MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. ACADEMY FOR EXCELLENCE 1. Profile of the Successful Distance Learner * Following are characteristics of the successful distance learner: Is self-motivated. Has the discipline to study without external reminders. Is a good reader and enjoys learning by reading. Can adapt to new learning environments. Has good computer or internet skills. Takes advantage of extra credit opportunities. Is independent. Seems driven to complete all work. Is an active learner. Has a positive attitude about learning Is willing to ask for help by contacting experiences. instructor. Thinks critically. Has good organizational and time management skills. 2. Myths Regarding Internet Classes Myth #1: An internet course is easier than a traditional course. Actually, an internet course may be more difficult, depending on whether you… Fit the profile of an independent learner. Are computer literate. Have strong reading skills. Are internet savvy. Can learn without auditory stimulation. Have convenient access to a computer. Myth #2: An internet course takes less time than a traditional course. Actually, it may take more time, because you must process all of the instructions and assignments visually, without the benefit of traditional lecture and discussion. Myth #3: Anyone can be successful at an internet course. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and it’s often better to realize this sooner rather than later. *from Connick, George. (ed.) the Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunication’s The Distance Learner Guide, Upper Saddle River, Inappropriate Use of Student E-mail Use of the JCPSeSchool Student Intouch (e-mail) System is a privilege given to each student enrolled in an eSchool course. The system is monitored for inappropriate language, attachments, or any behavior which does not conform to the JCPSNet Student Acceptable Use Policy and the JCPS Uniform Code of Student Conduct. An offending student will receive a warning for the first infraction. The second infraction will cause the student to be withdrawn from JCPSeSchool. Do you have technical or instructional questions? If so……please call the JCPSeSchool office at (502) 485-7800 First Steps with JCPSeSchool 2200 LIBERTY ROAD LEXINGTON, KY 40509 PHONE (859) 381-4040 FAX (859) 381-4031 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. ACADEMY FOR EXCELLENCE When you first log on please make sure to do the following: Step #1 – Log On to JCPSeSchool Connect to your internet service an open up your web browser (we recommend Internet Explorer). In the address bar (or location toolbar) enter the URL of eSchool Add this page to your Favorites or Bookmarks so you can easily return to it. Enter your username and password, your username & password are both the same .When you click on OK, and then the Home page appears. Read My Announcements. This is where you will find important announcements and information about the system (shutdowns for maintenance, network problems, etc.). Step #2 – Select Your Course and Enter Your Personal Information There will be a heading that says Course. Select the title of the course listed there to get started. Next, select the Lessons tab. You will see the Units for the course listed. In order to gain access to your coursework you must complete all of the items in Unit 0 – Orientation Unit. The Personal Information Form must be submitted and you must take and pass the Policies and Procedures Quiz. Your coursework will be available after Unit O has been completed. You cannot bypass Unit 0. Some courses will only open up the first unit and you will work through the units in order. Other courses will allow access to all the units. It is recommended that Health and English be completed out of order. In Health, find the food log and physical activity journal. Start those assignments first, while you are gathering data you can work on other parts of the course. In English, find your writing assignments and get those started. While you are waiting for feedback you can work on other sections of the course. Step #3 – Change Your Password Go to the Preferences screen. Now click on Password Change. You will be prompted to enter your new password and then to confirm your new password. Choose a password (a combination of up to 8 letters and numbers that you can easily remember). Then click the OK button. You may be prompted to change your password as soon as you log into your account for the first time; however, we do not recommend that you change it, but if you choose to, please make sure you choose a password that you can remember as you will need to know it to log into your account when you come to MLK to take your final exam. Do not share your password with anyone. If you forget your password, call the JCPSeSchool office at (502) 485-7800, and they will reset your password. Always log off when you are finished with JCPSeSchool. If you leave your computer on, and someone else starts using the computer with your password still active, you are responsible for whatever actions that person commits, including grades they earn and e-mails they send. Step #4 – Check Your E-mail Click on the In Touch tab at the top of your course and then View Inbox to check your email. To send e-mail to your teacher, click on Compose Message. Be sure to check your e-mail every time you log in to your course! Step #5 – Begin Your Course In the left hand column, click on Courses and you will see the course(s) in which you are enrolled. When you click on the course, it usually will open to Course Mail. Be sure to check your e-mail every time you log in to your course! 2200 LIBERTY ROAD LEXINGTON, KY 40509 PHONE (859) 381-4040 FAX (859) 381-4031 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. ACADEMY FOR EXCELLENCE Step #6 – Check Your Grades Under Course Tools, the grades for your assignments, quizzes, and tests will be posted under My Grades. Some of these are graded by the computer as soon as you submit them, while others are graded by your teacher and are available after the teacher posts the grades. Step #7 – Last Steps Folder Once you have successfully completed all required course work, you teacher will prompt you to take the practice final…..this can be found in the last steps folder. After you pass the practice final, and are ready to take the final exam, you will need to complete and submit the request to take the final. Since you are working with a counselor/liaison you will need to enter our site ID code in the box at the bottom of the screen, (option x3m965md. 1); our code is: It is very important that you keep this code somewhere handy because this is the procedure that you will use each time that you submit to take a final in any course. Step #8 – Scheduling & taking Your Final Once you have submitted the request for the final, and receive confirmation stating “Your request for the final was submitted successfully”; you then need to contact Lolita Godoy via phone: (859) – 381-4040 ext.: 30012 or by using your personal e-mail account (you are not able to contact us via eSchool account) at as soon as possible to schedule an appointment to come in to take the final. In your e-mail please state a date and time that you would like to come in to take your exam, please give a minimum of one business day’s notice when requesting to come in for a final. Make sure you have received conformation of the time and date of the exam before you come in. Please be advised that final exams are required to be proctored and are given by appointment only at MLK. Our testing appointments are scheduled during the following days & times: Monday thru Thursday: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM* and 5:15 PM – 6:00 PM* Friday: 10:00 AM -3:00 PM Summer Hours Monday thru Thursday: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Final Exam Information Students must receive a passing score (at least 70 percent) on a supervised final examination. The final examination score counts one-fourth of the final grade. On-line and off-line assignments count three-fourths of the final grade. All students must come to Martin Luther King Jr. Academy to take course exams. Please be advised that students are not allowed to use notes or other materials for the final unless stated otherwise. The online final is timed; once you begin you must finish within 90 minutes. What if the student does not pass the final exam? If a student fails the final examination, he/she may retake the final one time. Instructions for retaking the final will be sent to the student by his/her instructor along with the completion report. *Beginning with the 2014-2015 School Year. 2200 LIBERTY ROAD LEXINGTON, KY 40509 PHONE (859) 381-4040 FAX (859) 381-4031 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. ACADEMY FOR EXCELLENCE Frequently Asked Questions: 1. I have several courses that I need to complete and I paid the flat rate to complete more than one; how come only one of my courses is showing up? Although we offer students the opportunity to pay a flat rate to complete as many courses as possible during a session, students are still only permitted to complete one course at a time. We have purchased eSchool slots and each course that you are enrolled in occupies a slot that we need to have available for other students that is why we limit student to one course/slot at a time. Your next course will be requested after you take and pass your final exam. 2. I started a course during one session what happens if I do not finish before the next session begins? If you start a course during a session and do not finish before the next session begins, you may pay the fee ($125 to continue that course, or $250 to extend the current and an additional course(s)) to complete during the next session. Your work will not be interrupted. However if you choose not to extend into the next session, you will be subjected to being withdrawn, in which you will become inactive. 3. I have a question regarding my assignments, grades, or a technical issue that I am encountering: All technical and instructional questions need to be addressed to eSchool directly. You can contact your instructor via the intouch feature, or you may contact them directly by calling 502-485-7800. Although your courses are set up and monitored through us, eSchool is actually based out of Louisville therefore your instructors, computer programs, and etc. are based out of there as well. All of the credits that you will earn will be earned through eSchool and then transferred to your home school. 4. When do I need to have everything completed? That all depends, if you are a student trying to complete your course work in order to graduate at a particular time, you will need to have all of your courses completed approximately 2 weeks before the end of the semester; otherwise you will need to have your course(s) completed by the end of the current semester (date will be indicated at time of enrollment) in order to avoid additional fees. Keep in mind that eSchool does limit students to one calendar year to complete a course regardless of fees/payments. 5. How do I request a refund? All refund requests must be submitted to us in writing within 30 days from the date of your payment (not the date you actually logged on, or began course work); a refund of the tuition will be given minus the $5.00 registration fee. Requests must state the reason for the request, and can either be dropped off or mailed to us for processing. Please be advised that under no circumstances will refunds be made after the 30 day grace period. 6. How long will it take for me to receive my username/password, or have my next course added once I complete the final exam? Once you have completed your orientation meeting and remitted your payment, or you have completed and passed your final exam to complete a course, we will submit a course request to eSchool. Occasionally they will have the course loaded and available to work on within one day, but for new students, and during holidays and etc. it sometimes takes longer therefore as a rule of thumb we must allow 2-3 business days to get the requests processed. 7. Who is my contact teacher for completing the information form? Please enter Rita Stamey as your contact teacher when completing this information form, even if you are not enrolled with us full-time, she is still your eSchool liaison & your contact teacher for eSchool. E-mail questions to Rita Stamey: 2200 LIBERTY ROAD LEXINGTON, KY 40509 PHONE (859) 381-4040 FAX (859) 381-4031