Favorite Passwords Standard User No Min Char Limit 123456 12345 password pwd Favorite Passwords Cryptographer Teenager hash w@rk salt h@m$ Creating Passwords User: “John1980” User: “this is not my birth date” System: Please do not use your birth date System: Spaces not allowed User: “John1981” User: “thisisnotmybirthdate” System: Please do not use your birth date System: Password too long User: “Jack1981” System: Please do not use your birth date What to do with a Password? Play Card Games What to do with a Password? Dance Sirtaki or Zorba Greek Version What to do with a Password? Dance Halay Turkish Version What to do with a Password? Play Football ( throughout the World, except in USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada ) What to do with a Password? Play Football ( in USA, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada )