大英雄何竟死亡! How The Mighty Have Fallen ! 撒母耳记上 31:1 - 13 1 Samuel 31:1 - 13 前 言 Introduction 扫罗仍然追杀大卫 Saul kept chasing David 一、扫罗之死的悲剧 The Tragedy of Saul’s Death 1. 争战的惨败 2. 哀怨的惨死 3. 死後遭惨待 Fail terribly Die sadly Brutally mistreated after death 二、扫罗之死的见证 The Testimony of Saul’s Death 1. 人人必有一死 Everyone must die 2. 死得有盼望吗?Is there a hope before death? 三、扫罗之死的教导 The Teaching of Saul’s Death 1. 神喜悦人合他心意 God desires people “after His own heart” a. 事奉上 Service • • 以利二子 Eli’s two sons 撒母耳 Samuel b. 作領袖 As a leader • 扫罗 Saul • 大卫 David 三、扫罗之死的教导 The Teaching of Saul’s Death 2. 神有主权拣选领袖 God has right to choose leader a. 撒母耳 Samuel b. 扫罗 Saul c. 大卫 David 三、扫罗之死的教导 The Teaching of Saul’s Death 3. 尊重神所拣选的人 Respect those God has chosen a. 大卫敬重扫罗 David respects Saul b. 神是真正的领袖 God is the true leader