Q-3 Exam Review

Quarter 3 Exam Review
Ch. 4---The Rise of Realism & Ch. 5---The Moderns 1914-1939
Chapter 4---The Rise of Realism
1. The Rise of Realism Introduction (text: 377-395, WKBK)
a. Questions for Consideration
i. How and when did American writers and poets respond to the Civil War?
ii. What are the basic characteristics of realism?
iii. What did the naturalist writers believe?
iv. What is regionalism?
v. How do the Realists differ from the Romantics?
b. Terms for Review
i. Realism
ii. Naturalism
iii. Idealism
iv. Regionalism
v. Disillusionment
2. Frederick Douglass (text: 397- 404, WKBK)
a. from “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”
i. Political Points of View
1. Slavery (as a Social Institution)
a. Human Rights (Dignity, Courage, Heroism)
ii. Metaphor
iii. Analyzing Author’s Purpose/Position
1. Why did Douglass write this Narrative?
2. How do you know that Douglass opposed slavery?
iv. Making Inferences
v. Narrative
3. Harriet Jacobs (text: 405-411)
a. from “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”
i. Political Points of View
1. Slavery (as a Social Institution)
a. Dehumanizing Effects of Slavery
ii. Conflict: Internal/External
iii. Analyzing Author’s Purpose/Position
1. Why did Jacobs write this Narrative?
2. How do you know that Jacobs opposed slavery?
iv. Characterization
1. What do a character’s words and actions reveal about his/her character?
v. Making Inferences
vi. Narrative
4. Mark Twain (text: 457-467)
a. “The Celebrated Frog of Calaveras County”
i. Frame Story
1. Story within a story
ii. Comic Devices
1. Tall Tales
2. Hyperbole
3. Understatement
4. Comic comparison
5. Comic characters and situations
6. Irony
7. Tone
iii. Regionalism
1. Vernacular
2. Unique Vocabulary
3. Idioms
iv. Recognizing Author’s Purpose
1. What is the writer’s purpose in writing this selection?
5. Jack London ( text:. 479-496)
a. “To Build a Fire”
i. Naturalism
ii. Cause and Effect
iii. Foreshadowing
iv. Analyzing Author’s Purpose and Beliefs
1. Darwinism
2. Conflict: Man vs. Nature
Chapter 5---The Moderns: 1914-1939
1. The Moderns: 1914-1939 Introduction (text: 557-573, WKBK)
a. Questions for Consideration
i. What is the American Dream?
ii. What happened to the American Dream in the early 20th century?
iii. In what ways did modernism challenge tradition---especially in what people valued in art and literature?
b. Terms/Ideas for Review
i. Modernism
ii. Imagery
iii. Symbolism
iv. Characteristics of the American Dream
v. Social Influences of the early 20th century
vi. Political Highlights of the early 20th century
vii. Philosophical Views of the early 20th century
2. James Thurber (text: 706-713)
a. “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”
i. Parody
ii. Cause and Effect
iii. Characteristics of the short story
iv. Idioms
v. Irony
vi. Determining Author’s Theme
Other Skills for Consideration:
b. Context Clues
a. Use context clues (other words) to help you understand vocabulary words that you may not understand
in selected literature as well as questions you may encounter on the test
c. Reading Comprehension
a. Read selections you encounter on the test CAREFULLY
d. Tone
a. Define tone
b. How can you identify the author’s tone in a selection?
c. Identify the author’s tone in the selections we have read this quarter
e. Mood
a. Define mood
b. How can you identify the author’s mood in a selection?
c. Identify the author’s mood in the selections we have read this quarter