
Project Proposal
Name of the Organization: South Asia Partnership-Bangladesh
Project Title: Community Managed WASH in South-western Bangladesh
Project Period: January, 2015 to April, 2016 (1 years 4 months)
Executive Summary:
Bangladesh faces multiple challenges in the sanitation, hygiene and water sectors.
Unfortunately the achievements of the sector are far behind than the actual need to meet
the Project target within the stipulated time frame. Environment has coherent impact on
health and livelihood change. Environment has also obvious affect on water, sanitation
and hygiene. As such health, environment and sanitation are interlinked with each other.
The ultimate adverse affect causes increased health hazards and poverty in coastal areas
particularly in poor and vulnerable communities.
South Asia Partnership-Bangladesh is implementing different projects where WASH
activities are in-built such as Social and Economic Transformation of the Ultra-Poor
(SETU) Project in partnership with CARE-Bangladesh, Enhancing Resources and
Increasing Capability of Poor Household Towards Elimination of their poverty (ENRICH)
Project funded by PKSF, Community Led Health Project (CLHP) funded by Hope
International Development Agency (HIDA), Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights
Project (ASRHRP) in partnership with Plan-Bangladesh, and implemented Remote Island
Development Project (RIDP) in partnership with ActionAid Bangladesh, Participatory
Actions towards Resilient School & Education System (PARSES-I&2) Project in
partnership with ActionAid Bangladesh, Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (EAG) project
funded by Leger Foundation, Jibon O Jibika Program (WatSan component) in partnership
with NGO Forum, SHOUHARDO program in partnership with CARE-Bangladesh, and
AILA affected schools restoration project in partnership with ActionAid Bangladesh. The
main working approach of the organization is Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS).
The goal of this project is to “contribute to the improvement of human well-being and
dignity through scalable water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion in Ranggabali
Upazila of Patuakhali District of south-western Bangladesh”. The goal will contribute to the
national goal for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and WASH-related PROJECTs. The 1
years 4 months project (January 2015 to April 2016) will mainly focus to the Vulnerable,
marginalized, poorest of the poor community people especially the women and children at
home and school and ethnic minority.
In the CLTS approach, CBOs, Community Development Forum (CDF), village leaders,
Teachers and Local Government Institution (LGI) will play the key role for planning,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation to sustain the achievements of the project. The
key implementation strategies of the project are sustaining peoples’ participation, demand
responsiveness, integrated service package, Stakeholder Empowerment, Advocacy and
Networking, Phasing out and program sustainability.
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The project will have important focus to advocate the water declining issue of the targeted
area in the policy level. Formal linking with Department of Public Health & Engineering
(DPHE) will be initiated. This project will especially focus the ethnic community, disabled
people, women and children. It will follow the participatory monitoring system with the
participation of Community Based Organization (CBO), CDF, LGI, Community Clinic and
local authority etc.
Important deliverables:
Access and practice of WASH in the targeted area will continue smoothly among
the poorest, marginalized, vulnerable communities and school based children.
Adequately capacitated - project staffs, CBOs, LGIs and Catalysts will be engaged
and facilitate sustainable improvement in WASH activities through participatory
empowering process.
Community Development Forum (CDF) will be capacitated adequately for lobbying,
networking and establishing WASH rights in different tires (Ward, Union and
Upazilla) for poorest and vulnerable communities in selected coastal areas.
CBOs, LGIs and other actors will be oriented on WASH related policy documents
and will be responsive to the issues in delivering services to the poorest and
vulnerable communities in the coastal area.
Proper advocacy on safe drinking water, declined water table and salinity in the
water of coastal area issues among policy personnel for considering it as national
important issue. Another important aspect would be to reduce the water borne
diseases and children at the school and community should also learn and
acquainted with the health hazard diseases.
1. Background
The comprehensive WASH project has been planned to implement in 5 Unions of
Ranggabali Upazila under Patuakhali District. Ranggabali Upazila has 12 Unions of which
we have targeted 5 Unions with population of 99,582 and household of 24,896. According
to the base line survey of our Community Led Health (CLH) project, average literacy rate
in Ranggabali Upazila is around 48% which is less than national literacy rate; only 18%
households are using slab latrine; Almost 82% population is habituated to defecate in
open place; 72% household members are practicing unhygienic way of hand washing;
84% households don’t clean latrine regularly; 95% families use pond and channel water
for cleaning utensils; 95% of the HHs haven’t own tubewell; and Most of the HHs collect
water from long distance. There are 25 High Schools and 80 Primary Schools in the
targeted Unions of Ranggabali Upazila where poor sanitation facilities exist.
The targeted Upazila is situated in the remotest coastal area of south-western
Bangladesh. The Upazila is now facing problem regarding salinity in the water. Deep
tubewell is the only source of drinking water. Installation of deep tubewell is highly
expensive. The area has also some large ponds. In some area, the pond water is used for
cleaning utensils. Commonly the women and children are involved to collect their drinking
water from distanced places. The literacy rate is not up to the mark of that locality and
they are not also that much sound to address the hygienic issue and practice properly.
Most of the schools haven’t suitable toilets for girls and boys. The students of the schools
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are not used to follow the hygienic behavior practice. Sanitation of public and market
places is not at all in place.
Regarding sanitation coverage as per Department of Public Health & Engineering (DPHE)
of Ranggabali Upazila, percentage of population is using improved sanitation facilities is
only 18%, shared 35.5% and unimproved 25.5%. In the proposed working area, proportion
of population using improved sanitation facilities is below the national average.
The sanitation coverage as per Department of Public Health & Engineering (DPHE) and
base line information of our Community Led Health Project in Ranggabali Upazila of
Patuakhali district is 30.68% which alarming considering the national average. For that
reason, addressing the issue of sanitation coverage of that area should be foremost
underpinning to meet for better life. The fact is the development activities by the NGOs
has been started late in the Upazila. The people and community have been deprived in
getting benefit in all respect compare to other areas in Bangladesh. Financial flows are
insufficient to meet the PROJECT targets, especially in coastal sanitation which indicates
that financial flows are less than 55% of needs. Due to this reason, Bangladesh is one of
the off track countries to address the PROJECT. However, the SAP-Bangladesh’s
ongoing interventions of different projects demands to have work for specific WASH
project in a sustainable manner. The project activities can be implemented along with the
Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach in the proposed working area.
Since long, water crisis is the pressing need to address immediately for the coastal area.
Due to salinity in the surface water and deep level of pure drinking water, it is very difficult
for the much people especially for the poor and vulnerable people to have easy access to
the pure drinking water because installation of deep tubewell is highly expensive. In
consequence of the situation, a significant portion of population of the locality is suffering
from various water borne diseases and losing their productivity, time and money. Children
are the most victim of that crisis. Their school attendance day is reduced, intellectual
development is hampered and overall health impact is final result of that. The water crisis
issue could be one of the important national level advocacy issues.
Considering the deep level of pure drinking water, there might have enough scope to
install deep tubewells and pond sand filters with pond renovation to ensure easy access to
safe drinking water for the poor and vulnerable households. At the same time, a formal
linkage can be developed with the Department of Public Health & Engineering (DPHE) to
work on the issue of easy availability of pure drinking water. The Local Government
Institutions (LGIs) and other formal/informal institutions would be capacitated properly to
sustain the achievement attained during project implementation.
The schools of the proposed working area are also left behind to address the sanitation
issue. The toilet facilities for children especially separate toilets for girls are almost absent.
Due to improper menstrual hygiene they are to absent from attending schools during that
specific period of menstruation. Therefore, separate toilets can be constructed for the girls
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and deep tubewells can be installed for easy access to the pure drinking water and for
using in the toilets.
Description of partners and stakeholders:
Since inception in 1984, SAP-Bangladesh has been implementing different projects where
WASH related interventions are inbuilt. Working at grass root level with community on
WASH related interventions SAP-Bangladesh has learned that community awareness and
active participation could prevent most of the water and excreta borne diseases. SAPBangladesh is implementing WASH related interventions in different projects with the
support from different international donors and other partners. SAP-Bangladesh always
encouraged the ownership and innovation of the community people in program process
and thereby implementing the project interventions in a cost-effective and sustainable
South Asia Partnership-Bangladesh is implementing different projects where WASH
activities are in-built such as Social and Economic Transformation of the Ultra-Poor
(SETU) Project in partnership with CARE-Bangladesh, Enhancing Resources and
Increasing Capability of Poor Household Towards Elimination of their poverty (ENRICH)
Project funded by PKSF, Community Led Health Project (CLHP) funded by Hope
International Development Agency (HIDA), Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights
Project (ASRHRP) in partnership with Plan-Bangladesh, and implemented Remote Island
Development Project (RIDP) in partnership with ActionAid Bangladesh, Participatory
Actions towards Resilient School & Education System (PARSES-I&2) Project in
partnership with ActionAid Bangladesh, Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (EAG) project
funded by Leger Foundation, Jibon O Jibika Program (WatSan component) in partnership
with NGO Forum, SHOUHARDO program in partnership with CARE-Bangladesh, and
AILA affected schools restoration project in partnership with ActionAid Bangladesh. The
main working approach of the organization is Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS).
Different activities like - hygiene promotion, household level hygienic latrines installation,
CBO/LGI and staff capacity building training, renovation, advocacy, etc are important task
of our approach. The task involved actors at different tires which include SAP-Bangladesh
program staff, LGI representatives, School Management Committee (SMC), Project
Implementation Committee (PIC) etc.
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Proposed geographical location:
Name of
in the
roject duration: January 2015 to April 2016 (1 year 4 months)
Target groups:
Primary beneficiaries: Vulnerable, marginalized, poorest of the poor community people
especially the women and children, persons with disability and ethnic minority.
Secondary beneficiaries: LGI, School Teachers, CDF, SMC, other NGOs, relevant
departments of Upazila which have a mandate and provision for WASH facilities for unserved and underserved community people.
2. Objectives
improvement of
WASH and
reduction of
related risks of the
coastal poor
communities with
special attention to
the poorest,
marginalized and
Improve rights
and access to
safe water to
coastal poor
communities with
special attention
to the poorest,
marginalized and
salinity of water,
surface water and
crisis issue
Increase access
to the improved
hygienic latrine
with special
attention to the
ethnic, disabled
and poorest of the
Increase hygiene
behavior practice
at personal,
household, public
place and
institution level of
project area
Introduce lessons
learnt from the
implementation of
introducing best
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3. Indicators:
Improve rights related understanding 
and access to safe water to coastal
poor communities with special attention
to the poorest, marginalized and
vulnerable population
Policy level advocacy on salinity of
water, use of deep tubewell and
surface water and crisis issue
 Increase access to the improved
hygienic latrine with special attention to
the ethnic, disabled and poorest of the
 Increase hygiene behavior practice at
personal, household, public place and
institution level of project area
 Introduce lessons learnt from the
implementation of the project activities
considering the sustainability issue and
introducing best practice knowledge
4. Project Design
All informal and formal committees and
relevant service providers considerate to
work in favor of community people to
respond their rights
The project installed sufficient water
options such as deep tubewell and pond
sand filters.
The issue of using deep tubewell and
surface water created attention to
consider as national policy matter
Improved hygienic latrine installed in
almost all household (individual and
Hygiene behavior practice in personal,
household, public places and institutional
level has been increased significantly
Lessons learnt have been befitted into
project intervention
Best practice learning associated into
working field as it fit
The approach will follow a comprehensive WASH intervention accompanying with
important learning that are extracted from implementation of the project activities at the
early stage. The intervention will mostly coincide with the approach of Community Led
Total Sanitation (CLTS), where CBOs, CDF and LGIs will play the key role for planning,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation to sustain the achievements of the project.
Main thrust of the project is to enhance the capabilities of the stakeholders so that the
previous experience and achievements brings in more WATSAN and Hygiene benefits to
the poor, hard-core poor, marginalized and vulnerable people in a sustainable manner.
For the proposed working areas following strategy will be considered but intervention area
will follow up the achievements of the project to sustain its effect.
The key implementation strategies are as follows:
Sustaining Peoples participation: Involve all stakeholders to identify further the strength
and potentiality of people’s participation in sustaining the outcomes of the CLTS program
Demand responsiveness: The approach emphasizes that communities themselves
determine the water supply and sanitation infrastructure options that are needed as well
as determine the optimum achievable hygiene education standard.
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Integrated service package: The approach emphasizes that safe water supply,
environmental sanitation and hygiene promotion needs would be addressed
simultaneously in order for communities to realise the maximum sustainable health
benefits of each component. Learning from implementation of the project activities at the
early stage and best practice ideas will be fitted with CLTS intervention.
Stakeholder Empowerment: The approach ensures significant capacity building of
community (CBO, CDF), LGI and others for planning, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation (PIME) project process. This process experience and resultant capacity would
be utilized for analysis and participation in other initiatives for sustainable livelihood
Advocacy and Networking: CDF and community will act as facilitator parallel with the
different working committee to ensure WASH service and rights to the community as well
as act to functioning of LGIs.
Phasing out and program sustainability: Capacity and skills in CBOs, CDF, SMC,
Children and committees at different levels during the project period will be strengthen and
responsive, so that the interventions/community actions remain uninterrupted even when
SAP-Bangladesh withdraws from the area. The capacity building initiatives will be interwoven in project interventions in such a manner that will help both implementation and
effective monitoring of the entire process and enable easy handover of the program
responsibilities to the local bodies.
Project phasing
In the proposed project area Ranggabali (5 Unions) the staffing pattern will be: one Project
Manager, one Union Supervisor per Union, Three Union Facilitators per Union, one
Community Development Officer, one Monitoring & Documentation Officer, one Project
Engineer, one Finance Officer, one Office Assistant and one Night Guard.
Support from Head Office level: Executive Director (10%), Program Director (15%),
Program Manager (25%), Manager-M&E (15%), Finance Manager (15%), Manager-HR &
Admin (15%) and Assistant Coordinator – Internal Audit (15%)
Major activities that will be carried out in the proposed working area are –
Base line and inventory for new area: A base line survey and inventory for Hard
Ware will be carried out in proposed project area (Ranggabali-6 Unions).
Community Situation Analysis (CSA) and preparation of new action plan: CSA
will be conducted and accordingly action plan will be develop in CBO.
Community Based Organization (CBO) and CDF formation: CBO and CDF will be
formed in the project area.
Community Capacity Enhancement: Capacity building through training of CBO, CDF
leaders, Community catalyst, Community Technicians
and WASH committee
members at different levels.
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Hardware Installation/renovation: Water options will be installed, renovation,
repaired within the project period. Priority will be given to the access to safe water
within shortest possible distance. Operation and maintenance of the existing latrines
need pit emptying.
Participatory Hygiene Promotion: Participatory hygiene promotion activities shall be
carried out by the trained catalyst, adolescents, school teacher, religious leader and
other interested actors in cooperation with CBOs, CDF and LGIs. Special attention will
be given to promote the status with the schools, institutions and public places.
Community innovated ideas and techniques will follow in Hygiene Promotion (HP)
activities. The ethnic community and disabled people with especial attention to the
women and children will be important consideration of this process.
Advocacy and Networking: Regular events like-meetings, workshops, day
observance, seminars with the active participants of relevant stakeholders will be
organized so that voice from the grass root level through CBOs, CDF move to higher
levels to take decisions and actions. The declined water table due to salinity in the
water, issue will advocate with the policy makers. Linkages will be done with the
relevant organization for hardware installation.
Key deliverables
Access and practice of WASH continued smoothly in the selected rural areas
among the poorest, marginalized and vulnerable communities.
 Adequately capacitated project staffs, CBOs, LGIs and Catalysts engaged and
facilitate sustainable improvement in WASH activities through participatory
empowering process.
 CDF capacitated adequately for lobbying, networking and established WASH rights
in different tires (Ward, Union and Upazila) for poorest and vulnerable communities
in selected rural areas.
 CBOs, LGIs and other actors are oriented on WASH related policy documents and
are responsive to the issues in delivering services to the poorest and vulnerable
communities in rural areas.
 Child rights in WASH issue in the project area.
 Properly advocated on declined water table due to salinity in the water issue among
policy personnel for considering it as national important issue.
 Linkages developed with Public Health Department.
 School hygiene is properly practiced in all schools of the project area.
 Entrepreneurship developed with the soft loan support from micro-credit
 CDF performed leading role to follow up WASH activities in the intervened WASH
working area.
5. Cooperation With Other Stakeholders
Local Government Institute (LGI) will be one of the important key actors and integral part
of this process to forward the WASH activities and sustaining its effect. DPHE will also be
important part of the process to advocate the specific technology design considering the
geophysical context. However, linkages will be built up with other relevant organizations
who are working for ensuring water and sanitation related needs, Upazila level
government departments, informal and formal organization who are associated with this
process. The water crisis issue will be one of the national advocacy issues and lobby with
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policy makers, relevant stakeholders, and networks. Coordination will be made with the
School Management Committee (SMC) to ensure the school hygiene issue in schools.
Linkages will also be done with different financing institutions (micro-credit) to encourage
development of entrepreneurship and making available of sanitary materials.
6. Resources
Human resources:
For proposed project area of Ranggabali total human resource is 31 such as 1 Project
Manager, 6 Union Supervisors, 1 Finance Officer, 1 Project Engineer, 1 Monitoring &
Documentation Officer, 1 Community Development Officer, 18 Union facilitators, 1 Office
Assistant and 1 Night Guard.
Financial resources (taka):
budget summary:
Direct Program Cost:
Jan 15-dec 15
Jan16 to April
Inception Activities:
Staff Capacity Building:
Community Mobilization for WASH
behavior change (increased sanitation,
hand washing, and availability of safe
water at HH level)
Water supply:
Addressing sanitation and hand
Raise awareness and build capacity of
communities, Local partners
Strenghten the local governments
School WASH Program
Provide assistance to Union to display
vital WASH information
Sub Total
Total Direct Program Cost
Wall paintings/billboard set up at
community strategic locations
Community Development Officer - 1
Total Staff Salary
Adminstrative Cost
Overhead 7% on Actual Cost
Grand Total
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7. Risk Assessment and Management
 Salinity of water in the coastal area – Advocacy to policy level, donor and
government level to install deep tubewells to ensure pure drinking water.
 Lack of inter-linkage with WASH activities and other interventions (Livelihood) is a
risk for institutionalizing the informal organizations (CBO) and sustaining the project
activity – Linking other interventions with WASH activities.
 Drinking water unavailability of round the year – Piloting of other technology such
as Pond Sand Filter (PSF).
8. Monitoring and Evaluation
The project approach will promote and install participatory monitoring mechanism at all
levels of the program process starting from community level institutions up to SAPBangladesh Head Office. This monitoring will keep the implementation process on track
and filtration of learning gained through implementation of program will be incorporated in
strengthening the program. Baseline study will be conducted at the outset of interventions
in the program area. Monthly meeting and reporting thereon at the community institution
level to review progress in the context of planned activities. The information collected by
SAP-Bangladesh field staff from community institutions/groups will be consolidated,
analyzed at the area office for review of activities performed by area staff and impact
thereon for onward passing to SAP-Bangladesh Head Office. Compiled information of
activities will be shared in Bi-Monthly coordination meeting at SAP-Bangladesh Head
Community level program impacts will be shared with the community level stakeholders,
in institutions in the light of planned activities through program monitoring/review by using
the existing monitoring chart and registers, posters or any other innovative tools etc,
validate, share and update by the Hygiene Promotion (HP) catalyst /front line staff.
SAP-Bangladesh Head office team will pay an extensive field visit for smooth
implementation of the project. Feedback sessions will be arranged at field office level
along with the respective field team after each visit. Visit report findings will be shared with
management and accordingly provide the necessary support to the field team.
The frequency and data flow will be as follows:
Monthly area based progress and review meeting.
Quarterly HQ based progress and review meeting.
Half yearly program review meeting will be held in field level as well as HQ level.
Field team and HQ team will prepare action plan and submit to the respective
supervisor as per project need.
Monitoring Groups, Community Catalysts and Field Facilitators will collect Field
Level Data on a daily basis and transfer to the Monitoring & Documentation Officer.
Monitoring & Documentation Officer then input the data into computer, validate and
generate MIS report and submit to the Project Manager for action.
SAP-Bangladesh HQ team will review the report on quarterly basis and submit to
WAB as per prescribed time schedule.
Submitted by:________________
Syed Nurul Alam
Executive Director
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