IBS Biology Genetics Practise Questions

IBS Biology
Genetics - Practise Questions.
Meiosis results in a change in chromosomal number as shown by which of the following?
a. 2N to 2N
b. 2N to N
c. N to 2N
d. N to N
e. none of the above
The second meiotic division is essentially mitosis, except that the cells in which this division occurs are
Spermatogenesis occurs during
Both a and b are true.
Neither a nor b is true.
4. Growth occurs during
a. mitosis.
b. meiosis.
Both a and b are true.
d. Neither a nor b is true.
5. Four daughter cells result from
a. mitosis.
b. meiosis.
Both a and b are true.
d. Neither a nor b is true.
6. Reduction division occurs during
a. mitosis.
b. meiosis.
Both a and b are true.
d. Neither a nor b is true.
Two daughter nuclei are formed from each cell during
Which of the following is not made up of nucleic acid?
A single diploid cell is divided into haploid cells in
meiosis only.
mitosis only.
both meiosis and mitosis.
10. Two new diploid (2N) daughter cells are produced
a. in meiosis only.
b. in mitosis only.
c. in both meiosis and mitosis.
11. One duplication of chromosomes followed by two subsequent divisions occurs
a. only in meiosis.
b. only in mitosis.
c. in both meiosis and mitosis.
If the diploid chromosome number is 16, the chromosomal number of each gamete will be
a. 4.
b. 8.
c. 12.
d. 16.
e. 32.
13. One basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that in oogenesis,
a. four functional eggs are produced.
b. only one cell eventually completes meiosis.
c. both sperm and egg are produced.
d. fertilization is required for completion of the process.
e. Both b and d are correct.
14. As a result of meiotic division, the chromosome number is
a. doubled.
b. halved.
c. tripled.
d. quartered.
15. Meiosis differs from mitosis in that
it occurs only in the reproductive organs.
b. the chromosomes are duplicated twice.
c. the resulting cells are polyploid.
d. the chromosome pairs do not separate.
16. The behavior of chromosomes and hereditary factors is similar in which of the following respects?
a. occurrence in pairs
b. recombination at fertilization
c. segregation where the reproductive cells are formed
d. all of the above
17. If a human inherits two X chromosomes the person will be
a. a female.
b. a male.
c. color blind.
d. sterile.
e. sick.
18. Nondisjunction of the sex chromosome in a woman (assume normal meiosis in male) could lead to a child
with the genotype
a. X0.
b. XXX
c. XXY.
d. All of the above are true.
19. Non-homologous chromosomes exchange pieces
a. inversion
b. deletion
c. duplication
d. translocation
e. none of the above
20. Cause of Down syndrome
b. deletion
c. duplication
d. translocation
e. none of the above
21. Turner syndrome
a. X0
c. XYY
d. XXX
e. none of the above
22. Down syndrome
b. XXY
c. XYY
d. XXX
e. none of the above
23. Klinefelter syndrome
a. X0
c. XYY
d. XXX
e. none of the above
24. Characteristics of Down syndrome include
a. a palm crease.
b. mental retardation.
sex chromosome abnormality.
d. Both b and c are true.
e. All of the above are true.
25. During mitosis, in which stage are the chromosomes lined up on the equator?
a. interphase
b. prophase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
26. During which phase of mitosis does the nuclear membrane disappear and the chromosomes become
a. interphase
b. prophase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
27. If the total number of chromosomes in a cell is six, how many chromosomes will there be in each daughter
cell after mitosis?
a. six
b. three
c. twelve
d. none of the above
28. In mitosis, daughter chromosomes are widely separated, having moved two-thirds the distance from the
equatorial plate during
a. interphase.
b. prophase.
c. metaphase.
d. anaphase.
e. telophase.
29. During interphase of mitosis
a. the cell is dead.
b. centromeres divide.
c. two nuclei split.
d. hereditary material duplicates.
During which phase of meiosis does the nuclear envelope disappear and the chromosomes become
a. interphase
b. prophase
c. metaphase
d. anaphase
e. telophase
31. In meiosis, daughter chromosomes are widely separated, having moved two-thirds of the distance from the
equatorial plate during
a. interphase.
b. prophase.
c. metaphase.
d. anaphase.
e. telophase.
32. Spindle fibers first appear during
b. prophase.
c. metaphase.
d. anaphase.
e. telophase.
33. Alternate forms of a gene that influence the same characteristic and are found at the same location in
homologous chromosomes are called
a. alleles.
b. phenotypes.
c. genotypes.
d. prototypes.
e. paratypes.
34. Mendel carried on most of his research with
guinea pigs.
fruit flies.
Word descriptions, such as black and short-haired, represent
phenotype only.
genotype only.
both phenotype and genotype.
neither phenotype nor genotype.
36. . In humans, brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. A brown-eyed woman who has a blue-eyed child
has the genotype
a. bb.
b. Bb.
c. BB.
d. All of the above are true.
e. None of the above is true.
A family has seven sons. The chance that their eighth child will be a daughter is
one chance in seven.
one chance in eight.
one chance in two.
seven chances in eight.
practically zero.
38. A color-blind (recessive trait) woman will pass the allele to
a. her sons only.
b. all of her children.
c. her daughters only.
d. none of her children.
39. In humans, red hair is recessive to dark hair. What are the chances of a dark-haired couple having a
red-haired child if each had a red-haired parent?
a. 0
b. 1/4
c. 1/2
d. 3/4
e. 1/1
40. With respect to the type of hemoglobin produced, the allele for the sickle-cell trait in human beings is
a. dominant in both sexes.
b. recessive in both sexes.
c. dominant in males only.
d. dominant in females only.
e. neither dominant nor recessive.
41. The inheritance of blood types in humans can be explained by
a. simple Mendelian genetics (one gene pair).
b. linked genes.
c. rule of dominance.
d. multiple alleles.
e. polygenic inheritance.
42. If one parent has type B blood and the other has type AB, what type might the child have?
a. A or 0 only
b. B or 0 only
c. A or B only
d. A, B, A.B only
e. A, B, 0, or AB
A man with blood type AB could not be the father of a child with
a. blood type A.
b. blood type B.
c. blood type AB.
d. blood type 0.
44. The exchange of chromatid material between homologous chromosomes is termed
a. chromatid aberration.
b. crossing over.
c. genetic inheritance.
d. sperm production.
45. Mendel's law of segregation implies that the two members of an allelic pair
a. are distributed to separate gametes.
b. may contaminate one another.
c. are assorted dependently on all other genes.
d. are segregated pairwise.
If an albino woman is married to a man with normal coloring and they have an albino child, what was
genotype of the man?
a. homozygous
b. heterozygous
c. sex-linked
d. male
47. What are the chances that two individuals with wavy hair will have a curly-haired child?
a. 0
b. 1/4
c. 1/2
d. 3/4
48. Amniocentesis reveals that an embryo has Tay-Sachs disease. What are the genotypes of the parents if they
appear normal? (t = Tay-Sachs)
a. Tt X Tt
b. TT X TT
c. tt X tt
d. any one of the above
49. What are the chances that a later child will have Tay-Sachs?
a. 0
b. 50/50
c. 1/4
d. 1/2
If your mother is normal but your father has Huntington disease (dominant trait), what are your chances
escaping the disease entirely?
a. 3/4
b. 1/2
c. 1/4
d. 0
51. If you have thalassemia (recessive) and are concerned about passing on the allele, you would
a. be sure to marry a perfectly normal individual.
b. not have children.
c . have blood transfusions frequently to make sure the gametes don't carry the gene.
d. Any one of the above is satisfactory.
e. Only a and b will work.
52. If a woman is a carrier for the color-blind allele and her husband is perfectly normal, what are their chances
of having a color-blind son?
a. None because the father is perfectly normal.
b. Fifty-fifty because the mother is only a carrier.
c. One hundred percent because the mother has the gene.
d. One-fourth because the mother is a hybrid.
53. In fruit flies, bar eye is inherited by an X-linked allele, B for bar. If a heterozygous bar-eyed female is mated
to a non-bar-eyed male, what will be the appearance of the progeny?
a. two bar-eyed females, two bar-eyed males
b. one bar-eyed and one non-bar-eyed female; one bar-eyed and one non-bar-eyed male
c. three bar-eyed females and one non-bar-eyed male
d. bar-eyed females only
e. non-bar-eyed males only
Which of the following is not true of sex-influenced traits?
They often appear in one sex but rarely in the other.
the genes are turned on or off by hormones.
c. Examples include baldness and index finger length.
d. They often skip a generation.
55. Huntington chorea is a(n)
sex-linked disease.
b. autosomal dominant disease.
c. polygenic disease.
d. autosomal recessive disease.
56. Color blindness is a(n)
a. sex-linked disease.
b. autosomal dominant disease.
c. polygenic disease.
d. autosomal recessive disease.
57. Cystic fibrosis is a(n)
a. sex-linked disease.
b. autosomal dominant disease.
c. polygenic disease.
d. autosomal recessive disease.
58. Hemophilia is a(n)
a. sex-linked disease.
b. autosomal dominant disease.
c. polygenic disease.
d. autosomal recessive disease.
True or False?
1. Mitotic division is the normal process of cell reproduction, while meiosis takes place only in the maturation
of gametes in animals.
2. A chromosome duplicates during metaphase.
3. A single trait is always governed by just one pair of alleles.
4. Traits associated with X-linked genes are generally transmitted from a grandfather via a normal mother to
her son.
5. For a recessive trait to appear in an individual, he or she must inherit both alleles for that trait.
6. The X-linked genes involved in color blindness are those concerned with green and blue vision.
IBS Biology
Genetics - Practise Questions: ANSWERS
1. b
2. a
8. d
9. a
3. b
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. c
10. b
11. a
12. b
13. e
14. b
15. a
16. d
17. a
18. d
19. d
20. e
21. a
22. e
23. b
24. c
25. c
26. b
27. a
28. d
29. d
30. b
31. d
32. b
33. a
34. b
35. a
36. b
37. c
38. b
39. b
40. e
41. d
42. d
43. d
44. b
45. a
46. b
47. b
48. a
49. c
50. b
51. b
52. b
53. b
54. d
55. b
56. a
57. d
58. a
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
True or False?
1. T
2. F
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