1 Samuel 24 “Life of Integrity” Scripture: 1 Samuel 24:1-22 Memory Verse: “But as for me, I will walk in my integrity…” Psalm 26:11 Lesson Focus: To live a life that follows God and does not seek revenge. Activities and Crafts: Coloring page, Work Sheet Craft: Introduction: Play game “2 Truths and 1 Lie” Choose several kids to take turns telling two truths and one lie. The teacher may start out to help the kids understand the game. After you let several kids have a turn – then till the kids that today we are going to see how David lived an honest life. He lived a life of integrity – that means he lived a life that showed what he believed. He lived an honest life. Sometimes we live right in some areas of our lives and then we live dishonestly in other parts of our lives. We are going to see what an “honest” life looks like. Bible Study: If you remember in 1 Samuel 23; Saul and his men were hunting David to find him and kill him. But a messenger came and told Saul that he needed to get back and fight the Philistines because they had invaded Israel. √ Do you think that Saul forgot about David? 1 Samuel 24:1-7 – “Revenge presents Itself” √ What did someone tell Saul in verse 1? (Where David and his men were hiding) √ What did Saul do in 24:2? How many men did he take? (3,000) Saul did not want to fail! He took 3,000 of the very best soldiers to hunt for and find David and his men. David had about 600 hundred men at this time so this gave Saul a 5 to 1 advantage. √ How far did Saul get in verse 3? Saul did not get far and he went into a cave for a potty brake. This is a detail that is probably left out of most narratives. But here it is important because who was in the cave already. 1 √ Who was in the cave already? (David and his men) √ What did David’s men urge David to do? (They felt that God had delivered Saul into David’s hand. They were urging David to kill Saul. √ Did David kill Saul? √ What did he do instead? (He cut off the corner of Saul’s robe.) Can you imagine the men in the back of the cave realizing what was going on? Can you imagine the quiet whispering when they tried to urge David to kill Saul? Can you imagine David sneaking up on Saul as quiet as a mouse? Can you imagine David cutting off a corner of Saul’s robe and Saul not feeling it? All of this took place while Saul is very unaware. √ How did David feel after he cut of the edge of Saul’s robe? (David’s heart “troubled” him. That means that David’s conscience made him feel guilty. David had a sensitive heart towards God and he was convicted.) David knew that the God had anointed him as the next king – but David also knew that God would give him that kingdom in his own timing. It was not David’s to take! Are you ever convicted? Does your heart ever hurt because you did something that you think you should not have done? What do you do at times like that? Do you keep doing the wrong that you had started to do? David decides to change his course. David knows that God put Saul in place as king (God anointed Saul though Samuel.) If God put him there then David was not to do anything against Saul. It was not up to David to deal with Saul….God would. √ Do you guys know what “revenge” is? √ Is it hard not to take revenge on someone that has hurt you? Are we supposed to get our own revenge? David did not allow his men to go against Saul and David did not either. 1 Samuel:24:8-15 “The Confrontation” √ How do you respond with words when someone hurts you? We are going to see David’s verbal response to Saul. 2 √ What was David’s first action after he called out to Saul? He bowed down to the ground. He did that to show that he recognized that Saul was still king. It was an act to respect not an act to put Saul down. √ What were David’s words to Saul? 1. Asked Saul why he listened to people that said that David wanted to harm Saul. 2. He told Saul that he was in a place that David could have taken Saul’s life. 3. He told Saul that others urged him to do it. 4. He told Saul that no matter what others urged him to do – he would not hurt Saul or go against the one that God had made King. 5. He told Saul that he had cut off a piece of his robe to show Saul that he could have indeed killed him but he chose not to. 6. He told Saul that he did not have evil or rebellion in his heart. He did not want to do Saul harm. 7. He told Saul that sin was not in his heart 8. He asked Saul why he was hunting David’s life to kill him. 9. He reminded Saul that God was their judge. 10. He reminded Saul that he was a “nobody” that the king should pursue him. 1 Samuel 24:16- “Saul’s response” √ How did Saul respond? He asked if this was David. He wept. √ What did Saul recognize this day? That David was righteous (right living) That Saul was evil That David did not kill him when he had the chance That David did not see Saul as his enemy That David would indeed be king someday √ What did Saul ask of David? To remember his descendants after him √ What did David swear to Saul? That he would remember his family 3 Conclusion: Does David’s response to Saul remind you of someone else? Jesus. In 1 Peter 2:22-23 it says of Jesus, “Who committed no sin, nor was deceit found in His mouth; who, when He was reviled did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously.” Jesus did not fight back when he was taken to the cross. Jesus did not defend his Kingdom. Jesus followed God and let God lead, knowing that God is the judge of all. In the verses right before these two verses in 1 Peter it says, “…leaving us an example, that we should follow His steps.” David gives us a picture of what Christ will do. Both will follow God and let him lead them. They will not seek revenge when they are wronged and they will trust in God who is the ultimate judge. Can you trust God when you are wronged? Can you ask God to help you to not seek revenge? Can you follow Jesus example and follow in His steps? David shows us how to walk in integrity – to live a life that follows God in everything that you say and do. 4