Waupun Area School District Five-Year Technology Plan 2015-2020 Mission Statement The mission of the School District of Waupun is to empower learning through equitable access to technological tools that support and enhance integrated curricular objectives and educational processes, so that students are prepared to be independent lifelong learners in a rapidly changing technological society. Vision Statements ● ● ● ● ● ● Technology use will be integrated into the curriculum to offer students expanded ways of learning to access, produce, communicate, and evaluate information, as well as develop problem-solving, critical, and creative thinking skills. The District will provide access to instructional technology for all students and staff. Staff members will be capable of using and instructing students in the use of technology for learning. Students and staff will recognize the capabilities and limitations of technology, as well as legal and ethical implications of technology use. The District will maintain a technology level that can meet the evolving needs of students, and is flexible enough to change as products evolve to challenge students at a high level. All District stakeholders will understand, support, and appreciate the role of technology in education and will work as partners in the process of teaching students. Goals (See Appendix A for Grid) I. Staffing II. Staff Development III. Infrastructure IV. Digital Learning V. Cloud Computing VI. End User Devices ____________________________________________________________________________ I. Staffing A. Technical Support 1. Devices - As the number of devices and demands increase, it is vital that there be enough technical support so that end users are not hindered in their use of technology for teaching, learning, or operational activities. Devices include computers (Windows & Macintosh) Chromebooks, iOS devices, phones, printers, copy machines, servers, routers/switches, SMARTBoards, projectors, and document cameras (see Appendix B). 1 2. Apps/Operations - Support & staff are also needed for other major applications and activities. These responsibilities can be integrated with technicians’ duties but would impact the workload of the IT staff. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Infinite Campus (Student Information System) Online testing (MAPS, Badger Exams, DLM, ACT Aspire) District Website District Intranet (Link4Learning) Google Apps for Education Moodle (Learning Management System) Print Management Meraki iOS App Management Goals: ● 1:800 - 1 FTE technician for every 800 devices. Just in Time Support. ● Student Geek Squad (2-6 High School students) ● .1 Geek Squad Commander B. Technology Integrators 1. Rationale: As technology becomes more complex and varied, teachers will need assistance and training to discover and learn the latest innovations and integrate them into their existing curriculum. Because of the lack of time or expertise, teachers are often reluctant to try new technologies without the time or ability to master the technology and deal with the inevitable problems that arise as new technology is used. Dedicated technology integrators can provide their knowledge and assistance in the classroom as teachers experiment with technology and determine the best uses of technology to enhance learning. Districts such as Appleton, Neenah, Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Sun Prairie, and West Bend utilize Technology Integrators. The Neenah IT Director cites that his teachers have done extraordinary things with their technology that would not have been possible without the Technology Integrators - “just would not have happened.” Goal: 4 FTE Technology Integrators ● ● ● One FTE technology integrator at Rock River Two FTE technology integrators for Junior/Senior High One FTE Technology Integrator for SAGES & Meadow View Note: Library Media specialists often are the technology integrators 2 C. eSchool Registrar - As we continue to learn how to offer quality online learning through the Wisconsin eSchool Network (WEN), it will be imperative for the success of the program to have a dedicated full time registrar to handle up to 200 enrollments, teacher training, mentor training, parent/guardian communication, supervision, and oversight. Goal: One FTE Waupun eSchool Registrar for 200 student enrollments in the Waupun eSchool D. Educational Technology Specialist - With the retirement of the current Information Technology Director, careful consideration should be given for this position. Absent any technical responsibilities (which would be managed by the Network Administrator), this position could be .5 (10 month) if the focus of the position is on optimizing the technology environment to provide the best and most current resources to support academic growth; student motivation and engagement; coordinate the activities of the Technology Integrators; promote community involvement; and encourage 21st century learning skills, such as communication and collaboration. This person could also provide staff development, community outreach programs, and be a classroom technology integrator. In order to accomplish this mission, the education technology specialist would need a strong K-12 background, exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, proficient technical knowledge, enthusiasm, and seriously … a passion for education and a love of students and teachers. Goal: .5 Education Technology Specialist II. Staff Development A. In District 1. 2. 3. 4. Ongoing Graduate Credit Classes Summer Workshops After school workshops Just-in-Time Training - Technology Integrators will present new learning opportunities systematically throughout the school day and year; teachers can attend trainings during prep time, before/after school, evenings, and weekends. B. Out of District 1. Technology Conferences/Workshops in Wisconsin (examples): a) b) c) d) Google Summit AppFest SLATE CESA 5, 6, 7 3 2. Online Workshops/Trainings (examples) a) Google Teacher Certification b) Blended Learning through Sophia, Moodle, or other Learning Management Systems (LMS) c) Wisconsin eSchool Teacher/Mentor Training Goals: ● ● III. Numerous opportunities for staff to increase knowledge and use of technology during and outside of the school day. Compensation for those who attend trainings and take the lead on technology integration in the classroom. Infrastructure A. Hardware - Rotation of servers, main controllers, core router & switch every 3-4 years; data closet switches every 4-5 years; B. Bandwidth - Will need to be increased as devices and online resources increase. The DPI currently recommends 1 GB of bandwidth for every 1,000 students. In the next five years, optimal bandwidth will increase, by how much is anyone’s guess. The axiom is that you can never have enough bandwidth. C. Wireless - To support the 1:1 devices, an access point (AP) will be needed in every classroom and adequate multiple AP’s are needed for common areas, i.e., gym, commons/cafeteria/lecture halls. Goal: To provide an infrastructure that supports the technology in our buildings so access is fast, stable, reliable, and secure. IV. Digital Learning A. Blended Learning - Classes that are partially online and partially taught in person are known as blended classes. This type of class allows students to learn at their own pace (allowing advanced students to move ahead and slower students to repeat/review content) and frees the teacher to work individually with students at all levels. To create blended classes requires an enormous amount of time as teachers need to record videos of their lessons and organize them into a Learning Management System (LMS), all of which requires training and support. 4 Online Classes - Virtual learning can give our students access to courses not available in our regular curriculum, offer accelerated learning and enrichment opportunities for advanced students, give students experience with virtual learning, and enhance our ability to meet individual student learning needs. Goals: ● ● V. Offer 200 student enrollments in the Waupun eSchool Create more blended learning classes and offer virtual courses to all students who wish to participate. Cloud District A. Cloud Computing (using apps and online storage) facilitates the inclinations of the digital generation as well as offering the benefits of a paperless environment (saving physical server storage and printing costs), providing 24/7 access to resources and documents, and allowing collaborative engagement. B. Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. Adequate bandwidth Access to devices for students and staff Staff training Smooth transference of existing data to the cloud Goal: District in the cloud where appropriate, beneficial, and efficient. VI. End User Devices A. Access - 1:1 access opens the doors to not only information but also ways to collaborate, create, and communicate - helping students to learn the optimal uses of technology for all facets of life and learning. B. Devices - The difficulty comes in the device of choice, which varies depending on the applications teachers deem most effective for the grades and subjects. Examples: ● Project Lead the Way needs very high-end Windows computers ● HS Science prefers laptops for using portable probes ● The CAB Academy has chosen an iMac lab to support its programs ● Primary teachers like iOS apps 5 ● ● Many teachers at all levels prefer Chromebooks for their speed and paperless environment Intermediate teachers like both Chromebooks and iPads In order to respond to teachers’ preferences, a blanket 1:1 student program may not be optimal given the ongoing expense, management, and maintenance of “student-owned” devices. Instead, grade levels and departments will be given the opportunity to choose their devices while fostering a collaborative technology environment - where there is a choice of the best device for optimal learning benefits through department and grade level sharing. Example: The English department (four teachers) could have two carts of Chromebooks, one cart of iPads, and one cart of Windows laptops to share as a department. A survey given to High School teachers in May, 2015, showed these preferences: 1:1 Choice Vote Device Choice 1:1 Student (students keep device 24/7) 20 Chromebooks (majority), Macbooks, Windows laptop, iPads 1:1 Classroom (teachers have a cart of 32 devices) 22 No response 23 Teacher Choice Given the support, time, and logistics involved with 1:1 student devices, IT staff preference would be for classroom carts to create 1:1 access. Goals: 1:1 access for grades 4-12 with a choice of a class set of devices to be kept and managed by each teacher. 1:2 access for grades K-3, devices chosen by teachers. Maintain the SAGES 1:1 access. 6 Major Initiatives 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 eSchool - 30-50 enrollments eSchool - 100 enrollments eSchool - 150 enrollments eSchool - 200 enrollments Junior High - Go Google High School - Go Google Grades 4-6 - Go Google 1:1 at JH 1:1 at High School 1:1 Grades 4-6 2019-2020 TBD 1:2 Grades K-3 HS Academy Needs 7 Costs Technology Costs 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-2020 $359,000 $375,000 $390,000 $410,000 $430,000 Staffing 0.00 192,600 124,000 TBD TBD eSchool 17,000 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 22,000 23,000 24,000 $457,000 $475,000 Technology Budget Wireless Upgrades Phone 68,850 20,000 1:1 High School 21,000 150,000 1:1 Grades 4-6 Total eRate Funds for Wireless Category 2 Funds 42,000 $396,000 $827,450 $600,000 $150/student $285,000 over 5 years (70% of cost) 80 Wireless Access Points 60,000 Cabling 25,000 Main Switch, Core Router, Controllers 20,000 Closet Switches 74,000 3 Servers 10,500 Labor 30,000 Licensing 10,000 Total $229,500 Erate Pays (70%) $160,650 WASD Pays (30%) $68,850 8 Appendix A Five-Year Strategic Plan Technology 2015-2020 2015-16 2016-17 Additional Staffing 1 FTE Technician (total of 3 FTE) 1 FTE Technician (total of 4 FTE) *Library/Media Specialists are often Tech Integrators .5 HS Technology Integrator* 1.5 FTE Technology Integrators for HS & Elementary (total of 2 FTE)* .2 eSchool Registrar 1 FTE eSchool Registrar (increase from .2) .1 HS WAT Geek Squad Supervisor 2017-18 2018-19 TBD 2 FTE Technology Integrators (total of 4 FTE)* .5 Education Technology Specialist .7 library aide Cost: $0.00 Cost: $192,600 Cost: $124,000 Staff Development ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Graduate classes Summer workshops After school workshops JITT - Just In Time Training - Systematic and regular schedule of trainings throughout the school day Conferences Google Teacher Certification Extra compensation for high quality technology training and implementation 2019-2020 TBD 2015-16 Infrastructure Follow 4-5 year rotation of servers, controllers, routers, and switches 2016-17 Follow 4-5 year rotation of servers, routers, and switches 2017-18 2018-19 2019-2020 Follow 4-5 year rotation of servers, controllers, routers, and switches Follow 4-5 year rotation of servers, routers, and switches Follow 4-5 year rotation of servers, routers, and switches Increase Bandwidth as needed Increase Bandwidth as needed Increase Bandwidth as needed Increase Bandwidth as needed Increase Bandwidth as needed Digital Learning Wireless Access Point in Every Classroom eSchool - 30 enrollments & 2 teachers eSchool - 50 enrollments & 5 teachers eSchool - 100 enrollments & 10 teachers eSchool - 150 enrollments & 15 teachers eSchool - 200 enrollments & 15 teachers Training for Blended Learning Training for Blended Learning Grades 4-12 utilize blended learning in major content areas Grades 4-12 utilize blended learning in major content areas Grades 4-12 utilize blended learning in major content areas Compensation for Blended Classrooms Cloud Computing Go Google - Grades 7-8 Go Google - Grades 9-12 Go Google - Grades 4-12 Go Google - Grades 4- Go Google - Grades 4-12 12 End-User Devices 1:1 Junior High 1:1 Senior High 1:1 Grades 4-6 1:2 Grades K-3 Maintain 1:1 Maintain 1:1 Follow 4-5 year rotation of devices Follow 4-5 year rotation of devices Follow 4-5 year rotation of devices Follow 4-5 year rotation of devices Follow 4-5 year rotation of devices 1 Appendix B Device Count Number of Devices High School Rock River Meadow View SAGES ESC Desktops 380 320 33 36 14 Laptops/Netbooks 244 4 8 12 8 Chromebooks 484 150 1 68 1 iPads 248 213 36 85 4 iPods 6 0 0 6 0 43 26 7 4 3 5 4 2 2 1 106 75 37 21 20 Servers/Virtual Machines 25 4 1 1 1 Projectors 68 30 15 10 1 SMARTBoards 40 30 14 9 0 Total 1,649 856 154 254 53 Total Devices 2,966 Printers Copy Machines Phones 2