Visitors
Oakgrove has, once again, hosted a large number of international visitors and students in
school have been involved in meeting these on every occasion. This is an important part of
developing students’ life skills of integration in its widest sense. Oakgrove said ‘Yes’ to
every single such request. Feedback from visitors has always been extremely positive about
the school and the students. Students cite these visits as being very worthwhile.
The Hands For A Bridge group continued to thrive with another group of Oakgrove families
hosting Seattle students and taking part in a range of projects and visits within the local
Peace and other School Links
Contact is maintained between Oakgrove and St Peter’s School Guildford. We have
continued other existing links and established new ones. Oakgrove retained the International
Schools Award. Oakgrove continued projects started when it became the first UK school to
receive the Peace Flag Award.
Carson Bursary
Oakgrove was delighted to receive funding from a Carson Bursary. This enabled students to
engage in projects in which they present creatively their view of what integration means to
them. Emily Blackburn produced a film celebrating the contribution she feels Hands For A
Bridge makes to Integration.
UNICEF- Rights Respecting School Award
This award recognises the commitment of the school community to the values of the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Oakgrove is awaiting assessment for the Level 2
Award following a re-vamp of the programme by UNICEF.
Book Clubs and Book Fair
Oakgrove continued to promote the book clubs, generating free books for the school and
promoting good reading habits. The Book Fair remains an extremely popular event and it
was open to parents to browse with students after school.
Young People Leading Change
Inspired by their experience of Spirit of Enniskillen and the vision of Gordon Wilson, young
people from across N.I. established ‘Young People Leading Change’. The group worked
with Oakgrove Students in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the summer term.
Extra-Curricular Sports Report 2014 - 2015
The Extra-Curricular Programme provides pupils with the opportunity to nurture their
physical, social and mental well-being and enables the acquisition of skills that equip them
better for life. We offer a wide range of sports each week, with something for everyone to
“try” and develop their skills to a higher level or just to meet new friends and have fun.
Students have the opportunity to participate in: Soccer, Rugby, Gaelic, Basketball, Cricket,
Archery, Tennis, Netball, Hockey, Cross Country and Athletics. A huge thank you goes out
to all the staff who gave up their free time to offer our pupils a wide range of sporting
Soccer - Boys
The boys’ U13 and U15 soccer teams competed in the LSFA League at Under 13 and Under
15 level.
U13 Team
Despite some very good performances against Lisneal, St Columb’s and St Patrick’s &
St Brigid’s, Oakgrove came third in the league at Under 13 level.
U15 Team
The U15 League panel below played against Lisneal (won 2-1 at home) / St. Joseph’s (lost 41) / St. Patrick’s & St. Brigid’s Claudy (won 3-2)
Oakgrove were represented in the Northern Ireland Cup competition at Under 12, Under 14,
Under 16 and Under 18 level, playing some very good teams across Northern Ireland.
U12 Team
The Under 12 Team played several matches last year. Performances were good and matches
were decided by the odd goal. The season started with a high scoring friendly against
St Brigid’s College at Leafair. In terrible conditions, the Oakgrove team lashed four goals
home, but the game ended in a draw. The Northern Ireland Cup game resulted in a
disappointing loss, but the team played with great spirit throughout the match. All players can
be commended for their commitment to training throughout the year, and enthusiasm to play
competitive football.
Special mention goes to Orrin McLaughlin who not only represented Northern Ireland at U12
level in a tournament in Berlin, but was captain of the team and player of the tournament.
Congratulations and well done!
U14 Team
The Under 14 team played St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s in their cup competition and competed
really well before being eliminated just before the quarter final stage. They were beaten 3-1
with Rhys McKeever scoring the only goal.
U14 Team: Tom King (Captain), Odhran Gill, Matthew Moran, Aaron Toland, Mark Grant,
Caolan O’Kane, Rhys McKeever , Con McAllister, Aaron Kivelehan, Joe Ball,
Damian Bjacer, Jake Craig, Jack Graham, Jack Meehan, Andrew McGilloway
U16 Team
The U-16 Soccer team were drawn away to Banbridge Academy in the NI Cup. The match
finished 1 -1 at full time with Oran McConnell scoring a stunning equaliser. After extra time
with the score still at 1-1, the match went to penalties. Oakgrove won 4-2 on penalties with
Adam McCready saving 2 penalties to secure the win.
Unfortunately U-16s lost in next round away to Edmund Rice College.
Soccer - Girls
Unfortunately we were unable to attend our major event of the year the NI Seven-a-side
Super League Tournament in June 2015 at Mallusk Playing Fields due to sports day falling
on the same date. The girls had been training hard and were hoping to go one better than last
year’s semi-final defeat.
Team Captain Chloe Boyle – “I am honoured to captain our school team; I feel a real sense of
achievement when I lead our team out in matches and competition. I have enjoyed training
and playing with the younger girls and it has been great seeing them improve and develop
over the last few years.”
FIFA Live Your Goals Road Show
20 of the girl’s football team took part in a Live Your Goals Road show in April 2015. The
Live Your Goals campaign targets and inspires women and girls to play football and stay in
the game. The girls were coached by Northern Ireland Coaches and players; they had a
fantastic afternoon and loved their pink t-shirts!
A special mention goes to Andrea Graydon who is playing for the Derry City Ladies Senior
Team, Derry have had a very successful year winning 4 major competitions. Congratulations
Cross country
The panels listed below competed at the local schools race in Oakgrove. The teams also
competed at the District C Qualifiers in Coleraine and Sean Straw qualified for the Ulster
Schools Finals in Mallusk. The runners had a choice of Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays
to train after school.
YR 8
YR 9
Sophie McAllister
8F (Capt)
Tamika Bradley 8C
Zoeleigh Kivelehan
Chloe Laity 8B
Julia Geslak 8B
Tamzin Palmer 8G
Kirsten McFaul 8B
Muka Mushapho
Molly Heather 8A
Eva Doherty 8A
Paula Canalejo (Capt)
Alejandra Arauz V-C
Cody McKinney
Sophie Heather
Codie McGonigle
Dion Watson
Aimee Hughes
YR 8
Sam Cole 8A (Capt
Auryn Coyle 8F V-
Sean Straw 9C
Yr 10
Ciara Dougan
10B (Capt)
Mary McCann
Con McAllister
10F (Capt)
Cashel Cooper Kelly
Andrea Graydon V-C
Martha Conway 11D
Megan Duffy 11E
Chloe McGowan 11F
Rebecca Crothers
Jessica Halford 11D
Rebecca McDaid 11B
Mairead Dobbins 12A
Kate Farren 12G
Ryan Moran 11C
Joshua Rutherford
Orrin McLaughlin
Jack Simpson 8E
Corey Walsh 8C
Aajon Tench
Shay Twomey
Jamie Killeen
Caleb Sandy
Tiernan Gillen
Conal Murphy 9B
Aaron Rush
Jacob Nixon 9E
Ryan Morton 9G
Thomas Harkin 9E
Tom King 10D (VC)
Connor Quinn 10C
Mark Grant 10F
Jack Meehan 10F
Aaron Kivelehan
Adam Meehan 10e
Reece McKeever
Keaton Stewart 10E
Daniel McDaid 10E
Brandon Brown 11D
Josh Deeney 11E
Harry Dougan
Pablo Quenteiro 11D
Ruairi Curran 11F
Jared Coyle 11C
Daragh Harkin 12F
Sean Devine 12D
Simon O’Hagan 12A
Oran McConnell 12D
Oakgrove Sports Day proved to be the highlight of the year for our athletes. With the allinclusive nature of the event, every pupil got to take part with notable performances from our
top athletes who shone through. Individual events included: 100m, 200m, 800m, shot putt,
javelin (seniors)/cricket ball throw (juniors), long jump and high jump. The team event
included the form classes 4 x 100m relays and proved a fitting finale to an incredible day.
Our students got to try everything and the format also allowed our gifted and talented
students to showcase their abilities in the finals. Our top athletes on the day were:
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Hannah-Lee Kirkpatrick
Baeli Stothard
Ciara Dougan
Rebecca McDaid
Ciaran Drumgoole
Conal Murphy
Andrew McGilloway
Isaac Mutolo
This year, the Cricket Club ran from January through to the end of the summer term with
around 50 members attending each week.
U13 Team
The U13 Cricket team played in the Developing Schools Cricket League. The Under 13 team
warmed up for the season with a challenge match against our U12 team and went on to win
the league with their final match against Fivemiletown College, winning by 7 wickets, played
at Clogher Cricket Club. Notable performances came from Brandon Coyle who top scored
with the bat and bowled extremely well, ably assisted by Euan Leckie, Joshua McClay,
Bradley Blackman, Pearse McGowan and Jack Hamill.
U13 Team: Brandon Coyle, Joshua McClay, Euan Leckie, Sean Straw, Connor Bratton,
Thomas Boyd, Dean McCallion, Corey Walsh, Orrin McLaughlin, Lee Sweeney,
Bradley Blackman, Pearse McGowan, John Barrato
U15 Team
The U15 team were due to compete in the Developing Schools League but unfortunately
teams from other school withdrew which meant the U15 team were left to play friendly
The U15's had two matches last year at Limavady and at home to Castlederg losing to
Limavady but beating Castlederg.
The U14's took part in the Mowbray Shield in May finishing 3rd out of seven teams.
Year 9 Rugby Team
Year 8 Rugby Team
I'd like to welcome Mr. Steen who has offered to help with the rugby teams which will be a
big help for the forthcoming season. D O'Connor
The school Basketball Club trained every Wednesday after school, throughout the year. On
average, approx. 12 – 16 players across the school were regular attenders but anyone could
turn up on the day.
The U-14 side played in a blitz at St Columb’s College. Kevin Moore – Yr 12 acted as team
coach with Mr O’Connor supervising. They came runners-up to a strong St Columb’s side
after victories over St Joseph’s, Foyle College and Claudy.
Ralph Gonzales was voted player of the tournament. Dylan Quinn, Aajon Tench, John
Barrato and Caoimhe Gillespie also played well for the school team.
Gaelic Football
Under 12 Gaelic Football
The Year 8 Gaelic footballers took part in several blitzes against local schools over the
winter. Winter football inevitably means wet pitches but the boys continued showed
determination and developed steadily as a team. The Wednesday afternoon coaching
sessions were well attended. The Year 8 League and County Blitz took place during the
summer term, with the boys performing well in all games.
Under 14 Gaelic Football
The Under14 Gaelic Football team enjoyed a successful year, reaching the final of the Ulster
Bank Post-Primary School Derry Championship. The boys completed the group stages of the
competition in the first term with victories over Sperrin Integrated College and St Joseph’s
College, Dungiven. In their first game against Sperrin a strong midfield display from
Mark Grant and Dillon Quinn laid the foundation for a good win. Scores from Oisin Linehan,
Rhys McKeever, Kealan Dunlop, Trafford Walker, Mark Grant, Matthew Moran and
Adam McGonagle, with strong defending from Seamus Lynch and Jack Meehan saw
Oakgrove win by 5-7 to 1-1.
The boys qualified for the semi-final with a good win over Dungiven. After a slow start,
scores from Adam McGonagle, Mark Grant, Joseph McGonagle and Rhys McKeever gave
Oakgrove a 1-6 to 0-1 lead. Oakgrove began the second half strongly and scores from Oisin
Linehan, Adam Meehan, Kealan Dunlop and Matthew Blair left Oakgrove winning by 2-12
to 0-3.
The semi-final against St Joseph’s,Coleraine was a much tougher match. A physically strong
Coleraine team made Oakgrove work hard to work scoring positions in the first half. This
meant that, although the first half was evenly balanced in term of possession, Oakgrove
trailed by 0-3 to 0-1 at half time. Coleraine stretched their lead early in the second half
before Oakgrove began their comeback. A goal from Oisin Linehan opened their scoring
before Rhys McKeever, Kelan Dunlop and Mark Grant took points to make sure that
Oakgrove reached the Under 14 final for the second time in 3 years.
In the final they faced Sperrin Integrated College, Magherafelt. Sperrin were a much stronger
team than the one faced by Oakgrove earlier in the season. Oakgrove faced a strong wind in
the first half and held Sperrin to a 2 point lead at half time. Entering the last five minutes
Sperrin held a three point lead. A sustained period of pressure from Oakgrove resulted in a
Kelan Dunlop point followed by a Mark Grant goal which brought our boys level for the first
time in the game. With the game entering injury time Sperrin looked to have won it with a
point from a free. However, Oakgrove showed character in working the ball upfield for a
point from Orrin McLaughlin to draw level again. The game was to end in heartbreak as
Sperrin launched one last attack to score a final goal, with the referee blowing for full time on
the kick out.
U16 Team
The Under-16 Gaelic team had a promising side in 2014-15 and notched up a memorable
away victory against Sperrin in the most testing conditions but they fell away in their other
group match, also away, against Coleraine. Scorers for Oakgrove were Michéal Brown,
Ethan Canning, Daragh Kelly, Jack Bonner, Oran McGonagle and Dylan Beattie. Other
notable performers were Oran McConnell, Jordan Boreland and Pablo O’Connor-Pozo who
was captain and player of the season.
Gaelic Football - (Girls)
The Girl’s Gaelic Football team have been training hard since September and are improving
every week. They have played St. Patricks and St Brigid’s Claudy in a friendly. There was an
outstanding performance by team captain Chloe Moore who scored a fantastic goal from a
free. We are hoping to play a few more friendly matches before the end of term. Next year we
hope to enter in the Ulster Schools league and build on all the hard work the girls have been
doing in training.
Team Captain Chloe Moore – “I’ve really enjoyed been Captain of the school team this year.
The role has helped my confidence and leadership skills and has benefited me greatly in my
GCSE PE. I feel that playing Gaelic football in an integrated school is a great way of bringing
everyone together through sport.”
The year 8 Netball team have had a very successful year. The girls trained every Tuesday and
Thursday in large numbers and this hard work has paid off. Competing in the Oakgrove
Integrated Netball Blitz the Year 8 team defeated Claudy, Lisneal, Dungannon Integrated and
Drumragh Integrated winning the cup. Also in the St Columbs Netball Blitz the team played
excellent beating St Columbs, St Patricks, St Marys and St Pauls. There were outstanding
performances this year from Eva Wright, Sreykeo Duncan and Sarah Stevenson but in
general, each girl played really well together showing some great team performances. There
has been a great buzz in training and morale in the club is high and I look forward to
developing this further in 2015/16.
Eva Wright - Year 8 Captain 2014/2015 “Playing for the school team this year has been
great. We have won all our matches beating loads of teams. I love playing Netball and love
the training as it is great craic. I am looking forward to playing Netball again next year.”
Ms Downey started up a Hockey Club this year and the girls trained from October until
February. The girls enjoyed trying out a new sport and learning new skills. A special mention
goes to Rebecca Crothers & Julie Geslak who has since joined Priorians Ladies Hockey Club.
Oakgrove Fit
A fitness club for girls and female staff, Oakgrove Fit members meet every Wednesday after
school where Mrs Fletcher puts them through their paces. Using a variety of core strength and
conditioning exercises combined with flexibility and aerobic workouts the girls have seen
improvements in strength, weight loss and general fitness.
Well done to all the girls who have been training hard since January. Keep up the hard work
and effort.
Under 16 Team
Oakgrove competed this year in the Ulster Post Primary Schools Under 16 Hurling League.
Despite their inexperience at this level the boys were competitive in their games against
Ballymena, Ballymoney and Castlewellan. While scores were at a premium, whole hearted
defence was the order of the day throughout.
Tennis club ran after school every Wednesday with regular numbers attending. The club
moved indoors during the winter months for some indoor tennis, badminton and table-tennis.
Thanks to Mr McCann and Mr McDaid for running the club and coaching every week.
The archery club ran every Tuesday in the sports hall coached by Mr O’Neill.
Oakgrove College – Outstanding Academic results
When compared to results in similar schools (using Benchmark Data supplied by the
Department of Education), Oakgrove College achieves in the top 25% of schools at A’Level,
and in the top 10% of schools at GCSE.
5+ A*-C
5+ A*-C including
English & Maths
Oakgrove College
NI Average*
A’Level results
3+ A*-C
Oakgrove College
NI Average*
(*Average for similar schools)
Receipts & Payments Account
for year ended 31 March 2015
Department of Education Grants
Other Income
Adjustment from previous year
Teaching Staff Costs
Non Teaching Staff
Rent & Rates
Heat, Light & Power
Printing and stationery (office costs)
Telephone and postage
Audit and Accountancy
Administration Costs/Bank charges
Books, stationery and other school requisites
Transport & School Trips
Training Scheme
Examination Fees
Laundry & Contract Cleaners/Site Maint.
Repairs & Renewals
Hire of Equipment
Furniture & Equipment
Cluster ext. schools
DE VAT Funded Expenditure
Curriculum Report 2014– 2015
Teaching For Learning was the school’s central Action Plan for a third year. Following
discussions at HoD Forum and Leadership Team level, changes were made to provision at
Key Stage 4.
Continual work goes on to develop the ICT networks and to increase access of students and
staff to the widest range of networks and resources. This will increase the access to Learning
Resources, Internet, e-mail, and online courses.
There were ongoing developments of ICT tasks by all departments. ICT continues to be
delivered to all Key Stage 3 students across the school. There is an aspiration to have all
students follow an ICT-Linked course at Key Stage 4.
The ICT clubs continue to further enhance pupils’ interest in ICT.
Curriculum Developments
We continue to offer a broad and balanced curriculum across all Key Stages and a wide
variety of subjects at Post 16 level. Occupational Studies Engineering continues to thrive in
Years 11 and 12, offering students vocational opportunities within school. A new project
funded by DEL will see some Year 12 pupils access a NWRC taught course at Oakgrove.
Strategies for Assessment for Learning continue to be refined as the curricular changes are
consolidated. These are among the matters related to teaching and learning regularly
considered by the Heads of Department Forum and featuring in the Teaching For Learning
and Data Action Plans. By the end of the year, these action plans had been reviewed, feeding
into the new 3 year School Development Plan effective 2015-18.
Teaching and Learning
As part of the evaluation of teaching and learning school leaders devised a format for
working with students to evaluate learning. A follow-up to the audit of Key Stage 3 took
place with Vice Principals and HoDs interviewing students in focus groups. This continues
to be developed as part of the Rights Respecting School Award in the years ahead.
Oakgrove continues its involvement in collaborating with other schools in the delivery of the
curriculum. Collaboration means schools working together to share resources and expertise.
Oakgrove remains committed to this opportunity to build cross-community understanding
into this new partnership. Through collaboration, Oakgrove exceeds the Department of
Education requirement of offered and taught courses at GCSE and post – 16 Level.
We are a dedicated group of Parent, Teacher, Foyle Trust and DENI governors who continue
to meet regularly to promote the personal, social and emotional development of Oakgrove
College students. This is achieved primarily through the quality of teaching and learning and
we work hard to support staff in this endeavour. We meet to discuss contemporary issues
such as inclusion, citizenship, whole school approaches, bullying and school discipline.
These meetings translate into our policies and procedures which we have been reviewing to
ensure they take account of the changing needs of our students.
In these difficult times there is always more to be done and this year we will focus on the
attendance, drugs and positive behaviour policies. Topics always on our agenda are the
potential dangers of social media, child sexual exploitation and child protection. We take our
responsibility very seriously and committee members would be happy to meet with
parents/students to discuss any concerns.
Sarah May, Chairperson
A thought from our Head Boy, Gareth Gallagher
Oakgrove College was established in the midst of the recent conflict in Northern Ireland and
has contributed greatly to our now peaceful society and has become a huge asset to our city.
Oakgrove College is a school which encourages all aspects of diversity and educates pupils
accordingly. It is a great pleasure to be elected Head Boy and I look forward to the many
challenges which lie ahead. I see it as an absolute honour to represent the school and I will
earnestly endeavour to act as an ambassador for all that our school stands for in terms of
religious or cultural identity, gender or ability. I look forward to the forthcoming school year
and to working alongside our Head Girl, Rachel Donaghey and Deputy Heads,
Eibhin O’Mianain and Brooke Logan.
A thought from our Head Girl, Rachel Donaghey
Since my first year in Oakgrove, I have witnessed the effective tenure of many Head Girls
and I have considered each of them excellent role models for all of the younger pupils in our
school, therefore, it really is a privilege to be elected Head Girl and it is an honour that I am
very pleased to accept. I am especially looking forward to working alongside our Head Boy,
Gareth and our deputies, Brooke and Ebihin as well as our senior leaders to enhance
everyone’s time and experiences here at Oakgrove over the next year. I intend to act as an
advocate for every student in the school by working closely with our whole school
counsellors to ascertain the issues that arise within our school community. With this
approach we aim to enable each pupil to better their experience during their time here at
Oakgrove and ultimately reach their full potential.